Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Darkness (DMed Story) OOC

Reminder- I grouped all of folks together as best as I could.

If you feel as though your character would be fighting with a different group, please let us know and act with the group that more closely suits your character.
[member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Lark"]

Take a look at the posts already there- there are a bunch of different ways you could start things off. But feel free to start boots on the ground as it were. Everyone is already on the ground when this starts.

If you want to coordinate with other members so that you have people watching you back, you can mention that in your post as well!
[member="Irajah Ven"]
Oh dear... We will be lucky if we all make out of here without a scratch. We probably won't though.

[member="Tiland Kortun"]

That wouldn't be a bad idea i already have a team of myself,two jedi,and a clone commando. What do you have in mind?


Disney's Princess
Concerns: [member="Solan Charr"] , [member="Matsu Ike"] - #The Strip Mines

Ike Ike baby. I'm going to be following Solan around on this one. You're welcome to come along. But I'm going to try and stick with Charr for as long as possible. Cheers! xoxo :D
[member="Jakkor Kess"]

Not the foggiest! I'm making this up as I go and at the DM's direction. But get [member="Choli Vyn"] up and moving again with a stiff talk on the dangers of underage flying and then start walking towards whatever might lay before us.
I hope that *everyone* will talk to each other if there are problems. If there's an issue with anything IC, please contact your fellow writer and work it out. We're all here to have fun :)

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