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[GCD Entry: Arali Shala]

-+=Welcome to the Galactic Citizen Database.=+-
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-+=Welcome user A73892B-28SI42.=+-
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-+=User Input: Shala, Arali.=+-
-+=Database Entry found: Shala, A.=+-
-+=Database Entry Loaded.=+-

[Citizen A. Shala wanted in relation to illegal data slicing activities.]

[Citizen A. Shala wanted in relation to the shooting of CSF Officer UH73829-B.]
[Citizen A. Shala wanted in relation to holocrimes under the alias "Blue Velvet".]
[Citizen A. Shala wanted in relation to theft of Government Documents.]
[Citizen A. Shala wanted in relation to illegal redistribution of sensitive data.]
[Citizen A. Shala wanted in relation to fraudulent activities.]
Primary Information:

Citizen Name:
Arali Shala

Known Alias':
"Ali". "Blue Velvet".

Birth date:

Physical Description:

Baseline Human.


Estimated to be 9 stone and 2 pounds in weight.

Estimated to be 5 feet and 7 inches in height.

Body build:

Eye color:

Skin tone:
Coruscanti Caucasian.

Distinguishing marks:
Triangle and line tattoo upon her chin. Rumored to be in relation to an illegal data slicing ring.
Decorative piercing in her left eyebrow.
Possibly illegal ocular augmentation. Unknown functions.

Hair color:

Type of hair:

Messy, shoulder length. Fringe directed towards the right side of her face.

Physical disabilities:

Usual fashion of dress:

Dark hued syn-leather clothing.

Secondary Information:

Personality Profiling:

"Arali is noted as neither optimist nor pessimist- She describes herself instead as a realist, and is known to act only out of self preservation in any given situation. This combined with her somewhat extroverted state has lead to my belief that she is as unpredictable as she is disorderly. A part of me wishes to believe that this is simply how Arali turned out, yet I cannot shake the feeling that she deliberately exists like this in order to be more elusive to law enforcement agents (and anyone else that may want to talk to her, for that matter). The cautious way she conducted herself before the CSF brought her in for questioning, and during her interrogation lends itself to this theory somewhat, as does the logical thought patterns she exhibited during the mandatory neural scanning process during said questioning. Even with my theories about her ways of avoiding law enforcement, I cannot for the life of me fathom why Arali relishes her lifestyle.
Perhaps it's due to the freedom that living off the grid grants her?
I will have to examine further at a later date, if time is permitting...
Still, despite her apparent chaotic lifestyle she is clearly very confident - Her cocksure posture and relaxed attitude towards her situation give me the feeling that she is an incredibly confident person, and I believe this stems from her exceptional ability to slice data, and the notoriety she has gained in the underbelly of the Galaxy from doing so. Despite having been arrested for illegally entering a senator's chambers and lifting data from his private information banks, she appears to believe herself above, or at least separate from the laws that govern the Galaxy. It will be interesting to observe and further examine how this attitude towards her present situation will hold up as the judicial proceedings advance into their latter stages - I will be watching with interest."
- An extract from the Psychological Evaluation of Arali Shala by one A. Placidus.
Tertiary Information:

[Information Missing.]
-+=Attempting to re-access information...=+-
-+=Unable to re-access information...=+-
-+=Relabeling error notice...=+-

I'm watching you... Reading about me.
Don't turn around - By the time you do I'll be gone.
I have a message for you.
Now is not the time.
Now is not the place.
I have your answers.
Find me.
(Please don't take any of this post as in-character knowledge unless you find out about it through roleplaying with Arali.)
Arali Shala. Better known in slicing circles by the alias Blue Velvet, Arali is (for want of a better word), a Slicer extraordinaire. She has spent countless hours learning how to code, decode, crack, lift, and generally dis-assemble any piece of software she could get her hands on, and as any good slicer inevitably does, she has used her considerable talents to earn herself both the reputation of a virtual virtuoso and a tidy amount of credits in the process. Credits that she has ultimately used to riddle her body with various cybernetic implants. Over the years, Arali has turned herself from just another human slicer to a walking holonet interface - heck, even her eyes have been augmented, allowing her to overlay code, data, and on occasion live stream fight-pit feeds right on top of her natural vision. Put simply, she is a bio-engineer's wet dream.

She is often compelled to act out of a deep yearning for fresh knowledge, and is, more than anything, driven to find out if there was a technological challenge she can't overcome. She has a somewhat light frame, and often choses to wear syn-leather clothing in dark hues, for reasons unknown.

The love of Arali's life is her rig, May. May is, for all intents and purposes, an angular, ugly thing, but to Arali, May is the most beautiful thing in the whole wide Galaxy, and she treasures it (and it's safety) above all other things. In her mind, there'd be another Arali, one day. But there'd never be something so perfect as May. May is a machine cobbled together from the parts of hundreds of lesser machines and presented in an unbelievably battered state. However, Arali has designed, built, and fine tuned it herself. She knows every inch of it. Where every wire runs, exactly how much solder has been used where, exactly what temperature the CPU in the upper left quadrant gets to if it's been left running for three minutes, eighteen seconds, and 3 milliseconds. It's also safe to say that if Arali is a bio-engineers wet dream, then her battered looking rig would have left most techheads in a state of perpetual bliss. Notably May has no screens, or other visual aides outside of a scaresely used Holoprojector. Instead, Arali interfaces directly with the rag-tag machine by way of her implants - thus making the whole experience much more streamlined, and much more secure. After all, if anybody wanted to see what she saw then they would literally have to jack into her optical implants and download the data for themselves.

May is stored securely three miles in the ground beneath one of the largest Habitation spires of Nar Shaddaa, safeguarded by meters of thick Durasteel and a security system designed by Arali herself, and updated whenever she feels that her pride and joy isn't happy with the current arrangements. The system is linked up, at all times, to Arali, allowing her to monitor May at all times. There are also four Autoturrets concealed within the walls and ceiling of the room May is in, with a fifth containing a single proton torpedo - A failsafe Arali begrudgingly installed as the ultimate last resort. If May is ever compromised, Arali could, if she so chose, annex the intruders and her pride and joy in an instant.
[member="Arali Shala"], I like the fact how you made it look like someone was trying to access your information Via slicing. As well it's color coded (to a point, but its better than a wall of white words) And props for the Photoshop work to get the tattoo on the chin and the piercing on the eyebrow. I also like the cut like mark across her right cheek. (may just be a rogue strand of hair.) Nonetheless, welcome to the site.
[member="Noah Corek"]

[member="Darren Shaw"]
I'm glad you got what I was goimg after looks wise! You're off the mark about the photoshop work though - twas just how I found the image. :p

[member="Lok Jorunn"] [member="Frederick King"]
Cheers guys :D

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