Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Good Game

Cast: Kolyri Dace
Location: Vos Gesal Lounge // Uscru Entertainment District // Coruscant
Time: Approx. one week prior to the events of Finders, Keepers

Just because Kolyri Dace was shipless in Coruscant didn't mean she couldn't get a little work done. A brief excursion to the Galactic Museum and a few honeyed words with Curator K'leekk later, and she had leads on the locations of several interesting artefacts. What made them interesting? The fact that they were missing. And likely worth a lot of money to the fancy folks at the civic theatre.

K'leekk was one of her favourite clients, but she didn't think he'd ever gone a level below CoCo. Certainly not to the gaudy intersection of Daring and Vos Gesal, where street corners were populated by gyrating holographic dancers and opportunistic dealers. But this was where business got done, and its existence meant that many of the independent freelancers like herself did not have to venture further below into the pits of the capitol.

"Bespin Fizz." She slid into a corner booth; quiet, dark, out of the way - perfect for her purposes that evening.

"Excellent choice," came the almost dry response of the cantina's hovering service droid. Kolyri frowned at the strange tone to the server's voice. Was it being sarcastic with her? Surely not. A Bespin Fizz was an altogether acceptable choice for a young, unaccompanied lady. It also contained juice… of some kind. So she was being health conscious, too.

Without another word, the crimson-coloured droid slid away, leaving her in a state of mild bewilderment. A few moments passed and she found herself shrugging her shoulders, pulling up her boots to rest on the cushioned seat across from where she sat, and she returned her attention to the streaming datapad in her hand.

She tapped at the screen with her thumb once, twice, and then slid a finger across the display, bringing up her most recent messages.

FROM: User/0782/B
SUBJECT: Listing/5629460/9JK

LOCATION: 145, 92, 808 - VOS GESAL LOUNGE - 20:00 CSTHRS

Kolyri had no idea who to expect. All she knew was that someone had accepted the job, and they would at least know how to identify her. In her mind, she continued to curse Zevran Taren. It had become as automatic as breathing these days. She was sitting here, in this bloody cantina on poxy Coruscant because he knew everyone she knew. There had been so many contacts she could have called on, favours she could have cashed in, had this been any other regular bounty.

She managed a strained sort of smile as the droid returned with her colourful cocktail.

"Your Bespin Fizz, madam." With a flourish, it placed the smoking glass in front of her, wisps of 'cloud' curling upward into the recycled air with the movement.

"Thanks," she said politely, before picking up her drink and bringing it to her lips. She arched a brow at the droid, who made no sign of leaving. Its lifeless eyes watched her, and though she should not have seen anything of the sort in them, she was certain it was mocking her.

Perhaps it was waiting for her approval. She took a tentative sip, and then made the dutiful noise. "Mmm." She returned it to the table and nodded reassuringly. "Delicious and nutritious."

Kolyri didn't register the droid's response, however, as some movement on the screen of her pad caught her attention. Before her eyes the text in the message was changing. The characters had begun to shift, to blink from existence at first, only to return as indecipherable glyphs.

"What the…?" Drink long forgotten, she began tapping on her pad, trying to regain control of it. Suddenly, she glanced from the screen and upward, outward, taking in the rest of the lounge beyond her little corner and trying to pinpoint a likely culprit.

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Therax Milbon

Just a man with a Lightsaber and a few questions
"You ever heard of the Line?"

"A morally pretentious, hypocritical and self righteous game about imaginary violence that's beloved by hipsters? Yup."

The man gave Basil a stern frown and shook his head muttering something "go play Slaughterhouse and continue to commit war crimes you uncultured swine." while he passed him by. A smirk formed on Basil's lips while as he looked upon Coruscant's annual gaming convention, Basil never liked The Line it seemed to be a game made for gamers who wanted to feel morally superior to "the unwashed masses." Oh it's so tragic that you drop a bomb in which you accidentally murder civilians, yet Basil knew that they were civilians through the black and white feed and bombed way from them but yet they still died because the developers wanted to get on their soap box and moralize. Slaughterhouse executed their themes better and they weren't so pig headed about it.

"Best not to think of that game," Basil said. "Besides why commit virtual war crimes, when I'll be forced to commit actual war crimes in the future?" Now that Basil has more or less been dragged to the military, the young man couldn't imagine what insane things the Alliance would make him do in the name of the Republic. He already heard about the invasion of Korriban on the Holonet and some hacking by Basil revealed that there was black ops missions that were going underway some involving the murder of children.

Basil couldn't get a good bead on why would the Galactic Alliance would resort to such barbarism considering that the GA agents were good at covering their tracks. He still considered a bad omen of what he'll endure if he was employed to the frontlines. "That is if I don't have a mental breakdown." Basil said exploring the bustling convention full of games from the past and the present. Many people wore cosplay representing their favorite characters taking pictures and sharing them in the Holonet. It was a good thing Basil managed to sneak in his stretch man cosplay he made last year, his father found it an abomination, Basil found it to be an outlet of his creativity:


"Ah yes Jumpman," Basil smiled walking through the people who were in awe of his costume. "A comicbook hero reated in the year 752 to a massive success, it's about a martial artist who was affected by gamma rays during an experiment gone wrong and now he's blessed with the ability to run, jump and spin in phenomenal ways. He saves the Galaxy and gets the girl and has a cool costume..... unlike me."

Basil sighed. "At least games are half decent," he said. "I wonder if anyone has the Commodeer version of Jumpman? That's a rare game to find."
Several sets of eyes met hers. The significance of that was unknown; it could be coincidence, it could be that the patrons of this bar had a sixth sense for other people's accusatory or predatory stares, or it could be that she was being watched. Kolyri tried to play it cool. Stare still scanning the room, she brought her Bespin Fizz to her lips again and took a dainty sip. She pulled her booted feet from the seat and moved herself into a position that looked more comfortable, but in reality would give her more speed if she needed to react to any threat.

In her hand, the datapad beeped. She glanced downward in time to note that the glyphs were flickering again, and reorganising themselves into something readable.

// COMPROMISED. MEET ME 145, 92, 816 //

Oh, that's not suspicious at all. The new location was close by, in fact if the pulsing dot was to be believed, it was almost right next door. Committing it to memory, she killed all wireless connections to the pad and took herself completely offline. She'd had enough of garbled, hacked messages for one night.

Still feigning nonchalance as best she could, she raised her glass again and drained it, pretense of courtliness all gone. "That's the best Bespin Fizz I've had in years," she complimented the serving droid as she stood.

"I am sure those sentiments will be reflected in your generous tip, madam!"

She might have laughed at the brass neck of it had she not been fighting back a wave of slight anxiety. She wasn't a fan of having her plans suddenly change, and she was even less of a fan of it when it happened without back up. Instead, merely the corners of her mouth curved upward in a semblance of amusement. "I'll be back." She stuck the pad into the waist of her black leggings and strode out of the Vos Gesal Lounge like she hadn't a worry in the galaxy.

They alleyway that the coordinates led her to was draped in shadow. Of course. It would be too much to ask for a well-lit meeting place, wouldn't it? But the glowing, quivering neons of the establishments on the boardwalk weren't far, nor were the many voices raised in greetings and conversations. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the shrouded figure leaning up against the wall of the Outlander Cantina.

Her fingers hovered just over the handle of the energy baton she carried on her belt as she stepped closer. "Take all your dates down here?" She asked by way of greeting, right before she was grabbed from behind by a vice-like grip, and something was pressed into her neck.


Therax Milbon

Just a man with a Lightsaber and a few questions
"Ugh," Basil said beginning to scratch all over his body. "It's starting to itch again." The material that Basil used to make his Jumpman costume was cheap but long lasting. Elastic from Naboo, Drekx style wool and other components to make costume as authentic as possible. Sadly this came at a cost of the costume getting really itchy. Last time he wore the Jumpman costume, it was so bad that his entire body was reddened. Basil wanted to make some modifications but by then his father dragged him into the military and he lacked the time to fix it.

Still this won't deter him into not attending Coruscant's latest gaming convention it was the largest in the galaxy. Every big developer attends it and either announce a new game or cater to nostalgia. Basil also tried to get in touch with the famous gamers and streamers but they were often surrounded by adoring fans and security to make that happen. His eyes darted around looking for the Jumpman booth, there were thousands of them but based on the holomap on Basil's holoprojector, he was close to it. "Come on where is it?" Basil continued to scratch his ribs sighing. "Don't tell me this Holomap is broken."

It always happened every year, there were always reports of Holomaps being broken at the gaming convention. It didn't help that Holonet had a monopoly on Holo tech. To compensate Basil did create some alternative that way he wouldn't be forced to rely on the expensive and often buggy product that Holonet often produces but given how the Galatic Alliance military cracks down on rogue software, it was tough to utilize it. After what felt like an hour of searching, Basil finally found the Jumpman booth. It was rather small but it was packed with Jumpman comicbooks, videogames, and the old Jumpman cartoon starring former classical actor turned Giggledust addict: Johan Pazak created in the year 785 was playing in the background. A Rodian was sitting wearing a rather bored expression. "There you are!" Basil smiled at the Rodian running towards the booth.

"Welcome to the world of Jumpman," the Rodian said in flat tone. "Considered to be a return to pulpy storytelling. My name is Gretito and I'm glad to show you around the rich and colorful history of Jumpman. Well.... as long as I'm paid by the hour."

"So...." Basil smiled fumbling around for his mask. "What's your favorite Jumpman comic?"

"I don't get paid enough to reveal that information." Gretito replied almost yawning in the process. "Would you like a comic signed by the famed Jax Riley? Jumpman leaps into the multiverse to find himself a mental ward due to having PTSD from all the criminals he punches?"

"Awww that deconstructionist, postmodern drivel?" Basil said. "Boring! Riley knew nothing about Jumpman, he just used his deconstruction nonsense just to make fans mad. In fact what's with creators just using deconstruction to attack people who enjoy fantasy? Why are they're so interested in shoving their morality upon us? Like the video game: The Line it's-"

"Do you want the comic or not?"

"It's the worst comic ever, but I'll but for 1000 credits."


Basil rolled the comic inside his boot while Rodian tried not to fall asleep. "So do you have the Jumpman video game for the Commodeer?" he asked a large grin spread across his face.

"It's not working so I tossed in the thrash." Gredtito said.

"WHAT?!" Basil yelled. "Broken or not that's still means something to true fans!"

"If you want it," Gredtito said. "Go to the alleyway."

"You suck!" Basil yelled as he began to sprint out of the convention. "Looks like I'm going treasure hunting," he muttered trying to ignore the fact that he's going to search in the garbage bin like some homeless man living in the lower levels of Coruscant.
The hypodermic injector stabbed into the side of her neck, and almost instantly her assailant's grip loosened. Before she could feel the effects of whatever it was they'd shot her with, Kolyri wasted no time in grabbing a hold of the energy baton attached to her belt. Her thumb slid over the activating trigger and she jabbed it viciously back into the burly being behind her. Judging by the noises he was making as the purple electricity pulsed through him, she'd hit him in a nice, tender area. That idea would have brought her a decent amount of pleasure usually, but the wave of euphoria that was crashing through her mere seconds later left her with the realisation that whatever they'd drugged her with was taking massive effect.

"Schutta!" The man cursed at her, doubled over in temporary pain.

"That's nah ver nice!" She admonished him, taking offense at the slur. Then she dissolved into a fit of giggles.

I am so dead.

He reached out to take a fistful of her hair. "You'll regret that, Red." Then the shadowed man moved forward, finally hefting himself off his leaning-place against the wall of the cantina. He flicked a still-smoking cigarra further down the alleyway, illuminating it for a few fleeting moments before he spoke. "Easy, easy. Our girl here has just had a little too much to drink tonight, ain't that right?" His voice was harsh, it cracked, at odds with the syrupy words he was speaking. His eyes were beyond them; flickering along the passersby. He raised his voice for their benefit, she thought.

"Let's do the gentlemanly thing and get you home to your parents."

"I don't think my mother would approve o' youuuu -" Suddenly she was half off her feet, her weight being redistributed onto the Smokey Man as he wrapped her arm around his shoulder. There were tingles that started at the tips of her fingers and were running relay races up and down her arms. She was barely able to move her legs. In fact, she felt like she was floating. Was she being carried, or just really, really high?


Therax Milbon

Just a man with a Lightsaber and a few questions
Basil was seething heading straight for the alleyway. "What a fool," he muttered. "Does Gredidto not understand that the Jumpman for the Commodeer is an instant classic one that has become hard to become hard to fine because the Sith blew up their factory 65 years ago?!" Gredidto was definitely not a fan, he was just some lazy person who was hired to watch the stall that's for sure! All Basil was wondering was where were the real fans?! Every year it seems that the geekdom has been infiltrated by postmodernistic "fans" who care less about the material and more about "subverting expectations" hah! What nonsense! Those deconstrunalists just like to take apart and destroy what gives people joy probably because their Dads never loved him.

Well..... Basil's Dad never loved him but at least he found meaning in works like Jumpman these "geeks" need to get out of fandom this instant! Just as he approached the alleyway, he heard a scuffle. Frowning, Basil slowly approached the alleway taking a peek around the corner. "Holy shi-" he whispered. A young woman was being attacked by a couple of thugs. She tried to defend herself from them but they overpowered and drugged her she then began to uncontrollably giggle.

"I recognize that drug," he said. "Hypo, one dose is enough to send any species into a laughing fit." His heart began to race a little faster, what was going on?! What they want with that woman? "Oh no....." a thought crept into Basil's mind as he immediately hid leaning his back against the wall. What if they caught him? Of course these men didn't want any witnesses and Basil isn't exactly a good fighter despite military training.

Now today has gone from bad to worse.
"You hear that?" Smokey Man asked the other, his brow furrowing, beady eyes beneath it scanning the darkened alleyway they'd begun to leave behind. "Go check it out," he told him. The one who had dug that hypothermic injector into Kol's neck grunted, and with another colourful curse word, he tracked back.

"There's someone here." His voice was low and Kolyri could hear the malice dripping from it, even through the haze of the drug. "Hey, come on out!" He raised his voice, speaking to a shadow. Then he plunged, arms extended and looking to grab a hold of what looked like a young man in a strange suit of some kind. Seizing her moment, she clenched her fist, then shoved back with her elbow. It wasn't by any means a strong blow, her muscles were still feeling entirely too relaxed from whatever it was they'd shot her with, but the retaliation had the benefit of surprise. The Smokey Man let out a surprised shout.

"Ha!" Kolyri announced victoriously, her voice still high with hysterical amusement. "Heeeellllp!" She sang as The Smokey Man recovered himself and aimed a punch right toward her face. Kolyri's hand slipped toward the energy baton on her belt. They'd underestimated her metabolism, clearly, and had neglected to disarm her. She laughed happily as she activated the weapon with the swipe of her thumb.


Therax Milbon

Just a man with a Lightsaber and a few questions
"Oh no!" Basil began to panic as one of the men got a glimpse. His heart was racing to the point where it was about to explode his legs were becoming as stable as melting Ice Cream. He heard the woman calling for help but what can Basil do?! He was just a skin and bones who'll weep at the sight of a paper cut! Basil recalled the time he stubbed his finger on the sharp end of a Millaflower stem and he cried for an hour. What can he do? Surely these men will kick the living daylights out of him and Force knows what they'll do to that woman.

Basil leaned against the wall sweat filling his brow, he needed to do something. Looking at the Jumpman mask, the young man closed his eyes. "Perhaps Basil Giles can't take it on," he mumbled. "But maybe Jumpman could."

It was silly, It was stupid but Basil needed something to calm his nerves. There was a girl in trouble and Basil just couldn't abandon her. "Heroes don't run away from danger," Basil said placing the mask over his head. He took out his Holoprojector and began to play Jumpman's theme song. "Time to save the girl," he muttered.

Spider-Man 2 OST He's Back - YouTube (OOC: Play from 0:22 to 0:55)

Basil emerged from around the corner trying to dispel his fear. "Focus," he muttered ignoring the urge to itch.


"LET THE WOMAN GO!" Basil declared his hands curling into fists.
Kolyri became aware of another player when she heard the extra voice shouting. Still grinning like a maniac, still very much off her mush and riding high on whatever it was they'd given her, she balled her hand up into a fist and then smashed it back into Smokey Man's face. Then she turned, the move not in the slightest bit as graceful in reality as it had been in her head, and re-oriented the buzzing baton in her other grip.

Meanwhile, the other assailant, the one approaching the kid in the strange costume, had pulled his blaster. "Mind yer business, gutter rat," he snarled. His fingers tightened around the weapon, ready to fire. But something happened; a telling click and then a drawn out, dying beep. "Huh?" The large man looked down at his trusty side arm in shock when it failed to fire. Realising the thing was very nearly dead, and hadn't even enough power to discharge once at this suited little snot, he tossed it to the ground and began to advance again, throwing his shoulder into it. He ran at the kid, ready to remove him from the board.


Therax Milbon

Just a man with a Lightsaber and a few questions
"Gutter Rat?!" Basil yelled placing his hands on his hips. He was feeling a strange sense of courage and confidence as his heart slowed down allowing Basil to focus. Perhaps the mask was giving him strength or just seeing a pretty woman being attacked gave Basil the valor needed to not run. "The only gutter rats I see are the people beating up a defenseless woman!"

Okay that was cheesy but it was in character for the old school Jumpman, newer interpretations ]had him say edgy stuff like: "The only job that these men belong to is the grave." Trying to make Jumpman more of a mature character made him look more childish. "Now unhand the beautiful woman!" Basil shouted through his mask. "Or I'll-"

The thug pulled out a blaster pistol pointing it directly towards masked face. In half a second all that valor that Basil had instantly vanished as he felt his legs shaking once more and sweat began to form all over his itching body. "Don't shoot!" He yelled frantically placing his hands on his head.


Basil shut his eyes tight as if he was trying to wish the blaster away, "come on Basil!" he said to himself. "You can't be a hero if you're acting like a cowardly idiot! Just be like Jumpman! Rush in and beat him up! Maybe he'll miss his shots I mean he's just a guy with a gun not an Imperial Stormtrooper."

Eyes still closed Basil stepped forward and began to rush like a charging bull screaming as he did so. His father told him that there was no progress without risk and that a man must always charge at danger head first. Basil didn't always agree feeling that retreating was the best tactic, but now he knew that sometimes when someone is in danger you can't just run away, you have to face your problem sooner or later. Halfway to his reckless charge, Basil tripped over a crushed soda can landing chin first on to the ground. As he lay on the ground he heard scream and a sharp pain on his side followed by a sickening thud. Opening his eyes, Basil saw that the blaster wielding assailant tripped on the downed Basil hitting his on the concrete floor knocking him out.

Groaning, Basil slowly got up to the remaining thug half relieved that he was alive and half horrified that he witnessed blood seeping from the knocked out man's skull. "I...." Basil saw the woman who was still feeling the effects of the Hypo drugs. He knew of a drug that can help her snap out of her funk but right now it was time to put on a brave face. "I mean to do that! That thug fell for my ingenious tactic!" He yelled flailing arms trying to look as though he was getting into a fighting stance but ended up looking like a complete dork.


"Are you going to lay down and run?!" Basil said. "You cannot hope to defeat the almighty Jumpman!"

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