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Hanna's Day Off


Disney's Princess

Corellia Metropolitan

Hanna was an Midnight Cathar. She was quiet, passive, defensive, and rarely smiled. Not to mention a little on the furry side. And today she was hard at work in Lou's Garage. Fixing air speeders and giving oil changes. It was the usual routine that she'd been doing for a year now. The unusual part was that her boss, an Autumn Cathar named Jamie, was waiting for her in the office next to the waiting room,


"Hanna can we talk for a moment?"

"Yeah." The dark feline girl grabbed a cup of caf, "What's up?"

"I heard about your argument with Norine the other day. The whole shop did. And well. ...Look. I think it would be best if you took some time off."

"Can't. We're busy."

"We are always busy. It's the Metropolitan. ...Look. Hanna. When was the last time you took a vacation?"

"I don't think I ever..."

Jamie interrupted, "I know. That's why I think now would be a good time. ...Look. Norine was a jerk. I know. But that doesn't mean you get the leverage to just up and flame out on him like that. Especially in front of the customers. ...So I'm asking that both of you take some time off to cool down."

"Don't need it." Hanna sipped her drink and put it down. She was passive. Waving away the comment. But inside she was furious. She didn't need to take a break. She was FINE.

"Hanna. ...Hanna wait." Jamie chased the dark purple girl out the office door. She wasn't getting away that easily, "...Hanna it's not a request. I'm telling you."

"And I'm telling you. I don't need it. I'm fine."

"...Don't need what?"

A stranger approached from the waiting room. She was a tall woman with brilliant blue hair. Radiant and smiling. Jamie raised a hand in protest but Hanna spoke first,

"It's nothing Miss Roberts. My boss here was just trying to distract me from working on your car."

"It's Grant's car Hanna, and I think that what your boss is trying to say is important."

Jamie opened her mouth, then stopped. The warm-colored cat-woman was lost? Since when did this blue-haired woman know what they were talking about? Dumbfounded, she listened as Karen continued,

"...Look. Hanna. Listen. You've been working two jobs for a year now. Non-stop. You need to take a break or your going to wear yourself out. ...You've been under a lot of stress lately. I know. I can feel your resentment. But Jamie is right. It's time to sober up. It's time to break the habit. Before it breaks you."

Hanna postured, "So? What do I do? Just, not come in for a few days?"

Jamie intercepted, "Take a week off. Go on a vacation. Get drunk, have fun. I don't know. Just don't spend every waking hour thinking about money and cars."

Karen nodded in support. Even if these two Cathar women didn't know it. Karen was more aware of their lives and feelings now than they knew. She could feel Hanna's concerns. Her fears and doubts. About life and her situation. Everything.

"Fine. You two win. I'll take a vacation. ...Just let me finish up here."

"I'll finish up here Hanna. You just grab your pack and enjoy a long week off."

Karen waved her over, "Thanks Hanna. And here."

The Jedi woman held out a small slip of paper with a warm smile.

"Oh. I couldn't Miss Roberts. You've done enough for me today. I feel so out-of-it right now."

"Don't. ...Don't you worry about that Hanna. It's just the address for a Patio Restaurant that me and Grant visit. The Red Porcupine. It's a favorite of The Pyre's boys here on Corellia too. ...You never know? You might met somebody too. Hehe."

Hanna blushed and warmed to the idea. There was just something about this Roberts. Something, sincere. Something nice.

"Thanks Miss Roberts. I appreciate it."

"No worries. ...And hey. Grant and I will be there tonight around seven. Why not join us for a Saturday Night Out. My treat. ...You know. For always keeping my car in working order. Heaven knows, I'm no mechanic. Hehe."

"Well... I don't really have plans. I guess you could say my calendar just opened up for the week. Haha. So yeah. Why not. It might be good to try new things."

"Excellent. The Red Porcupine around seven. ...And enjoy some time off Hanna. Hehe. I know us Omega girls will be. See you then."

Hanna gave a slow, beaming grin. She hadn't smiled like that in a long time. Maybe it was time to take a day off, after all.

"Yeah. I think... I think I will. Heh."



Disney's Princess
The Present
Corellia Skyline

"...See Grant. I told you she would show. There she is now. Hanna! Hey girl! Over here!"

Karen stood up in her bright red booth and waved over the large crowd gathered at the hostess' table. Hanna smiled amongst the waiting spectators and happily waved back.

"See. Here she comes now."

Grant Pherson just nodded his head with a grin,

"I've got to give it to you Kare Bear. Your one hell of a friend to strangers."

"Hush now. She's our mechanic. Hardly a... Hanna! Welcome. Oh my gosh! So glad you decided to make it."

Hanna blushed and her long ears nodded,

"Oh. Hehe. Thank you so much for the invitation. This whole 'vacation' thing is new to me."

"Well now. Introductions then. Grant this is Hanna. ...Hanna, this is my companion Grant Pherson."

"Nice to meet you Hanna."

"Hanna Yavor. Nice to meet you Mister Pherson."

"Please. Just Grant. ...Karen tells me your our mechanic. I must say. You do good work. I'm not much use to anybody without my vehicle these days. Heh."

They all three sat down and began chatting over drinks. The Red Porcupine was a wonderfully casual place to be. Situated on the rooftop of a massive skyscraper, it was quiet the location. And offered a beautiful vista of the Lakeside District down below. You could actually see all the rooftop gardens and parks that the city had built up nearer the clouds. It gave the grey and silver city a splash of green and yellow that it so desperately needed some days.

The restaurant itself was built like a log cabin. Adorned with sports memorabilia, local college flags, and touch of chrome and red. There was a fire-burning oven for crisp pizza making and a dark-onyx bar for watching sports during your lunch hour. The whole place was remarkably large and offered profoundly high ceiling. It was loud inside from all the patrons and beautiful waitresses, but you couldn't hear a wink of the passing air-traffic down below. Just the echo of sound everytime the patio doors were opened. Which wasn't often today, it was hot outside and both Humans and Cathar's disliked sweating over Dinner.

The sun was low now and the sky was turning a dim crimson hue. The clouds glowing pink now as the waitresses dimmed the shades against the setting sun. For Karen and Grant it was a wonderful evening out. But for Hanna? It was just the beginning of a grand new adventure.

She was here to party.

It wasn't often Sarge was out of uniform, but when he was, you could bet he was on Corellia. The planet was his adopted him, and Ayden had been born here, centuries before. It may as well be home by now, but he still considered it a placeholder until he could actually return from whence he came.

Sporting a battered pair of sunshades, OP fatigue trousers and an olive drab shirt, he looked every bit the off-duty mercenary he was. It would have been 'military man' but the thick beard he sported spoke otherwise. And the strangely named Red Porcupine?

Well, food wasn't half bad and the booze was good.

Best part?

It was close to home.

Tonight was supposed to be a normal night. Get a few drinks, some food, watch some of the news, go home and relax. But as he walked into the restaurant, making a point to step on the creaky floorboard - which never creaked for him - he scanned the crowds.

That vibrant blue hair gathered his attention in a heartbeat.

Despite sticking out like a sore thumb, Sarge made his way towards Roberts, whose rank escaped him. "Evenin'.", he says in greeting as he approaches the table and quickly takes an empty seat just to get out of the way of a passing waitress. The seating could be packed at times so you couldn't stand and talk.

The man of scarred arms, scarred face and hidden eyes gave Karen a nudge with his elbow. "Who ya got with ya?"

Yeah, there was a lack of manners in what he'd just done, but he was a Sergeant Major, not an officer. Officers were gentlemen. His job was to make them look good in comparison.


Disney's Princess
Karen opened her mouth with a quiet, merry gasp and let her smile fall effortlessly on Sarge's entrance,

"Sergeant Major? Hehe. Welcome to the table. My my."

The hulking Grant raised an eyebrow and motioned to the newcomer,

"Friend of yours Karen?"

Hanna seemed lost as Karen raised an eyebrow of her own,

"Of course. Always room at the table for more. The Sergeant was a patient of mine recently." ...He wasn't. "...So good of you to join us Potteigner. Please. Let me introduce you to a new friend of mine as well."

Hanna's ears perked up as Karen twisted in her seat,

"Sarge this is Hanna Yavor. ...Hanna, this is Sarge. He works in the Omega Divisions."

Grant raised his hand, "I'm Grant. Karen's significant other. Hey."

Pherson was a Knight like Karen. And through their bond more information was shared than could ever be spoken. It was a gift Pherson and Roberts shared. And, it was because of that bond that Grant could smile and pretend to play along. Karen couldn't lie to Grant and Grant couldn't lie to Karen. They knew each other too well. So the large Pherson decided to just smile and pretend Sarge's entrance was 'business as usual'.

"Hello Sarge." Hanna nodded with a smile. She liked his beard. Not enough humans valued their facial hair these days. "...Nice to meet you."

Karen pursed her lips towards Grant and settled down,

"So. We were just pondering upon what to order?"

"Yep." Grant slide a menu over to Sarge, "Take your pick. We are taking Hanna out for Dinner tonight. Might as well add one more friendly face to the bill."

He raised his finger to the room,

"...And yeah. I'm buying tonight girls. You two ladies have worked enough today. Tonight is on me. Heh."


@[member="Karen Roberts"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
HK wandered the streets of Corellia noting something in his datapad. He wore his simple tan tunic and brown robes over it, it covered his rusty and decaying metal body. He liked to have it on in larger cities in Corellia as he could always hide a blaster pistol and his lightsaber among the clothing, as it was the case now. He had little to no chance of meeting his fellow members of Omega before and from the data he received there was one place named as a top spot for his peers meetings. The Red Porcupine. He entered the room, with the quiet whirr and creaking of his body underneath the clean Jedi robes. He scanned the room he was in and indeed noticed the group of Omegas, at least two he did identify from information he gathered, the Sarge and Karen. He approached them quietly, his hands folded and kept inside his robes.
"It was true what I have been told. This place is a fa-fa-fa-favorite for Omegas on Corellia. I do hope I am not inter-ter-ter-terupting."
The droid spoke, his stutter sounded like a record skipping he bowed to Karen first.
"Lady Roberts."
He gave the same deep bow to Sarge then, watching for passing waitresses as not to bump into any of them.
"Master Potteiger."
The droid gave a bow to the other two on the table
"Unidentified organics."
He motioned to a free seat near them.
"Mind if I will join? I calculated I should establish closer contact with Omega operat-at-at-at-atives now that I am part of it."

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Jak had been on Corellia for some time now. After Clockwork had ended, he had been spending a month of shore leave that he authorized. He had been spending the days exploring, and the evenings at the nearest bar. This was the last one he was to go to, before heading back to HQ. He was mildly surprised and very glad to see a familiar suit of armor, even if he had never seen the owner's face before.
"Hey, Sarge!" he called.
Heading over to the bar to get a drink (Corellian ale, of course), he headed over to the table where Sarge, a droid, and three other humans sat. He recognized one of the human's hair.
"Hey, I don't think I got your name, but I'd remember that hair anywhere."

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
@[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
Grant stood up and started with the robot,

"No. No droids. Bugger off brick-face."


"No, I'm serious Karen. Tell this piece of junk to leave. It doesn't eat. It doesn't drink. All it's going to do is sit there and listen to us. Like a creep."

"Grant Pherson!"

Karen stood up and scowled. Grant flashed a look of death to the robot before departing for the restrooms,

"Excuse me. I need to go wash my hands. Feh."

The massive Jedi Knight scowled a HK before slipping away. Karen seemed dumbfounded at his behavior. Though she understood where the anger came from.

"Ahem. Pardon us a moment Jak." Karen nodded to Sandrow, returning to face HK. Hanna was more than a little bewildered but remained quiet and attentive to the situation.

"Erm. Robot. Can you follow me please."

She took a few steps away from the table to discuss in private with HK.

"Hi. I'm Karen. And... Your a robot dressed as a Jedi. Now. Forgive me for being rude? But my partner does have a point. Why are you here? And why are you dressed like your from a circus?"

She tilted her head and didn't mean to be rude. But then again? You couldn't really be rude to a robot. Can you?

Nearby, Hanna stood up and extended a hand to Jak Sandrow.

"Hi. I'm Hanna. Nice to meet you. Hehe."
Sarge nodded his head at the Cathar, who he'd never met before. She had the dubious honor of being the first Cathar he'd ever met, ever. "Yeah, Karen here's a real fine nurse.", Sarge says with a half a bit of a smirk. Chuckling and shaking his head, he smiles momentarily at Hanna. "A pleasure.", he says.

He's interrupted from responding to Grant by a waiter coming over just long enough for him to order some whiskey. "A pleasure to meet you too, Grant." He adds, raising a brow at the 'significant other' remark. Most went with 'boyfriend' or 'husband' or hell, even 'boy toy'. Significant other was definitely not normal.

Was he... perhaps... threatened?

None of these thoughts showed on Sarge's face, and he knew that Grant would find his ability to use the Force on Sarge... lacking. In the extreme.

That's when HK showed up.

"Well, well. Take a seat jerky-robot-thing." Sarge says happily, motioning to an empty spot. Then Jak showed up, and Sarge barely got a "This is Karen. Call her Blue. I do.", before Grant flipped his lid.


Thankfully his whiskey was here.

Bottom's up.


@[member="Karen Roberts"]
HK followed Karen, when she asked why he was wearing those robes he only moved the right side of his robe slightly to the side, revealing the training lightsaber dangling there before he went back to his position with his arms folded on his chest.
"There was a group, as I read in archives, called Iron Knights, they were crystal beings who used droids as vessels so they could be Jedi."
He looked towards the restroom where his friend went.
"I understand your friend's behavior, it is something I have experienced before, as to why I am here."
He looked at Karen once more.
"As I said, I came here to meet fellow members of Omega, if we are going to be cooperating, we should know each other."
The droid looked back to the table then where the others were sitting.
"I do not know who is or was my owner, who created me, or how long ago, I do not know why I do have these robes or this lightsaber but I had them as far as my broken memory reaches."
He looked at Karen once more.
"I can not use the force, but I have the clothes and weapon of the Jedi for a reason, to restore my memory and find that reason is my goal. Personall goal. Miss Karen, if you had a home and a place in the grand scheme once, then found yourself in the sands of Tatooine with it gone, would you not look for what you lost yourself?"


Disney's Princess

They spoke in private. Karen listened and the Force did the rest. She was indeed standing before an intelligent creation. Not just the robot in brown robes he appeared to be. And, while most humans would require a lifetimes worth of re-education to the idea of sharing a table with a droid? Karen had to go by faith on this one. Which... Would be interesting...

"Okay. Fine. Say I believe you? ...Look. Not everyone at that table is going to. So. ...Let me introduce you when Grant gets back. You can stay just..."

She frowned at his Jedi apparel. It seemed so foreign to her.

"...Just, you need a name? Sentient beings have names."

She folded her arms over her chest and looked back at Sarge with a frown. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Do you have a name Shard? Or am I going to have to invent one for you?"


@[member="Karen Roberts"]
He stared Karen down, if he was capable of facial expressions, I'm sure he would spice it up, but currently, all he was able to provide for her was the cold glow of his red-orange photosensors.
"I have always been called HK-37, but I do not enjoy being associated with other members of the HK series, in the archives they are infamous for their deeds. I have often taken on name 'Sammo' it is something still in my memory banks, I do not know the meaning behind it, or the name C3-P7, it is a simple substitution to associate me with the peaceful protocol droid C3 series."
The droid nodded as he spoke, adding quickly afterwards.
"And I am not a Shard, I do not know what I am, but I do not have connection to the force as them. I calculate I might have been a vessel of a Shard once. Or something along the lines."
"Also, I can sing, dance, and I have wingman compatibilities."


Disney's Princess
Oh my god. Karen was speechless. Did the HK robot just say 'wingman'? Oh good heavens.

"Um... Right." She took a moment to herself. A Jedi moment. "...Right. Well. Sam it is then. Come on now. Grant is coming back. You've got humans to meet."

Karen returned to the table. Offering a fake smile as Grant rubbed his hands together, looking on. He was waiting. They all were.

"Ahem. Hello everybody. I'd like to reintroduce somebody to the table. ...This is Sam. And while he might look like a droid?" She paused, "...He, isn't. Erm. He's actually a member of the Shard Species of Electronic Organisms. We think. ...Anyway. He's Omega too. So he'll be joining us for the evening."

She spun around to look at HK,

"...And. I think he can dance too."

Grant just closed his eyes and sat back down. Hanna fluttered her fuzzy ears and shrugged to Jak. And Karen danced on her tippy-toes and hoped this wasn't the worst decision in friendship she had ever made.

Fingers crossed.
Sarge looked up as the group returned, including an apprehensive Grant who didn't seem to be any cooler-headed than before. "Nice to have ya back.", he replies, thanking the server for his refilled whiskey. He made a mental note to not drink too much. It was becoming a problem.

A problem that involved waking up in his own puke on at least one occasion. But no one here knew that.

"He can dance you say? Good, cause I don't." It was more of a lighthearted remark than a dismissal. Dancing was, in a fight, amazing with his footwork. Couldn't dance worth a damn, though.

"Sorry to disappoint ya though, Blue."


@[member="Karen Roberts"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Jak Sandrow"]
HK followed behind Karen as they came up to the table when Grant came back, as she introduced him he gave a small wave to them with his hand, when she mentioned dancing and Sarge commented on it he nodded, doing the robot dance for a short moment, with the stiff moments and arms at 90 degrees angles.
"Hello, it is nice to meet you. And yes, dancing is one of the things I picked up wandering the Galaxy, trying to blend in."
He took a seat with them, putting his hands on his knees.
"So I suppose you are all veterans? As far as I remember I have not seen much combat lately, my adventures consist mostly of getting lost, avoiding Jawas, hitching a ride to another planet, and getting lost once more."
Rebellious Vanguard
With quite the nonchalant stroll, Ventasia entered the establishment, h er hands dipped in her pockets. A deep inhale was brought into her lungs, before letting it slowly. She had been on world for a few days now, though for the first time in her life, she made sure to keep a low profile. It brought back plenty of old memories to the forefront of her mind, some of which she'd rather she didn't remember. But that was neither here nor there. Corellia was her home, and this was the first time she'd been back in quite some time, but those were for personal reasons. Tonight, which happened to be her last night on world, she was going out. With the go-go-go pace she'd been moving in, it was high time she had a chance to relax and enjoy herself, and tonight was that night.

The small black vest she wore complimented the sleeveless red top and black bottoms she wore, both which were noticeably tight on her frame, but this was normal attire for her. Her eyes glanced about, eying the patrons in the restaurant as searched for someone of interest. After all, the night would be boring if she spent it alone. It took only moments before her eyes fell upon outlandish blue hair in the booth towards the back. While she wasn't exactly acquainted with her woman, this certainly wasn't the first time she'd laid eyes on her. A sly grin came across her face as she paced toward the booth in the back. It would seem that she'd found someone, or a few actually, to share the evening with.


Disney's Princess
Karen shook off her cumbersome disposition and waved everyone to a chair. Motioning to a hostess that they would need some more room eventually. When Sarge mentioned disappointing her the poor woman was at a lost,

"Hmm? Disappointed?"

Grant's eyes flicked back and forth. He was disgruntled that 'Sam' was staying but firmly resolved not to let it spoil his evening. He sifted though a menu and remained unconversational.

Hanna continued to beg Jak's interest as she mused over dinner plates. Smirking at the thought of a dancing droid.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
((OOC: Sorry, been busy))
"Hi, Hanna. Nice to meet you too." He shook her hand firmly. "Uh, hey, Miss Roberts, um..." as she walked away, "okay, no probs."
Taking a seat, he gulped down a mouthful of ale. Watching other people come in, he looked at the menu.

Mostly typical Corellian food.

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