Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The underbelly is a significant weakness, one that decently balances things. I would like to see the joints added in. Granted its a lot harder to get to a joint with a beast like this, but still something to be added that would help get things in line.

[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia Monroe said:
Taozin armor plates distort their presence in the force, but do not completely conceal it
Is this genetically modified into them? Or is this actual armor that you are placing upon them?

Could you please add the joint weakness, under the weakness listing?

[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

You've already got so many other processes involved that it starts to become physiologically impossible to combine that many unlike creatures and processes together to create one functioning being. You've got two mammals, then essentially a worm getting thrown together. The biology just doesn't mesh. That said, the Blackstalker and the Vornskr together are fine. That makes perfect sense. The addition of the Taozin into this, doesn't really fit into that picture.

That isn't to say there aren't ways of getting that armor like you want it.

The armor on these, would work best if it was altered through alchemy and then attached to the creature though some biological mechanism. Lightside or darkside alchemy could get you that. There are even a couple people doing NFU alchemy. I'm told you do have Velok's alchemy knowledge so, you could do it that way too, pulling from your own knowledge to achieve the results that you'd like.

It'd be better to have true armor more or less through those means than to further alter an already extremely complex being's genes to this degree. Just too many unlike creatures and processes being joined together in one. This will require a factory submission, and no doubt a dev thread on that side. It's possible you may be able to use the dev thread you already have to do so and it would be a quick submission.
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Without wanting to cause upset, we are now at post #26 of this species submission. I'm getting the impression that you haven't actually read the submission in detail. You're continually asking me for different edits in each post instead of giving me everything you want changed in one lump. Feels very much like you are stalling or trying to find reasons to deny it without actually denying it.

I've obviously not made myself clear in terms of how this creature was made (though i was pretty sure i had) but the final stages are through alchemy, which i have put in the history. What else do you want from me, because this is getting ridiculous.
I'm not here to argue with you. This is an open discussion. If you truly believe I'm hindering you, then that needs to be addressed through pms, with the judge in question or with the Codex admin.

I actually really like the submission and want to pass it. However balance must be there. And the more I read it, the more things I see that need to be altered. Mind you that's quite a few times at this point. In addition I have conferred several times on this submission with other judges, which changes what I ask of you. And considering that I have to re-familiarize myself with this every time that it gets pulled from archive every couple of weeks, yes I miss things. Everyone does. I am after all human.

Now, as I said The Taozin armor will have to go through factory. Something I discussed with Valiens. Because of the way it's modified, through alchemy and really can't be stacked on top of this in the manner that you have done so.... It needs to go through factory, and be treated like actual armor. Do it as organic armor, or what not. That will be fine. And you don't have a dev thread dedicated specifically to just the taozin armor and alchemy. Now, this is last thing I really have issue with in this submission.

[member="Mia Monroe"]
Wasn't trying to argue, just expressing my impatience. Granted it has had to be archived twice because of my absences, but i've never known a submission hit this many posts. I'm going to need a couple of days to re-asses this and work out what I want to do, but at this point, i'll be honest and say i've lost the drive for it. I'll update you tomorrow.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Mia Monroe said:
Without wanting to cause upset, we are now at post #26 of this species submission. I'm getting the impression that you haven't actually read the submission in detail. You're continually asking me for different edits in each post instead of giving me everything you want changed in one lump. Feels very much like you are stalling or trying to find reasons to deny it without actually denying it.
To be honest, Coryth has been nothing but patient here. Me, had I received this kind of snark, would have denied this submission. Your insinuation that my judge is either not doing her job or deliberately hindering progress is absurd.
I was indeed about to deny this for the argument and lack of cooperation but Coryth persuaded me to keep working with you here.

We want this submission to pass, we want all submissions to pass, but it has to be on the Judge's terms. If you want this to pass you will work with Coryth, what she is doing is for the benefit of all writers.

If you would rather second chance this so it can be assigned to a new Judge tell me as much.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Thank you both for your input.

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]I understand that my snark, wasn't appreciated. We've both been equally patient so I apologise for any ruffled feathers. I have the utmost respect for both Factory and Codex judges, been in your shoes once, wouldn't want to do it again. That being said, I still stand by my view that two pages of edit requests is ridiculous. I would have preferred that this was denied on the grounds that more development was needed, and for those areas to be outlined, which they now have been.[/SIZE]

As you feel that another factory submission is necessary to complete this one, please can you archive this (again) until I have reworked what I have. Creating a submission for the armour means I might as well not include it in this submission and simply have the two components separate which defeats the whole point of this in my opinion, but as you say, this is on the judges terms. Draw your hoops so I can jump through them for the sake of creating an elaborate hunting dog.

So, archive it, deny it. Whatever. I'll second chance this when I am ready to tackle the issues that have been raised. This is not because I want a new judge. This is because at this point in time, I really can't be karked. Which is sad, because I was extremely excited about this when it started coming together, but hey ho. This is life. I'll work on it again, at my own pace and resubmit.

Thank you.
I will say this much, because I went back and counted. 10 of the posts here are status checks, and archival/retrieval posts. 16 posts, for edits in a species isn't that abnormal. Nevermind that 7 posts happened before I even picked up the submission. Species subs take longer, and it does take a bit of back and forth to make sure they are balanced. 10-16 posts for edits, is the norm, not the exception. Please keep that in mind next time.

At your request, this is being archived.

[member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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