Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Finders, Keepers

Cast: Kolyri Dace, Treedis & Tek Bay'etu
Location: The Khardax // Wild Space // En Route to United Illyria System
Time: Who even knows anymore

Kol really disliked Treedis. Not as much as she hated Taren, of course, he'd betrayed her and stolen her ship, and was currently gallivanting all over the known systems selling all of her crap precious cargo. No, Treedis could be likened more to an irritant. The kind of rash that appeared slowly, maybe overnight while you innocently slept, but then reddened and grew until before you realised it, you were itchy in all of your sensitive parts and the only cure was a Rodian-ectomy. But Treedis owed her a favour and he had a ship. Some rashes were worth the discomfort, sometimes.

"When he found out what happened to you, Kerel laughed himself right out of his chair!"

Her eyes snapped upward, and from her passenger seat behind the Rodian pilot, she stared daggers. She recognised the jab for what it was: an attempt to goad her into an argument so he'd be justified in leaving her behind on Illyria. She knew this, yet she still charged right into it. "What kind of reaction do you think he'd have if I put a bolt in the back of your bonce?"

A pause. Treedis' shoulders stiffened, but he valiantly fought every urge he had to turn around and make sure she wasn't actually aiming a blaster at his head. "He would cry many tears," he responded then, his nasal voice turning to a whine, suggesting he was hurt and she'd gone too far.

“Of joy."

So much for civility. With an ego as bruised as hers, the last few months had not been easy. She was aware that everyone was talking about Taren's betrayal and her terrible handling of the whole affair, and she could not blame them, she'd be doing the exact same thing. And even though Kerel Grabhor had been the one to supply the intel on the Lucent Sun's planned trip to Illyria, Kol knew that she was reaching the end of all professional courtesy. She'd called in favours, chits, spent an embarrassingly large chunk of her personal stash, and had insulted, drank and tantrumed her way across the Outer Rim. She was on thin ice, and she knew it.

"Quiet! Or I'll shut you both up myself!" Came Tek's voice, somewhat muffled, from beyond the cockpit. He sat in an uncomfortable chair in the common area, his attention already returning to focus on the work before him. "I am almost in range."

Without another word, Kol stood and removed herself from Treedis' presence, though she thought that she could feel those huge, inky eyes staring blue murder at her back. He was definitely going to leave her on Illyria at the first opportunity. Hopefully, all going to plan, that wouldn't matter, because she'd be flying her Sun and carrying Zevran Taren's prone body in her cold cargo hold. That was a nice image; she held onto the warmth that particular fantasy was providing for a few more blessed moments while she slid into the seat opposite Tek Bay'etu. The Bothan slicer was seated at a console, surrounded by all manner of datapads and tech that even she had trouble identifying. Holographic read-outs and maps of the sector hung in the air between them and while Kol seemed to have trouble deciding on what she should concentrate on, Tek appeared to be able to read everything simultaneously. He was a bit of a wonder, she thought, and she'd used him often. She liked him well enough, or rather more importantly and to the point, he was quite able to tolerate her.

"I have found something…" He muttered, and Kol found herself leaning forward, impatiently awaiting his next words. "A match, I think, it’s a new transponder code, of course…"

With the wave of a hand Tek brought up the port record for a ship that was undoubtedly Seltayan in origin. The twirling image included a few subtle differences, but in her haste to believe, Kol automatically identified it as hers. Beneath the image and the list of docking details and approved permits was the name.


For a moment, she was speechless. Eventually, when the ringing in her ears stopped, she realised that Tek Bay'etu was actually laughing.

“That is bold."

“He renamed it Taren’s Truant!?" She breathed, eyes wide as the bottom fell out of her stomach. “What a… That… Bloody…!"

“Narcissist? Egotist? Unapologetic kung?" Tek provided helpfully. Mutely, she nodded. The Bothan slicer across from her had stopped chuckling and was shaking his head. "He has scrambled the IFF and heavily modified all signatures, but that name is almost begging to invite scrutiny. He has to know that you are looking, and that you have others looking, too."

“He knows." She fell against the metallic backing of the chair and folded her arms tightly across her chest. All shock had dissipated and was slowly being replaced by a frigid hatred. “It's time to give him the attention he so obviously desires."

Kolyri Dace & Tek Bay'etu (off-site)
Location: Docks // Azurine Capitol City // Illyria
Time: Approx. 16 hours later

<There she is, Tek.>

<I see her, Kol. Hold position. No sudden movements. I have sliced into the port's security feeds and I am tracking the crew's progress.>

It was easy for Tek to tell her to hold, but in practice for Kolyri, it was much more difficult. The detached Bothan voice in her subdermal comm implant might boast the bird's eye view of an all-seeing, emotionless sniper, but she had something very specific in her scope - her missing ship.

It took everything she had in that moment not to strut right up to it and demand to be granted entry. Alas, it wasn't quite that easy. It would take some time before she could legitimately board, and the timer was ticking down. The crew approached with a shipment of the precious gems that Illyria had become renowned for.


She'd already seen him.

Kol stepped away from the darkened corner of the hangar, the loose red hair that had fallen forward to hide her pale features now being flicked backward with the speed of her movement. Before she could fully work through what she was about to do in her mind, her blaster was in her hand, and her fingers were squeezing around it.

“Hey. Moof-milker."

Zevran Taren had just a moment to register Kolyri’s face before she opened fire on him.



Location: Azurine Capitol City, Illyria, Royal Docking Yards
Equipment: Illyria Knight Armor, Knight Saberstaff, Miralukan Eye Mask
Time of day: Evening
Tags: | Kolyri Dace Kolyri Dace |

It was rare for Xobos to get days where she could leave the providence anymore. Having become fully invested in working Garde into the mining and production landscape of the planet had taken all of her attention away from other matters, meaning there were many days where she didn’t even leave her manor. On the days she did, it was more often to go walk amongst her towns people and have a dinner at the l’oie et la plume alongside her bouncing zeltron. Though those days were mostly due to Cali Ziiva Cali Ziiva forcing her to get some fresh air. She did always know how to make sure Xobos was properly…relaxed, after all.

But today, she had gotten a different excuse to leave the providence for a while. A day full of training alongside Danielle Mueller, Caelyn Malkavian , Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde , Echo Vesulos Echo Vesulos , Alida Ember , and Acantha Malvern Acantha Malvern had left her bruised, battered, and exhausted. And, if she was completely honest with herself…

It was the best she had felt in weeks.

To see Adron Malvern Adron Malvern ‘s dream of a group of force users under him, carrying out his bidding and completing missions that none other could was something that brought a smile to her face. Only a few months before, she had been the last apprentice standing out of the others that had either died off or left the planet entirely. Still, there was faith that something like the Sisters of Death that existed today would come to be. Xobos was just happy that she was still around to be able to see it.

So after an entire day of sparring, training, and exercising as a group, she was left ragged and ready to head back home for the night. As she exited from Dragonne Palace, the sun had just begun to set on the horizon, painting the sky a gorgeous mixture of oranges and pinks. On another day, the Miraluka might’ve taken the time to sit and take in the painting before her. There was little time for such things today, however. Knowing that Cali would be waiting on her by this point, the last thing she really wanted to do was keep the Zeltron from eating.

Starting toward the hanger with Sabatora following closely by her side, she couldn’t help but notice the odd looks that were flashed her way from passersby. Usually such looks wouldn’t bother her too much, but after the length of a day that she had had, it was safe to say that perhaps her patience was leaving her a bit dry. “C’mon, let’s just get back to Garde. You can be with your pack..and I can be with mine.” She spoke softly to the massive beast stood by her thigh, giving her the slightest of nods when the red scaled beast looked back up at her. It certainly felt like they were misfits today. More so than usual.

The rest of the trek to the hanger was a silent one. As they approached, something began to…bother, her at the back of her mind. There was just something off about the feeling, as though something were going to occur. They stopped just at the edge of their own hanger, Xobos beginning to allow herself to focus on the feeling. To wish it away, push it over the edge would’ve been..irresponsible at best.

“Go to our ship.” Motioning forward, once again speaking to the great beast. “I’ll follow along shortly.” She knew that Sabatora would do as she asked, so there was no hesitation for her to turn from her personal hanger to start down the row of other places a ship might land, allowing the itch at the back of her mind to lead her, as it was the only thing she really had leading her at this point.

That was, of course, until she heard the blaster fire start.

She kept striding forward, arm raised and blaster pointed, firing a near-constant stream of bolts as she closed in on him and his people. She could hear her own voice roaring in her ears as she stared down the barrel of her blaster and toward the profile of the man who had betrayed her and stolen from her.

Kolyri Dace shot Zevran Taren.

Later, she'd probably boast that she remembered the precise nanosecond it hit; the exact sound that the slug made. She'd be both pleased that she'd finally managed to catch up to him and exact some manner of righteous vengeance, but also disappointed that it hadn't been a mortal blow. She knew instantly that despite the fact he'd been wide open, she'd only winged him, because the traitorous snot was slithering away.

"NO," she roared at his retreat, but she was too late. As he found cover behind a stack of cargo crates, his men opened fire on her in return. Their stable aim was a hell of a lot more true than hers had been, and she flung herself behind the landing gear of the Lucent Sun.

She smelled the burning flesh before she felt it. A string of curses fell from her mouth, which was twisted into a grimace. As the blaster fire continued around her she took a moment to survey the damage.

You're a moron.

Kol had suffered two burns during her very short, very suicidal barrage; one across her bicep, the other just kissing her knee. It would likely hurt a lot later, if she lived, but the injuries would not kill her immediately. She sucked in a breath, accepting her choices in that moment, strafed away from the ship's strut, and began to return fire in a more controlled fashion. She spotted two, both firing as they made a run for the Sun's ramp, which was whirring to life with hydraulic hisses and reaching for solid ground. "No," she repeated, this time much quieter and to herself.

When the pair seemed preoccupied with recovering their fallen, mutinous captain and bundling him onto the ship, Kolyri stepped out of cover completely, and resumed firing. "One," she counted, as one fell. She swung her arm toward the other, just as a horrible sensation began to prick her neck, rolling through her like a wave.



Location: Azurine Capitol City, Illyria, Royal Docking Yards
Equipment: Illyria Knight Armor, Knight Saberstaff, Miralukan Eye Mask
Time of day: Evening
Tags: | Kolyri Dace Kolyri Dace |

The planet of Illyria was…generally, a peaceful one, especially since her master, the King, took over ruling from the corrupt former leaders. Aside from some less savory groups that sought to upend the peace, they had enjoyed a time of peaceful time of growth and prominence. Especially in the capital city, where Knights, military officials, and even the King himself walked through the streets. To see violence there was…unusual, to say the very least. All of this to say that the moment hat Xobos heard the blaster fire from the hanger to her left, she was almost positive it would be offworlders.

Her assumption wasn’t off the target seemingly at all. Slipping into the hanger, it was obvious to see it was in quite a state of disarray. Staying in the shadows, Xobos watched and began to unravel just what might be going on here. From her perspective, whomever this woman was that was currently hiding behind the landing gear seemed to be the aggressor, having already shot one man and possibly killed another. What they might be fighting over, she couldn’t know. It didn’t make much sense.

Thankfully, it seemed as though it was tapering down quickly enough. The last remaining bodyguard was able to drag what she assumed to be the captain onto the ship and the ramp began to ascend as Xobos stepped from the shadows. Perhaps she could have stopped the ship from taking off, but without knowing all of the details, it seemed…irresponsible to say the very least. Instead, before her gaze focused on what she assumed to be the aggressor, the knight reached onto her belt and removed a tacking devise, tossing it up and onto the underside of the ship.

It was then her gaze, or what could be described as such while she had her eye mask on, focused on the woman hiding behind the beginning to ascend landing gear. She made her way forward, standing in between where the ramp had continued to close and the girl, hand reaching onto her belt to retrieve her saber. “I do not know who you are. But in the name of Knightship of Illyria, you will put down you weapons if you wish to live.” Her tone resonated with the blade igniting, coloring the ground and air behind Xobos with a blackish orange, that this would be the girl’s one warning. It was all on her decision plate at this point. There would be a time to explain later. Now? Now was the time to survive. If she so wished.

It felt like all of the fine, fair hairs on her body were standing on end. And it was only when she'd fallen into a strange state of murderous calm that she even realised Tek Bay'etu was shouting in her ear. She'd never known the Bothan to raise his voice quite so animatedly before. She wondered what his problem was; surely he'd known she'd want to kill Taren, kill them all?

<Kolyri Dace. STOP!>

Taren's remaining man was shooting back at her, a handful of Taren himself in one grip, the other less capable of aiming accurately, but the wild fire could just be as dangerous. She returned to the cover of the landing strut, skin of her back scraping against it through the thin, now bloodied, vest top she wore. With a thud and the unmistakable whirr of a mechanical process engaging, the ramp began retracting and the engines were lighting. There'd been someone inside, ready to rock the instant they were given the command.


She threw herself out of cover again, determined not to let them get away. They couldn't, not again. Not with her ship. At that moment in time, this hangar and those within it, were the sphere of her entire existence. Beyond that, she spared no thought. And appearing in that small world so suddenly, was what she believed could be the source of those wicked tingles in the back of her neck.

Under normal circumstances, she likely would have complied. At the very least, she'd have stopped, given the situation some consideration and then stood down in the face of a masked warrior holding a lightsaber. But these weren't normal circumstances, and all Kolyri knew was that this individual was standing between her and the thing she wanted most.

"That is my ship." She barely recognised her own voice. Her throat felt raw, her words strained, as though she'd been screaming for hours. Without sparing the interruption another glance, she moved forward and looked as though she had every intention of going around. She fired at the retreating backs of Taren and his saviour, once, twice more, but it was too late, they'd disappeared inside the safety of her Sun.

<Let it go... It's over, Kol... Whatever you do, don't->

She turned her blaster on the masked intruder. She seethed.



Location: Azurine Capitol City, Illyria, Royal Docking Yards
Equipment: Illyria Knight Armor, Knight Saberstaff, Miralukan Eye Mask
Time of day: Evening
Tags: | Kolyri Dace Kolyri Dace |

Admittedly, she hoped that the woman wouldn’t do anything stupid in this situation. She was already in trouble, more than she could probably even know. The very last thing she really needed to do was make a move toward Xobos, or do something to piss her off even more. She had already shown the girl mercy in not outright killing her for murdering someone on the royal grounds, but mercy such as that could be taken away very, very quickly. And this was all despite the fact that Xobos could feel as though there was something…interesting about the girl. Sensitive, perhaps, but definitely untrained. Potential.

Her merciful, benevolent mood was almost immediately dashed the moment those two red lasers zinged past her head, slamming into the ship as it continued to rise out of the hanger. The masked gaze of the Miraluka looked to where the shots had landed, then to the ship as a whole as it lifted up and away, rising just like her blood pressure began to rise in anger. Slowly, the knight turned back to see the girl now pointing the blaster at her.

Oh, now that was a mistake, one that earned the murderer a spin and point for her blade toward, Xobos’ voice growling out a low, “You threaten a knight of Illyria. You stand with blood on your hands. And now, you will be punished for your actions.” Any hint of mercy had left the lithe knight’s voice now, and as the final words slipped from her lips, she strode forward, blade being spun in a dangerous arc. She didn’t intend to kill the girl, oh no, that’d be much too easy, but the fear that she’d get from the knight now stalking her down would be quite delicious.

The first thing the knight did was close the hanger doors with a slam and a closing of her first through the force. Her target would not be running today. Xobos’ attention still laid upon the girl, now bringing a fist forward to yank the blaster from her hands and then send it flying against the nearest durosteel wall. Perhaps the murderer thought that’d be it? Her blaster being the thing destroyed. No…no xobos was truly only getting started.

The antagonist would then feel herself being flung toward the side by an invisible forward, straight toward the stack of crates she’d surely slam into. She’d continue to stalk over to the girl, looking much the part of a predator hunting their prey. Eventually she’d come to stand over Kol, lowering her blade point straight toward her chest. “Speak. Tell me why you should be allowed to live. Give me a reason not to enact the justice you deserve.” Was xobos about to slice across the woman? Possibly, but probably not. She’d just want to here what Kol might have to say.

Oh, crap.

<Was nice knowing you, Kol. Any last words for your next of kin?>

What's a next of kin?
Kolyri thought as she felt the palpable anger in the atmosphere and the terrifying focus that was rolling off the Miraluka. The realisation dawning might have been a slow process for the abandoned, idiot thief, but any doubt as to how much trouble she'd found herself in vanished as soon as the knight before her snatched her weapons from her hands. Without touching her.

Immediately she raised her arms and began moving backwards, her steps soundless beneath the roar of the Lucent Sun's engines as it began to depart. And then she took a shattering force to her entire person, and before her addled mind could catch up with what was happening around her, she'd already slammed into the stack of durasteel cargo crates. The sound she made wasn't one of pain, though she was in a lot of it, truthfully, but rather the noise one makes when every last breath is knocked from them, completely.

Kol tried to sit up, and didn't quite make it. Above her one of the crates began to teeter, and then toppled, crashing to the ground. She winced at the sound, which was suddenly all too audible. Her ship was gone, and her head was thumping. Her eyes were wide, betraying the growing fear within. She'd been so thoughtless with her life just moments ago when her target was in her sights, now that it had been removed and she had become the prey, her anger was tempering. But then the so-called Knight of Illyria spoke and the flame of defiance was stoked once again.

"I can assure you, Knight, the justice I deserve won't be found here," she informed her, her stare pinned on where she imagined this knight's eyes should be. She slipped into a proper, formal speech and turn of phrase, though it would be unclear as to whether this was a natural response or if she was mocking. "My justice was recovering that ship, which had been stolen from me by the man I was exacting some righteous vengeance upon."

<What is wrong with you!?>

Her head threatened to split open, and for a moment or two she forgot that Tek was a separate person, and not her derisive inner monologue. <Do you want to die? Apologise you stupid fedejik of a human.>

"Look," she began, trying to modulate the emotion in her voice, her fists clenching and opening from her spot on the ground, her eyes flickering from this person, to her blade. "I'm sorry for causing problems here, I swear that was not my intention. I just saw him, and... well..." She waved her right hand, fingers splayed, seemingly trying to reference all of the mess in the hangar. "Wanted to kill him?"

She swallowed, and then winced. She almost wished that the knight would get it over with.



Location: Azurine Capitol City, Illyria, Royal Docking Yards
Equipment: Illyria Knight Armor, Knight Saberstaff, Miralukan Eye Mask
Time of day: Evening
Tags: | Kolyri Dace Kolyri Dace |

The knight’s gaze bore downward toward the woman, at least, where her gaze would’ve been originating from had she had eyes. Instead, it was just a decorative mask starting down at where she had thrown the troublemaker, the orange and black of her blade reflecting off the purple jewels imbedded into the mask. Without eyes, it was harder to tell the outward emotions of the knight, had it not been the amused smirk that slowly began to grow on her lips as each unfavorable word spilled from the mouth at the end of her blade.

“not the smartest of criminals we’ve ever caught, is she?” Her smirk only grew a small bit at Amboragos teasing inside her mind, despite how she did agree with him. It was what the woman said last that truly held Xobos’ blade back for the final moments. Had she spit venom in the knight’s direction, she would’ve lost her life quicker than she could imagine what the nether would look like. But the apology is what saved her from the fate she deserved, at least for now.

Yet..that was not all that stalled her blade. The feeling that had drawn her here, the feeling of power buried deep within a being, it was familiar. She had seen in before in Wren, in Dani, and now, she was seeing it in the woman in front of her. Power, untapped and untrained, but there. The thief probably thought it was nothing more than instinct or a feeling that kept her alive, as many did, as she did a long time ago. Maybe there would be something…useful that Xobos could pull from the depths the power was buried.

Xobos began to silently kneel in front of the girl, not bothering to deactivate her saber as she did so. The silence between them only heightened the tension, as did her neverending gaze into the woman’s eyes. How would she act when faced with her own death. Would she cower into the fear? Or feed off it? How definitely she spoke at the beginning spoke to one way, but how her apology squeaked past her lips spoke to another.

The silence would be broken, eventually, by the knight deactivating her saber and clipping it back to her belt. “You act quite powerfully on your own instinct, don’t you? It lead you here, lead you to try and take your revenge.” It was less of a question by how she phased it and more of Xobos thinking aloud her thought. She began to stand, slowly, motioning for the woman to follow her. It was obvious that Kol wouldn’t be allowed to leave, but Xobos no longer looked like she would put a blade through her chest at the muttering of a wrong word.

“Who are you? What is your name, little one?”

Was the Knight... smirking at her? Well now, that wasn't exactly the reaction Kolyri might have expected. Then the woman began to move, to lower herself and kneel in front of her, blade still thrumming so closely. A sensation of true, tangible fear flickered within. The colour of the blade was intricate, it was warm and yet also, somehow, promised dark depths that Kol couldn't even begin to try and understand, and it lit up the space between them. There was something inside her that was responding to the Miralukan. She could not identify it or explain it, but she felt as though it was all she could do to keep this ball of crackling, prickly violence from bursting forth from her chest. She had no idea what was happening to her and her breath hitched as the other woman continued to hold her captive in her unsighted stare.

The only thing that moved in that hangar was her arms as she deactivated the saber and removed it from the playing field. When she spoke, everything else fell away. Kolyri's ship was momentarily forgotten, and the dead body not fifty meters away, none of it mattered, only those words. For a moment she thought that this Knight of Illyria, this strange creature that did not take kindly to how she conducted her personal business, could see into her. That she had access to what was hidden within. The not-question she posed plucked at some unseen strings in her mind, playing a tune she recognised. How? Coincidence, surely. An observant guess.

"It leads me into a lot of things," she admitted then of her instinct, her response slow, measured, cheeks reddening with exertion or embarrassment - she was unsure in that moment what was wrong with her. She obeyed the motion and began to raise herself; a mite more unsteadily than Xobos had. Her hands reached out, grasping at the cold cargo crates as she pulled herself upright. Her shoulders were still hunched and she still looked as though she knew she might need to run at any moment, even though the threat of being sliced open like Lothalian swine had been stalled. Smart credits were on the simple fact that the Knight herself was the threat, and that she didn't need a fancy orange laser-sword to kill her where she stood. "Sometimes I react, and it's hard to stop, even though I know it's ill-advised. I can see the trouble I'm getting myself into before I meet the trouble itself."

Kolyri didn't think she'd said anything like that aloud, ever, in her entire life. She wasn't even sure if it made any sense, but nothing about this evening was making much sense. She straightened and tried to brush off some of the dust and filth she'd picked up during her brief adventure, but gave up when she realised it was an exercise in futility. Her expression was still a mess of frowns and down-turned lips when the Knight asked for her name.

Kol was small, slight; one might be forgiven for thinking that a stiff breeze would be able to knock her over. But little one was not something she was used to being called. In fact, she'd stabbed the last person to call her that in the neck. She decided then and there that stabbing this one in the neck was probably a bad idea. "Kolyri Dace."

She stared at her, lines between her brows deepening. "Who are you?"

What are you?



Location: Azurine Capitol City, Illyria, Royal Docking Yards
Equipment: Illyria Knight Armor, Knight Saberstaff, Miralukan Eye Mask
Time of day: Evening
Tags: | Kolyri Dace Kolyri Dace |

"Who are you?"

Oh, oh little one. Kol would not want the baggage that came with an answer such as that one. She would not to know all of the horrible, terrible things that went on within her mind every single day should she let her guards slip. To learn of such things might drive one mad, as it almost had done to her, before Adron had found her on that cursed jungle moon. One day she might give Kol all of the answers to her question, but for now, it was probably best to temper any sort of delving into the cursed Miraluka’s mind.

“Yakieer.” A pause, her gaze shifting from where the woman stood to the hanger doors, which she opened back up with a swipe of her hand. “Knight Yakieer. Mistress of Shadowcats, Sieur of the providence of Garde Noire.” Slowly, her gaze retuned to Kol. It bore into her, practically into her soul once again. She sensed the confusion starting to build in the girl, not that it was to be unexpected, though she was much more interested in what she’d make of what Xobos said next. “And now, someone you are deeply indebted to.”

Nothing more came from the knight after that. She wanted Kol to feel as though she needed to ponder exactly what was said, think on it, muse on it, then begin to become emotional on it. It would then become the start of a journey that would hopefully have her drawing on those emotions to uncover the power buried deep within her. At least…that’s Adron had told her it worked. She wasn’t exactly versed in teaching, so there was a slight tinge of doubt hinting at her mind that she wasn’t doing it correctly.

The moment passed, and the knight started toward the hanger doors. Her hand flicked over her shoulder, motioning forward toward the exit. “Come along now. If you wish to eventually have your ship back, I doubt that not coming with me, therefore finding yourself thrown in an Illyrian dungeon would be very conducive to your planning, little apprentice.” Xobos continued her walk, not necessarily looking back to make sure Kol was following. She knew the tug of war that would be appearing at the center of her being, the same one that Xobos had had to face all those years ago. And if her mind worked as Xobos predicted, it wouldn’t be very hard to figure out exactly which side of the rope would win out.

Her walk led her right back to her personal hanger, where Sabatora closely guarded the ramp up to her shuttle. Xobos let her fingers trail over the scaley back of the creature, soothing her at what she assumed to be Kol walking closely behind her. The great maalraas would regard the new arrival with contempt, but wouldn’t make any sort of aggressive mood toward her, at least not yet. She wasn’t the only one to notice the new arrival either, as Hin tuned from the pilot seat to see what had happened, then looked up to xobos with a light smirk. “New guest, Xobos?”

Xobos turned, regarding Kol with a light smirk as she responded to the inquiry of her pilot. “Guest…no. I don’t think she’d describe herself as such…”


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