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Approved Lore Galactic Alliance Marines - 222nd Nova Corps





- Intent: To codify a military unit that often sees combat alongside the 3rd Sector Fleet of the Galactic Alliance
- Image Credit:
- GIFS from Star Wars: The Old Republic Promotional Materials
- Symbol from HERE and HERE [Manipulated by Zef Halo Zef Halo ]
- Permissions:
- Links:


- Army Name: 222nd Nova Corps
- Classification: Galactic Alliance Marine Unit - Expeditionary
- Affiliation: The Alliance
- Army Symbol:


- Description: The 222nd Nova Corps was a Galactic Alliance Marine unit attached to the 3rd Sector Fleet. A "Canibal" unit, a unit made up of cannibalized High Republic and Core Alliance/Greyson Imperium military units, they faced challenges other purebred units did not including clashing cultures, different command styles, and traditions. Despite their differences however, the 222nd proved themselves to be a capable fighting force. Clad in a slightly modified Alliance Marine armor colored with orange markings and modified visor design, they cut a striking image beside the various pure white-clad units of the GA and an even more stark difference between the Stormtroopers whom they fought alongside during their debut campaigns. As the Sith-Imperial Civil War progressed they became an elite unit that specialized in urban combat, guerilla ambush tactics, and what the troopers dubbed "Dancing With Jedi". The 521st Legion, a unit within the 222nd specifically would become the personal combat unit of High Admiral Dracken Pryce, stationed in and around his flagship.


- Headquarters: Fort Bastion - Corellia

- Goals:
  • Defend domestic Galactic Alliance interests
  • Defend Galactic Alliance naval vessels
  • Defend Galactic Alliance interests abroad [As dictated by the Senate]
  • Aid Galactic Alliance allied nations for causes that align with the Galactic Alliance's beliefs [As dictated by the Senate]
- Reputation: Courageous. Unwavering. Inspiring. These words should and do describe every Galactic Alliance Marine unit. The 222nd Nova Corps as one of the first battle-tested "Canibal" units, military units made up of equal parts High Republic and Core Alliance/Greyson Imperium troops, stand above the others, however. Showing incredible flexibility working with not only unfamiliar brothers-in-arms but also thrust into cooperation with men and women who on any other day would have been enemies and coming out the other side intact showed the level of commitment they held to the Alliance.
- Climate: High Admiral Pryce's easy-going and agreeable nature has slowly trickled down to units under his command. While individual sub-units of the corps had different quirks, they retained a cheery atmosphere when off-duty. However along with Pryce's willingness to work with and host Jedi on important missions along with Halcyon commandos staying aboard and the frequency with which they fight alongside New Imperial Order troopers, the 3rd Fleet's flagship they've adopted several qualities considered worrying by fleet psych teams. Their frequent use of the Corellian coined "KTF" indicated a fatalistic view of conflict and war, their apathy for loss of life and reckless behavior are also indicators that they have taken on some Imperial qualities in their cold efficiency, and the whimsical nature of Jedi command while effective has made it difficult for GA Command to predict the 222nd's strategies limiting the scope in which data-guided tactical information can be utilized in constructive ways for the unit. In short, they've become quite the headache for Alliance Naval Command.

- Curios: Like most Galactic Alliance marine units, the 222nd Nova Corps utilized a slightly modified variant of the standard REC/STA-02 Advanced Shocktrooper Armour. Their armor was usually adorned with orange markings and their unit symbol on one or both of their shoulder plates. Their helmets used a slightly modified design, sporting squared-off and larger visors for better visibility, forehead mounted macrobinoculars, range finders, and sported more robust filtration and atmospheric processing units for use in environments with toxic atmospheres. Commanders also often sported pauldrons and occasionally kamas. Members of the 222nd Nova Corps "Airborn" units especially utilized such battledress, as well as specialized helmet variants to aid in stratosphere jumps, drop pod launches, and the various other high altitude operations they take part in.



- Army Size: Large
- Composition & Notable Units[*]: Composed of four legions the 222nd Nova Corps had several notable sub-units under its umbrella. The following were a few of these "notable" units but do not represent the full strength of the 222nd. For example, while the 22nd Armored Division is Nova Corps' dedicated mechanized infantry unit, every Legion utilized a smaller assault battalion dedicated to heavy armor deployments and operations when the 22nd Armored was otherwise occupied. The 222nd Nova Corps also made use of various battle droid units to supplement their numbers. Each Legion/Division included several Special Forces units, usually Alliance Commandos.
  • 521st Legion
    • 312th Attack Batallion
      • Victory Company[*]
      • Twilight Company[*]
      • Tortuga Company[*]
  • 81st Legion
    • Bloodfin Batallion[*]
      • Corsair Company[*]
  • 273rd Legion
    • Halcyon Company[*]
  • 22nd Armored Division
- Notable Assets:
- Droid Units


- Bayaz Bayaz : 22nd Armored Division - 94th Assault Company, Captain
- Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor : 512th Legion - 312th Attack Batallion - Tortuga Company, Captain



First formed in the early days of the Galactic Alliance as a flexible expeditionary ground unit, the 222nd Nova Corps served as part of the 3rd Sector Army. The 222nd was an amalgamation of old Core Alliance and High Republic trooper divisions that had been cannibalized during the merge between the two governments and militaries. Rushed into service at the outset of the Sith-Imperial Civil War, the 222nd would first see combat on the planet of Muunilinst as part of a surprise strike deeper within Sith territory. Dropped behind enemy lines the 222nd fought alongside a cadre of Jedi led by Sword of the Jedi Ryv Ryv and New Imperial Order forces led by Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar in an effort to secure both the capital city of Harnaidan and the High Port Skyhook. The battle was ultimately a success with Tortuga Company able to successfully take control of the Skyhook and New Imperial Forces able to capture the city. The victory at Muunilist would spell the end of the NIO's siege of Mygeeto, cutting off vital Sith Supply Lines to the region. Members of the 222nd would continue to fight in the war, growing in strength and numbers after several funding bills for the continued support of the New Imperial Order in the Sith-Imperial Civil War were passed in the Senate. As a result, many of the men and women that served in the 222nd would come to see the Stormtroopers of the NIO as brothers-in-arms with a more than grudging respect for their command leadership.

By the end of the New Imperial Civil War, the 222nd, while not holding as many decorated officers as famed groups like the 7th Mechanized Regiment and 104th Raider Batallion 'Wolfpack', did have some of the most combat experience. There was no battle where the 222nd was on the ground. While heroes like Maynard Treicolt and Major Tycho Dune became the faces of some of the war's most pivotal battles, the 222nd was the face of the weary soldier. After the war, the 222nd was mostly assigned clean-up duty and was forced to stay in Old Sith Space and parts of New Imperial Space that were considered hot zones by Alliance High Command. They served as a policing force, sometimes clashing verbally, and on some occasions almost physically, with New Imperial Forces with their treatment of prisoners and refugees.

When one of the new Sith splinter factions ambushed the Alliance at Korriban however, a large swath of the 222nd was wiped out, forcing the Alliance to finally pull the beaten and battered marines back to Alliance space. Over the years since the end of the New Imperial Civil War the 22nd has regained most of its strength with many veterans taking on leadership positions. After the Jedi Order's internal mandate for Jedi to choose their own path, some Jedi Knights that had been a part of the 222nd throughout the war decided to retain their commission rather than return to the Jedi Order. With a new war declared on the nebulous entity known as the Brotherhood of the Maw, the bulk of the 222nd has been taken from its reprieve of border patrols and moved to the front lines in the Chiss Ascendancy where the fighting is most constant. However, with Chiss space largely seen as unimportant by the wider galaxy, the heroes of the 222nd fight on with little support from the Alliance as they struggle to probe at Maw-controlled space in other, larger pitched battles and campaigns. Instead, they have found allies in the remnants of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, even integrating many Chiss into their ranks as their numbers.
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