Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Alliance: Salvage and Explore (Newbies!)

There is a sensation that one gets when they are either being talked about, gazed upon or just has a bad feeling about something – and Mira got that sensation as soon as she left the room where [member="Chevu Visz"] was holding the Imperial at gunpoint. An icy cold shiver went up her spine and sent the hairs on the back of her neck to their very tips, causing a gloved hand to rise up and rub her neck gently – attempting to sway the sensation back into her core. She raised an eyebrow for a moment, turning back to stare down the corridor where the others were for a moment.

There was something about that guy – maybe she just wasn’t on her game enough to catch it. Not that it mattered at the moment anyways, he wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. She was sure that he’d be hauled off with the transport and whatever they found here, so she’d have time to get a closer look later.

With a slight shrug, she turned back towards the way they came. Her hand dropped from her neck and reached inside her satchel – producing yet another glow rod. She quickly activated the yellowish-white lamp before throwing it ahead of herself. As the lamp flew through the air, end over end, it casted shadows of different shapes and sizes before it landed with a clank and rolled to a stop against a wall. Mira produced a datapad from her satchel, activating it with a simple press of a button. The schematics for the facility would appear before her – flickering blue and green with areas of red marked off as danger zones. She was curious as to why, quite possibly due to the fact they were exposed to atmospheric conditions, maybe even toxins that they weren’t suited up for.

Who really knew – all she did know, was that she was on the right path towards the command center and the computer terminals.

[member="Jareb Kaine"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] | [member="Andanian Ategann"] | [member="Nikola Ticon"] | [member="Eliza Stryder"] | [member="Kaia Starchaser"]
Bounties? Chevu had them, too. If she knew that the spacer, Andarian, had a bounty, the Mirialan would probably just shrug. As long as he wasn't a known dark sider or with the Sith or First Order, Chevu couldn't care less what the guy did in his spare time. Well, unless he was a slaver. She might have a problem with that.

She heard Nikola's familiar voice nearby. Hadn't she told her apprentice to stay with the others? A head shake came. His inability to follow orders was a bit of a problem that she'd have to discuss with him later.

Chevu's posture softened, but she didn't lower her weapon completely, even when Black One joined them. She nodded her head at the pilot.

"Confiscate his weapons," said the Mirialan.

The man's story was pretty simple: Stolen ship. On the run from the One Sith. The stranger made a remark about her blaster and she cracked a grin.

"Some of us use whatever's at our disposal, Andanian" she told the man. "So, what did you do you had to steal a ship and haul jets from Sith space?"

[member="Andanian Ategann"] [member="Jareb Kaine"] [member="Nikola Ticon"]
Andanian felt some form of relief when she asked. He didn't like being stripped of his revolver, but it was necessary. He had to gain their trust somehow. The answer to him asking about her using a blaster was a logical one, since he didn't exactly see a lightsaber on her anywhere. Maybe his eyes were just preoccupied elsewhere to have noticed. "I flunked Imperial Academy. I'm not good enough, like my brother is. I've always been one step behind him, and that proved it." Since his arms started to get tired and his only means of defense had been stripped from him, he figured it was okay to slowly lower his arms.

"Is that what you wanted to hear? That i'm my homeworld's enemy? Well, there it is. I'm a failure. Below average. Not cut out to serve my own home. So now i'm here, where apparently, the rest of the galaxy's misfits and criminals sulk in the dark." He noticed a few not-so-blissful glares stab at him after saying that, making a face, " I really wrong? All you people ever do is attack trade routes and raid imperial supply locations. You know, my mother used to work for a guy like that. He smuggled spice, yeah, but he wasn't asking for trouble from the Alliance, but boy did you guys not hesitate to take it all off him. Made the poor sod bankrupt, and left my mom out of work for a good three months. If you wanna know why I was signing up for Imperial Academy...well, that's one reason.

"But I wasn't good enough. I 'didn't know when to stop having fun'." Andanian didn't seem to realize he had gone off on a tangent. "I wanted to help my Empire that was being poked at with an electrostaff. They wouldn't have as far as i'm concerned, they can't have me anymore. To hell with them, I say. I'm not just saying this to make you rebellious terrorists giggle with joy, I just..." His voice trailed off as the glares started to return. He sighed, throwing his hands as if to say 'whatever'.

"Bah. What do you care? Just throw me in the brig. I know you're dying to."

[member="Chevu Visz"] / [member="Jareb Kaine"] / [member="Nikola Ticon"]
A not-so-sheepish grin was his only response to [member="Chevu Visz"]'s silent reprimand. Oh, Nikola would be hearing from her later, he had no doubt. But right now there were more important things to worry about than one unruly apprentice that didn't quite know any better. It wasn't as if any lectures would exactly assist in making him less stubborn, but he would sit through them. Besides, he always won her over in the end. Just as he was attempting to do right now, what with everyone still not quite lowering their weapons despite the man being rather obviously unarmed at this point. And now he, a headstrong and rather brash at times Jedi Padawan, was attempting to play negotiator. There was something not quite right in the galaxy.

However, despite his want for everything to be resolved smoothly and hopefully bloodlessly, he couldn't help but get a touch defensive at the thinly veiled slights. Sure, the Alliance might have been a home to the outcasts, but they were damn good at what they did. That was what made them dangerous. "I'd say we're doing pretty good for a group of misfits and criminals." So maybe the latter did hold a bit of truth to it, given that he was from a crime family. "Besides, it doesn't look like you have very many options at the moment, funtihruo. You've got a funny way of making it look like you want to join our merry band of terrorists, if all you're going to do is sit there and talk skrag."

[member="Andanian Ategann"]
Jareb gladly took the blaster from [member="Andanian Ategann"] and stepped to the side. He wasn't at all happy with what he said, but Jareb did conjure some pity for him. If his family hadn't been such avid supporters of the Jedi, he probably would have attended the Imperial Academy himself.

"You can call us criminals and terrorists all you want, but it's your Empire that ravaged the Core worlds, and it's your Empire who stole my home planet. I know the work the Sith have done probably just looks like numbers on a datatable to a lot of people, but there have been lives behind every attack they've made." Jareb had lost some good friends in the Corellian militia due to the Sith.

"Out here, we're trying to make a better life for people. Maybe even people like you." He nodded. Jareb had no doubt that the Jedi had plenty of more eloquent things to add to his own personal musings.

[member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Nikola Ticon"]
Mira continued to trek on throughout the station on the planetoid - following the schematics that were given to her by [member="Kaia Starchaser"]. As she went along, she'd occasionally bend down to pick up a piece of junk here or there and throw it into her satchel. The echo of her footsteps bounced off the corridors behind her and dissipated into the darkness beyond - but she felt something, something following her. A slender eyebrow raised as she turned around to stare into the darkness, garnet colored eyes blinking softly. Her skin began to crawl and a shiver ran up the very core of her spine causing her to take a few steps back rapidly - only to trip over the skeletal remains of a humanoid. Mira cried out in surprise more than fear and that is when she heard the most awful sound she had ever heard - the bloodcurling cry of the howlrunner.

The noise bounced all over the place, and somewhere deeper in the structure - another one responded. This only made her panic more and lose her focus as well as her bearing. "No wonder why this damn place was abandoned, some idiot must have lost his cargo!" She exclaimed as she scrambled to her feet, sending half-clothed bone and debris in different directions. She'd start to run - only to be tripped up by the very same skeleton the fell over on in the first place. She'd stumble forward and turn around trying to grab onto something! Anything! but she was unable to. It was a chaotic moment, and it all happened so fast - she didn't even remember hitting the half pried opened door behind her.


It sounded like someone took a heavy piece of duracrete and just chucked it against the durasteel wall. Mira slumped up against the door, knocked out cold and tangled up in a mess of bones and tattered clothing - her glowlamp shattered and datapad flickering, only adding to the already creepy scene that one might stumble upon. Lesson learned - don't wander off without company on a station that has been abandoned, never know the reason behind it.

[member="Jareb Kaine"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] | [member="Andanian Ategann"] | [member="Nikola Ticon"] | [member="Eliza Stryder"] | [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Reference - Bwuahaha, let's have some fun. :)
Eliza walked down one of the corridors, shining her light from wall to wall in search of anything that could help clear up the investigation. It was a long, dark hallway, and from what she could see, the place was a total wreck. Then again though, at a mystery abandoned base on top of a planetoid, this should have been what she expected anyway. Still, the whole vibe of the place unsettled her. Not just because of the dark, ominous look, but the look of the the base itself. Everything was either scattered, tossed, thrown, or destroyed, and nothing seemed to be in its rightful place.

"Great... yeah, lets all go off in different directions and let good ol' Eli go exploring the dark creepy chasm alone, thats a great idea" she muttered to herself, trying to distract her brain from the fact that she was walking in total darkness aside from the small amount of light her flashlight gave off. "Ya know, this is a great first mission, though I expected a little more bashing skull and a little less terror and darkness" she ground out the words bitterly, tredding along and moving her spare arm to her blaster strapped to her thigh.

Though the creepy vibe remained, she still trekked along, examining everything. From what she could gather, it almost looked like some kind of creature had caused this... that or the people who were here before thought it'd be funny to scare somebody by making it look that way. If so, it was working. Her grip tightened on the handle, when she suddenly heard something... something like a cry. Or a screech.

That was all the convincing she needed to pull out her blaster, lifting it from its holster and holding it at the ready.

She didn't say a word. She didn't move, she didn't breath, she just froze, pointing it at the end of the hall to the source of the screech. She moved quickly, the adrenaline now coursing through her pushing her to move forward. She once again heard a noise, but this time, it didn't seem to be a screech, like the noise she'd heard before. It sounded like a footsteps.

She started to move backwards, stepping back slowly from the way she came. She needed to report this, and from the noise she heard, this thing wasn't a person, and she didn't know if taking it on alone was the best plan of attack. On top of that, she didn't know if taking it on alone in the DARK was a good plan either. She expected the lights to have been back on by now, so either they didn't find the terminal, or something must have gone wrong. She was at the door now, and shining the light back at the end of the hallway, she noticed a brief flicker of movement before she burst outside to find the others.
Kaia was really excited, but she was making her way around and the site was actually a lot bigger than she realized. But that just meant more to see! The dark haired, inked up, and pale skinned spacer was in her element. Sort of. She knew the air was recycled, which was nice, she preferred it, reminded her of home, and safety. She was glad to have so many people show up for this event, and was working on making sure people were safe, of course, but that also meant exploring, for herself.

She made her way down to the hangar, detouring on her way to the wreck, obviously, maybe she could find a few things for her ship. Turning her head to pop her neck, she held her lightsaber hilt in her hand. The Starchaser kid liked being alone, and this was a bit of an odd situation for her, to have so many people around. She needed to find the places that no one else had yet.

The hangar was empty, aside from the scraps, but maybe there was something here. She was a Starchaser, after all. Short of navigating their pants off, and being odd wild talents in the Force, they were really good at being Hufflepuffs finding things! Psychometry, she supposed. Now… what was here worth taking?

[member="Jareb Kaine"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] | [member="Andanian Ategann"] | [member="Nikola Ticon"] | [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Eliza Stryder"] | [member="Mira Rekali"]
Chevu nodded towards Jareb. “We aren’t terrorists. When we hit and run, we do it to the folk’s who deserve it, darksiders and those who fight for them. And we work with the people of the worlds we help. Find out what they need, and give them the tools to arm themselves against the darkness, be it the Sith or the First Order.”

Chevu had a good feeling about Andanian. She didn’t go far into the other man’s mind, but just enough to get a sense that he was telling the truth.

“Imprison you?” The Mirialan grinned. Shoving her pistol back in its holster, she gave the newcomer a shrug. “Nah, you did nothing wrong. And if you stole an Imperial ship? Good.”

She looked to Jareb, knowingly. “We’re keeping your weapon for now. If you’re looking for safe harbor, you can come back with us to Sullust.” A short laugh came.

“If you like stealing ships, hang around. We might put you to work.”

[member="Jareb Kaine"] [member="Nikola Ticon"] [member="Andanian Ategann"]
Eliza burst out of the door, sprinting back the way she came. Since everyone had run off in different directions, no one every made a valid meeting place, so her first instinct was to go back to where they all separated. She slowed her sprint to a walk once she knew she had made it out of the building, but her anxiety hadn't left her. She quickly put her flashlight back in her pack, giving all her attention to her blaster. In battles, she'd normally fight with both her blasters rather than once, but this wasn't a battle, and to be honest, she didn't know what the hell was even going on.

The lights still hadn't come online, but that didn't necessarily mean anyone was in danger. Maybe she was the only one who had a run in with whatever the hell was in that building, but still, she couldn't be sure. After turning one last corner, she was back where everyone had separated. No one was there.

"Ok... maybe they just aren't back yet..." she muttered to herself slowly. She looked over to see the other people from before still over by the crash site. She suspected they were busy, and more than likely didn't know about the whole situation. She slowly made her way down the sloped hill leading towards the crash site, making her way to the people below. She knew that her crew seemed to trust them, so she figured it was only right to let them know.

"Uh, hello ma'am, I know you don't know me, but I'm from the crew of the Wandering Star, and I came back hoping one of my cremates might be here, but clearly they aren't..." she slowed her speech, looking up at the Jedi woman in front of her. "Anyway, I know your probably busy with..." she looked at Andanian with narrowed eyes "that one, but this is important, I went into one of the buildings and theres something in there... I don't know what, but it seems to be some sort of animal, I saw it as I was exiting the building, and I think its dangerous, nearly the entire building was a complete wreck, and from what I could tell, it looked like whatever that thing was, it caused it. Anyway though, I just wanted to ask that if any of the crew returns to this area, and your still here, if you could alert them for me, and tell them I'm looking for them? Also, just be cautious if you enter one of the buildings..." she turned around quickly, preparing to head back up, "also, thank you, and sorry if I interrupted your... conversation" she gave a small smile before heading back up to find her crewmates.

She was sure they were fine, after all, they were Jedi, yet a deep unsettling feeling had lodged itself in her, and she just hoped that whatever was loose in the base wasn't too dangerous, whatever it was.
Andanian's curious eyes darted between [member="Chevu Visz"] and [member="Jareb Kaine"]. Of course they would argue that they weren't terrorists, since the word was demonized by default, and Force forbid the big, bad group of rebels looked like the bad guys. He shrugged it off. This wasn't really a time to make enemies, especially when the group in particular were all around him and he had no way off of this station.

He wasn't particularly surprised that he wasn't going to be imprisoned. This Galactic Alliance probably needed as many allies as they could get, and Andanian needed to find somewhere to work and hide from anyone seeking his rather miniscule bounty. What he didn't like was that he wasn't getting his blaster back for now, for which, he shot a look at Kaine, who was now in possession of it. "Alright. That sounds fair. If you don't mind, I think I will return to Sullust with you." Andanian was a bit of a history nerd sometimes, so there were many worlds around the galaxy he knew through lore and such. The mention of Sullust intrigued him, but also didn't surprise him. The world where the Rebel Alliance fleet used to frequent was now apparently a popular world with this band of rebels. Why Sullust though, he wondered, a world with lakes of magma on the surface and a craggy landscape that was dangerous to inhabit. Well, perhaps that was exactly why. It was the last world the Empire would have guessed.

Then, another new face. She sounded, and looked, tired and stressed, like she had just been running from something. Oh, bloody hell, don't tell me there are spooky ghosts on board. he thought. Almost immediately after the thought, she seemed to glare at him for some reason. Did everyone here know he was a native imperial? Was he constantly going to be shunned by the rest of the Rebels because of it? If so, Andanian was in for a heck of a ride.

"...theres something in there... I don't know what, but it seems to be some sort of animal, I saw it as I was exiting the building, and I think its dangerous, nearly the entire building was a complete wreck"

So it is a spooky ghoul.

It sounded ridiculous to the imperial scoundrel, but believable to an extent. Was this why this station was deserted? Did it eat everyone on board? His head cocked to the side at Kaine once again, "You sure you wanna keep my blaster? Sounds like I could be of some help in hunting this thing. I'll have you know I did last a year in Imperial Academy. I can fight."

No Andanian, you bloody idiot, not against a spooky ghoul you can't!

[member="Eliza Stryder"] / [member="Nikola Ticon"]
Mira wake up in quite a fuss – throwing her hands up and scattering the skeletal remains in different directions. “AH!” She yelled before standing up swiftly. She allowed the clank and clatter of bones to settle before peering towards the darkness. She didn’t feel the howlrunners anymore, not atleast in close proximity. She took a moment to rub the back of her head before picking up her satchel amongst the debris and junk – maybe she was imagining things. She tapped on her comlink a few times – hearing a bit of static in between but in between bursts, she managed to get a clear signal.

“If anyone can hear me, I think we got a problem…” She paused for a moment, taking a look around again, stepping forward into the darkness. “I think someone let loose some howlrunners – can’t tell how many.”
She had never seen a howlrunner up close but she had heard stories – enough to know they weren’t a joke. For the most part, she had gotten the things she required. The sound of rustling a few meters away caused her to shuffle towards the way she came. ‘Maybe now is a good time to head back where the others are…’ She thought to herself before unsnapping her lightsaber from her belt and igniting the violet blade with a snap-hiss. She held it before her, at a high-guard position in order to project light ahead without blocking her vision.

She’d make it back before these things caught her.

[member="Jareb Kaine"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] | [member="Andanian Ategann"] | [member="Nikola Ticon"] | [member="Eliza Stryder"] | [member="Kaia Starchaser"]
Andanian's comlink flickered back to life in his pocket. He managed to hear most of what was being played on it.

"...meone let loose some howlrunners – can’t tell how many.”

That voice was that other girl who went her own way a moment ago. Was she in danger? Well, it would certainly prove something to these ragged guerillas he would probably be frequenting with if he helped out. The man who took his blaster was probably not going to give it up. "Feth it, i'm going to do something! Move it!" he said, pushing his way past [member="Chevu Visz"] and sprinting out the nearby door and into the dark corridors.

Almost immediately, Andanian felt regret. He still didn't feel like he wanted to remove his rebreather or his goggles. The goggles were handy now because of the bright, white light built onto the side that he now activated to bring some light to the surrounding dark. The corridors were a good metaphor for the galaxy right now. There was so much darkness brewing in the galaxy, and a giant, starving war machine roaming the halls and stalking new prey relentlessly while a stark few rag-tag guerillas fought against it together.

You're really sounding like an Empire-hater now, Andy. These roughnecks are gonna love you.

Andanian already began to feel exposed without his blaster. He scanned the corridors, riddled with all kinds of filth and old scrap. He picked up a rusty pipe, which would have to serve as self-defense for now while those rebels had his real weapon.

Once again, rushing into a situation without thinking it through first. This is why you're wanted, Andy. Had to throw a fit aftet flunking Academy. Now we're roaming dark hallways on a derelict space station with whatever the feth a howlrunner is stalking us. Blast it all, where is this girl? I can at least take her back to the others so we can leave...

"Heeeey! Uh...girl! Where are you!?"

No, wait, should not have yelled! Feth me, should NOT have yelled!

[member="Mira Rekali"] / [member="Jareb Kaine"]
That, was why Jareb loved Jedi. They were so straight-forward and nonchalant about their kindness. It was as if they didn't even have to think when acting from the Light-side. It just came naturally he supposed.

Jareb tensed as footsteps headed in their direction. However, it didn't seem like he had anything to worry about at the moment. It was a young woman who Jareb recognized from the GA. She was in the engineering corps he believed. What she had to say put him on edge though. Creatures prowling the station? How perfect. Jareb had thought the abandoned base couldn't get any creepier.

A moment later a voice chimed in on comms confirming the engineers report. After that, she disappeared as quickly as she had come, muttering something about finding the rest of her salvage crew. She seemed a bit high strung. In response, [member="Andanian Ategann"] made a comment about his blaster, to which Kaine rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't take that risk if there was a nest of gundarks on this station. You're not getting a weapon until we get back to Sullust and can sort all this out." Surprisingly, the man didn't seem to care whether he had his blaster or not and nearly ran into Marshal Visz as he exited to go help.

"Well kark." Kaine exclaimed. "We could use somebody that brave. I'm going to follow him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." He cocked a smile. "I'll catch up with you later Marshal." He then nodded to her padawan and jogged off in the direction Andanian had headed.

"Hey imp, wait up!" He tried to call softly. About 40 meters down a second tunnel, he heard a crash echo from in front of him. He froze in place. Suddenly harsh squealing sounded over Jarebs head and made him duck. He looked up finally and saw large winged creatures flying back the direction he came.

"Mynocks. Fething energy suckers. Oh Force, I hope they don't latch on to my baby's power cords." He whispered to himself. BD-3 would probably keep his precious X-Wing safe, but that didn't keep him from worrying.

[member="Eliza Stryder"] [member="Mira Rekali"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Nikola Ticon"]
Eliza heard Mira on the comlink and let out a deep, relieved breath. She was alive, which was a good sign. She was standing in front of a partially cracked doorway after following in the direction she knew Mira had gone in. This was also the way that the other pilot had gone in, though why he'd blast in there with no weapon, she had no idea.

"Ma'am, its Eliza, I think I'm in front of the doorway you went in, that guy from the wreckage ran in for some reason as well, not sure where he is right now though" she whispered over the comlink, suddenly, she getting an idea. "I think I have a plan, I have a flare in my bag, and I'm standing in front of the door, maybe I can throw in the flare towards the corner to distract them" she finished, holding both her blasters at attention in case anything not human decided to run out.

"It's your call, I'll follow your lead with whatever you want to do".
Much like before – so much had begun to unfold around her.

Her comlink buzzed with a plethora of activity, only feeding to the frenzy of emotions that were already swirling through her mind. She’d turn to look back at the way she came, and then to her left – spotting [member="Eliza Stryder"] a few meters ahead through a half open door. She opted to call her over the comlink rather than yell across the distance. “No, we need to get back towards the others…” She held her lightsaber in a high-guard position with her right hand. “Follow me.”

It was a simple request, as opposed to demanding they return to the others of course.

Mira would key her comlink again, trying to silence the other voices that kept chiming in. “I’m fine, I’m fine!” She took a breath and looked around the area again, the sound of pitter patter having stopped. “We’re headed back that direction and it appears we might be bringing some company with us – as I said before, howlrunners.” Mira glanced over towards the direction of Eliza and then ahead again. “Possibly two or more, and they aren’t pups.”

[member="Jareb Kaine"] | [member="Andanian Ategann"]
Andanian glanced around nervously. He nearly soiled his pants when a few mynocks flew directly at him from behind him. He yelped, swinging the pipe in his hand, slamming it into one of them. The mynock screeched, but kept flying, seeming to slap Andanian with one of it's dirty wings as it went past.

Blasted animals...

Say, didn't someone call my name a second ago...?

He shrugged, brushing it off. Doubtful

He continued to search the corridors for any of the others.

[member="Jareb Kaine"] / [member="Eliza Stryder"] / [member="Mira Rekali"]
The banging had stopped, but Jareb didn't dare move. Two glowing orbs watched him from the end of the hallway. There was a short, dim light separating him from whatever lurked in the shadows. The creature snorted, sending a cloud of dust swirling in the spotlight. Jareb continued to stand completely still. The howlrunner could probably smell him, but it seemed like it was measuring him up trying to decide if he would make entertaining prey. He considered drawing his blaster but hesitated. He knew nothing about these creatures and he didn't know if his blaster would be enough to kill one at such short range. It could require multiple shots to take down, and Jareb had a sinking feeling that it could be ripping out his throat quicker than he could pull the trigger.

Suddenly, it snorted again and bolted down a separate tunnel to Kaine's left. He thought he could hear the buzz of a lightsaber not far away. As quietly as possible, Jareb followed after the howlrunner, but lost it's trail quickly. Instead he bumped into someone familiar.

"Woah!" He jumped, nearly running into another man in the darkness. "Imp!" Jareb whispered, recognizing [member="Andanian Ategann"]. "Careful with that." He acknowledged the pipe he gripped tightly. "Have you seen the Jedi?" He asked him. "I just heard her on comms."

[member="Mira Rekali"] [member="Eliza Stryder"]
Eliza heard Mira over the com, mentioning the possibility of company. She closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, pulling the door open further and standing at the side of the doorway with both her blaster pistols at attention.

"Ok, the door is open, and I have the doorway covered, so if that company you mentioned follows you out, you can rest assured I've got your back" she whispered on the coms, looking towards Mira inside and giving a small nod in her direction "is the man who charged in earlier with you?"
Once again, nearly soiling his clothes, Andanian turned a corner and ran directly into [member="Jareb Kaine"]. He sighed and lowered his trusty pipe to his side, "Sith spit, you scared me..."

It was probably a wonder to the imperial runaway that the man hadn't shot him after bolting away so quickly. Maybe these guys were less ruthless than he thought? "No, I haven't. Did you? I didn't hear anything." Suddenly, the pounding returned and echoed through the hall. All of a sudden, Andanian could hear the faint hum of a lightsaber, but no light from it. The combination of the lightsaber, from which Andanian did not know the source, and the beast creeping among the shadows, sent shivers down Andanian's spine.

"...You sure you don't wanna give me my blaster?"

[member="Mira Rekali"] / [member="Eliza Stryder"]

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