Daughter of Fen

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- Intent: To create a new breed of hunter that Miri Farms can breed and sell
- Name: Golka
- Dev Threads:
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/25225-who-is-hunting-whom-siobhan/ - capture of vornskr - http://starwarsrp.net/topic/35454-hunting-blackstalkers/ - capture of blackstalkers
- http://starwarsrp.net/topic/44950-to-what-end/ - Procurement of Taozin
- http://starwarsrp.net/topic/48481-mareyce/?p=723921 - Creation of the First Generation.
[*]Designation: Semi-sentient
[*]Homeworld: Drommund Kaas
[*]Language: N/A
[*]Average height of adults: 1.5m at the shoulder. 3m from nose to tail.
[*]Skin color: Various hues of red
[*]Hair color: N/A
[*]Breathes: Type 1 only
Determined to create a creature that could support her in the hunt for sith, Mia looked to the Yuzhaan Vong and they’re voxyn. A combination of a Vornskr and fero xyn the Vong made a fatal mistake with the original beasts. All of them were clones of one successful creature. Unwilling to allow such a weakness to exist in her own, Mia set out on her own path, once again using the Vornskr as a basis for the creature she enlisted the help of [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] to capture a large group of the beasts on Mrkyr. It was here, the breeding programme began.
As war began to stir again, she reached out to the Beast Hunter Guild to collect Blackstalkers for her, unable to dedicate the time herself to do so. These hounds were brought in to breed with the already captured voxyn. The key genetic ability Mia was looking to gain from the blackstalkers was their basic photokinetic cloaking abilities. While rudimental and easily overcome by thermal imaging, it was still an advantage to the voxyn. The breeding programme took several months before any suitable offspring were produced to take the project to the next level.
Shortly after, Mia died at the battle of Coruscant. Despite the unrest that stirred in the mandalorians in the events that followed, executives at Miri Farms continued her project. Her return in a new form, unsettled these executives, but her intense knowledge of the project and many others within Miri Farms meant she had little contest. She set out with a team to Jungle moon of Va’art and set on a hunt for ten days to track down and kill a taozin, losing three from her team in the process and almost dying herself.
From here, it was a simple matter of putting the pieces together. Untrusting of her brothers and what they might think she shipped everything she required to her laboratory in the Tion Trade Nexus. Here she would be less scrutinized, feel less guilt and above all, be free to behave as she saw fit. And that was to use the knowledge she'd been given. Equipped with Velok's knowledge of alchemy, Mia set to complete the hardest part of her project, genetic modification through alchemy.
Nearly two months work on the thirty selected hybrids saw the creation of the first generation of Golka, each one bound to Mia, unable to breed due to no natural bond existing between retrospective partners. This, however, to Mia, was a small hurdle. Artificial insemination allowed for a second generation to be born, un-bound, these creatures were to be moved back to Dromund Kaas where they would enter new breeding programmes and begin a new line of hunting dogs.
- Strengths
Plating on the golka’s head and back are made from taozin armour and as such lightsaber resistant. Such a defense is necessary as the likely opponents for a golka are force users, due to their bonding with force users. - Capable of photokinetic cloaking. This is light bending only and will not protect it from thermal sensors, nor does it deal with the issue of smell or and sound the golka may make on its approach.
- Adapts and learns from each hunt
- Taozin armor plates distort their presence in the force, but do not completely conceal it.
- Unpredictable - a master, unless force bonded with the beast has no true control over it.
- Its a pack animal and as such needs to be in a pack to hunt effectively, alone it is easily defeated.
- In the presence of a ysalamir, the golka is driven insane and will go to any lengths to kill the creature. This includes killing a bonded partner.
- A bond is so strong that when a bonded partner is killed, the golka will simply lie with the dead and wait for its own death to come.
- Golka can only bond with one person/golka.
- Underbelly is exposed and unprotected by armour.
- Small joints in the armour around the base of the tail and shoulders are also points of weakness.
- Due to the taozin scales bonding with a golka can take a great deal of time. The time will vary due to different factors i.e. the masters experience in creating bonds, the golka’s natural highly strung attitude and willingness etc. To form a bond, the golka and handler must be alone and in relative quiet. You are not going to be able to bond with a golka with a war happening on your doorstep, too much noise and distraction will make it harder and take longer to complete.
- Bonding with a pup can take between 12 and 24 hours. An adult on the other hand, will take much longer due to it being more developed and experienced. Bonding with an adult can take up to a week.
The golka is more of a support than a direct combatant. A single golka will support its master, normally by blindsiding their [SIZE=15.1999998092651px]opponent.[/SIZE] More than one golka can be used to hunt and take down [SIZE=15.1999998092651px]opponents[/SIZE] as a group using simple techniques such as flanking and stalking, generally trying to use the [SIZE=15.1999998092651px]element[/SIZE] of surprise to gain the upperhand. It supports [SIZE=15.1999998092651px]a powerful[/SIZE] jaw which can lock once it has a secured onto a target. Its claws are supported by powerful muscles allowing them to deliver a deadly strike and they are also able to use their large tails as blunt weapons.
In terms of defenses, the golka relies heavily on its taozin armour for protection against lightsabers and blasters, a glancing blow would do little damage, but a concentrated attack, such as [SIZE=15.1999998092651px]repeated[/SIZE] fire or strikes in the same spot would eventually cut through the armour eventually, as such, keeping on the move in a fight is important. High caliber weapons, such as bolters and shattergun rounds fired at close range would penetrate the armour with ease, from a distance however, the impact would only damage the armour and not the flesh beneath. The armour only covers the Golka's upper body, leaving its stomach and lower legs vulnerable to any attack. This is a fact that the golka is well aware so it is highly unlikely to expose its underbelly in a fight.Other vulnerable area's include joints of the armour around the shoulders and base of the tail.
Sith Poison
In the unlikely event that a golka is [SIZE=15.1999998092651px]administered [/SIZE]with sith poison, the eventual reaction would be death. Though there have been no tests to prove this, it is theorised that combining it with sith poison will essentially send the creature into overdrive. It is likely to go into a rage in which it will feel no pain and rampage, killing anything in its path regardless of bond before cardiac arrest strikes it down. Already a creature created from dark force powers, combining it with such a thing is ill advised.
- Distinctions: Red hues and spines along its back.
- Average Lifespan: 17 years
- Races: N/A
- Diet: Carnivorous - can eat any meat and will ingest the occasional plant to aid digestion, nothing in particular is poisonous to them.
- Communication: The golka communicates with its bonded partner, be it another golka or a sentient, via the bond. The stronger the partner is in the force, the more complex the level of communication can be. To those it is not bonded with, communication is done through body language similar to that of a wolf. It is rare for a Golka to make any noise, though at the height of a hunt, the alpha will howl to encourage the pack.
- Culture: Golka’s normally travel in mating pairs, though some packs can be up to 8 in size as they will nurture their young until they have reached at least a year old. They are only tolerant of other pairs in their territory when food is scarce and will work in groups to hunt.
- Technology level: N/A
- General behavior: Highly aggressive, the golka were made to be hunting and fighting dogs. They are grumpy and get restless easily and if kept grouped together in confined space will fight. They are also highly intelligent making them cunning, resourceful and able to work as a group. With their bonded partner their behaviour is entirely different, they are gentle, loving and will defend their partner to the death. They are fiercely defensive of their young. Golka will also display gentle qualities when dealing with young and their bonded partner.