Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Democracy (Commenor Dominion of the Yutan Hex)

Allies: [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lynn Nantaris"] [member="Arisa Yune"]
Enemies: None
Objective: Follow the others
Location: Yutan

Yuroic sensed the hostility not just from Lynn but from Arisa as well. He was surprised to see his usually calm and collective Master showing annoyance and frustration. He wasn't disappointed in her, it gave him a sense of relief that she was still human and that everyone has flaws. His own anger and dislike for the girl disappeared as he realised that she was just like him, she was naive to the wider world and still learning a great deal. It didn't matter if she never respected what his family, the Silver Jedi, what only mattered was what he felt and thought of them.

Peace can make Jedi blind to the dark side, before the first Galactic Empire, Jedi had been in peace for a thousand years. He pointed out this fact to Lynn, he believed that being peace keepers meant fighting the darkness, waiting for it to come to you would often lead one blinded by it. Master Arenais, do you truly believe you can unite all the different Jedi factions? I have heard rumours of some Jedi being more aggressive, possibly harming innocents. And how will you be able to convince all the Jedi to unite? It has been so long and with no Republic to protect what will the Order protect. The old Jedi Order was so connected to the Old Republic it was somewhat poetic that when one fell so did the other.

He was thinking about the other branches of Jedi Order he had met, how some Jedi were holding resentment for others. There was interest in uniting them under one banner, he read about the One Sith, they were historical proof of being stronger as one. The divide in the Sith now made them weaker and had allowed Jedi to recuperate, gathering strength to fight them. But seeing the initial reaction from Lynn and the fair annoyance from his Master to Lynn, it made him feel there would be great difficulty in such action.
Location: Yutan
Objective: Gain Diplomatic ties with Yutan
Allies: [member="Harvey"], Elsa, [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="Farlon Orbit"]
Enemies: None yet
Unknown: [member="Viktor Alexander"]
Post: 16/50

He jaw clenched tighter as Viktor began twisting the words that Kay was saying and attempting to turn it against her with different meanings then what she mean them to be. He kept himself calm but he almost had an outburst as he began talking, he wouldn't have that if it wasn't such an important meeting and if he wasn't such an important figure he would've been flat on his back within seconds and begging for mercy from the man, he hated weevils like the one twisting Kay's meanings.

They began to bring up [member="Veiere Arenais"], Kay's husband and the King of Commenor, a man greatly respected and loved on Commenor even if he wasn't a very political person. He happened to be Kay's guard for a long time before he moved up in position and ended up marrying Kay and becoming King, a true rags to riches story. In his book Veiere was a good man and someone he respected for knowing a lot and being a good person in general.

Viktor was truly grinding her down, he could feel it and sense it as his employer sat there and took the assault and did her best to deflect and fire back, Viktor truly had more up his sleeve then he had previously thought, he was pulling a lot out and attempting to back Kay into a corner, but she continued her negotiations staying calm and doing her best to keep the discussions going, but he could tell that it was getting hard for her, all she needed to do was get through the questions.
Location: In orbit about to make her decent
Objective: Reach the Jedi Temple
Allies: Unknow
Enemies: Uknown

Asheda's ship had exited hyper space a few minutes ago, during said time had been observing the planet, the rumor's about a diplomatic meeting as well as an investigation into the Yatan Jedi temple seemed to be correct. Even if she didn't belvie the rumor's the force seemed to be calling her to the old capital, her hesitaion to participate in the wider galactic conflict could have been what drove her to the plant, perhaps their was a Jedi order there that wanted to remain neutral but continue to help those in need. "R7 could you do a quick scan of the planet to see if there are any landing spot near the temple, it would be wise to see if anyone else is here before landing". After a few beep a landing area not far from the temple was spotted, in addition several ships both small and large had been spotted to far away. "hmmmm, they don't look like pirate, ships or merchants, perhaps they belong to the commoner fleet that's orbiting the planet, if that's the case the other Jedi should be at the temple right now".

Starting her decent she felt the amount of light side energy from the planet, it was a welcoming and friendly feeling like the planet was expecting her, she wasn't the most experience when i came to the force but she recognized that it was guiding her. Following the feeling she set her fighter down in a clear area not far from the temple, if anyone was looking out they would have seen her ship, considering nothing was trying to shoot her down she took it as a sight that their was no one her hostile to Jedi. "Stay with the ship R7" the astromech responded with disappointing beeps and whistles, "awww don't be like that, look ill treat you to something special after wards deal, okay ill be seeing you later".

Putting on her white tunic and brown Jedi robes she started to make her way towards the Jedi temple, taking in the sights all around her. Along the way she passed another star fight (A-36 Sleuth). "looks like I'm just about their" she broke into a sprint using her species agility combined with the force to spring from tree to tree. She eventually could see the steps of the Jedi temple, making one last leap she reach the top of a tree and observed the ruins. Looking through her micro-binoculars she spotted several people on the steps conversing, some looked to be Jedi of some sorts, while the other seemed to be solider she didn't recognize.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Rex Cruger"] @Cambria Zadria [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Lynn Nantaris"] [member="Rex Cruger"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Arisa Yune"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Location: Tarhassan
Objective: Interstellar Getaway
Allies: Commenor
Post: 20/37

"Speaking of Ziost, Yula didn't have any of those things made back in her day"

"With Yula, the Stygian Caldera was the main market. With whoever runs it now, not anymore. I do realize that ergonomic assessments are a rarity in the Caldera, but still: maybe we should look at purchasing a company that does ergonomic assessments down the line, so we can actually bring the business of ergonomic assessments to the Caldera"

Ergotron LLC may be someone that could, technically, do the same on Ziost, but RE regulations may be a little dicey. Perhaps retain Ergotron's services on Tarhassan and Cyrillia, where Commenori regulations would allow it to operate without trouble within Commenori land, but buying a struggling ergonomic assessment company and have it move on Ziost would be an option to consider. Hopefully RE corporate law as applied to mergers and acquisitions would be lenient enough to allow such a move. Of course, they will need the approval from both companies' stakeholders but the Resurgent Empire has no real antitrust laws so it was obvious that the Sith Inquisitor would be allowed such a thing. Besides, they could advertise ergonomic assessments in the Caldera and get some business in short order.

"Here's a new project for you: try to find ergonomic assessment companies that seem to be struggling, either close to the Caldera or around Cyrillia or here. At the end of it, the chief health and safety officer on Ziost will be in charge of that division, too"
Location: Yutani Jedi Temple
Objective: Explore and network with other Jedi
Allies: [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lynn Nantaris"]

*breathe in...*

I am the Force.

*breathe out...*

The Force is one with me.

*breathe in... repeat... breathe out*

After a few minutes of mediating, long dark lashes fluttered as gold-speckled hazel eyes opened and refocused on the Tree of Light before her. Having found her center in the Force once again, Cambria was now ready to move on to the temple for exploration and seeking of knowledge.

The blue-hued Jedi Knight had been mindful of her surroundings while meditating. The Rutian Twi'lek had sensed a ship landing, and its Force-sensitive occupant heading towards the Yutani Jedi Temple where four others were present... The familiar auras of Grandmaster [member="Arisa Yune"] and her padawan learner [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] of the Silver Jedi Order were felt along with two that were not. There was turbulence in the Force between those gathered, though her danger sense did not read it as necessarily bad.

Walking along a forged path through the temple grounds once again, the Twi'lek Guardian pulled the hood to her bronze brown colored cloak up over the head gear worn and wrapped her braced braintails around her swan-like neck. Cambria was not too far behind a female Togruta dressed in Jedi robes and watched with subtle amusement as the girl jumped from tree top to tree top, then stopped to peer out ahead as if scouting.

"Hello, young one. I am Knight Cambria Zadira... " Bri called up from the ground to [member="Asheda Tyr"]. "What do your eyes see from your perch?"

Location: Yutan Jedi Temple
Objective: speak with [member="Cambria Zadira"]
Allies: unknown
Enemies: unknown
Post number 2

At the sound of another woman she almost dropped her binoculars just catching it in time, looking down she spotted what apeared to be a woman, but the blue skin made hers suspect it was a Twi'lek. Running to the temple she had forgotten to her guard up in case she came across anyone. 'I really need to be not be so hasty all the time'. Eying up [member="Cambria Zadira"] she realised that they where a Jedi, due to their force signature and clothing as well as identifying thmselfs as a kight, realigning her balance she looked through the binoculars again. "I see several people talking on the steps, one older male, a younger male, a woman with black hair and another woman with whitefish hair both around the same age I think".

After her observation she jumped down to the woman, this time keeping her guard up just in case, practice makes perfect. "Umm I guess I'm Padawan Asheda Tyr, Eerrm could I inquire into who you are a bit more, I don't know many other Jedi and if you too are headed to the temple could I accompany you, going in alone isn't somthing I'm to keen on". If those people at the steps hwere powerful Jedi from the other orders just barging in on the conversation by herself seemed rude, if she was with the now confirmed Twi'lek, such an even might not be as embarising. She eagerly waited for a reply while trying to seem as clam as possible, such an event was exciting and a bit scary at the same time.
Location: Yutan
Objective: Resume Diplomatic Talks
Allies: Yutan people
Enemies: TBD
Unknown: [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Harvey"] [member="Rex Cruger"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]
Posts: 15/XX

Viktor shook his head.

"Oh I see you didn't break the law you just went completely around it. My mistake and thank you for the clarification. Tell me something do you afford your citizens the same ability. To circumvent the law as they see fit? How about a thief? Surely taking a piece of fruit without paying for it is not stealing. It is feeding the hungry. Or how about a killer? It's not murder. Some guy just tripped and fell on the knife."

Viktor paused.

"Tell me something your Majesty. Who interprets the laws on Commenor and ensures the people abide by them? Does Commenor have a Judicial Body or do you abuse your power and influence to make it up as you go along at the expense of your people?"

Viktor looked at the members of the Yutan delegation and then turned back to Kay.

"So his Highness only helps on Diplomatic ventures when you ask him too? So does he also only do what you tell him to when he does. Which means that it was not a misunderstanding earlier but that you intentionally sent him to the Temple here on Yutan with the implied purpose of rebuilding it without consulting us first. Would that be a fair assessment or would you like to change your story for a second time?"

"Speaking of changing stories. First you bring up your kidnapping, then you refuse to talk about it, then you implicate the Hutts in your kidnapping and now you say you are not implicating the Hutts? So which is it your Majesty? Will you talk about your kidnapping or not? Are you implicating the Hutts in your kidnapping or not? If the Hutts are not involved why mention them at all? Unless of course it is your intention to attempt to purposely confuse the members of this Delegation so we will stop asking questions and just hand our people over to you. Is that your intention your Majesty?

Viktor took a sip of his water. A minute later a server coming back and refilling his glass making a complete trip around the table doing the same for others.

"On that same note of confusing statements. If your are not a Jedi as you claim then why feel the need to comment on whether or not you would be a good one? From my admittedly limited and perhaps flawed knowledge of such things from what I have read and heard there is little wiggle room in that regard."

Viktor paused as if trying to remember something before continuing.

"What is it you call it the.........Force." "From what a gather all practitioners of this Force or whatever it is fall into two categories Jedi or Sith. So If as you said would not make a good Jedi then what are you Sith? While were are on the topic who are these allies you would shackle us with and put us at the mercy of? By virtue of his Highness being a Jedi it is reasonable to make the connection that Commenor is allied with the Jedi. So who else have you made deals with that you expect us to honor despite the fact we had no part in and as a result have no way of knowing the impact such deals would have on the people of Yutan?"


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Location: Tarhassan
Objective: Interstellar Getaway (and ergonomic assessments)
Allies: Commenor
Post: 21/37

"Ergonomic assessment companies, here we come!" the health and safety officer exclaimed.

He knew that, the more an ergonomic assessment company struggled, the better the price was, but also there was a chance it was losing money for a reason or another. Perhaps there was mismanagement on some level. Perhaps there was some inefficiency somewhere in the processes used by one such ergonomic assessment company. But Klesta knew little about how such companies worked, even though he knew what they did and how they priced things for group and bulk. The health and safety officer and Klesta looked for ergonomic assessment companies together so that they could probably get a lead on the SI to get the parent corporation to buy the ergonomic assessment company and bring it to Ziost. Probably some of the higher-priced of the gang: the population preferred to pay a lower price for ergonomic assessments if they could help it. An interesting target was, well, a company by the name of Gribeauval & Associates LLC. Having posted losses in the last three quarters, it could be had on the cheap.
Location: Yutani Jedi Temple
Objective: Explore and network with other Jedi
Allies; [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lynn Nantaris"]

Just as I sensed...

When the young Togruta came down from the top of the tree after scouting out the temple with her binoculars, the girl was tentative within the Jedi Knight's presence. Cambria did not blame the padawan at all. It was best to be mindful of those around you whether you are familiar with them or not. One could not be too careful.

"It is nice to meet you, Padawan [member="Asheda Tyr"]," Bri greeted formally with a small bow, then the blue-skinned Twi'lek looked thoughtful for a moment thinking about what she had asked. "Yes, you are more than welcome to accompany me. Shall we walk and talk as we share a little information about ourselves to each other? That way we can still be able to catch the others, hmm."

Cambria motioned with her hand in a friendly manner for the youth to continue on the path she was previously on by her side so they could converse.

"I am a Jedi Knight currently helping the Silver Jedi Order. The path of a Guardian I have taken. My mission to Yutan is simply to explore the temple here and to find out more about the efforts to restart the original Jedi Order," Bri said, turning her hooded head every so often to see that Asheda was following along with what she was saying and still interested.

"I was a youngling and a padawan learner at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when the Galactic Republic was at it's peak. Since it's fall, I have served the Light either by directly participating with other Orders and/or on my own," she finished, then asked in return as the Yutani Temple steps were within view now as they exited the trees.

"And what of you... What brings you here, Asheda?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Yutan
Objective: Gain Diplomatic ties with Yutan
Allies: [member="Harvey"], Elsa, [member="Rex Cruger"] and [member="Farlon Orbit"]
Enemies: None yet
Unknown: [member="Viktor Alexander"]
Post: 20/50

Kay closed her eyes for a moment as Viktor got after her bending the law so that she could be free to travel and work among the people, instead of being hidden away to watch others live, as though she was some family secret. It wasn't the same as murder or any of that and he knew it. She wanted to scream out her frustrations, but she couldn't. She had to remain calm. "Our way of life is different on Commenor than it is here. There is very little poverty as we have living wages. Your comparisson of stealing a piece of fruit to comitting murder is ridiculous at best. If you want, you can take it up to my Minister of Justice. We have courts, we have law enforcement units. I don't handle everything you know." She stopped herself from going into further detail.

Her brows furrowed as once again Viktor attacked her husband's character. "My husband runs a school and Temple that he had built on Commenor. He was a part of the Jedi Order here on Yutan during the days of the Republic. He is merely going on a tour and to offer assistance if it's wanted. He's not going there to impose, he wouldn't dream of it. The last thing that he wants is conflict or to cause any kind of trouble. Your judgement on him without even meeting with him is highly unfair and disrespectful."

Kay frowned as he questioned her kidnapping again. Here she had thought that explaining the reasons behind bolstering their forces would have been a good thing, especially given what Yutan had gone through at the end of the Republic. But that strategy had backfired horribly. She shouldn't of brought it up at all. Yet not saying anything about it would've been wrong too. "As for my abduction, I refused to talk about details. You wanted to know of people that could be after me, and I gave them to you. The investigation is ongoing and whether or not it has anything to do with the Hutts is still to be determined. Any further inquiries can be forwarded to my Minister of Justice.

And I'm not here to have your people handed over to me. Your customs are different, your laws are different. You have your own government system that works for you. I'm not going to change that."

Viktor was relentless in his questioning. Once again going back to her responses and twisting them. She picked up her water and had a sip while she thought of the best way to answer his questions on her Force Sensitivity without lying and without revealing her secret. "I said that I wouldn't make a good Jedi and it's true. What kind of Jedi or Sith doesn't carry a lightsaber? Why would one need to have bodyguards? And don't you think that I could've been able to avoid my abduction or escape with their magic if I could?"

Kay had another sip of her water. She needed to keep her composure instead of losing it. This was an uphill battle. Yet she was too stubborn to just quit and walk away. It would disappoint many if she did, including herself.

"You do not have to share in our allies, but we ask that you don't use your forces to attack them either. Not unless they are attacking you. But we are allied with various governments from the First Order to the Silver Jedi, and many inbetween. You won't be shackled to them. Our deals are economic, dealing solely on trade, as well as pacts of non-aggression. They adhere to Commenor's laws when on our soil and adhere to the laws of the other worlds in our care while they are on their soil. You would be able to control who comes in or out of your territory just like anyone else."

Kay wanted Veiere to be with her right now. He had a way of calming people just with his soothing voice and his respect for others. Yet bringing him here would only cause more tension as they clearly had a distaste for Force Users.
Location: Just outside the Yutan Jedi temple
Objective: Follow [member="Cambria Zadira"]
Allies: [member="Cambria Zadira"]
Enemies: Unknown
Post number 3

She listened to Cambrias explanation of her self and how she was tied to the original Jedi order and had been doing her own mission in service to the light side of the force, needless to say she was interested in her past and was about to ask some more question until the Twi'lek inquired on why she was here. "well i didn't have to most traditional Jedi training, since I only started properly under the guidance of a Jedi from the commenor 2 years ago. Before that it was mostly self teaching in my spare time between errm 'work'. She wasn't embarrassed by her past as a nightclub dancer though she wasn't just about to tell everyone straight away, just in-case they wouldn't accept her into this rumored new order, but on the off chance someone asked she wouldn't lie, that wasn't the Jedi way, unless you where on a mission.

She continued her answer "Though I did like the prospect of becoming a Jedi, with all the conflict spreading around the galaxy and I was a bit afraid of getting involved with any of the major factions", She then piped up with a more joyful attitude "but while doing some personal study I came across information of the older Jedi order of the Republic, an order that mainly served to protect those who couldn't protect themselves, one that was less of a military force and more peace keepers. Combined with some rumors i heard about an expedition to the Yutan Jedi temple as well as, how do i say, a pull from the force i just had to check things out for myself. I might not have to most traditional Jedi upbringing but an order similar to the original Jedi order would be a group id like to join. It feels as though the force wanted me to come here, sorry if I'm rambling on a bit, it just kind of exciting.

She picked up the pace of her walking coming side to side with Twi'lek knight, "do you know those people who are currently on the Jedi temple steps, I though I felt something from you when i described them. She still required much training to become a proper Jedi but she was exceptional strong in the light side of the force, even if she didn't intent to know she often was able to feel peoples emotions more clearly.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Klesta"] [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Rex Cruger"][member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Location: Yutan Jedi Temple
Objective: Find Jedi
Post: 1

Just breath. In. Out. Focus.

Yutan was an arid planet with warmer temperatures. Calder, a Beorni from Midvinter, walked across the planets surface with his head low and his shoulders slumped. To help keep cool he had been trying to freeze his fur, but with little control over such a skill it melted quickly and left the misty aura, and didn't do much with his heat problem. Still he walked, his massive hammer held firm in a single hand as his lumbering form pressed on. He had heard it in the whispers of the spirits, the Force, that this was where he needed to go next in his search for the Jedi.

On the verge of heatstroke he made it to the temple, not noticing [member="Asheda Tyr"] or [member="Cambria Zadira"] at first as he stumbled forward to the entrance. Inside in the shade he would be able to cool himself properly, and that was the only thought he had in mind. The giant almost stumbled into the padawan on his way by and mumbled an apology as he continued, hardly registering that these could be the Jedi he traveled across the galaxy to find.
Location: Yutani Jedi Temple
Objective: Explore and network with other Jedi
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"]. [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]. [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lynn Nantaris"]

When the young Togruta mentioned she had done 'work', Cambria understood what that meant or at least had a good idea. Exotic aliens such as [member="Asheda Tyr"]'s species and hers more often than not sadly were forced one way or another to provide 'entertainment' to the masses. The Twi'lek Jedi had helped many of those find their freedom and a better life by escorting them along the Great River mostly from the Core worlds where they had been trapped by the One Sith occupation to the Outer Rim. Freeing slaves and stopping cruel slave masters was one of the Jedi Guardian's ongoing missions she endeavored to do.

"I am glad you have been able to train, even if not in the more traditional manner. Learning may happened any time or any where in a matter of ways as long as the principles of the Light side of the Force are adhered," Bri offered to the young padawan with a sage tone to her words.

"And no, you are not rambling. Your life story is worthy of the time taken to tell it," the blue-skinned Twi'lek said, then added with a small reassuring smile. "I know two of the individuals on the steps... The Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi and her padawan. The other two I do not, but their auras project the Light mostly likely more Jedi here for the same reasons as you and I."

Cambria's danger sense flared just before a massive mountain of white fur came out of nowhere right on a collision course wth Asheda. The Knight quickly reached out with the Force and gently yet firmly pulled back on the girl's shoulder so she would not be in the path of the giant polar bear - a strange sight for being on an arid planet as [member="Calder Icehammer"] made for the shade of the temple before them seemingly to get out of the heat, which the Rutian Twi'lek didn't mind at all.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Location: Tarhassan
Objective: Interstellar Getaway (and ergonomic assessments)
Allies: Commenor
Post: 22/37

"Gribeauval & Associates LLC: how much are they asking for?"

"3.2 million credits"

"Here's the deal: we make a tender offer, we make a duplicate of the document for the headquarters on Ziost, and the last one for us"

While the assistant to the health and safety officer drew up, with the aid of the legal department, the tender offer along with the business plan for Gribeauval & Associates going forward, the management team of the company will be in for a most unpleasant surprise. Not that they were low-balled per se, just that they just didn't expect someone to buy such an unprofitable company. Then again, they were posting losses for three quarters in a row. Now they were to wait on the response of both Ziost and, more importantly, Gribeauval & Associates, who may or may not have come to realize that either way, the owners will no longer own the company, and that they will be either go bankrupt (as the financial statements suggest) or they get purchased by someone else.
Objective: Re-establish The Jedi Order.
Location: Yutani Jedi Temple
Nearby: [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Lynn Nantaris"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Cambria Zadira"], [member="Asheda Tyr"], [member="Calder Icehammer"]
Post Count: #9.

[member="Lynn Nantaris"] turned to Veiere and apologized on her behalf, a genuine remorse that he could only offer a faint smile and a nod of his head in approval of. She was young, though truthfully even with age, not always did wisdom follow. Veiere himself felt he had a wealth of knowledge to take in still, often stumbling himself, the truth was that all people were prone to mistakes and emotional recourse, these two were not the first, nor would they be the last yet at the least, here and now there seemed to have been found some middle ground so that the group may continue forward with no further competition between themselves. Soon enough, Lynn would be met with by an older man, one of little presence within the Force yet a face of experience, her protector from Lynn's claim, to which Veiere would simply offer a brief bow of his head.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] then directed a question his way, following his understanding of the Order's past as well as the former complacency of the Jedi. It was a good question honestly, one that wasn't to be answered in short, the reality of what Veiere wished to achieve would take time and a great deal of effort yet most significantly, mutual understanding and tolerance for peoples of varying differences. To some degree, bringing two different pieces of the shattered Order together was more difficult than forming a non-aggression pact and trade agreement between the Sith and a democratic society like Commenor. Something that had already been done, mind you. Yes, Xuroic was asking the question that many would ask of them, though on the outside of the Jedi Temple, not even having yet entered, Veiere couldn't help but chuckle at the timing of it all. Far sooner than he had anticipated, in any case.

"As sound a question as any..." He smiled to the Silver Padawan, though he knew not the man's position in the Order, he was under [member="Arisa Yune"] and they had met before under less personal circumstances; "Not without great effort, that much I can assure you. Yes, there are many Jedi of today that differ in practices and even argue with their own people about what justifies their way over the other remnant groups of the Order out there...-The first step will be restoring this temple to it's former light. I wish for this Temple to act as a center as a hub for Jedi Principle, teachings of the Force and the Code, all things that you are provided at home on Voss, I'm sure..." Veiere had been to Voss, he had been within the Silver Jedi Order for a time and fought to protect the capital world of their Order during the last invasion from the broken Sith Empire, now become the Resurgent Empire and the Sith Ascendancy. "Once we are established here we will be able to reach those south of the galactic map, co-ordinating with your people in the North in the hope of strengthening bonds and uniting us as a people. These things however will take time and it won't come easily. A lack of Communication and temperance from the Code has resulted in the understanding that with different homes, different corners of the galaxy makes us different people. I would like us to remember that we are all Jedi, all following the same path...".

The Jedi Path was no simple philosophy, much like the Jedi Code it could be interpreted in various different ways between the individuals seeking to fulfill themselves as servants of the Force and keepers of the peace in the Galaxy, so much so that what Veiere was seeking to promote was something that he himself had his doubts could succeed. To understand his motivations however would be to look across the years of his life since his exile on Alzoc Three. Following the devastation of the enclave upon Svivren and the battle against the Sith, the enormous casualties against the Jedi Order had forced Veiere to enter into self-isolation, a younger man fueled by anger and loss, he drove himself into a life of solitude in the hope of preventing himself from ever striking against another people so mercilessly; the Sith had killed his family, his enclave, his council and at the time he had thought too his Padawan learner. In retaliation he along with some few remaining survivors managed to turn the battle and then execute those who remained. It was a stain upon his past that only [member="Lady Kay"] knew of in true detail.

Over a decade later however, his exile would be interrupted by the arrival of one certain young man, [member="Théodred Heavenshield"], a most curious arrival that seemed to be in the right place at the right time, across the opposite side of the galaxy from which he had called home on Voss. The son of the leading members of the Silver Sanctum Coalition later to be known as the Silver Jedi Order. It was he who had planted the seed of doubt and compromise for Veiere to step out once more, curious to understand the nature of the Order as before it had once been whole, now it had splintered and another great Schism had occurred, separating the Jedi and pairing them off in varying directions with other governments and ideals.

After meeting the woman who would much later become Veiere's beloved wife, he and Kay Larr met within Alzoc's capital and in agreement that he offer up his services in her protection, they made their way for the heart of the Galactic Republic, the planet of Yutan of which he stood now. This very Temple one of the first places Veiere would visit, calling fourth a conclave in the hope of questioning the Order's status within the Republic. Among the Jedi, with such a time in exile Veiere was not a well known or recognized member, many cast their doubts and uncertainties toward him for what right he had in questioning the way of things. The Conclave however came together strong with a multitude of peoples wishing for the Jedi to strengthen themselves and distance their infrastructure away from the path of political intervention. To his great disappointment however, it had been their Grandmaster who had countered him at every turn, not wishing to see beyond the truth that he knew, much like Veiere, the two could not come to a compromise and thus Veiere was resigned to push on with Kay to the world of Commenor and later seeking to visit Theodred and his people over the years that would follow; he knew not what had become of the Grandmaster that had argued so with him during the meeting of Jedi, though the Order eventually fell against the war with the One Sith and the Mandalorian people, the collapse of the Republic sending the Jedi in search of the rest of their kind, those who had once been persecuted for abandoning the Republic, now to be their savior from their own collapse.

"I can't claim that I know what's best for the Jedi Order..." He spoke further after a moment of consideration, glancing back to that of Xuroic and then his Master Arisa Yune of whom knew him best among their little group; "In all that I have striven to do, I've done my best to carry the teachings of the Code with me. Though I am flawed as any other and do not expect this path to come without great trial and error for all of us that hope to accomplish it. Some will detest us for believing we can make a difference, some will turn their noses believing such a difference doesn't need to come to pass as they feel they are justified in themselves and need not change, yet some may look to us with intrigue and find it better fits their desire to serve the Force and the people following the path we walk beside them. While I don't have all the answers, I do intend to follow what I believe the Force is calling for me to achieve. Regardless of how substantial my part in this all might be, if someone does not at least attempt to do such a thing, the one thing we can be certain of is that none will succeed if not for lack of trying".


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Corgan's Gustatorium, Tarhassan
NPC: Einon
Objective: Discovery
Allies: Potentially [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Enemies: None
Post: 21/50

Einon didn't expect a quick reply from Veiere. In fact he expected to have to wait a while. If he remembered correctly, the older man wasn't much for technology. Einon knew enough to let him get by. Funny for someone that was once a Head of Security. He should know of all the latest tech and gadgets, but the truth was that everything changes so quickly, it's hard to keep up with all of the upgrades. Maybe Kay would've been safer if she had assassin droids keeping an eye on her. Well hindsight was 20/20.

He looked out at the view of the city below him. The people mmilled about, going on with their business, all the while not knowing the changes that could happen there. Einon looked up to the skuly, searching the moving dots of light for anything aggressive in nature. But there seemed to be nothing outside of the usual transport traffic. Hopefully it remained that way.

Hope was a precious thing. He knew that after he had lost it. Einon wanted it back, to feel good about himself, to have a purpose and to set things right. He wasn't a Force user, yet he idiolized some of them. As well as some of the Rebel leaders and fighters from centuries ago. Everything was more black and white back then. Now it's so many different shades of grey, with certain sides becoming polar opposites of what they should be. It was no wonder that there was so much chaos.

At some point there'll be a shift. Einon planned on being on the right side of it.
Location: Just outside Yutan Jedi temple
Objective: Don't get stepped on
Allies: [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Calder Icehammer"] ?
Enemies: Unknown

Listening to master Zadira's and how she was happy about her training regardless of the way it was done made her hopeful, 'looks like ill be able to join this order after all', she was caught up in the happy thoughts and as such failed to notice the force warming about the incoming mass of fur. Luckily Zadria used the force to pull her out of the way in time, she mentally slapped herself for not keeping her guard up again. "thank you master Zadira" she slightly cringed at the realization of calling her master, it sort of came out on its own, "ah sorry, um what should i call you anyways" She waited for Zadira's response before taking interest in the new addition.

Looking back at Icehammer "hes force sensitive too, what do you supposed he's doing here, is he exploring the temple as well, and why is someone of hes species on such a hot planet?" He seemed to be overheated and his stumbling caused the young togruta to assume that he was suffering from heat stroke, "should we help him"?.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Location: Tarhassan
Objective: Interstellar Getaway (and ergonomic assessments)
Allies: Commenor
Post: 23/37

"Incoming transmission from Gribeauval & Associates LLC"

"Play it"

"We would like to hold an emergency meeting regarding the tender offer"

Given the sense of urgency in the voice, the majority stockholder of the company, the Gribeauval family wanted to get rid of the company or to get the situation resolved as soon as possible. Sure they would buy the company's equity, and then some, just that they have to be mindful of not getting into a trap: there are those people who would have a specific business purpose to declaring bankruptcy, maybe even fraudulently doing it. Even then Klesta and the HSO both bring in the paperwork as required under Commenori and Resurgent Empire law to get the transaction to proceed, with three copies: one each for G&A management, one for the Sith Inquisitor management and one last for the filings, which will be theirs. For 3.2 million credits, provided they have the green light from Ziost, which, if it was denied, would lead Klesta to scream one big Utinni, the Sith Inquisitor will probably control not only a majority market share of the news market, but also ergonomic assessments as far as the Stygian Caldera was concerned.
Location: Yutan Jedi Temple
Objective: Find Jedi
Post: 2

Calder continued his stumble to the temple gates, smiling as he finally saw the doorway. Step by step he climbed the staircase, and at the final step when he was finally able to make it to where he could get out of the heat, he collapsed. With a heavy thud the Icehammer fell from his grasp and he sprawled out on the steps breathing heavily. The world blurred as he stared up at the gates, reaching out for the path he had sought for so long.

"So.. Close.."

[member="Asheda Tyr"] [member="Cambria Zadira"]
Objective: Secure the Kurost Sector - Eliminate all hostile craft.
Location: The QueensGuard - Commenori Battlecruiser.
Nearby: [member="Darlyn Excron"]
Controlled NPC's: Grand Admiral, Vikras Ansion.
Post Count: #10.

Into the fray the sector of space on screen ahead of them became rife with turbolaser fire and smaller craft darting back and fourth through the chaos lighting up with their blaster cannons as they screamed after one another. From the bridge of the QueensGuard Vikras Ansion watched with a tightened jaw as his men and women sought to fight for her majesties people, the royal naval forces of Commenor rising to the front of combat for the honor of defending those soon to hopefully be their new allies. Behind him, sat [member="Darlyn Excron"], their minister of justice and the word of law across Commenor, however out here in the depths of space this vessel and all under her authority knew Vikras tooth and nail, a good honorable man who regretted every moment he had to send his people out into conflict, wishing he had not the burden to risk the loss of such proud and dignified lives and yet knowing the reality of their duty and not allowing himself to become overwhelmed by his responsibility to represent order within their territory and neighboring systems.

"Lieutenant, get on the line to the Receiver, I want the rest of those A-Wings to cover our bombers out there. Commander..." Vikras's gaze and call moved from one of the comm's officers to his second in command now as he turned his attention to the QueensGuard's offensive capabilities instead. "Have the Long Guns target the rear enemy cruiser, she's running the show, it's time we cut the head off of the snake. As soon as those shields are done for, send out the Y-Wings with the Interceptor squadrons, punch a hole through to her bow and take her apart. All other vessels, focus fire on their forward positions, keep those frigates on the defense and give our people room to move". Twenty of the Battle-cruisers cannons soon realigned themselves for the enemy fleet, though not typical turbo-lasers, these were designed for long range ordinance propelling high explosive artillery charges across massive distances that the rest of their arsenal lacked the range to make.

Slowly the fleet drifted forward through space at half impulse, the thrusters kept at low in order to prioritize power distribution to the weapons and primary systems most especially the shields, the two capital vessels were led by the War Frigates and Heavy Corvettes all deflecting the attention and flak of enemy fire away from the command structure of the armada. Within moments, to their port, the remaining fighters all scrambled from the Super-Carrier, departing the hangers at high speed and surging out towards the warzone, taking formation once having cleared the larger ten giants, the Interceptor Squadron of A-Wings taking the lead ahead of the Y-Wing bombers as they began their high-risk approach towards the commanding vessel of the criminal fleet.

Walking slowly across the bridge, passing the command stations of his officers, Vikras' eyes squinted as he looked to the view port, the QueensGuard flaring up in bursts of flame and energy as the Long Guns let loose their volleys of heavy ordinance charges, the payloads being thrown out across the clearing of darkness, overtaking the fighters within moments and soaring on ahead, the vacuum of space only aiding in their velocity before the first of the shots landed on target and slammed against the shields of the heavy cruiser. Some missing while others connected though at such a range, did not take impact with any critical systems from the report Vikras was being shouted from the tactical station behind him. "Again!" He responded sharply, the tension of the conflict getting his mind in a knot; the sooner this was over, the sooner he could recall the fighters and bring them home.

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