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Dominion Genocidal Humanoidz | Dominion of Ylix-Aleen | NIO


E M P I R E _ R I S I N G
New Imperial Order


An eye for an eye.

Blood for blood.

Not many can set aside their differences and strive for a brighter future as there have been many lasting examples of one's hunger for vengeance. The natives of Ylix and Goelitz, for countless years have expressed outright prejudice towards each other making it nigh impossible to allow peace between each other's people. The people of Ylix has enjoyed their spoils of conquest on Goelitz, using their military might against Goelitzians to further expansion on their territory. Naturally, the oppressed Goelitzians retaliate back with unchecked violence having little to none rules of engagement in their operations, even committing terrorist attacks upon Ylix.

Both peoples have suffered and bled, for too long.

Recently, a Moff from the New Imperial Order had ambitions to broker peace between the Ylixians and the Goelitzians. The Moff successfully had both parties agree, sending their representatives to discuss the parameters of a treaty and ratify it with the New Imperial Order acting as a third neutral party to oversee these negotiations. Ultimately, both planets would be recognized with their own elected leaders and have a seat in the grand politics of the New Imperial Order. The negotiations seemed to have promise with the Ylixian and Goelitzian parties agreeing to the terms presented before ratifying them officially on paper.

However, the harvest of such labor would only be struck by famine by the diabolical scheming of COMPNOR, the New Imperial Order's dark entity. COMPNOR learned of the history between Ylix and Goelitz, understanding the prejudice strife and so decided to act upon the peaceful negotiations. A clandestine operation was initiated, even without the Imperator's knowledge, to completely burn the olive branch and ensue war. The operation, ultimately, was a success which resulted the death of the Ylixian and Goelitzian delegations, as well as the demise of the Imperial Moff. The operation was so successful that no one suspected COMPNOR to be its mastermind; instead the Ylixian bleieved the Goelitzians behind this scheme and vice versa.

Fingers have been pointed.

Voices have cried out for justice.

And now, blood has been spilled for these aggressions.

As for the New Imperial Order? They would avenge their fallen Imperial.

Our military has been authorized by the top brass of the hierarchy to mobilize against the Ylix and Goelitz, after hearing the tragic loss of one of our Moffs that was so keen to broker peace between Ylix and Goelitz. Our sudden invasion upon these two worlds have aggravated the Ylixians and the Goelitzians, thus sparking a standoff between us and them.

A triple threat schism.

The only people you can trust is in yourself and your comrades.

Command has given orders in neutralizing the hostilities from the Ylixians and the Goelitzians, and establish supremacy as we intend to occupy the two planets.

How to proceed is up to you.

While our forces fight proudly against the Ylixians and Goelitzians, the New Imperial Order hasn't recognized any legitimate delegates from Ylix and Goelitz. Like iron, we are stubborn to dominate these planets for their transgressions.

However, there is one question the Imperator and his council of Moffs and Warlords must answer once the dust settles.

How should these planets be administered, and how will we keep peace and order due to the warring nature of the Ylixians and Goelitzians?


Upon first glance, Aleen holds no value to the typical Imperial Warlord as there is nothing of merit on the desert world that has mediocre technology compared to modern times. A relic of the past, with its natives resorting to archaic methods of living. Even considering to develop major projects is a risk due to the unstable nature of the tectonic plates.

However, for the argent blade of the New Imperial Order, they have been drawn to the planet by its nature in the Force as there is an aura of mysticism above and under the surface of the planet. So much that even unwanted elements have come to disrupt the order of nature on Aleen, and have sparked conflict between the natives on Aleen.

A task force of Imperial Knights has been dispatched to investigate and bring unwavering order to Aleen.

There have been reports of several cults and religious sects formed upon Aleen, many of them being groups practicing the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. Even one of these groups belonging to the Sith. It is possible that these elements have disturbed the peace between the Aleena and the Kindalo, resulting into the skirmishes between the two species as both have had an ancient history of war.

Nevertheless, these practitioners must be purged in order to bring peace and order once again to the planet.

Whatever gets you to write, chief



V E N O M _ S N A K E
STARRING | Nima Appw'rii Nima Appw'rii

He knew the truth behind this war, a truth that even Irveric was unaware. What happened was true. An Imperial Moff was killed along with diplomatic representatives to broker a peace treaty, and have Ylix and Goelitz join the New Imperial Order with seats on the Imperial Assembly. Everyone believed the attack was perpetuated from either the Ylixians and Goelitzians, with little to none blame on the Imperials as they hid away their activities carefully. Those in the upper echelons of COMPNOR knew who was behind this attack. It was perfidious and immoral, no matter the reasons why they schemed this plot.

Reasons he'd live with, shedding off guilty conscience that lingered on his mind. Djorn knew what he was doing, and it would be pathetic to feel any guilt based on his operations. If he felt ashamed, he would've reported these plans to Irveric before they were in play. Maybe if he was the man years, then maybe. But that was a bygone time of his life. Now? He was hammered and shaped into a man that lived and breathed war, for one purpose.

The expansion of Imperialism, and uprooting any symbols of dissidence.

There was plenty on Ylix, cultures and thinking that didn't align with his ideal utopia of an Empire. It would all have to be culled, and start anew with the younger generations that would be adamant patriots for the Order. Of course, no one else besides him knew those details.

Conflict raged across all sectors of Ylix, as well as Goelitz with Imperial forces fighting the battles necessary to assure dominance over the two planets. Snake and his unit came across arid hills and mountains where there were scatters of settlements in the desert, a common thing to come across for the people living in this geographic setting.

The one tactical disadvantage in this kind of area was...

<"Damn amateurs, watch for snipers! We're in open terrain, for feths sakes.">

The jungle or the forest was his kind of place to fight, not something where he had little to hide from precise shots on him.


Whether they knew it or not, COMPNOR was playing a dangerous game. She was new to this side of the galaxy and while politics and subterfuge had some of the same undertones and universal concepts this was ruled by an entirely different set of rules. Dead. Ylix. Goelitz. Not even the Imperial moderators had survived the blaster ridden extravaganza. By the time the smoke cleared one thing was certain - the New Imperials had said screw the investigation. They would exact their revenge in blood. According to conventional wisdom and history to date, once this ball had begun rolling there was no coming back from it. Fortunate then for Natalya that she was as hard-headed as her brother.

"What do you mean they're not responding?" an incredulous expression gripped Moff Calgar's features. "I mean, they're not only ignoring our transmissions, they're actively jamming that particular frequency." replied the comm technician. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips. "Well, keep trying and let me know the moment we get someone on the line. That goes for Ylix or Goelitz." she added. There had to be a way to fix this, had to be a way to not only call for a ceasefire but to uncover what exactly had happened. Chances of that grew slimmer with every second as battle broke out between the two peoples - and that didn't even account for the New Imperial bloodletting that would undoubtedly occur until they did figure out what had happened. Even then peace wasn't a guarantee. "You." she said, grabbing a passing junior officer. "Find out who was in charge of the delegation, I want files on all the attendees. It's probably going to be met with a wall but reach out to COMPNOR, see if they have anything."

COMPNOR wasn't an enemy exactly but they were far too secretive for Natalya's liking. No doubt they knew more than they were letting on, it was just how intelligence agencies worked. She'd seen it with Dante during his time in the First Order and the 'off the books' operations center on Sump. At least, she'd always figured it had been a black site, though officially the First Order and her brother had denied the existence of such things. She wasn't expecting COMPNOR to provide any enlightenment on the extremist groups they suspected for the attacks but it was worth a shot. Sometimes a non-answer was as good as an answer. She tapped her foot impatiently as she paced back and forth on the deck of her diplomatic corvette. "Where is Arsenau, I could have sworn I asked for that dossier nearly an hour ago?" she spoke softly. As if to answer her whispered question, a chirp at the door followed by a hiss revealed the man. "Moff Calgar, the dossier you requested?" Her assistant stepped briskly across the room, arm outstretched with an oversize datapad. "Moff and Colonel Clevenger. Arjant is his first name." As she took the datapad from him her eyes narrowed, poring over the record. "Most of this is redacted." she said. "Disappointing."

"Yes, it is - however we are lucky we even got that. They run a tight ship and even my resources are limited." She nodded. "Well, thank you Arsenau. Can we reach this.. Moff Clevenger? I'd be curious to know what information he's willing to part with. If any." Arsenau took a deep breath. "I've taken the liberty of reaching out to him already, he's got our current coordinates and happens to be in the area. He should be arriving any minute if he's not already here." A warm smile lit upon Natalya's lips. "Thank you Arsenau."

Imperial Arbiter of the Outer Rim


Once again back on the diplomatic field, Julius thought. He had read Ylix's file precisely, and the situation was rather complicated. With each imperial faction trying to get a planet there and an important responsibility there, the diplomats had tough times trying to keep the balance and the harmony among the Empire. If it had not yet collapsed, it was because there were men like him and so others that constantly reminded everyone that they were fighting for a cause greater than their petty interests.

For Julius, the New Imperial Order birthed its own fall. With so many factions ready to an intercine war, it would take months before everything collapsed when the Sith Empire would have been defeated. Galidraani, Serennoan, Fel supporters, Presfbelt partisans, COMPNOR agents... They were all ready to tear the Empire apart for pieces of power. As each new planet was conquered, the Imperial Diplomatic Corps had tough times maintaining peace among the ranks of the Empire. The Imperator was totally powerless against such a feodal society. His power was too weak.

One day or another, he would have to reach the Imperator, Julius thought. The explosive situation was getting worse and worse as each battle passed. Presfbelt and COMPNOR already started their undercover war, and the other factions would soon do the same. Gallius Orcana, while a loyal partisan of House Haskler, was embroiled in such political struggles that ultimately weakened the Empire. He was a loyal warrior, but his interest was along Jaeger Harrsk's, not along the Navy anymore. Yet another subject where Julius would need to clear things up.
As Julius entered the meeting room, he had the great idea he was looking for. If Galidraan, Dookus, Fels, Presfeblt and COMPNOR were fighting to posses the planets, then the Imperator had to give possession of said planets to a third party, and Haskler knew exactly which one. Obviously, House Haskler could administrate these planets. It was too insignificant to pose a serious threat to any faction, and it was not affiliated to anyone. Julius had made this clear : the anaxsi exiles were to remain independant, and not fall into the clutches of a faction inside the New Imperial Order.

In that case, Voronne Haskler-Ventanus would be the perfect candidate : young but not unexperienced, he was a fierce anaxsi, loyal to his House, and to the Empire. He would be a good middle-ground for COMPNOR and the various noble houses as he was himself a nobleman and a fanatic imperial. Presfbelt would act in the shadows as always, but not complain publicly, Julius hoped. If Voronne was protected by anaxsi counselors, he would not be maipulated. Galidraan, loned, would not risk to complain about that choice.

Julius loved politics. It required a fine analytic capability, but it was all about predicting the other's reactions. Julius was quite good at it, and felt comfortable with the idea of swimming with a bunch of sharks : they all knew it was in their interest not to eat the human. And Julius knew it was in his interest to find subjects of agreement between them. He had to keep them divided enough in order to avoid being eaten, but he also needed their protection in order not to be eaten by an exterior enemy.

While fighting for the Empire's cause, Julius was also struggling for survival.


V E N O M _ S N A K E
STARRING | Nima Appw'rii Nima Appw'rii

The village didn't pose as much as a threat to Snake and his unit of Ghost Vipers, a small garrison of of trained soldiers along with whatever available militia. No vehicles were operated, although there were several defensive placements established tactically such as mortars, heavy turrets, snipers, and barricades to support suppressing fire with little risk. No air support would be available with communications with long range communications jammed from their position.

The enemy wasn't foolish at all. They were a people shaped by war, after generations of constant war with the Goelitzians they learned a thing or two on how to fight efficiently. The same was said about the Goelitzians. It was a test of will, tactics, resources, and ingenuity in winning this conflict between the three governments.

Right now he needed to fill in the gap between him and them. Otherwise, they would just be sitting ducks out in the open.

Gas canisters were thrown, a special gas that was an agent absorbing blaster bolts. Worked as well to mask their movements from the enemy's sight. Gain a couple of yards of distance, see what they can work with before making their next move.

Arjant Clevenger



STARRING | Natalya Calgar Natalya Calgar

"Sir? A Moff Calgar has sent a transmission, asking for your audience." a COMPNOR officer informed Arjant aboard his personal Star Destroyer, above the sphere of Ylix. The Moff was here overseeing the conflict between the New Imperials and the insurgent elements belonging to Ylix and Goelitz. He wanted to make sure this battle ended in the results he hoped for, that being an Imperial installed to govern the system with an iron fist such as his.

“New Bakstre’s Moff? What is the reasoning behind this?”

“I’m not so sure, sir. She did request some information relating to Ylix and Goelitz, something about the Imperial delegation that were killed in the negotiations.”

Interesting. What kind of Imperial could she be? A more lax ruler, encouraging policies that COMPNOR was against? Many Moffs and Warlords cared little for the investigation, yet one pursued.

“Very well, I’ll see what she has to say. It’s not too long before the others attend for the Imperial Assembly on Bastion. Open up a line between me and Moff Calgar.”

A request was sent to Natalya, where Arjant would see the woman via hologram.

“Moff Calgar, what a pleasure. I heard you wished to speak with me?”

Arren Sareth




Inquisitor Arren Sareth
High above the surface of Aleen on a rocky promontory sat an ancient mesa, its' halls lined with archaic etchings in a language Inquisitor Sareth couldn't read but were unmistakable for anything other than that of the "Old Tongue" spoken by a red-skinned species of humanoid warrior-priests once known as "The Sith". The floor's stone is smooth as Arren skulks through the dry torch-lit halls, oil-fumes filter through helmet's respirator filters.

Even the air here is thick with treachery through Arren is protected from the scent its' malevolent chilling ripples across time and space can be perceived by the woman. Coming to a gargantuan stone threshold that served as a door, Arren's left palm slides across its' surface, searching methodically for some physical mechanism to access the structures' forbidden and arcane library.

Focusing now on the old-tongue hieroglyphics which adorn its' surface, Arren grimaces she feels a thumping across her forehead her gaze warps the text into high-galactic, confused she reads the text.
"None may pass these doors who are counted among slaves, unworthy of being blessed with mastery over our ancient birthright."

Heca Foliou



As primitive and backwards Aleen compared to most modern civilizations, there was much to learn and earn from it. There was always someway to benefit from nothing. Even great empires and kingdoms started out from nothing.

What could she get out of her time here other than being one of the progenitors of causing disorder and conflict among the natives? Knowledge was another thing, although she wasn’t a bookworm that had an affinity of wasting her time studying theory and methods; only when applying something useful was when it was convenient to her. So then why bother? Her goals was to be recognized as a threat to the New Imperials, also yearning recognition from her Sith peers. Reputation in the ranks of the Sith was to be earned through labor, something that wasn’t given to even the most perfidious Sith. The Zambrano clan proved that point when they sat idle in their seat of power, thus losing the respect of their peers.

“Ah, company,” at the notice of another’s presence within the mesa. A presence with one’s aura in the face wasn’t corrupted as hers. Perhaps a member of the Imperial Knights from the Iron Sun that rose proudly on Bastion. Here to purge whatever remains of darkness that plagued Aleen. Not that she cared about it. So many gave importance to old things, no matter what culture they hailed from. The Mandalorians and their precious Mandalore, the Thyrsians and their golden Thyrsus.

Why preserve the old when one could create something new and better?

“How brave. Alone as well; fresh blood to give this place new color.”

But she wouldn’t kill her just yet. That would just be counterintuitive, and create a situation where she’d have to engage in a duel. Rather than take that decision, she’d use her brilliant mind to create a construct to trick the Inquisitor. Curious that she was interested in the ancient dialect carved out rather than outright purging it. A seeker of knowledge? If so, she’d lead her to the forbidden fruit of this mesa. Influence her mind, create nagging thoughts to sway her decisions.





ASSOCIATES: Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Open to interaction



FN-999 was by no means a qualified diplomat.
Yet he had been selected to be a representative of the armed forces due to his recently acquired rank, seniormost of any stormtrooper assigned on Ylix. A strong urge remained to fight on the planetary front along with his comrades, leading the companies to inevitable victory. However, he accepted his fate.

Without his armor and sword, he felt uncomfortably exposed. FN-999 wore his officer uniform more rarely than most of the troopers he worked with in the Corps, reserving it only for meals and visits to local taverns. His short-cut hair was originally a light shade of brown, but it had darkened over the years of insulation under the helmet. The lieutenant legion commandeer hoped his military-issue buzz cut would not betray his inferiority. As he walked down the hall towards the meeting room ahead, he pondered the information he had been given about the situation on Ylix.

The people of Ylix and nearby Goelitz had been at war for decades, both sides using brutal methods to chip away at their foes. While the Ylix had secured initial victory, a guriella warfare campaign by the Goelitz had continued to this day. Recently, Imperial expansion had brought the system under New Imperial control, and the system's Moff had attempted to broker a peace deal between the two warring factions. However, through details largely classified to him, saboteurs within the Order's intelligencia had plotted the death of the Moff and both planetary delegations, which had rapidly blamed each other for the incident. He had some moral qualms about the prompt subjugation of the system being launched by the Imperials under the ruse of justifying the Moff's death, but knew he was powerless to stop its current course of action. Instead, he would work to ensure that the conditions of surrender were as reasonable and benefitial to the central Imperial government at Bastion as possible.

FN-999 opened the main doors to the meeting room with an abrupt push, the double doors sliding cleanly apart. Inside lay a vast round table filled with men and women far wiser than he was. With considerable force, his inferiority complex returned. What was he, a moderately special stormtrooper officer, doing here amongst the decisionmakers of the Order? In his First Order days, such an opportunity would be entirely unthinkable. Compared to the achievements and experiences of these distinguished individuals, the six blue and red buttons of his uniform were mere scraps of dirt. Yet with a great deal of willpower, he worked up the nerve to search for his assigned seat amidst the court of eyes.

Finding the well-polished chair waiting for him, FN-999 took a seat and assumed a posture that would make his recruitment officers proud, staring directly in front of himself at the wall at the other end of the room as to not betray any emotional impulse.


With battles breaking out all over on the planet below, Moff Calgar could do little from their location in orbit. Were she on the ground, she still wouldn't have known what to do and by now the dogs had been let off their leashes. "Incoming from Moff Clevenger Ms. Calgar." "Put it through."

“Moff Calgar, what a pleasure. I heard you wished to speak with me?”
"Moff Clevenger, glad to have reached you. I wish it were under better circumstances. You have heard?" By now she was sure he would have been aware of the situation. She paused a moment to see what his response would be before continuing. "Preliminary reports suggest extremist activity is what set this thing ablaze. I was wondering if you or your friends at COMPNOR might have any additional intelligence that might helps us sort out the facts." she frowned. "I realize this is usually something that doesn't happen until after action but I'm trying to prevent an all out war down there and the sooner we can pinpoint the facts of the matter we may be able to prevent any further Imperial loss of life. Not to mention the need for swift appointment of an Imperial Moff over the sector."

It was imperative that they grasp control of the system firmly but what was of more import to the Moff was that it was also done swiftly. Natalya wasn't naive to the fact that the more Imperial lives were lost on the surface the stronger a rationale they would have to install their own governor, their own Moff. The variable was how much blood and how many bodies it would take to come to such a justification. To COMPNOR the bodies were just that, bodies. To a Moff, each body was a fellow Imperial. A being with hopes, dreams, ideas. It would be a shame to lose even one more than necessary.

"Colonel. It is imperative that this situation is contained - the planet and its resources won't be of any use to us if we create resistance to our presence."

Imperial Arbiter of the Outer Rim

TAG : FN-999

House Haskler was in a difficult position, these times. As it remained neutral, it was not backed by any of the five factions opposing each others in the Empire. Its power was growing, but the Anaxsi were still too weak to pose any threat to any of the following factions : House Fel, House Dooku, COMPNOR, Presfbelt Command, Galidraan Free State. These groups were ready to slice each other's throat if the moment was right, in order to become the dominant faction in the New Imperial Order. Hous Haskler did not wished to be counted as one of these factions. Its members were loyal to Anaxes and to the imperial ideology, embodied by the New Imperial Order.

With its forces growing, the house in-exile could influence the political game, but the anaxsi assets had yet to be tested on the field. While the two regiments of TodHusars had proven their worth, the militiamen had yet to become useful as a replacement tool for the Imperial Army. The Fifth Fleet had engaged a slow processus of anaxsisation, now rebranded as the Azure Hammer Command. The Hasklers also controlled a fleet of cargos and corvettes, plus Julius's own diplomatic frigate. What the House lacked was a base of operation on the western boundary of the New Imperial Order, where the Anaxsi could probe the Galactic Alliance's territory, recruit imperial warlords from the Core, and begin to influence Anaxes's policy.

Ylix and Aleen were the perfect planets to seize. The Ylix militia would be a good way to indoctrinate their inhabitants into the Imperial Order, while Aleen's technological relics would be used with great interest by Dalness Manufacturings, which was yet to establish a center of production and of conception. Once their foothold on these planets had been secured, the Anaxsi would begin to grow in power and Julius would eventually concentrate himself on the absorption of the Chiss Ascendancy and the re-establishment of the Imperator's sovereign authority over the imperial factions and their struggles.
The old diplomat saw, much to his surprise, a soldier enter in the conference room. It was starting to be filled by various Moffs and representatives, but this character seemed... incongruous. The Anaxsi did not know the soldier, but he recognised symbols of a high-ranking commander, not comfortable at all with the idea of joining a bunch of politicians, and brawl over the idea of who was to administrate these planets.

Julius perfectly understood. He himself had been unsettled when he had to participate to military briefings. They were not to his liking, and it obviously appeared the unknown soldier did not like this conference room at all. Maybe it was an affection move, or it was a political scheme : the diplomat called out the Stormtrooper and invited him to sit next to him. The time to make a friend from the highest echelons of the military was there, and few soldiers had a heart of stone when an elder told them the tragic story of Anaxes.

Wether he managed to sway the Stormtrooper to the anaxsi cause was yet to be seen, but at least the old diplomat could have some fun mentoring him about the dangers of politics.

All in this room were, after all, fighting for survival.


Armor | Rifle | Pistol | Grenade



Fanatics. These anti-insurgent ops were the bread and butter of New Imperial special operations. Or really, any special operations. The Galaxy was a big beast. Which left a lot of scum to gather on the underbelly. Ylix and Goelitz, two worlds in existential war. A tale as old as time, Eshan and Thyrsus, Trandosha and Kashyyk. Little did any of them know, their conflict didn't matter and the bigger fish would use them as pawns all the same.

The New Imperial Order was the next player at the board.

In the chaotic rush that overtook this village, Vandal was one of many units tasked with clearing it. If not rooting out the insurgents present here, to establish that the New Imperial Order was here to stay.

Lining up on the left most edge of the street, they paced in line, pacing every ten to fiteen meters before scanning their surroundings. They stacked up on the door of a house suspected of housing Ylix radicals. A slicer unit was placed onto the control panel. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

The door hissed up with a sharp yawn of metal and the Storm Commandos flooded in. The point man took up the entirety of the doorway, peering down the sights before securing the first corner, the next two securing the others. Point of domination secured. The last did a final full scan of the main room before it was time to move up further.

Huddled in the tub of a lavatory a mother and child clutched one another in fear of the men pointing blasters toward them.

<"Stay there."> If a fire fight broke out through this podunk hell hole, they were already residing in the best place they could be.

<"We're clear."> Commando callsign 'Argent' beckoned to Grunge.

<"Noted, let's keep it moving. Plenty more suspect targets al-"> A speeder bomb erupted not twenty meters down the street from them, they scrambled for cover.

Arjant Clevenger



STARRING | Natalya Calgar Natalya Calgar

“Indeed, Moff Calgar. In fact, the entire Moff Assembly has heard of the current events transpiring on Ylix and Goelitz, and I’m sure we will discuss on the future of those two societies for their unwarranted aggressions.”

It sounded like patriotic, noble words coming from his mouth. Anyone would’ve sided with that given the tragedy that occurred. He could already see it now. Mass propaganda created, news reported with the “truth” of the situation which would rile the people until justice was served. Just like Calgar said, it would been all out war.

“Unfortunately, no, we don’t have further intelligence about what happened that sparked this whole feud,” that was a lie. Of course, he knew what happened, though it would be his secret to know and those few entrusted with it.

“Although, there isn’t much reason to investigate deeper into this matter, Moff Calgar. The evidence we’ve gathered is plain and simple. Fanatics from both the Ylixians and Goelitzians couldn’t come to terms to this pact, and took matter into their own hands which cost us one of our own dead. We are simply responding back with fury to avenge our fallen and finally bring order to these people.”

“I, too, understand the urgency to resolve this conflict quickly and efficiently. Our troops are doing everything they can, though much of the populace aren’t keen of our presence when their own zealots cause this war.”

“May I ask why you wished for further evidence, Moff Calgar? Seems odd when we’ve presented all that there is to these events unless you think there’s something bigger to this?”



Two races seemingly bound to endless warfare with each other. It was a familiar story within their galaxy, and Silas was content with it. War, conflict, it gave a person like him a reason to exist. Working in some office building on Coruscant, or even Bastion wasn't where he was destined to be. Some servant in a Noble's house, or a scientist of any kind. No, he was a violent man. And despite the warring species in a perpetual war for existence, Silas couldn't find himself to care.

Even despite the similarities between them, and their Imperial Order.

They had killed one of their own, whether it was the Ylix, or the Goelitz. When the Iron Sun descended upon their planet, it meant both would suffer for their insolence.

A necessary thing to bring stability to a system.

"Get ready for deployment," Silas said aloud to his company. Over the comms, he received his clicks in confirmation, and internally he sighed.

This existence, he hadn't sought out. Peace was ultimately the goal. But until that concept was viable, here he'd be.

At the front.

The wind whipped past him as he leapt out of the dropship. Seemingly inert, his jetpack kicked on, propelling him on a downwards angle as he dragged his vibrosword free from its sheathe on his back. In the distance, rapidly approaching, he saw the hastily made war camps of the Ylixians and Goelitzians. Two opposing forces on the cusp of battle, and with the New Order descending upon them both, their choice remained... To fight each other, or to band together to fight off the foreigners.


Armor | Rifle | Pistol | Grenade
Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre



Here came the rats scurrying from their holes. The streets were soon alight with blaster fire. Sourcing from each and every direction. There was little use in determining what was the source of any stream of sustained fire. Grunge grit his teeth against one another in aggrivation. They were in chaos and he needed a plan.

<"We should have reinforcements inbound but these Ylixian goons are coming out of the woodwork, gonna need a defendable spot or we're due to be overrun, Grunge."> Argent voiced out in vindicated urgency to his officer who offered a nod in return, motioning a hand toward a nearby warehouse.

<"We'll move up there, take top floor, get an overrwatch position. Should have some 173rd contingent dropping to relieve us any minute now. On me, let's move."> They embarked on a frantic sprint across the wide street, given covering fire by a passing MT-BTR and soon enough they were stacked on another door. A breaching charge was set and they flowed in with violence of action. Thermal sights cutting through the dust and smoke as they splayed their brutality across each corner to establish point of domination, securing the base level before their attention focused upwards.

<"Let's get this doorway locked and fortified. Argent, on me. We'll clear the rest of the building."> So began the climb.

Death from above.

Twelve of the Myrmidons descended upon the village at a near breakneck speed. A rocket was sent from the tip of the spear, heralding their approach.

The rocket crashed into the roof of a building. One of multiple where the hostiles fired on Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask and Djorn Bline Djorn Bline 's position. Moments later, Silas flew in. Thumbing the activation of the vibrosword just as he passed through the manmade portal into the devastated innards of the Ylixian sniper nest. The dust and smoke that filled the room was filtered out, cut through via the helmets thermal imaging.

The first one that groaned received a bolt to the head, via his Tenebrae wrist laser. The next scrambled for their weapon, and he crossed the room in an instant. Snatching them up by the throat and slamming them into the wall. Enhanced strength saw to it that their body snapped on the first impact. The second and thirds were simply gratuitous. Before he could get a fourth off, a blaster bolt struck him in the back of his shoulder and he threw the body across the corpse across the room to pin them to the wall.

Before they could get out from under them, the ceiling caved in, and a trio of the Myrmidons descended. Whether crushed by the roof or the boots of the stormtroopers, didn't matter.

"Clear the building."

<<"Lieutenant Sunfyre of the 173rd in the AO. What's the situation?">>




Council-Members in Attendance: Julius Haskler Julius Haskler Natalya Calgar Natalya Calgar Arjant Clevenger FN-999


Arriving just in time to be fashionably late to the latest of the NIO's convened council meetings, Lord Erskine was quite aware that this was his second political outing in total, and that his membership had been mostly a token honour until the moment he sat down in plain sight of the others. Barran was still bearing scars and yellowing bruises on his head and face from playing his part in the invasion on Serenno, and could only wear his military coat (covered on one side with the troop-numbers of all his fallen comrades from the New Order's perpetual war on the Sith Empire) loosely over his shoulders to give reprieve from the healing scars on his left shoulder and tri-cep. Despite this, the Brigadier-General's back remained straight when he walked in, already smirking as he noticed the welcome presence of two attending council members on his confident approach to the Galidraani corner of the meeting's rather-grandiose debating venue of choice.

'Lookin' sharp, Nines...', the Lord-Commander muttered quietly, tapping FN-999's shoulder after he was finished making his opening orations, shaking hands after positive recognition flashed across the face of the 19th Assault Company's commander. Disengaging the handshake after a brief moment, Barran raised a finger to his lips and promised,'We'll talk plenty after the meeting adjourns, rest assured.', with little more than a whisper, then a reassuring nod and amiable shoulder-shove back into the seat his warfighting colleague was rising up from. Barran had all the respect in the world for those who'd served and acquitted themselves admirably in the Second Battle of Bastion, and those same respects and admirations would always be extended to the like of FN-999 for his outstanding contributions that day.
The 19th Assault Company were karking magnificent that day, an' ah'll ne'er be the wan t'forget it.

Others would stand to speak on behalf of their respective New Imperial sub-faction, so Erskine would be silent for the rest of his approach to the Galidraani speakers stand, despite it serving little use in helping Barran escape the staring sideward glances of those who'd noticed his entry immediately, nor the stares of those who'd noticed the Brigader-General's quiet greetings with the 19th's commander on his way in. Sitting down in his expected frontal-right seat, (ceremoniously keeping a spot for the Galidraani Free-State's Lord-Protector) the war-weathered Lord of the Woads would have the young Galidraani officers behind him remove the coat from it's loose-set position on his lateral neck-muscles and his shoulder frame; humbly hanging it over the back of the seat he was sitting in, the young Leftenants and Captains would set to their task without so much as a second thought.

'Thanks, lads.... So, two Northern-Galidraanis and a Woad I may just recognise. Seems I may be hoarse with all the conversations I'm to have today, eh?', Lord Erskine whispered in endearing jest, making it easier for the young officers to dispense with all the pomp and admiration. This was Baran's signal to the fellow exiles that he was much easier to find common-ground with, that he was more than just an aristocrat with a penchant for warfare; one who would hear these individuals out, regardless of their status in the Galidraani social-ladder or their military background. Such a trait was the key-element in what drew such martial loyalty from all those who would willingly sign up to join the ill-fated Blue-Heart Battalion.

'It would appear so, Milord.... And wae me in particular. Ah'm the firstborn son of Surgeon-Leftenant Coyle, and ah'm swearing in as his replacement when you're done here. Same intentions go for this pair here, but they're swearing in t'fill those vacant Cataphract-and-AT group leader positions instead. Plenty there ti test yer larynx wae later, so ah'm agreein' wae that assumption straight aff the bat. Speak soon, Milord.'

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ASSOCIATES: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Open to interaction

Maybe it was an affection move, or it was a political scheme : the diplomat called out the Stormtrooper and invited him to sit next to him.

The gesture from the unknown but likely high-ranking diplomat surprised FN-999 greatly.
The lieutenant legion commander had expected to be ignored for most of the meeting due to his junior status, so the immediate recognition given his way meant that he had either done something very good or very bad. Hoping for the former, FN-999 rose up and relocated, taking a seat immediately to the right of the sturdy man.

The closer he got to the diplomat, the more his presence seemed to dominate him. The man looked to be double FN-999's age but with a broad soldier's build, confidence and cunning radiating from every centimeter of his still largely unblemished skin. In comparison, the lieutenant legion commander was a small and uneasy presence, nearly ten centimeters shorter than the giant next to him by his estimates. Still, he would not be scared off. If FN-999 could face the battlefields of Dosunn and the two battles of Bastion without faltering, then a meeting of aristocrats and officers was well within his capacity.

'Lookin' sharp, Nines...', the Lord-Commander muttered quietly, tapping FN-999's shoulder after he was finished making his opening orations, shaking hands after positive recognition flashed across the face of the 19th Assault Company's commander. Disengaging the handshake after a brief moment, Barran raised a finger to his lips and promised,'We'll talk plenty after the meeting adjourns, rest assured.', with little more than a whisper, then a reassuring nod and amiable shoulder-shove back into the seat his warfighting colleague was rising up from. Barran had all the respect in the world for those who'd served and acquitted themselves admirably in the Second Battle of Bastion, and those same respects and admirations would always be extended to the like of FN-999 for his outstanding contributions that day.
The 19th Assault Company were karking magnificent that day, an' ah'll ne'er be the wan t'forget it.

Just as FN-999 was about to mentally recover, another representative called out to him. However, before he could panic, the lieutenant legion commander remembered that the other man before him was a familiar face. He was the commander of the Blue-Heart Battalion, a man he only knew by his last name, Barran. As he pondered the Barran figure further, he remembered a vague mention of him being a lord of some sort of principality, explaining his presence.

"I hope you and your command are also doing well." was the only complimentary reply that FN-999 was able to get out before Barran moved to take the stormtrooper's old seat.

With an unsettling shock, FN-999 realized that he was perhaps the only representative present who was not a member of the landed aristocracy. The lieutenant legion commander knew enough about politics to know that he would be nearly blind to their maneuvering with his current degree of knowledge. Instead, he decided to take advantage of Lord Barran's offer to talk and obtain further insight into high Imperial politics, in case he was selected to represent the Corps in a future meeting.

For now, he would sit back and let his wiser superiors control the conversation, not wanting to risk stepping on a proverbial landmine more lethal than any battlefield explosive.



V E N O M _ S N A K E
STARRING | Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask


<“Fething hell.”>

Lapdogs from Lucien Dooku, his own legion of hardened Stormtroopers that followed wherever he went. Unlike other legions they prided themselves being independent, not following the orders of the brass unless it came from the exiled Prince. Dooku was a thorn against the policies and operations COMPNOR advocated for, always voicing out opinions that were passive and giving freedom to the people. He could only imagine the Myrmidons were to undermine his operations here.

<“Move in, and remember our tasks. Don’t take shit from the Myrmidons.”>

Moving in the village, violence continued every corner. Civilian and military targets were plenty, and all would desist except for a specific group of civilians he had his sights on.

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