Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gray and Dark Blue


Gray smiled at her as he said, " You make it sound like you didn't already plan on slapping me upside the head anyways." He walked over and kissed her before he lead her out of the room. He closed the door and then walked into the center of the room. He got the saber in front of him and got ready to turn it on. He flipped the switch on the saber and......... BOOOOOOOOOOOM!

Gray watched the saber activate and the blade shoot out from the top with no problems. The blade was a dark blue and the crystal hummed gently from the inside of the saber. Everything seemed to have gone perfectly with the creation of the saber. He smiled to himself as he watched the blade vibrate from the movement of the plasma.
Strdust fidgeted for a few minutes not know what was going on...she was worried after about five minutes and slowly peeked in eyes closed

What she saw was the most beautiful sight ever...the blade color was amazing"woooow"she said and enter looking at it
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray saw Star come in and said, " It's blue. I mean the crystals were blue so of course it is too. But its really blue. It is normal for it to be this dark of a blue?" He looked back at his saber as Whisper hummed to him from inside. He wondered what it was like for other people who activated their sabers for the first time. Right now was kind of magical for him.

Gray turned his saber off and just held the hilt in his hand. He looked to Star and smiled at her. He said, " It is odd Beautiful. I've never really held a saber before and now I have one in my hand that I put together myself and is mine. I don't know what to think about this at all. It is not bad.....just odd." He walked over and kissed her on the cheek. He smiled to her once more as he went to pass her and head out of the room. As he walked by, he gave her butt a playful swat. He was in a good mood right now, and Whisper was humming out excitedly like he was feeling.
She closed her eyes feeling the crystal happy now that it had a purpose"hmmm saber and training saber..alike they are yet different in meaning. I remember I put my first together and activated it right then and there...I got scolded but now look "she said holding hers up" now I've got kryat dragon crystals and I can take apart and put these back together like walking"she smiled as she kissed her cheek and jumped as he swatted and turned smiling

[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray began to twirl his new saber around his hand. He was already working on getting use to his weapon.....or would companion be more appropriate? The constant humming of Whisper never seemed to stop coming out of the saber. He didn't know if it would continue that way or not, but the more time he spent with the saber the more he was leaning towards the word companion. The crystal certain was living up to its new name as well as it kept on whispering its hum to him.

Gray walked into the dining room and stopped. He could feel something through the force. It felt as if little lights were being lite. As if little voices began to sing. He looked around but couldn't see anything. He eventual said, " Star, do you feel that? What is it if you do?"
Stardust followed and closed her eyes as she started walking...she followed the little lights all the way to the egg room...she looked inside to see the eggs moving and smiled"I believe we have dragons dear.[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray followed Star as she seemed to know where she was going. Did she know what was making the sound and lights? When they got to the room, he saw what it was. As Star had said, the tailring eggs were hatching. He smiled as he watched them breaking out of their shells. He wrapped his arm around her waist. He gave her a squeeze as he said, " Congratulations Beautiful, it seems you are a mother of three baby dragons. How do you feel about that?" He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Stardust watch one by one as the eggs broke the the tailrings fell out dazed as they looked around..they looked at gray then star looking up before letting a tiny roar"hahahah feels amazing"she said and kissed his cheek
[member="Gray Raxis"]

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