Thanks everyone! If someone wants to bring up specific points about my characters here, they're very welcome to.
Soliael Devin Talith said:
Though you write well and in great detail, you write a LOT. Every single time you post, i have to shake my head because you've written the post by roleplay equivalent of War&Peace. Granted, i agree that long posts can be good, and they have a place and ultimately they can lead to amazing roleplaying, but when you're in an invasion or a thread where what you posted could be written in a much shorter manner it tends to get annoying.
But I like long posts! * sulks * Seriously, I see your point. Personally I like reading long posts from others, but I can understand it gets annoying in invasions. I admit I have a tendency to describe too much in those, though personally I think if I have Sio do over the top things like chuck a building or something (since she's the one I've mainly used in invasions though that'll probably change), it needs an appropriate length to show effort since otherwise it seems a bit cheap.
But I'll take your point to heart and see about...economising a bit more.
Jay Scott Clark said:
Actually. There is only one thing I want you to do for me. It's crazy, daring, and maybe even a bit sexy. But. ...I'd kill myself if I didn't say it now. Ahem. ...Give Kerrigan's story a happy ending, yes? Well. I mean. Poor girl's been through a lot you know. You're kind of mean.
LOL. She still has...a hand and leg left! Truth be told, if you exclude her getting spaced and later maimed again, Sio's life has been good lately. She has a wife, an adopted daughter, a harem and a house with a white picket fence! That said, there'll be some shakeups in her life during the Event. And, well, one very mean thread is planned for her...but she'll be ok beyond that! After all, poor [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] already got orphaned once, so I can't take her mummy away.
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
LOL. Didn't know I was that famous or popular! Thanks. Maybe we can arrange something in the future.
[member="Sochi Ru"]
Thanks! Maybe in the future we can get something going.