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Galactic Republic Senate roster

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Suravi said:
[member="Mantic Dorn"]Suravi Teigra Kirbi System

My character is formerly a Jedi, but left the order and assumed a new identity as a pharmaceutical mogul.
It is still a tiny bit of problem. Force users are not allowed in the senate.
Some we know oocly are force users but they hide this fact and if revealed will have to face consequences.
Hence, if you werea member of the jedi order it would be hard to not know that you are force sensitive, or?
Hey [member=Mantic Dorn], I was wanting to establish a political character and had to ask about Katarr. It hosts a Force Sensitive species, so I'm not sure how that would work with the rules against FU's in the Senate. I'm just curious if anyone's considered that.

The planet I wanted to apply for was Umbara, character name being [member=Geral Varta].

I also added this insightful guideline:

2. You can pick any planet within the Republic cloud or a neutral planet to represent as long as it makes IC sense it is represented in the Republic Senate. This will be very much up to your own common sense. Planets in other major faction clouds may not be represented in the Republic senate.
I figured since worlds inside the cloud can refuse to be part of the senate, worlds outside the cloud can as well. I am sure this can be discussed though ;)

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Hello everyone.

I would like to apply for Caius Flavian to become the Senator of Carida.
[member="Tonald Drump"] has been inactive since the 10th of January so I would like to initiate a recall

My reasons for this
  • So far IC Caius has not really gone anywhere after the splintering of the GE/IR. Although people have approached me for rps and such most have gone no where or simply left by the way side on posting and what not. I've always wanted this character to eventually achieve political power, although over the last couple of years Caius has multiple times acted as a conduit for the Imperial government
  • With the events of the Red Dawn and those left of the Imperials who had gone into exile here in republic space I would like to assimilate them into the Republic with Carida. I have an idea for to pull this off with solid Imperial flavoring. Considering a decent number of NPC Imperial leadership were apparently murdered by the Prime Minister this is a politically charged issue that I would like to address with some dialogue and then go on to begin improving this neglected world.
As for Carida itself.
It has always been a militaristic world.
One of the largest and prestigious storm trooper academies back in the days of the og Galactic Empire
Considering the state of things the government of Carida will be a military junta lead by a benevolent Dictator (me!) due to the origins of the previous Fel government under Kista Fel and tracing its lineage from the old Fel Empire under Ronin Fel.
No longer aspiring for galactic imperialism the ex-Empire forces will simply become the Caridan Military and the government's administration will be one based around Stratocracy.
I have no intention of reviving or splitting Carida off form the republic although that will obviously be made with.
A lot of the plans I've brainstormed today for the world would be to turn it into a fortress system and strong point in the Republic defenses.

I've been languishing with this character and the other Imperial Characters associated with it and would like to do something, change, a refresh, a something to get the role playing creativity going again.
Obviously I'm very open to In Character dialogue on laws and such of the Republic and making sure it fits.
So yeah that is my proposal.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
[member="Gir Quee"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[member="Jack Sparrow"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Caius Flavian"]

Mantic is away on vacation until March. He holds the powers to drop or add Senators. Kind of sad that Tonald Drump wasn't around for the election. I was looking forward to his involvement. But I'll pass the word along. More than likely he'll try to reach the writer first.

Otherwise Commenor is looking for a replacement for Kay.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
[member="Lady Kay"]

I will take that into consideration for commenor.

Sadly, despite my reservations on the real person [member="Tonald Drump"] was based on, I actually had looked forward to his participation at the time in the GR Senate.

However, deducing who the character was based on I presume it was a well played trollen on this site and faction based on the fact Cilary hlinton came about the same time during the height, for that reason I see opportunity to get involved with something that has a solid pulse and be active.

Regardless if any Senators are up for beginning these steps in character I'm up for some political RP.
[member="Caius Flavian"]

Firstly, apologies on the delay in response, I'll get right on it.

I like the idea of the Imperial Remnant (the good part) settling down within the Republic. Does your character have any history with Carida though?

Stratocracy, I see a Starship Troopers fan. :p

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
[member="Suravi Teigra"]

Well the premise here is that because the IR was given asylum on Carida and given the attack on Carida by the Prime Ministers forces during the events of the Red Dawn the power vacuum that was left in the aftermath is what provides the catalyst for assimilation into Carida's likely already militaristic society and the wider Galactic Republic by choosing to side for the loyalist government rather than join with the Prime Ministers faction.

I'll likely develop a solid history and back story as to the rise of this new regime on Carida to justify everything.
Until the approval of this by the FAs and FL I'll slowly start writing this aspect in preparation.

Also don't worry, I usually poke people as politely as I can when it comes posting.

Lastly! Yes quite dead on I'm indeed a fan of the book and l also enjoyed the movie adaptation of starship troopers!

texting this by phone sucks so pardon misspellings!
[member="Caius Flavian"], welcome! While Mantic Dorn needs to officially add you to the roster, I don't see why you can't start playing right away. If somehow Drump reappears we can make adjustments as needed. I'd rather see an active, interested participant than a holding place for someone who likely is no longer around.
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