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Galactic Republic Senate roster

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Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Gaisa Theron said:
I would like to request the senatorial seat for the planet Garqi, which at the moment is neutral and unclaimed by any influence cloud.
Right now our Faction Admins are a little understaffed and overworked!

Please go ahead and begin roleplaying as a Senator for Garqi as soon as you would like!

We can possibly begin a tier 1 dominion for that world as well if you would like too us that as a proper mechanism for getting the planet within the influence cloud

Just a heads up though a very aggressive (IC) major faction is starting up right there so your world could very much be subjected to an invasion at some point

[member="Lady Kay"]

Tagging you just for a heads up on the request.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Thanks [member="Caius Flavian"]

[member="Gaisa Theron"]

As our previous FO created the Senate list, I can't adjust it. I will have to create a new one to input any changes or additions. At work at the moment though, so I'll have to get to it later :)

Welcome to the Senate :D
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