Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello All

Honestly, I was feeling nostalgic of my times on the Starsider server during the glory years of SWG and began searching. Not to name names or place other sites in disrepute, but I felt that this was the best fit for my style of storytelling so I took a chance and liked what I saw. Now all i need to do is find this guy a master...
The basic premise to this character is that his aptitude in the force was essentially forgotten by his previous mentor in that he was trained to be an assassin while being given the most rudimentary of tutelage in both the Sith philosophies and the Dark Side. Once I finish the bio for him it will become clearer for everyone but essentially the whole arc revolves around his lust for knowledge as opposed to simply being a killing tool. To that end, I was hoping to find someone who would be willing to develop that arc and have him actually become a 'true' apprentice as opposed to what he is now.
Fabula Cavataio said:
Welcome to SWRP! If you have any questions or need any help, don't hesitate to ask. ^_^
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, once I get this muse out of my head and onto the 'paper' I may have some questions for you all
Darth Isolda said:

Here is a Darkside option for you if you so desire
The One Sith Q/A

We have many masters that can give you this kind of master relationship you seek.
Nice! I will definitely look into it once I finish writing his bio; I tend to get a bit wordy so meh might be a while or might not depending. Thanks for the heads up Isolda!
Welcome good sir... though your image doesn't exactly paint the image of a "good sir" type... bad hair day?

Regardless, welcome! Let us know if you have any questons!
Popping my head in. Need a master? Tired of Jedi/Sith and want something new?

Krest the Templar Knight can train you! With both Light and Dark under him, he can help form you into the perfect neutrality.

(Disclaimer- Krest doesn't know any light or darkside powers. Just lots of saber forms and force powers that augment them.)

([Disclaimer of the Disclaimer- That is subject to change])

As always, welcome to Chaos.


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