Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Glitterstim Veil


Dee'ja Peak

The Clone Wars Memorial Hall was alive with activity by the time Baros arrived with his entourage. Greta was at his side, looking resplendent as ever, and his local store manager was to her side. The party was already going with the fashion show taking place midst the mingling. Baros preferred the clientele to get up close and personal with the garments, talk with the models and be convinced to purchase there and then. These events were expensive, and they needed to pay for themselves.

The music was deafening and it took Baros a moment to adjust. He had grown accustomed to the serene life at Evenfall, fatherhood was making him soft. Still, it had been some time since he had been at an event, and already he had begun to make a stir with his entrance. The business had done more than fine in Atara Themis and Greto Keo's care, he did not need to return for their sake. No, this was for his sake. He needed the networking that Glitterstim provided - for this other private endeavor.

Already he had a couple of Nabooian socialites headed his way. He would insure the conversation was cordial, polite and efficient. Greta and the store manager peeled off from his side to take other portions of the room, and indeed Greta had already sited her first targets. She had become a ruthless salesperson, charm with a bite to our bank account.

Contained within the throng of business people, media personalities and socialites, was a very different form of customer. Baros had begun to make some connections via the encrypted, seedier dark-holonet, connections that shared his sentiments. If opportunity afforded them to meet there were offices out the back that would provide privacy. To say that Baros' heart was racing was an understatement. This event was the first of many he hoped on his journey to build a ground swell of support for The New Way. If he was discovered, there would be hell to pay on every front. This risk was worth it though, for his family, for the future and for all sentient non-Force Using person in the galaxy. The New Way would change everything.

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Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wearing : This
Tagging: Open
Posts: 1

Marina were not one to entertain fashion shows. She did indeed love new fashion styles and appreciate the designer's visions, but she rarely invested in new fashion really. As a matter of fact, the very same gown she showed up in were two generations old. It were one of her grandmother's Gala gown, which had been commissioned specifically for the Duchess. Her grandmother Duchess Grace had passed three years earlier, leaving her granddaughter much of her ornate designs. Then again, Marina had always loved to wear her grandmother's gowns as they shared the same physique at the same age. As thus, marina rarely found herself desiring any other new fashion lines.

Incidentally, Marina wasn't here to show off classical designs, nor attend as a model or fashion designer, no.
She were here due to the possibility that a nemesis by the name of Veronika Fleisher whom were more commonly known as head of Chrisyakova Fashion, would by chance be attending this fashion show.

But how and why did this Miss-good-shoes acquire a nemesis?
Short story to an otherwise complex answer, by which the possibility of loosing the reader were imminent; Veronika Fleischer were the horrid wicked twin sister of her bestie Mariya Fleischer Mariya Fleischer .
Veronika (the evil twin) had once kidnapped and held hostage another friend..etc..etc...

Anywho, Marina were not really seeking this Veronika, but searching for her long missing bestie Mariya. Somehow or other this Veronika whom headed Chrisyakova Fashion either knew the whereabouts of her sister Mariya, or had kidnapped her. It were known to Marina that this evil Veronika, honest to God, HATED her sister Mariya, and had indicated so many times that she would do harm to Mariya.

As thus, Marina were on a witch hunt, as Veronika was certainly an evil witch..a horrid one, this writer must repeat, so there would be no mistake in differentiating between one sister and the other.
Now one must know that Marina was by nature a true pacifist. Even if she were to meet and confront this evil of evil witches, that there would be little more that she could do but plead with this witch to give up as to where her bestie was being held at. Of course Marina had no real evidence that her bestie had been kidnapped, nor had met foul play at the hands of Veronika, but somehow or other this witch did know something....

Current story...

Marina had come planet side just a day prior in her ship the Mariner IV. Her preliminary snooping had come up dry as far as finding out if Chrisyakova Fashion would be represented here. But aside the fact that the company had not been listed, it only meant that perhaps Chrisyakova would show up as a surprise designer. This of course had occurred several times before, with Marina not checking out the venue because of that.
So now whether or not Chisyakova Fashion were listed or not, Marina was here. She weren't leaving it up to chance.

Marina entered with a VIP pass, as she were using her family ties to the Royal House of organa on Alderaan. Now of course she weren't winging it as marina herself were the daughter of one of Alderaan's High Court Dukes. Besides, Marina was Queen Faith Organa Faith Organa 's intern. As thus, Marina's credentials were all valid and she were able to move about among the VIPs...searching...ever searching for that evil witch Veronika and the whereabouts of her bestie Mariya.
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Wearing: Black suede custom suit/Dark blue tie

Tag: Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren Sable Mur Sable Mur Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren Claire Organa Claire Organa Bella Bella

Walking down the marble floored hallway, suede black shoes and in a tailored suit, Mr.Lonek continued onward with one thought in mind. Correction. He was so driven by his own convictions he very well could have been his own judge, jury and executioner. As he lifts his left finger casually to his right ear he gently presses on his lobe. A small electrical noise emits from his lined suit jacket as a darkened hololens forms over his eyes in the form of black shades. His demeanor was calm.With no expression revealed from his face you might be led to believe he was antisocial..That was long ago. Now, hearing about the Glitterstim event, Lonek knew he had to be present. These events thrilled him for several reasons. You meet and see persons of Nobility. Heck, maybe even pretend to care what an individual's thought on gravitational asteroid control is an interesting conversation, Or for the sake of just listening and taking careful observation. Knowing his reputation was beginning to precede him, Lonek knew there was bound to be someone..somewhere that would share a common vision.

As he adjusts his dark blue suede tie he looks down slightly to his left wrist that holds his auto-holocron. “Cera...Move my evening appointment with General Dovuu up a week. Same time.” He uttered lowly but loud enough to be noticed as he continued walking with a purpose. The face of a female A.I. android appears nodding in agreement to her makers command while winking..a common gesture programmed into her mainframe processing unit. The holocron image disappeared as he approached the gathering, using his thumb to rub off any smudge on his name plate that was attached in front of his suit jacket. He clears his throat before letting off a slight grin noticing he was indeed in the right place at the right time.
Greta Keo found various methods of walking in the Glittersim garments she wore to be its on special sort of entertainment. Tonight she had to take small, gracious and cautious steps, but she managed it with aplomb, never coming off like she was shuffling nor overstretching into a waddle. It seemed almost like she was gliding across the floor.

She approached a rather daper gentleman, wealthy by the looks, but really everyone here was wealthy or connected to wealth. "Greetings and welcome to our event. My name is Greto Keo, Chief Operations Officer of Glitterstim," she said with a small curtsey that did not give much room for thinking she was submitting, "all garments worn by Glitterstim staff are for sale, including the item I am wearing myself. Please tell me if there is something you see that appeals. Perhaps for a special someone...or for yourself, you will find no judgement here."

Interacting with: Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek


Aside from the catering and Glitterstim staff, Baros saw only a few people that he did not know. While some that he did know could be contacts for The New Way, it was more likely that it would be someone new. It was with this in mind that he approached an attractive blonde woman who was completely new to him.

"Good evening," Baros said, champagne flute in hand. He was yet to drink from it.

"Can I offer you a drink?" He said, glass stretching out, "I am Baros Sal-Soren. Proprietor of all...this." He gestured around to the event in general.

A waitress was walking by, and with a wave of his hand, she stopped and he pulled out a second flute, just in case she thought he was offering his cast offs.

"And you are?"

Interacting with: Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wearing : This
Tagging: Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren and OPEN
Posts: 2

There were no registry per say . Marina hadn't thought there would be as it were an open event, welcoming new and established fashion designers and their new line. There were certainly many unique designs and she recognized a few. It were true that Marina rarely wore or displayed any name designer, she still nevertheless marveled at the new styles.
As thus, in her current endeavor in hopefully crossing paths with that so called doppelganger witch sister of her bestie Mariya, Marina took to traverse the promenade... looking over as to what the fashion models were displaying. Many no doubt were almost an identical size and fit for her own physique. marina had in the past events been mistaken for a model, but her grace, and motion were natural born. She were after all a Duchess to be day.

Admiring a sequence design which incorporated what she recognized as genuine Nabooian Mother of Pearl, she were greeted by a young gentleman.
"Yes, it certainly appears to be." She turned, eyes beelined into his orbs. "And a good evening to you, sir." she smiled back. It were her smile, nothing faux or needing exaggeration. Marina were friendly by nature to everyone really...with the exception of sith.

The gentleman's initial mannerism and display of courtesy had her guessing he were part of the entourage of moderators whom were under the host's protocol-

"Oh..." she were taken back a breath as she had not expected it to be Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren himself whom had presented his self.
"...thank you..." She replied, eyes momentarily taking in his features, accepting his offered flute. She had never met the man before but had certainly come across it. She was at his event, no?

It were of champagne.... her olfactory tingled at the fresh bubbly.
"Marina... Marina DeVoe." She replied, omitting her origin for the moment. After all, Mr Sal-Soren hadn't stated as to his own origin...yet. Of course this fashion event were taking place on Naboo, but others had in the past chosen to have it on Naboo, for it were such a beautiful world. Admittedly...much more than her beloved Alderaan. Then again, Marina were from the Aeiden providence of Norther Alderaan...mountainous regions. Her lakes and rivers there were not so warm and welcoming.

It weren't any game she were playing, in not fully confessing her entire family tree and bible. No, she rarely ever had to compromise her ethics to do so. It were of a learned response. She had learned and adapted to it at the school of hard knocks...her experiences out in the wild. The wild of course were systems outside of Alderaan, to Marina. Off-worlders were often not all whom they presented themselves out to be. As thus, giving more than received had rarely proved fruitful, in her experiences. Still, in no way were she standoffish. She were after all on her own here and seeking one hell of a dangerous witch.

Taking hold of the flute, she held it close to her with both hands.
"Seems I have arrived on this beautiful world quite ahead of most other fashionistas..." No doubt perhaps as to why maybe the host of such an elaborate gala had personally approached her. Marina were not high profile. On the contrary, her involvement in all of the campaigns she had been part of, she had never expected any reward or recognition. Even her many trials over the fate of Commenor, she kept low key when it came to recognition. Her friend Cessy, whom the galaxy only knew as Lady Kay knew all of what she had done for Commenor. It were this low key aspect of not being in the limelight was what enabled Marina to operate as she did. A humanitarian, providing medical aid, relief and evacuating refugees from sith stricken worlds and not having a bounty shadow her.

"..which brings me to ask...hope you don't take offense to it, as none is intended... do you greet all your guests with such charisma?" She chuckled. Ok yes, this time were one of those times she decided to play.

"...not complaining mind you, Mr Soren."
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She had stopped designing clothing and went off to discover who she was. It was frightening and exhilarating for certain to learn about herself and what she was capable of truly doing. But a girl has to eat and the one thing she knew was design. So when the news went out about a fashion show she was all over it working for weeks on four new outfits and finding models.

Now was the time, and this was the place. Sink or swim. This or back into the family business.

She stood with the models, statuesque elegant for evening wear, average height outdoorsy for casual, and then the severe pulled back hair exposing high cheekbones, and deep gray eyes for business wear. The models were perfect. A touch of color here, a long sleek line there, and the perfect make-up. They models smiled, a good sign. When a model felt comfortable she presented herself in the most positive light which also brought attention to the clothes.

Fabrics like shimmer silk, spider silk, dream silk, and the new uses for iron weave. Some very costly others affordable for those that had the taste like Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan the best was good but everything for her was about design and how to to make her feel comfortable.

This new collection would reintroduce Claire and Contessa back into the galaxy. It would bring back the long sleek lines of evening wear, and business like suits for daytime, and then the new casual wear. Claire loved evening wear but it was truly the casual wear that had brought in the customers.

Now she gave the models words of encouragement, and sent them out into the crowds.

She needed a short drink to settle her nerves and courage to mingle. She went off to find a roaming tray of glasses.

Tags: Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe | Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren | Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek
Seeing the gathering crowd and casual conversations, Lonek scanned the room quickly and sets eyes on Claire Organa Claire Organa observing her mannerisms. He raises his brow ever so slightly towards her direction half way across the room. Immediately the first thought entering his psyche was one of gravity. A desire to converse with the right patrons..Out of Interest? Definitely. To find out more about Glitterstim as a whole. Passing by a woman carrying a tray of champagne in flutes, five to be exact...Taking a hold of two would be a great conversation opener. Smiling quickly as if his face was running through pre meditated emotional reactions, he takes two of the flutes off the tray and continues on approaching the woman. Sliding slightly to her left hand side he gently presents the champaigne before her while uttering the words lowly over her left shoulder.."I think you may need this. I find it takes the edge off the impending pressures of life." He nods leaving room for a response while scanning the faces of others.

Tag: Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren OPEN
It was crowded out here which was good. For a few moments she watched to see if any eyes followed the models. There were some but not as many as she would have liked. She couldn't help but feel those familiar nerves jumping around inside twisting her stomach. She couldn't control acceptance she had to remember that.

But a drink..would be so nice right now.

Just as she had thought of the drink by some miracle one was presented to her. "Yes I was just thinking almost that very thought" A welcoming grin came forth it would." She smiled, "Were you reading my mind?" She asked playfully. She looked at his face did she know him, no, he did not have familiar face.

Interacting with: Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek
In the same rooms as Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe | Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
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Having been completely ignored by Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek , Greta went back to her regular duties and left the welcoming to the welcomers. She would be sure to pass on to Baros about the slight that was shown to her though. Perhaps it would dissaue him from doing business with him. Well, to be fair, Greta had as much say over Glitterstim as Baros these days.

Baros noted the name. Marina DeVoe. He was not familiar with it, but he would be sure to remember face and name from this moment on. She was certainly attractive. Fit right in on Naboo, with its oddly fortunate gene pool. "Ah, I simply practice a principle of charm the charming," Baros said with a twinkle in his eye, as he sipped a little more of the beverage in his hand.

A waitress wandered by and Baros waved a few fingers of one had to get her attention. "Malda. So good to see you," he said with a courtesous but professional smile and then turned back to Marina, "now...this gown that Madla is wearing would be perfect for you, Miss DeVoe."

Sipping his drink again, he drunk in Marina's reaction. This would show a lot about her station in life.

Interacting with: Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wearing : This
Tagging: Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
Posts: 3

He got her to show him her pearly whites. Not many men could make her smile in that manner. It were his words to an otherwise modest woman perhaps...

The gown were breathtaking to say the least. In fact it seemed one after another , model to model each had been extraordinarily and meticulously designed and crafted.
The one in particular that Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren had called forth, model and dress were more a work of ar... a sculpture, more than a fashion.
Marina's reaction were clear...her breath had been taken back a moment.

"Hmm..." She tried to hide her true reaction of it, lest she drool right there in front of the designer.
But it were as elegant as any that her mother and grandmother had among their wardrobe... and more.
"...well it would be an understatement to say it would be fit for a princess... or queen even." Marina was somehow thinning of a goddess. She could envision a sultry goddess in that royal gown. Hell, it had taken her breath away and that was a model wearing it.

Marina took a step back, giving the design a real thorough consideration. The man had said it would be perfect for her.
"I'd say a woman would be seen as something more in this one. " She gave the model a slight curtsey of her head. It were one of respect and recognition to the model for bringing this creation to life as the designer had envisioned.

"Personally speaking and to be honest with you, I think such a gown would be out of my league" She then spoke with all sincerity. It were her modesty, as the gown dictated a higher level of sophistication on her part. And she were not up to it.
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"Perhaps..Or we can chalk it up to the body language..It speaks louder than the mind in some cases..But..I don't mean to be too forward..Sometimes you know a man or woman by their look on their..." he motions with his left index finger circling around his facial structure. "Face...Lonek..Andrew Lonek...Mind enthusiast..Owner of Lonek Tech or L.T.I...And you my dear?" He asks while looking now at the crowd that mingled about..He never saw himself as one that fit in..But then again..standing out has always been his forte. As he rambled on about himself his mind drifted at the same time to the past. Past events similar to this one..Some good..some bad..Like the one that ended in several civilian deaths due to a personal grudge...Yes, things like that.

Interacting with: Claire Organa Claire Organa OPEN

Tag: Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
Interacting with Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek
Tags: Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren | Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

What he said was true body language spoke volumes to someone observant. She noticed how his eyes darted about the room, watching for someone? Looking for a particular designer? Her time as Ambassador taught her that, had she had forgotten how to traverse these affairs. It had to be like riding thranta don't fly high until you're certain, stay low until you have the reigns tight in your hand.

She smiled,
"You are quite right Mr. Lonek, I'm Claire Organa. Pleasure to meet you and thank you for the drink, I did need it. Is LTI a design firm, or something else?" For a moment she thought to give her mothers name of Treadway instead she had given the family name of Organa. Why she didn't now it had been sometime since she felt a need to hide her relationship so it just rolled out without thought.

She drew the glass to her lips taking a sip enjoying the taste of the champagne the bubbles lightly fizzing against her tongue. It was good she would have to find the man Baros Sal-Soren who put this together. She felt like she knew his name.
"If it were a design firm. I'd be betraying my principles by being here..Although..With the beautiful décor and all that Glitterstim has to offer, that may not be such a bad idea." He responded with a sprinkle of a flirtatious tone, followed by a snuggled grin showing himself comfortable. "LTI...Lonek Tech Industries. Modified weapons and armor design...For..let's say those so inclined to take and protect their own....but enough of that..I'm sure you didn't come here hear me ramble about myself...Ahh..the man that runs the show...Mr. Sal-Soren, correct? Anyone seen him?" He asks while observing her outfit.

Something about the way she carried herself was truly intriguing. And as he finished his sentence, sipping on the champagne, glancing over the room once more as if he was slightly paranoid or over eager, his eyes caught a glimpse of Greta walking about. Even she shined amongst the gathering crowd.

Tag: Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren Claire Organa Claire Organa Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren OPEN :)
Oh...for a moment Claire had to regain her thoughts, he did say Glitterstim. OH my she took another sip of her drink. She had heard about events being used to traffic glitterstim, spice, and other black market items. It was just her luck, she couldn't help but laugh. Here it was her reintroduction to the fashion world and why wouldn't it be under these circumstances. Well she would make the best of it.

"Um." composure get it back she reminded herself. That small little exhale to bring herself back to center. She nodded, "Armor...interesting I use spider shell silk to weave into fabrics to create a type of armor, very low level of course, but depending on the tightness of the weave it can prevent stabbing and deflect a blaster bolt.

She looked around again, finally able to present herself once more as composed and engaged. "I have not seen him this evening. I was hoping to speak with him. But perhaps" she couldn't help it a small little sigh escaped her lips. "It wasn't meant to be yet, but then the night is young."

She laughed softly, "I don't mind listening. I love meeting people and learning about them. It's safe to say you're not from this part of the galaxy? Is that right?"

Another designer...not clothes but still a designer.

Interacting with Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek
Tags: Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren | Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wearing : This
Tagging: Open
Posts: 4

With the fascination of a most exquisite gown before her, Marina's attention were suddenly drawn to a name. A name her ears picked up amongst the babble of participants and guests.
Had she heard right?

"Uhm... if you will excuse me for the moment..." Of course, she would have to properly recede from the kind gentleman, the main host of the event. "...Mr Soren. I believe I spotted..." Her eyes wavered from Baros as she searched for the source.
It had come near front of her to the left. All she could spot were a few gentlemen, two young models busy striking their rehearsed poses and one proper young lady in conversation with another gentleman.

"...someone's here..." her eyes profiled the woman...the only potential source of the name she heard. And the woman's tone, her voice were that of the name her ears had picked up.
"...that I should.........perhaps....." How could it be?
Were it possible that she didn't know all of the Royals in the family tree?

Perhaps she may have heard wrong...quite a possibility.... maybe?
Unlikely. Marina knew better. Her hearing never failed her before.
First time for everything?
Contemplating all this, the young woman, Marina's attention seemed to be drifting. Drifting from the conversation she were having with Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren to that of the woman and the charismatic gentleman speaking with her. "...know." She finished before turning to Baros again.

"My apologies. It's quite rude of me to drift like that.
But I do favor to be excused. The dress is far above anything I would have expected to find here, Mr Soren. But I will certainly be struggling with passing it by." She gave him her pearly whites and a respectful nod before departing his company.

Her eyes were glued on the woman and her current gentleman. The man himself had a familiarity that teased her memory. But it were just that, familiar features she had filed away on quite a few distinguished gentlemen. No, she didn't know him, nor had ever met him prior to this evening. The woman although...she had never seen the likes of.
Marina casually made herself closer, with the pretense of admiring the many designs on the models around her.

It were also a good as time as any to sip on the flute of bubbly that Baros had presented to her before.

There Marina now stood with the two on her right as she made to admire a gown being posed in front of her...all the while, her ears were perked on the two.
How were she going to ask?...She needed to know the woman's name again and from the woman herself.

Marina then quickly turned sharp left. It were intentionally, but orchestrated to be an accident.
"Oh my!" Marina gasped as the champagne from her flute spilled on the man ( Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek ) when she hard bumped into him.

"I....I am so sorry." She said to the man whom were speaking with Claire Organa Claire Organa
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He had learned what he needed. Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe thought herself as someone of low station. That may or not have been actually true, but she thought it to be true. Baros has learned a long time ago that people like Marina could be the greatest allies. They looked down on themselves enough to generate insecurity that could lead to their being trusting where others would be cautious, and they often had influential friends that liked having someone such as her around for their own ego's sake. This was not a slight against Marina. She was indeed a charming and effortlessly self-effacing personality, and a striking beauty. Her downplaying these positives was all he noted.

"With this garment you would steal the attention of many an attendee at events such as this," Baros said with a tilt of his head, "though I would suggest that being worn by one such as yourself would only increase it's elegance."

It was then that Marina seemed to grow distracted. Baros watched in amusement as she seemed flustered and trying to make sense of something, or someone. She was clearly needing to depart from the conversation, and as such he willingly granted the opportunity. "Just speak to any of our representatives if you decide to purchase, have a good evening."

With that, Baros peeled off and began to mingle again. Waiting for the agreed upon phrase to be whispered and The New Way meeting to begin.

Smiling at the last words of Claire Organa Claire Organa he gave a simple nod. One that was cautious and somewhat misleading..but a nod none the less. He knew he had to be cautious with who he said what to but a simple answer to the question of where you are from shouldn't be such a bad thing. Time to open up. "I am from Coruscant. The indifferent and infamous planet in the galaxy's core....So they say..And spea..." (THUD)..As he is interrupted mid sentence with a flute knocking against his suit from Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe , he immediately took hold of her hand stabilizing the flute with a glimmering curiosity. " need for apologies. microfiber absorbent material my dear. It will dry in no time." He assures her while smiling splitting the attention between the two.

Tag: Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
Claire had tilted her head to listen to the answer, it also allowed her an opportunity to look about again.

"Coruscant you say....busy place for certain....I" before she could finish the sentence a young blonde bumped into Mr. Lonek. Claire instinctively reached out to steady the young woman. He politely caught Marina's glass and absolved her of any concern over the stain. The dark spot on Andrew's Jacket deepened but only for a few moments the material would absorb and then it would dry. The blonde mop could belong to anyone really.

She had started to say something when the young woman looked up, Lady DeVoe. It was hard not to recognize a daughter of a member of the High Council of Alderaan. Beyond Marina's shoulder Claire caught a glimpse of Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren so he was still mingling about.

"Lady DeVoe" Claire wondered if perhaps the young woman had too much to drink, but still..Claire remembered to introduce them, "Are you alright?" Oh..let me introduce you to the gentleman you so elegantly bumped into. Mr. Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek he was just telling me about Coruscant."

Claire smiled she realized she still had not let go over Marina's arm. She couldn't help but feel the young woman needed someone to steady her.

Tag: Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wearing : This
Tagging: Open
Posts: 5

She really weren't one to cause a scene, but inadvertently she did.
As to the were a spur of the moment improv...not the best thought out plan....but then again, this was Marina.

"Oh my.
Seriously, I'm usually not this clumsy..." She took to brushing Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek suit off, but the woman got hold of her hand, immediately drawing her attention. Marina's eyes met hers when she was hit with a left curve out of the clear blue. The woman knew her name.

She blinked once, twice, before her brain stated to process again. She had never met this woman before...ever. And if her name were as she had head it before, which of course marina's hearing were quite keen, then she should know this woman too.
Shoot, maybe she should have paid more attention to her father during dinner when he spoke of their House and that of the Royal House of Organa. But as a little girl, Marina were more looking out the glass window at the evening stars appearing behind her father. Yes, she had missed a few dinner lessons, dreaming of the stars...
Her hand absentmindedly retracted from the gentleman's lapel, she were futilely trying to brush off the spill. She did feel some remorse in her tactical move. Rarely did any of her brilliant escapades ever involve innocent bystanders.

"I'm sorry..." She looked into the woman's eyes, her peripheral taking in the woman's features.
"...but how do you know my name?" Marina asked.
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She smiled, "I'm Alderaani, there was an article on your mission to Commenor some time ago, I remember your face and name. You can call me Claire, I have a dress shop in New Crevasse City." She didn't feel the need to broadcast any family relationship here, it would be out of place.

Mr. Lonek I can have your jacket cleaned, as well as the fabric is made and designed I would hate for the material to suffer." The spot was already fading away but Claire felt compelled to make sure the jacket was cared for.

"Coruscant all hustle and bustle don't you think Lady DeVoe?"

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe | Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek | Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren

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