Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Guns and Butter (SO Dominion of Pergitor and Karideph)

«Are you sure about this?»

The cigarra stuck to his lip, a sign he was dehydrated. The self-proclaimed rebel decided to rectify that with a swig of whiskey and hoped it would calm his nerves.

«Positive. With the Sith making waves, these guys are our only hope.» Xithe swiped the bottle and put it on a high shelf. «That won’t help. Just stop bouncing your leg, it’s a dead tell.»

«I can’t help it, I have a bad feeling about this.»

The ship shifted slightly as another freighter locked on and extended the walkway. Xithe put his hand on his husband’s shoulder to quiet him down and served him a reassuring smile.

«Trust me.»

Their heads turned in unison as the doors hissed open with an ominous wall of fog.





Equipment | In Bio
Location | Objective three
Tag | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Drako Drako Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

A flow had taken a tight grip on her already twisted mind, one shot after the other... They all seemed to blend into a dance of death, with the sounds shots being the drums of this encore. Drunk off the violence and the ever twisting pull of the beast, bodies of both man and demon alike fall.

As she continues to assist the mainstay of troops push up, her mind starts to become lost, the insides feeling as if they had been clouded in a thick fog. Nothing looked the same, and for a moment she had almost went into shock thanks to the drastic change in scenery... Where was she?

"Adeline, it is time to wake up dear."

For that brief moment, Jackal gazes around in confusion, glancing down at her bloodsoaked hands.. Still pale, yet, as Jackal glances up she finds herself back in the alleys of Nal Hutta that one fateful night. The streets were littered with the dead, thugs turn into a mixture of cultists and demons as her mind was breaking free of the fog.

A powerful shot hits Jackal right in the chest, breaking the Sangir from their clouded mind as they got knocked down onto the floor. Thankfully her corset had saved her, along with the trooper that blasted the cultist soon after.

Scarlet eyes flick around, returning to reality. They gaze to the skies to see her acquaintance Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru , the fellow Sangir who had hired her for this mission. Awestruck by their warform, Jackal can't help but feel humbled. This was the first ever highblood she had ever seen, and the sight made a spark form behind those eyes. One that grew stronger as she watched Alina demonstrate the power of the force, that little spark of ambition turning into a mild flame.

Most of the cultists had been cleaned out, a trail of bodies from both demon and man trailed behind Jackal and the remaining troopers, most of what was left were now the tides of the demonic. Cell after cell had been used, was she running out of ammo?



The world blackened at his presence, the sky's stars fled from view - and what was left was the great void. Empty and infinite as it were, the only ones that existed in the black bubble were Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Empyrean, privacy shrouding their nature. It would be best not to give the surivors of this world any further reason to try and copy them - and it helped ensure they wouldn't have to hold back more advanced techniques from those that might view them.​
Surely Carnifex learning of Empyrean's strength would be troublesome, him and Ophidia have spent months prodding at him to figure out the extent of his abilities - fear of the Worm Emperor likely fueling them into it. He would deal with this later, not now; now he required focus on settling the issue of this abomination. It had begun to suck down the Force, eat the living souls and knowledge of the living beings on the world. Most, faced with this omnipotence, lost themselves in madness - likely to never recover.​
For those of exceptional identity of self, they could hold off its pressure. Like a leviathan from the primordial cauldron, this Dread God would pull sentience from flesh until nothing remained - but its attention was drifting to them, to the threat they posed, to the endless energy in their beings. It may not have had eyes, but both of them could feel its attention begin to focus and sharpen unto them.​
Empyrean lifted Kala'anda up slightly, and the black fist he had used to crush planets formed amidst the smoke. It solidified to a nearly opaque nature, working itself into a fist that struggled to hold itself together. The air seemed to warp at it, the density of it - it was a singularity in the shape of a man's arm. The Dead God shot forward, lancing outwards with it posed before him.​
It landed with a sickening crunch that bent the impact tentacle in on itself, then once more to those fleshy appendages behind it. The shockwave bounced from the wall he had formed, then back upon them. A series of appendages shot out from the rift like lightning - branching outwards many thousands of miles an hour as they tried to grasp the Dark Lord of the Eternals. Like a starship, he flung himself in deft maneuvers that avoided them - and those that he could not, he simply teleported out of the way.​
They had to beat this thing into submission - force it back through the void. Remind it this prey was more trouble than it was worth - but the more strength they fed into the void, the more likely the others would be called. He growled to himself at the thought as he built up the strength of a death stare in his eyes. His hatred would burn this thing from root to stem - where his view fell, death would follow.​



A brown-robed individual stepped in and tipped her hood back to reveal her short, black hair. Her pale eyes surveyed the two ragged individuals and narrowed before settling on Xithe.

«I understood we would be meeting alone, padawan.»

She made a small bow and then gestured for Xithe to stand.

«You must be truly desperate to call me here.»

Corryn took another swig and tipped the cigarra up for another draw as he stood up. His fingers tucked into the belt and turned so to casually show the prominently displayed the modified blaster slung across his hip. He pushed through his nerves and spoke before Xithe was able to.

«The whole galaxy’s gone hullside out. As soon as the Sith’re done in on one side they pop up on the other. Now they’ve gone and done popped up in our yard.»

He huffed, and the visitor crossed her hands in front of her as she listened.

«Now we can hold our own, but this here? This is some wizard stuff and I ain’t here for it.»

Xithe looked down with an ounce of shame, but nodded to affirm the words of his husband.

«We need help.»


Empyrean took one approach, and Carnifex went with another.

He held His scepter out before Him, almost mirroring Empyrean's own actions. But that was where they differed. Carnifex pressed the base of the staff against the ground, anchoring it in place before releasing it from His grasp. Carnifex then fell to His knees, hands splayed out as He bent low to the ground and clutched great handfuls of ash and soot that rained from beyond the rift. He whispered into what His hands held tightly, syllables of power too profane to be heard by uninitiated ears.

Then, with meticulous reverence, He scattered the ash to the air above Him. Each particle seemed to meander slowly for a brief moment before stopping, filling the air with a cloud like black snow. Then, individual clumps of ash began to coalesce together to form sharp geometric shapes in the air. Each one was a mystical rune, given form by the magic that coursed through the Dark Lord's body. Those runes floated back down to Carnifex and stuck to His skin and armor, glowing bright orange as they made contact with Him.

As the last rune sealed upon Him, Carnifex reached out with soot-stained hands to grasp His scepter. Both hands held tightly to the metal rod, unshakable His bond with the conduit for this terrible spell. He opened His mouth and let forth a rattling sibilant exhalation. Simultaneously, the skull which mounted the top of His staff opened its wire-bound jaw in a mirroring motion. From within its hollow maw, a great plume of black smoke emerged in the form of an endless serpent.

The blackened snake coiled down on the ground beneath the staff before slithering straight ahead. It then turned suddenly and began to make a long circuit around the area. It would only stop once it reached its point of origin, in which the tail-end of the smoky creature would fall from the staff and would be engulfed by its tooth jaw. Still slithering, the now circular creature would continue to move faster and faster until it was a blur of smoke, which would then begin to rise up into the air to create a large funnel. This funnel, made of ash and soot, would move towards the great beast emerging from the rift and attempt to encircle it.

And then, with a snap of His fingers, Carnifex set the whirling gale on fire. Blue flame crept up the soot wall, engulfing the rift-beast in a whirling cyclone of unnatural flame. Whenever one of its many appendages would tear through the cyclonic wall, the soot would stick to its skin, and the fire would continue to burn. Because the fire was directed by the will of the Dark Lord, it was ensured that the flames would prove harmless to Empyrean.

Their brief truce would hold for now.


//: Objective 3 //:
//: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru //:
//: Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua //: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean //: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex //: Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis //:

Goodbye Alina.

The words, whether written or spoken, haunted her. Quinn Varanin wasn't used to making mistakes, but when it came to heart matters, she was flawed. It was a consistent motion of where her fluttered heart landed each time she was hurt. No one felt they were good enough for her, but what if, at the end of it all, Quinn was the problem? The more she thought about it, the more the blonde woman became irritated. How many times did she have to chase, only to get hurt in the end?

Vesta didn't want her, Sylvia didn't want her, did Alina still want her? Did Alina still want her as much as Quinn wanted Alina? The woman was the only constant in her life, allowing her to follow what she wanted while waiting in the shadows. Yet, Quinn still couldn't hold on to her. Even the young Confederate noble got in her way, almost killing the Vampriss in hopes of saving the princess. All of it caused the turmoil she was facing now. Traveling the galaxy on whims, trying to find Alina long enough to talk, long enough to apologize, long enough to tell her how much she loved her.

Quinn clutched the cloak around her slender shape while she trekked through the outskirts of the battle. She sensed it, the power that this planet held, and often found herself catching glimpses of those that wandered aimlessly into the afterlife. "They're not real." She mumbled quietly under her breath as she continued to move, drawing closer to the pounding sensation through the force. She knew it to be Alina, and as the woman entered her towering shape, Quinn stopped and watched.

Was this the same Alina? Quinn paused before breaking into a sprint. Her feet pounded against the ground as her lungs burned. Drawing closer, Quinn was finally able to see what was happening. A dark ritual, one that had Alina's new shape hovering over some monstrosity. Logically, Quinn knew she shouldn't interfere and wait until everything was over. But what if Alina was preparing to sacrifice herself? The woman was terrible at self-preservation for as long as Quinn had known her.

Instead of listening to logic, the Echani woman dropped the black hood from her head and shouted with the aid of the force, amplifying her voice. "Alina!"


"They set it on fire."

"Focus on the spell."

"I hate fire."

"We all do. Now focus."

"The spell was finished some time ago."

Alina's brow knitted together in annoyance before she cast a glance to the draconic being she currently was using as a mount. It didn't look back. Didn't have to. She could practically feel the smugness from it. Something to talk about later, when this was finished. Proof of concept was the basis of.. Everything. The only reason she bothered to leave her little palace and join this fight.

She lifted her black blade. The spell had taken effect, true enough. Power, pure and simple, enchanting the edge of her blade in a thick miasma of red anima. Now all she needed to do was swing. She dropped from the mount, landing amidst the carnage Jackal brought. Hefted the weapon overhead in both hands.

And paused. Only for a moment. Her crimson gaze, glowing through the red haze that surrounded her, fell upon the woman who spoke. Quinn. Actually Quinn. The madness this leviathan brought she wasn't subject to like so many others. Or maybe she was, and this was just another illusion. She smiled. A simple, fanged smile. Then swung.

The mist gathered around it's edge before unleashing out. A great wave infused with power. Her power. Fire and the unseen kept the Leviathan from encroaching farther into their realm. But it was born of the one thing Alina could cut. The Force itself severed under the wave. The creature, sundered under it's wave. It's portal, sundered under it's wave. For a split second nothing. Then distortion. The creature itself wasn't struck by the wave, but the portal behind it severed. Cut by her power, her strength.

And with it's portal severed, the creature followed suit. Trapped between realms. Fodder for the Sith Lords to remove.

Alina lowered her blade, grinning madly towards the separated portal. Proof of concept. Her gaze shifted back, staring down at the woman she knew all too well.

"Why are you here, Quinn?"

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua | Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Objective three
Tag | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Blackened skies filled with ash, walls of flame that destroyed many as they burned the beast who was now stuck in their world. Jackal had fought hard, the trail of the dead a testament to the woman's ferocity.

Yet, her adept ability of killing was outmatched by the pure power of the sith lords. The blue flames had engulfed hundreds within its wake, causing Jackal to franticly run back away from the burning hot mess. She hated flames... But at least these looked pretty right? And the smell of charred flesh smelt lovely, there was nothing like the smell of death that allured Jackal.

Away from the flames, the mercenary catches her breath, crimson eyes watching as Alina had struck the creature.. Perhaps one day she herself could be there?

An odd feeling washes over the Sangir as they sat upon a pile of the dead, a hand rests upon her bloodied shoulder. And as Jackal glances over she sees her old self, a faint reflection of the past so to speak.

"Is there a reason for you to be here, Adeline?"

The figure sits next to Jackal, the both of them now, both sets of eyes watching the fight unfold.. One that Jackal could not take part in as far as she knew... How would she even kill such a thing?

"Jackal, I meant to thank you for that night. You did something I never could do, and now look where you are.. Long road from Nal Hutta huh?"

The Sangir glances over, a slight smile adorning her face.

"It is where WE are, have you ever considered that maybe you are more? More than just a rat that eats trash, aren't we the same?"

The chiss woman chuckles a bit anxiously, they scratch at their head.

"Maybe we are.. Maybe I am actually Jackal, or we are both Adeline? Could we talk about this later actually?"

Jackal nods seemingly at nothing, her conversation with.. Well herself would be unseen to everyone else.

"Ya.. Perhaps later then."

Her self conversation would be broken as a voice called out to Alina, the scarlet haired woman turning her head while searching through her bag. Soon she cracks open a can of soda, sitting and watching in awe as the force users brought down hell upon the beast.

What was she going to do anyway? She was out of ammo, yet not out of cold soda just yet.. Besides, everything else was dead!



The beat surged at the flames, cried out in the force like an echo that felt like tinnitus on the brain. Its ringing would have threatened to drive Maliphant to his knees - but Maliphant was no longer here. Empyrean rose to the challenge and considered how to fully push this beast back to the confines of the nether. With resolve, he lifted his staff - and a dozen of himself appeared in a circle around the area.​
"Occupy it."​
It wasn't a command - but a declaration as only Sith knew how. He needed time to prepare. Red and black lightning began to coarse between his dopplegangers staffs like an electric fence. Every time it closed too near them, the full force of this twelve beings would strike the limb and drive it back to the center of the confinement. A chant was called out between them - and Carnifex would hear the familiar voice of the Worm Emperor beneath its tones.​
Empyrean was summoning the full will of his soul - and the Sith spirits in his confinement chanted in tandem. Dark words lost to millenium - a sealing spell the likes hadn't been used since the age of Valkorian. Syllables that grated on the mind, words that tore sentience from flesh - each of them spilling out to flare the void's tear. After a moment, the words began to depart of their mirroring - but took on a new style. Each of the voices took a stanza and worked through a different part of the spell.​
The words were no longer the same, but the rythmn was glorious - and the void flared ever more as reality began to fall in line to Empyrean's will.​


She exhaled deeply. Her eyebrows creased as her shoulders settled back down in resignation.

«What do you require, Padawan?»

Corryn and Xithe looked at each other with a spark of hope. Xithe nodded to his husband, who then proceeded to bring out a holoprojector.

«We need to fight back, but we can’t do it alone.» The holoprojector sparked to life, showing a map of the Kathol Outback. «We need help, and not just troops.»

Xithe nodded

«We need light to fight the darkness, we need Jedi.» «We need-»

The master restrained herself, but touched her chin in thought as she studied the markings on the holographic map. It was outdated, she could tell, but there were notes of meeting locales and underground pockets of resistance.

«What you are asking for is an army, a military campaign in unstable territory.»

Xithe opened his mouth to speak, but the master raised her hand to stop her padawan and closed her eyes.

«I will do what I can.»

She picked up the hologram and studied it closer.

«The Council will require proof of the Sith’s interference, and information on who we are fighting alongside to inspire confidence in the venture.» «Pressed as we are, the Jedi cannot fight alone. We need resistance fighters, and we need to know we can trust them.»

«What about a gathering? Neutral territory- somewhere they won’t find us.» «Polis Massa. They won’t find us there.» «We can explain our situation and rally the systems against the sith!»

«Polis Massa.» She nodded «I can bring a delegation to hear your case.»

Wordlessly, she gestured that she would take the hologram. Xithe looked to Corryn who nodded, finally accepting the stakes.

«I will see you there, my apprentice.»

Memories flashed through Xithe, who blinked and then bowed. The master turned her back on the two and lifted her hood over her bald head. Studying Polis Massa again, she closed the holoprojector with a snap. As the master left the her padawan, pale eyes turned to burning embers.

Polis Massa would be their downfall.

Empyrean would thrust the beast back from whence it came, Carnifex would hold it steady.

From the wall of fire emerged a thousand different strands of energy, fiery whips that lashed and constricted around the amalgamation of unearthly flesh. The flaming tendrils would snake around individual appendages, anchoring into the creature like barbed harpoons. All of this took tremendous effort to maintain, it was not often that the Dark Lord of the Sith had to exert Himself to such a degree; but the circumstances required such effort.

Such strain on the avatar's body was visible, the hair graying in uneven patterns as the skin gradually lost its olive hue in splotches across the face and exposed sections of His arms. The skin blackened even more from the tips of His fingers up through His arm, every aspect of His body aging at a rapid and ill-distributed pace. But He held the ritual, He did not waver despite the protests of the body His vital spirit inhabited.

And when it was all done, and the beast banished or slain or whatever Darth Empyrean had in mind, then the ritual could be concluded. Carnifex held tightly onto the staff yet anchored into the blackened earth. He closed His eyes for a few moments, allowing the power of the Dark Side to build up within Him. What ground yet remained unspoiled around Him grew diseased and
desiccated, and the Dark Lord's body rejuvenated to its condition before the onset of the ritual.

Such was the majesty of the Dark Side, and the strength found within Himself.


Twelve voices to one, as the rythmn of their different words once stood seperate, they began to conjoin into a singular voice once more. The words slowed down until the ancient Sith tongue felt like a bass - sending shockwaves through the force founded in the tongue of a man. The rift's edge feathered back to reality and the creature cried out once more. The world shivered, stalled and froze, then silenced.​
The scream that permeated the core of the world silenced as the rift finally shuddered close as Empyrean's command, and the tentacles of the beast fell to the ground only to writhe and burn apart. The ash they formed would further dissapate into nothing - leaving nothing but great scars in the earth where its hunger was experienced first hand.​
Empyrean's many forms came together once more, but that familiar voice of the ancient Worm spoke through the echos of the battle towards Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .​
"The time comes. Speak to your better half, victim of ego and iron. A new empire is on the brink."​


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