Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gray and Dark Blue


Gray smiled at Star and hugged her back when she hugged him. He wasn't bothered by the fact she was all sweaty and he was bare chested. He was just glad she wasn't over working herself right now. He leaned in and kissed her as he squeezed her. He loved her with all of his heart and tried to show that to her every chance he could. He eventually broke away from the kiss and said, " So what would you like to eat Beautiful? And say an actual food item. I don't want to get you any sweatier than you are right now..... at least not yet." He winked at her as he smirked. He couldn't help himself around her. Something about her just brought out it out of him every time.

OOC: Post #1000 yay!
post 2840

She smiles and kisses him back as she held into him.. She had got quiet a scare... But she was glad he was OK...and bar chested

Hmm hmm how about some eggs and blue milk"she said going to the kitche[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray smiled at her as he said, " Anything you make will be perfect Beautiful. You are an amazing cook after all. My only complaint would be that I will have to let go of you first." He leaned in to kiss her as he squeezed her in his embrace. He eventually broke away from the kiss and let go of her so she could go about getting breakfast ready for them. He knew how much she loved to cook, and figured it would help calm her down a bit more. He would just follow her into the dining room and sit down at the table as he left her to do her thing.
She entered and kitchen and sighed...if it hadn't of been for gray being there she would've continued... She wanted to improve herself....but to do that smshe neded to train...a viscous cycle

She started up some eggs and started cooking them"how do you like your egg dear
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray just sat there at the table. He was feeling a little antsy himself, but for a different reason. He wanted to get his saber built and start practicing with it. That was what he wanted, but he couldn't do it until he had Star calmed down enough that she wasn't running off exhausting herself. He heard what she had to say about the eggs and called back, " Cooked Beautiful. However you think is best. I'm not picky with food, just with women. Only the most beautiful, amazing woman in the galaxy is good enough for me and she is cooking for me right now." He smiled as he finished speaking. He kept repeating himself, but he truly felt that way. He got out of his chair and then sat cross legged on the floor. He began to meditate as he waited for Star to finish up her cooking.
She nodded and started scrambling humming gently*OK heheh that k you dear"she said and focused on cooking..she could feel him ansty and mediating...he was excited for his saber

She finished and smile setting plates with blue milk out"itts ready
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray just kept meditating as he waited for Star. He wasn't there long though because of how quickly eggs cook. He got up as Star came into the room and pulled her seat out for her. He pushed it in when she got sat down then went to his own chair. He sat down and smelled the food. It was as delicious smelling as always. He smiled and said, " A great meal as always Star. I can tell even without taking a bite." He went to eating his food quickly. He was starving and hadn't realized it until now. He was going to need more food it seemed.
She smiled and slowly ate her food...she was hungry herself however she was built to last a long time"mhmm mhmmm ahhaha slow down we ain't sleeping"she winked and then spoke "l1 can you prepare more food some uhh toast please" l1 came out from her room and started cooking"hahah gotta love reprogramming

[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray had finished his food quickly and winked back at Star. He said with a smirk, " We just got done sleeping together earlier you know Beautiful. I still need to finish my saber before we get a little frisky with each other. Course you might not want to wait that long, do you?" He was teasing her as he spoke. He knew they didn't always have to go at it like rabbits, even though that seemed to be what happened most of the time. The droid brought in some toast for them after a few minutes and Gray took a look at it. He said as he examined it, " Do you have any jam Star to go with this toast?"

Gray smiled at Star to thank her and took the jam. He began to spread it over toast and scarfed it down as quickly as he had his eggs. He couldn't tell how much food he went through when he was finally full, but he knew it was a lot. He got his dirty dishes gathered up and took them into the kitchen. He washed his hands off to get all of the stickiness from the jam off of them. He walked back into the kitchen and said, " Alright Beautiful, I'm gonna gather up my saber parts again and meet you in that room you built for me. Feel free to take your time as well."

Gray went and got his crystals and parts regathered together again. He stopped at the room and got everything organized. He looked it all over and felt satisfied. He was about to make himself a new kind of weapon that he had almost no experience with. A weapon that he never thought he would ever have the chance to use let alone own. He kept calling it a weapon, but he felt it was more than that. He just waited for Star to show up so he could begin.
Stardust nodded and called for l1" clean the dishes please why I go attended to gray"she said and walked towards the room entering and smiled"fine parts ID say"she said and smiled as she entered and sat down"a perfect tool and weapons

She took her out and sat them down"now I've not taught you the parts so when you build just watch where each part goes

[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray turned to Star when she entered and smiled. He gave her a kiss before she sat down. When she did, he sat down with all of his pieces across from her. He said as he got settled, " Alright Star. I will watch you closely. Whenever you are ready just go ahead and start." He smiled at her warmly when he finished talking and then turned his attention to what she was doing. He focused on paying as close of attention to every detail he could. Last thing he wanted was to do something wrong and the saber explode on them.
She smiled and kissed back"alright let us begin"she said as she made one saber come apart and every part was visible..."watch closely "she said as the parts connect slowly with a click... The crystal hung in the air " for your saber the other crystal will go below the the bottom part

[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray just remained silent as he watched Star take apart her saber and then begin to slowly put it back together again. He just kept watching as he said, " Okay, I see what you are doing. Mind taking it a part and putting it together a few more times for me? I want to make sure I have the mental image down completely before I start putting mine together. If all of that is alright with you." He smiled at her as he looked up into her eyes. He felt he could do this more easily than he had been doing the other training sessions up to this point.
She smiled as she out it back together and took it apart again as she explained carefully and in depth what to do...she didn't mind repeating it it was all part of learning...and she was glad to teach"there want me to explain and show you again"she said and smiled
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray shook his head as he said, " No, I think I got it now. I'm going to try putting it together now." He smiled at her then began to focus on the saber. He closed his eyes and focused on the parts through the force. He began to make every part of the saber float into the air. They all floated about eye level for him if his eyes had been open. The parts began to slowly connect together piece by piece with a click each time they successfully connected with each other. The saber began to take shape with the gems at the core. It felt like an hour for Gray until it was finally finished, but had only taken a few minutes.

Gray turned his hand over and the finished saber fell into his hand. He opened up his eyes and looked at the saber in his hand. It was longer than normal, although not as long as a double sided saber would be. The hum of the crystal could still be felt coming from inside saber through the force. He studied it for a moment as he turned it around and inspected it. He finally said as he finished looking it over, " Whisper. The name of this saber is Whisper." He held it out to Star and added, " So I guess we test it out now don't we?"
She smiled and nodded"you may begin"she watched him as all the parts floated to eye level..she watched each oice individually click..she watched the humming crystal go in and soon the saber clicked it's last...

Hmmmm very interesting "she said and and gently took it" indeed let me hook this up"she said as she went over to the table and hooked it up"alrigt let's get out of the room
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray set the lightsaber up to the table and started to hook it up to the system to allow for it to remotely be turned on. As he did, he felt Whisper hum to him in a slightly paniced way. He stopped hooking it up and sighed. He unhooked it and picked it up. He turned around with the saber in his hand and looked at Star. He said, " Beautiful, I can't do it this way. I need to start it up myself for the first time and whatever happens happens. Head outside the room and close the door. We will how this goes after." He smiled to her as he waited for her to do what she was going to do next.
She looked to him seeing him unhooking and then just stopped and sighed...she knew he needed to do it himself...and that whatever happened was his choice
Fine...but you get injured and don't die I'm slapping you once your better"she said and closed the door
[member="Gray Raxis"]

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