Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Grand Theft Ukatis


intergalactic bird of mystery
Rrrrawk! These Jedi deserve a better class of criminal. Unfortunately, they're stuck with me. Putting together a crew to steal the crown of Ukatis and sell it on the black market for enough credits that we can all buy our own pleasure moons. Robbing spoiled trust fund kids like Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania should be like taking candy from a dumb baby. We'll use one of their fancy parties as cover to lift the crown and be gone with the wind. What could possibly go wrong?

Need any kind of mercenary or darksider with flexible morals.
  • Bounty Hunters
  • Smugglers
  • Slicers
  • Pirates
  • Mandalorians
  • Sith Assassins
There's no chance the GA will catch a master criminal but just in case one of you amateurs tip off the NJO we'll grab the princess for insurance and blast our way out! Jedi and GA agents can choose to attend the fancy party or respond to the inevitable alarms as part of a scrambled Charlie's Angels style SWAT team.


intergalactic bird of mystery
Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus

Both characters would fit right in so whichever is less likely to murder a narcissistic bird man with delusions of criminal infamy.

Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta

The more writers involved the more we can bring in extra padawans from the NJO or even a few knights/masters. I don't have a limit in mind. If you're unfamiliar with this character our plans will go wrong quickly.
Daughter of The Destroyer
Rrrrawk! These Jedi deserve a better class of criminal. Unfortunately, they're stuck with me. Putting together a crew to steal the crown of Ukatis and sell it on the black market for enough credits that we can all buy our own pleasure moons. Robbing spoiled trust fund kids like Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania should be like taking candy from a dumb baby. We'll use one of their fancy parties as cover to lift the crown and be gone with the wind. What could possibly go wrong?

Need any kind of mercenary or darksider with flexible morals.
  • Bounty Hunters
  • Smugglers
  • Slicers
  • Pirates
  • Mandalorians
  • Sith Assassins
There's no chance the GA will catch a master criminal but just in case one of you amateurs tip off the NJO we'll grab the princess for insurance and blast our way out! Jedi and GA agents can choose to attend the fancy party or respond to the inevitable alarms as part of a scrambled Charlie's Angels style SWAT team.

Sips You had me at 'Mandalorian'~


intergalactic bird of mystery
Tarok Vassket Tarok Vassket You're always welcome. Whichever character you've got the muse for.

Rest of you are also hired. Didn't want to get carried away with all the details before gathering a crew so we'll start the thread by sometime this weekend depending how long I procrastinate about the intro.

Thread starts in media res with everyone mid heist during a fancy noble party at the royal palace. After a round of getting in position someone (Kingsley) will trigger the alarms and all hell breaks loose. Here are some optional starting prompts so nobody feels lost.
  • Posing as a party guest or hired help. We'll need to keep an eye on these nobles so nobody interrupts our foolproof plan. When the alarms begin to sound and the plan goes wrong it will be up to you when to break cover.
  • In the vents. No heist is complete without a bunch of crawling around to escape the guards. Once palace security activates so does the automated defenses and you must escape some death traps.
  • Covering our escape. Good for pilots, tech wizards, and muscle that can't blend in with high society. Both local and GA authorities are summoned, cause a distraction or crash the party and help seize the crown by force.

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