Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello, Lovelies

Kazuya Maxwell said:

Welcome to Chaos!
Hello, and nice to meet you!

Sena Lassiter said:
Well met, again! :lol:

I totally dig your current , uh, playby. ;)

Lol! Your playby is looking rather lovely as well! ;)

Sanya Val Lerium said:
welcome to chaos (the name doesn't give it justice)

Hello, Now I am intrigued and wondering why the name Chaos doesn't give it justice.

Ilias Nytrau said:
[member="Velda Nar-Donna"]

Welcome to Chaos. If you have any questions, please ask them! Otherwise, we'll see you out there in the threads! :D

Well Hello!

Marona Rayheart said:
Welcome to the site!


Corvus Raaf said:
[member="Velda Nar-Donna"]

Welcome - and hope you have lots of fun:)

Nice to meet you! I hope to!

Avalore Eden said:
Hello hello!

Stephanie Swail

[member="Velda Nar-Donna"]

Welcome to the Chaos - enjoy your time here and just shout if we can help you at all. :)
I would very much like to take [member="Sena Lassiter"] and [member="Velda Nar-Donna"] out for dinner and drinks at the same time because I am a man of means and a very healthy imagination.

Also, welcome, Velda! To my imagination.
Asterion said:
[member="Velda Nar-Donna"]

Welcome to the Chaos - enjoy your time here and just shout if we can help you at all. :)
Thanks - I shall keep that in mind! :)

Seraphina Shel'tah said:
Welcome! Have fun! Let us know if you need anything!
It has been fun so far thanks! :)

Jack Sparrow said:
I would very much like to take [member="Sena Lassiter"] and [member="Velda Nar-Donna"] out for dinner and drinks at the same time because I am a man of means and a very healthy imagination.

Also, welcome, Velda! To my imagination.
Mayhaps that can be arranged!! And your imagination is quite lovely thank you!! :wub:

Aitis Powarth said:
Welcome to the site! Enjoy your time and careful around those Senatorial types! ;)
Thanks!! Ummm Senatorial types?
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Only 4 rank titles per signature, please. Thems the rules.


Enjoy your stay here :)

If you have any questions or need any help don't hesitate to ask!

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