Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Generis to a Fault Line [Mandalorian Dominion of Generis]


Soon after the Primeval cut off the Mandalorian trade route of the Braxant Run, a natural disaster occurred that shook the very foundations of the peaceful and lush planet. The rocky terrain was split in twain by massive seismic activity causing various sections of farmland, and mountainous cityscapes to be toppled and destroyed. Violent earthquakes erupted around the planet, cracking the surface of the landscape and causing a great loss of life for the unprepared citizens. Without the Mandalorian supply route still engaged, they didn't have the immediate support needed for the natural disaster, and rushed to send urgent communication to their nearest standing outpost. A single vessel trekked towards Agamar to relay the information.

Hours after initial contact from the planet's brave pilot, a Mandalorian fleet leapt from hyperspace to bring a presence of aide and relief to a world rocked by pain and turmoil. Destruction and devastation had hit the world hard, and without the presence of the Mandalorian protectors to assist at first responders, many lives had been taken by the initial shocks that tore apart the planet itself. Grievances and inner struggles aside, the Mandalorian clans knew immediately when help was most needed, and had dispatched several portions of their best medical aide and restructuring vessels to swoop in and save what they could. The trade route they had lost in a prior invasion to the Primeval was certainly not doing them any favors, and it meant that others were suffering from a costly loss to their own territory. War never came without consequences, and now they were having to reap what others had sown. Still, the priority was to help the people of Generis and restore order and balance to their world that had been literally ripped apart at the seams.

Three Baa'ur Medical class Frigates descended to the drop zone where teams of scrapped together triage groups were already assembled attempting to treat those injured and maimed by the three zones of the initial shock-waves. Records had already indicated that dozens were still missing, and hundreds more were injured. The death toll hadn't been fully calculated yet, but it was already gaining into the double digits combined from all three points on the planet where they had suffered the damage. Azrael had called in the Mandalorian Medical teams to become the first responders on the scene. Trustworthy vod were cautioned to assist the medic team in digging out survivors and using what tech they could bring in order to breach tunnels, and get the buried out with little to no loss of life as possible. This was an all hands on assignment and there was a lot of work to go around.

An escort team came with each frigate, to which Azrael had stepped off of one of the command ships and was currently overlooking a map between himself and several Field Marshals and Rally Masters. The holographic display under the makeshift tent showed the mountainous region that had been split in several sections, causing a lot of the region to be buried under rubble. The enhanced gravity was certainly bearable, but when it came to rock slides, it was even more treacherous than normal. Ashen clouds still fell from the uproar of debris in the air as the charred rock from explosions of man-made constructs had lit the dirt ablaze and painted a very dystopian setting for the rescue team.

"We need to concentrate our efforts on these three points. Getting repulsorlifts into each cavity to try and clear a path of rock without causing more landslides. The last thing we need is to make the situation worse. A spelunking team will be needed in the underground caves located at each end of the mountain as the fissures split open their underground wells. Our priority is the survivors, but we don't want to risk any aftershocks by messing with the fault lines."

[member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Rianna Ar'klim"] | [member="Briika Hokan"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Catherine Colburn"] | [member="B'arin Fett"] | [member="Salem Minayin"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Malcom Renolds"]

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Location: Groundside - Mountains
Objective: Medical Aid/Rescue
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Mother Nature at the moment
Post: 1/20

The Vencunair was one of the three Mandalorian Medical Corps medical frigates to respond to the natural disaster on Generis. The massive earthquake and powerful aftershocks had left the Outer Rim planet completely devastated and the population struggling to help themselves dig out of the debris and care for their injured. This would be one of the largest humanitarian missions yet for Briika Hokan.

The silver-armored baar'ur steeled herself for the scene she'd be going into. Mass casualty events were always hard on the rescue personnel and caregivers; wanting desperately to save everyone, but knowing that the likelihood of that was extremely low. Each death experienced over time seemingly chipped away at the person's soul until some were left with none. Fortunately, the blonde Mando'ad still had hope as the her soul was intact for the most part even with her own private losses. Bree had a feeling though that that her steadfastness might be tested here.

After arriving groundside, a Rapid Response Mobile Surgical Unit - RMSU (pronounced Rimsoo) for short was set up in the plains area near the mountains where the terrain would make it most difficult to get to the people of a mountainous village that had gotten plummeted by a landslide.

With the last of her medic team on board, Briika let the pilot of the Medical Corps' medivac dropship know they were ready to depart. The modified S90 MAAT for medical purposes lifted off from the landing zone, then took them up into the mountains where huge landslides had blocked the narrow passage ways that followed a river that now was dammed up. A hazard amongst the other hazards to worry about.

When the ready light inside the dropship turned a solid green, the doors flew open and Mando'ade jumped out igniting their jetpacks with their medkits and rescue supplies attached as well. The high gravity and low visuals due to the thick ashen clouded air required a bit more finesse than normal on Bree's landing.

< This is Medic One. Let's spread out in a grid pattern vode. Call out, if you find someone and/or need assistance. Mark the areas you've cleared. >
Location: Groundside - Mountains
Objective: Rescue
Allies: [member="Briika Hokan"]
Enemies: The River
Post: 1/20

Graad was clad in his green beskar'gam, ready for a fight if needed, but not expected. His task today was rescue. A natural disaster threatened the lives of many innocents, and the Mando'ade were not going to sit by, not when their was a good chance to establish a good relationship with those of the world. The proud ver'verd was there to help and maim this time. Most of his weapons were not on him, only wat he needed should the rescue become compromised.

Briika was giving orders. Under his buy'ce, Graad was smiling to his Riduur take charge and give orders as she was doing. The plan was a standard search and rescue mission. Each team would take sections of the grid, and from there see how many they could find which needed help, and which needed to be relocated.

The ver'verd was also a vhett. His eyes scanned the plains after landing, and quickly assessed the location they had come to. He was concerned. They needed to be out of the way of the landslide, but the plain field was potentially in the flood plain, and it could be devastating for all who were there, the village and the rescue team. Graad blinked on his HUD to take a quick topographical survey of the area. The RMSU needed the highest ground possible.

< "Briika, we may have a have a problem with this location," > he said as he approached her. < "We may be in the flood plain here, and if that river breaks the dam, everyone will have to relocate. I don't want to put any pressure on this thing, but we have to stay ahead of the clock." >
Objective: Medical Aid
Location: Groundside - Plains
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: The Elements
Post Count: 1/20

Humanitarian aid didn't pay well, but at least it was work you could feel good about doing.

And Vynn badly needed work he could feel good about. Months of drifting without a cause, taking smuggling contracts from petty crime lords across the galaxy, were starting to wear on his principled soul. When he'd heard about the disaster on Generis, he'd taken the opportunity to tag along with the relief fleet and give whatever help he could. It'd been a bit of a surprise to see that it was a Mandalorian fleet; one expected them to be fighting people, not saving them. But they seemed to be in earnest, and they'd welcomed him easily enough.

Generis was a famously beautiful world of lush jungles, craggy hills, white-foamed rivers, and deep azure seas. It was the kind of place Vynn had always wanted to visit, the kind of place that had inspired him to defect from the Crinan military and fight for his people's right to travel offworld. And it was still beautiful, even in its desolation. Rough-edged fissures and plateaus had pushed and pulled apart the valleys and mountaintops alike, leaving trees dangling at odd angles along freshly-made cliffsides. Water rushed through ruptured roads.

Vynn brought the Downward Spiral into a smooth landing on the edge of what was rapidly becoming the Mandalorian medical post. He was deeply impressed with the efficiency with which the warriors unloaded and assembled the various tents, supplies, and medical equipment that comprised the RMSU; a full squad was unloading his cargo hold within seconds of his lowering the ramp, and by the time he'd walked from the cockpit back to the hold they were done and moving on to the next transport.

It was efficient, but it left him isolated. As the smuggler walked through the camp, he found himself surrounded by chatter in unfamiliar words, laughter at jokes he didn't understand. Everywhere he turned to offer his help, a team of Mandalorians had already divided the task evenly amongst themselves. These people were family, regardless of homeworld or even species; they knew each other, worked well together, and Vynn was the odd one out. He felt a strange sense of envy rising up in him; it must be nice to belong to something.

Glancing up and over the tops of the tents, the smuggler laid an uneasy eye on the dam above the plain. It seemed to have survived the quake, but he had a bad feeling that the lack of cosmetic damage was misleading, and he'd long ago learned to trust his bad feelings. Well, he wasn't doing any good at camp; he might as well check it out. Piling back into the Downward Spiral, he sent out a hail on the open channel the Mandalorians were using to coordinate the relief efforts.

"Downward Spiral here. The dam up above camp looks unstable. I'm heading over for a look."
Coren didn’t really care for the Mandos, feeling they were unevolved knuckle-draggers. But the Silver Sanctum, where the Frontiers Corps was based out of and so then, was he, felt they were useful. That meant he’d behave, and play nice with them. Besides, they stood up against the Primeval, and that was a faction you could smell crazy on a mile away. The revolutionary was arriving around the world Generis, in a way of fact finding and potential support to the aforementioned knuckle-dragging Beskar clad berserkers. His ship? A new frigate, the Tyrena, a Forerunner-class frigate that was being designed solely for his use however the Sanctum could use him.

That meant she was going to be assisting Coren all around the galaxy, and apart the Event Horizon which was strictly a Frontiers Corps vessel, would be his flagship. The Tyrena was a vessel that had a few plans to go through before she was able to be used in any official war capacity. Moving an exploration vessel into a decent warship was important. Currently, the vessel was undergoing a retrofit for its weapons systems, and they weren’t changed completely. But the ship was carrying a few Armadillo Vehicles, which he’d use down on the surface.

Frontiers Corps members were aboard, and they all had been vetted by Coren Starchaser. If he was going to upgrade this vessel to be used by the Underground to strike at the dark side, he needed to make sure all sides were working perfectly.

“This is Tyrena from the Frontiers Corps. Dispatching two teams. One to check the fault, another will be at your disposal.” Was he getting on the ground? Hell to the no. Not with the Mandos being there.

But earthquakes were exciting.
Objective: Assist in any way possible
Location: Planetside - Mountains
Allies: Mandolorians
Enemies: Nature
Post Count: 1/20

Salem stood aboard a dropship hurtling from orbit in a blur of motion. He had mixed feelings about the situation planetside, it was his first offical assignment given by... well, anyone really, yet he was eager to get his boots on the earth as soon as he could. This was also the first time Salem had been separated from his team, they weren't cleared to operate yet and they were ready to perform a sub-orbital drop at a moment's notice. Feelings aside, Salem listened to his comlink and pulled up statistics on his HUD. The situation was grim, and getting darker by the second. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people were already missing or dead.

Salem felt the dropship trim up, flying horizontally. The pilot's voice came over the intercom inside the canopy, "Standby for drop. Altitude is 15 kilometers. Velocity is 340 meters per second. ETA to green light 20 seconds."

Salem checked his gear one last time, murmuring to himself, "Rifle, check. Jetpack, check. Sanity for dropping into this planet like this, questionable..." Upon the uttering of his last words the blackness of the canopy was broken by a piercing green glow, and the doors slowly opened up.

"Green light! You are cleared for drop!"

Immediately, Salem bolted for the open doors and jumped, murmuring to himself once more, "Moment of truth..."
Location: Planetside
Allies: Vode
Enemies: Nature
Objective: Rescue
Post Count: [1/20]

It was rare and unusual for Vilaz to lend his mind and muscle to humanitarian aid missions. He did help but they were mostly training and acting as a mentor to a Vod who wanted more experience in warfare and combat. Combat was a center of life to all Mandalorians since it was the factor that began this fearsome culture. But as the years passed the Mando'ade thought differently than their great ancestors, yet they didn't revise the Resol'nare, the general concept of their culture, or anything to major. They began to be more diplomatic than the Mandalorians of the past and began giving aid to those desperately in need. Druckenwell was an excellent example when Gilamar Skirata, the previous Mandalore, brought a batch of Warriors and helped with the survivors from the aftermath of the Protectorate Invasion.

Today, Generis would be another example of generosity from the Mandal.

In a team with [member=Briika Hokan] and [member=Graad Hokan], two Rally Masters that he wasn't familiar of, the Redneck was having some difficulty in walking due to the gravity of Generis. "Send everything that you got. We're gonna need a bunch of hands to help out these people," the Warrior responded back to the head of the Frontier Corps who had come to give support to the Mandalorians. He returned his attention to the mission at hand and sent a comm to Briika. [color=What are we suppose to be doing, Vod? Cause I don't know how to handle medical equipments."[/color]

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Vynn Tranikor"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Salem Minayin"]

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Location: Planetside - mountains
Objective: Medical Aid/Rescue
Allies: Mandos - [member="Vynn Tranikor"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Salem Minayin"] [member="Graad Hokan"] [member="Azrael"] & [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Post: 2/20

The Rapid Response Mobile Surgical Unit - RMSU (Rimsoo) had been set up on the plains in the highest area possible on the east slope of the mountains, but that was before the knowledge of the river being dammed up by a landslide above.

< The Rimsoo can be moved to our secondary site, though it will be a much longer transport time for those rescued here. I guess there's no choice really. It will take about an hour to do that so I better give the order now. > Briika responded to her husband, then she comm'd her second in command to do just that. The field hospital was made to be mobile for a reason, though like anything it did take time. Hopefully they had time to rescue those that needed their help.

More search and rescue personnel were showing up every few minutes. All hands would be needed to find the injured and sadly the deceased in all the debris from the earthquake and landslide.

< Alright vode… Those with no medical training, I need for you to put your efforts into searching for and rescuing victims. Patients should be brought to the triage area here that I will set up. Please use the Mass Casualty tag system so the medical personnel can care for them appropriately. Black for those deceased or expected to be, Red for life threatening injured needing immediate care, Yellow for those with non-life threatening injuries needing care, and Green for walking wounded. We'll medivac the patients out in that order to the RMSU. Any questions, concerns or need more help, just holler. Oya! >
Objective: Recon the area surrounding the RMSU and provide intel
Location: Planetside - Mountains
Allies: Mandolorians - [member="Briika Hokan"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Vynn Tranikor"] [member="Graad Hokan"] [member="Azrael"]
Enemies: Nature
Post Count: 2/20

Salem plummeted to the surface of Generis at impossible speeds. During his rapid and controlled descent, he observed several statistics in his helmet's HUD, such as his current velocity and altitude. Volcanic eruptions made visibility nonexistent, so the holographic displays inside his helmet attempted to simulate the surface of the planet, but this technology was inaccurate in these kinds of conditions; the holograms were better suited for low-light or even fog. Several seconds passed as he lanced through the ashen clouds that sought to smother the doomed world. Lying on the other side of the clouds was a scene of despair, the earth was literally tearing itself apart, causing molten rock to spill through its seams and whole mountain ranges to crumble under the stress. It was amazing that there were people still alive on this planet.

Salem was approaching his landing zone, fast. In an attempt to reduce his speed, he orients his feet towards the ground and activates his jetpack to thrust retrograde of his flight path. Salem finally bled enough airspeed to land safely and not break any bones. He stood at the base of a mountain, looking up towards it hoping to find a vantage point. Salem then looked at his mission clock on his HUD. Smiling, he murmured to himself “47 second insertion from 15 kilometers, I think I just set a new personal record.” As Salem began to hike up the mountain, his comlink crackled to life.
“Raven Lead, this is Raven 1-1 on net 2-6-3, did you copy my last, over?”
“Raven 1-1, this is Raven Lead, say again your last.”
“We have received orders that we were to rendezvous with you immediately; we departed as soon as we got the order.”
“Roger that, 1-1. What’s your ETA?”
“One mike, over.”
“Roger that, ETA one mike. Lead out.”
Salem turned around and gazed towards the sky to witness four figures break through the ashen heavens, and gliding right to his position. In a matter of seconds, his Ravens had made planetfall and stood before him, awaiting his orders. “Orders, sir?” asked Tarls, the youngest of the group. Salem looked right at him. “We need to get to the top of this mountain, provide recon for the RMSU, and give them a situational report about the surrounding area. As soon as we finish here, we’ll depart and head to the medical camp and provide security; people get desperate in times like these, and will do almost anything to survive.” Salem turned to head up the mountain and hailed Briika Hokan on his comlink, “Salem Minayin, reporting for duty. My team and I are on the other side of the mountain to the west of your current position and will provide reconnaissance and situational reports on the surrounding area. After providing intelligence, we will move to regroup with the camp and provide additional security. Salem out.”

Not stopping to turn to his men, Salem told his Ravens, “Alright, let’s move. We have lives to save.”
Location: Planetside - mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Briika Hokan"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Graad Hokan"] [member="Malcom Renolds"]
Post: 1/20


A world rocked by recent earthquakes, and subsequent landslides. Following the report they'd received at Agumar, the Mandalorians had quickly scrambled a relief fleet and made hyperspace tracks towards Generis. Anija herself was no medic, though she did have at least some basic first aid training which was taught to all vode. But for now, she turned her attention back to the matter at hand. The gravity of the situation weighed on her shoulders much as the slightly heavier gravity of the world itself did. She knew that it would present it's own challenges.

But what mattered to her more was just exactly how they were going to rescue the trapped people from the collapsed caves. To that end, she'd scrambled a crew of the best engineers Mandal Hyoernautics had to offer. With them, and her own knowldge, she'd brought along various peices of technology. Among them, quite a few portable repulsorlift generators and portable deflector generators. She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to use either yet, but she was certain she could reprogram them to help hold back the debris as her crew worked.

Taking a deep breath, she leaned forward and looked over the holographic map which was displayed on the table around which the various Field Marshals and Rally Masters had gathered. After a moment to gather her thoughts, she looked up at Azrael. "I've brought a full engineering team as well as any equipment we might need. Right now, they are almost into position to move into the cave where the northern collapse occurred." She pointed to the northern most area marked in red. "If there isn't a RMSU nearby, we'll also clear a landing area for an evac shuttle." There was quite a lot of work to be done, but Anija found that she thrived in such situations. "I've also got a few others coming in who offered to assist in the caves. Anyone else who has experience with engineering or spelunking is more than welcome to help us out."
Location: Groundside - Mountains
Objective: Rescue
Allies: [member="Briika Hokan"]
Enemies: The River
Post: 2/20

"Alright boys you heard the woman, Ven and Sul, black tags and bags. The rest of you on clearing rubble."

The rally master watched as his troops moved to action. He stayed behind and waited for them all to clear before putting his buy'ce back on and giving his riduur a Keldabe Kiss. His helmet rest on hers for a moment.

< "I've missed you being out here with me. Now stay safe and don't be the hero. I won't be if you don't." >

His buy'ce lifted from hers, and Graad ran off with his team. Briika knew what he meant, but in case she missed it he called through their private comm channel, and told her words he uttered seldom as he was a man of action.

< "Nhi kar'taylir gar darasuum."

Graad was off in a full run. They had to start by the rock slide and work in. It was the only way to keep an eye on the river dam, and save what lives were there. Other crews were working the immediate area. The Mando'ad also expected most near the actual collapse to be dead. Finding the bodies was simply for closure. Graad had never had that.
Location: Planetside, mountains
Objective: Spelunking, whatever Anija is doing
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"], Mandos

Generis. What a lovely hellhole of a planet she had been dragged to. Well, presumably the planet had been very nice before a couple fething earthquakes mucked it over. So yeah, it had been screwed over bad, which obviously sucked for all the people living there. Anyhow, a big disaster had happened, Mandalorians were here to provide humanitarian aid for the survivors and all sorts of good things. And to think that some people said Mandalorians were just 'unevolved knuckle-draggers' who bombed worlds for the fun of it.

Anyhow, such stereotypical thoughts were far from Elpsis' mind. Truth be told, she was not the do-gooder type. But Anija...Ms. Betna...err Field Marshal Betna - what the hell was she supposed to call her anyway? had decided to come here to help the helpless by rescuing trapped people from collapsed caves. Not so long ago in another thread Elpsis had heroically saved the woman's daughter from evil pirates all on her own. Well, actually she had provided the getaway vehicle, blown up several pirates and flown her to safety, since Mirshko had already snuck away from her captors on her own.

But, hey, it still counted! Where was her medal? Beskar'gam would be nice as well! So she had decided to tag along. Interacting with a family had been...awkward. After all, her own mother had given her up at birth. Granted, there had been reasons for that, but that did not make it Elpsis happier about it. Anyhow Elpsis had been preparing her equipment and stood outside the tent while Anija talked to other bigwigs.
Location: Planetside - mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Briika Hokan"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Azreal"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Shae Kalin"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"]
Post: 1/20

Malcom had journeyed to the Generis because a call for aid had been issued. He wasn't overly someone who got involved with rescue missions as he quite frankly, was far better at dealing out the damage than picking it up. However, there was word that there was a need for volunteers to go venture in the caves and shore up things there. Possibly even help pull out survivors if any remained. And if there was one thing the adrenaline junky liked to do, it was to go exploring. Spelunking may have been mentioned too.

Having landed his vessel in the designated landing zone, Malcom and his team headed over to where everyone was reporting in and getting there assignments. They arrived about the time one of the field marshals, [member="Anija Betna"] to be specific was also reporting in. When she was done speaking, he approached and gave a crisp salute. "Captain Renolds and my crew, reporting for duty ma'am. Where do you need us?"

Alyona Volkovna (Алёна)

Алёна Вохин (Light of the Voxyn)
Location: Groundside - Mountains
Objective: Medical Aid/Rescue
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Mother Kriffing Nature

Post: 1/20

[member=Briika Hokan] | [member=Graad Hokan] | [member=Azrael]

Alyona stood by the rear hatch of the Lambda-class transport shuttle as it descended to the earth below. She was overlooking the mountains through the vessel's outside holocam, grimacing at the level of destruction that had been wrought upon the ancient range. "I've never seen anything like it..." She murmured, glancing over at the other Jedi sitting across from her, Tybee Wyn. Tybee was a female Iridonian Zabrak, one with whom Alyona had served at the Ossus Academy for several years before being picked up by a Nautolan Master, J'kar Gloro. Master Gloro had released Tybee, along with many other Padawans and Knights, from their training on Ossus to join the Republic forces headed to Generis to assist with the recovery effort. "I have," Tybee whispered, "When the Sith took Coruscant. They cut a chasm around Five-Hundred Republica, killed thousands." Alyona's frown deepened and she felt the shuttle strike the ground.
"Alright folks, let's get started," she called, slapping the release on the hatch and watching the loading ramp crack open before descending to the dirt beneath. She tossed her bag over her shoulder and stepped outside, blinking away the sudden brightness that struck her eyes. Despite the air being filled with clouds of dust, the sunlight was surprisingly sharp. Alyona's eyes adjusted swiftly, however, and she caught sight of the many Mandalorian personnel that had been deployed on the planet's surface to render aid.
Quickly, Alyona identified [member=Briika Hokan], and trotted over to her location. The silver-haired woman was doling out orders to her personnel, which Alyona waited out before approaching. "Hokan?" She asked, after the crowd had begun to disperse. "Briika Hokan?" Alyona stepped up to the woman and offered her hand in greeting. "I'm Alyona Voxyn, Jedi Padawan of the Galactic Republic. I'm on assignment leading the Republic Emergency Response Unit sent to assist with the rescue and body recovery mission." Alyona gestured to the team of twenty Jedi Padawans and Knights standing in a half-circle behind her. The lot of them were garbed in varying robes of tan and dark brown, with grey armor plates over the forearms and lower legs and some wore plasteel pauldrons as well. Alyona herself was garbed in a set of traditional Echani armor plate bound to a leather harness that included pauldrons, cuirass, cuisse, bracers and shynbalds. Her lightsabers, a small shoto her Master had bestowed upon her, and the lightsaber of former Grand Master Luke Skywalker himself dangled from the utility belt at her waist. Their metal hilts clacking against the dark stained durasteel plates of her cuisse as she moved.
Location: Planetside, mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Shae Kalin"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"]
Post: 1/20

Kenna had quite frankly been enjoying her freedom the past few weeks. She had gone on a few solo missions without the crew as well as made time for some exploring. Mostly Kenna had continued doing what she always had been working with Malcolm. Even though it wasn't required of her she enjoyed cooking so she continued to do so. Cleaning she wasn't fond of but Kenna enjoyed a tidy ship so naturally she kept things clean.

Humanitarian missions were not something she had ever gone on. They were not something Malcolm had taken her on but she was happy to be going now. In the past year so much good had come her way that Kenna felt it was only right that she give back to those less fortunate. These people were not slaves such as she had been but had been though a natural disaster and needed help. Someday she hoped to get the chance to go against some slavers and help some slaves.

According to Malcolm they would be going spelunking which on it's own sounded very fun. She was always up for exploring and even if they ended up not going into the caves it would still be fun.
Location: Planetside, mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"]
Post: 1/20

Shae, unlike her Captain, lived for helping people. The Renolds crew was becoming known for hitting hard hard and fast when it came to fighting, and while Shae was more than content lending her considerable skills to maintaining that reputation as well as protecting her companions, she wanted more than just combat. At first, Generis seemed to be just the break she needed until the preliminary numbers on the death toll came in, then her heart sank. So much for a break, she had a feeling she wasn't going to be getting sleep for days...

In her many years, she'd never seen anything quite like the destruction on Generis. For all the destruction that man could visit on a place, nothing could top Mother Nature; this place was a perfect example of that. Somehow, she had a feeling her unique skills would be extra useful here; she would essentially be the Search and Rescue 'dog', sniffing out survivors and the dead amongst all the rubble.
Location: Planetside, mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos | [member="Shae Kalin"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Anija Betna"]

This was his first official work with Malcom, and it wasn't exactly what he expected. He expected many things mind, but aiding a relief effort wasn't quite what he had in mind as for what the mission would be. Not that he disliked the idea, just surprised.

The distinctly un-mandalorian looking 'kid' would start setting up their equipment for scanning, as well as the repulsor lifts for going up and down the mine shafts, making sure all was in place and assembled correctly, before testing it all out and confirming it as working. "I thought i had seem some bad disasters, nasty gang fights that devastated sectors, but this takes the cake." Kourin said in amazement as he did a few scans to find out pathways and the like. He aimed to go down into the ground and map out some rough pathways, and would transmit them back to the surface for anyone to see and use. As he was rather small and quick, he could do so rather easily in the newly made cave. Providing that is, they didn't try and cave in. He would stick with other people though of course, not going down into the 'depths' alone, following Shae in her search.
Location: Groundside - landing
Objective: Medical Aid/Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, [member="Illyana Nightshade"]
Enemies: N/A

Post: 1/20

The ruined streets were a harsh sight abd the suffering would be intense. Inside the landing shuttle Mantic prepared himself to exit it as the door was lowered down. He had been recovering on Ossus for a few weeks now and the smell and sounds of a landscape suffering hit him like a metal glove.

As the dust settled he took a few steps outisde to take it in. then he placed his fingertips together and slwoly shielded his own emotions. Not completely but dulling them from everything around them. Pain and suffering was a mixture of fear and despair. And even though mercy must see victory here it was far from that position right now.

He turned to the young woman at his side.

"Padawan, this is no longer just training. You must prepare yourself to see see suffering and pain among these people. We are here to help and we will do good here. But remember that you can not allow yourself the luxury of lashing out in emotions yet. Focus on the actions that we need to perform here, we will have time to go over and meditate on all that we will experience here later on." Mantic watched her with sincere eyes. He was not sure she was ready for this yet, but the role of the jedi was not to sit passively and the Republic had asked the order to assist here. And so here they were.

"This is not a combat zone padawan but do not mistake the people here for nothing less then true heroes. Follow me." he finished and placed his hood back up as he started the walk along the ruined road in a ruined city filled with ruined lives.
Location: Planetside - Atop a Mountain
Objective: Reconnaissance, Guard Duty
Allies: Vode Mando'ade
Enemies: Nature
Post: 3/20

The hike up to the top of the mountain was intense. Heightened gravity had a tendency to make movement more difficult, and much more tiresome. But Salem was Mandolorian. He was above being defeated by gravity's wear and tear on the body. His vode were also in the same mindset, Generis would not defeat them on this day, or perhaps even the next. They were Ori'ramikad - super commandos - Mandolorian special forces. There was no way Generis was going the best them using gravity while negotiating a mountainside, no matter how painful or taxing on the human musculature it was.

Salem and his team had reached the top, sweating and breathing slightly heavier than if at rest. "It's about damned time! We passed three false summits on our way up here!" exclaimed Baldur, frustrated by the seemingly never-ending climb up. "You are correct vode, but we still have a mission to complete. The longer we take, the more people will get injured or die," beamed Vex, pulling out his macrobinoculars as he laid near Sven, who was setting up a vantage point, "we do not have the luxury of taking breaks today." The mountain range was expansive, but had a great view over the movements of the RMSU's route and of the dam, which appeared to be in an easily compromised position. "Boss, we have a problem," groaned Sven as he peered through his rifle scope. "Send your traffic," Salem stated. "The dam is mostly intact, but it's already showing signs of structural damage. There are minor leaks in the dam's face. It will be able to hold up to minor tremors and earthquakes, but anything too powerful and it'll give, flooding the whole area where the RMSU is currently located. Suggested course of action is to take higher ground." "Roger that. I'll relay your last to the convoy."

Salem felt his heart sink, and millions of possibilities screamed in his head. What if the RMSU doesn't make it? How many injured will die if it breaks? How many of his vode will be swept away by a wall of liquid death? Why did he feel so powerless? Salem switched his comlink to the Medical Team's channel.

"This is Salem Minayin transmitting on Medical Channel 1, we have a problem..."

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Location: Groundside - Mountains
Objective: Medical Aid/Rescue
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Time, Conditions, Mother Nature… Muse
Post: 3/20

< I've missed being out here with you too, ner cyare... and I will. Me too, > Briika answered [member="Graad Hokan"], then let her riduur go so the rugged Concordian could lead a search and rescue party into the hardest hit area. There was worry and concern for him, but Bree could not let that consume her as she had her own duty to perform.

It wasn't a minute later that an incoming comm call came through on Medical Channel 1. < This is Medic One. Go ahead [member="Salem Minayin"]… >

Briika listened to the vod's assessment of the dam area and potential flooding issue. She was aware of the possibility and had already taken action, but having eyes on the real time situation was critical to hopefully divert further disaster.

< Roger that, Minayin. I have already given the order to move the Rimsoo to a secondary location on higher ground and some distance away, though it will take about thirty minutes to complete. Appreciate the intel. Keep me regularly posted on the conditions there. Medic One out. >

The silver-armored baar'ur went about setting up the triage area. There were marked areas for the tagged wounded that were being brought to them by the rescue personnel to be further accessed and treated. It was all part of a systematic approach to mass casualty situations. She had a medic team assigned to each area. This was about the time that another group of people came to offer their aid. They seemingly were Jedi from the Republic. It was good to see them respond to the aid call put out by the Mando'ade for all hands on deck.

Bree popped her buy'ce and hooked it to her belt, then the golden blonde offered a gloved hand to the sliver-haired young woman. "Su'cuy, [member="Alyona Volkovna"]. I'm Briika Hokan, callsign Medic One. It is good to have you here. As you can see this is the triage area. There are several search and rescue teams deployed where the landslide came down atop the mountain village. Feel free to put your people where you like. Do be aware the river is dammed up and may give way at anytime. Best to be on your toes," she nodded.

Just then, a big aftershock shook the area………….. @All

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