Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hex Invasions


Once every three months, a Major Faction may “invade” another Major Faction's occupied planets in a hex invasion. This involves one Major Faction's members fighting for control of the planets within that hex against another Major Faction's members. At the end of the Hex invasion, the winner assumes control of all the planets within that hex regardless of the original influence cloud ownership.

1. Stampeding* is not allowed.
*Stampeding is when a Major Faction colludes to post all of its members repetitively without waiting for a proper response from the opposition.
2. A faction may only conduct a hex invasion once every three months.**
**For example, three months from when the faction's last hex invasion ends.
3. A Hex Invasion on a capital planet's hex is not allowed.
4. Hexes with more than 2 major factions influence clouds contained within are ineligible for a hex invasion.
5. Ally writer limits are increased to a total of 10 for a hex invasion only.
6. The attacking faction must declare a hex invasion in the initial notice of the hex invasion.
7. The Hex Invasion thread must be labeled as the "Major Faction's Hex invasion of _______" in the title.


1. The thread must have a minimum total of 250 posts between both factions.
2. Both factions must have a minimum of 8 members per side. If either faction cannot meet this requirement within 72 hours of the beginning of the Hex Invasion, that faction forfeits.

Once a Hex Invasion nears its completion, the SWRP Chaos Staff Team will be privately contacted and a Role-play judge will be assigned. If either faction does not concede, the Role-play Judge will decide the victor.


Planet Hex Won: (Insert Name of Primary planet in Hex Here)
Attacking Faction: (Insert name here.)
Defending Faction: (Insert name here.)
Name Of The Faction That Won: (Fully Name The Faction With Zero Misspelling.)
Link To Hex Invasion: (Insert Invasion Thread URL)
Number Of Posts The Invasion Has At The Current Time: (Insert Post Count Here)
End date of last Hex Invasion: (Insert End Date of last Hex Invasion Here. If no previous Hex invasion completed, mark N/A)
Link To last hex Invasion: (Insert previous Hex Invasion Thread URL)

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