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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Galactic Alliance Defense Force (Info & Roster)



On land or in the black of space, the militaries of the Galactic Alliance stand united on the battlefield. The bulk of the Alliance’s military power exists across a multitude of local Planetary Security Forces (PSFs), which are outfitted and structured in accordance with the military traditions of their people and government. This is primarily due to the semi-autonomous nature of the worlds that make up the federal republic, but also to ease the burden of administration for the Galactic Alliance's federal government. As a result, the sometimes dramatic differences in personnel and equipment between the unified forces of the Galactic Alliance can appear quite strange while fighting side-by-side.

Additionally, the flexibility offered through the use of localized PSFs has been seen to promote competition and national pride across the the Alliance's fighting forces, allowing planets and cultures to showcase their unique strengths and specialties on a national stage. Choosing to allowing the semi-sovereign armed forces of each world to remain active dramatically increases the Galactic Alliance's ability to respond to emerging threats across its territory, and the pooling of each force's knowledge, strategies and experience can give the Alliance's united militaries the advantage on the field. However, should a significant threat to the nation or any of its worlds present itself, the centrally governed Galactic Alliance Defense Force is on standby to respond.



In addition to local PSFs, the Federal Assembly oversees a singular, centralized fighting force that serves to protect all systems and citizens of the Galactic Alliance. The Defense Force represents the combined skills and capabilities of the federal republic’s many worlds, bringing together members of each and federally funded assets into a single universally trained, equipped and governed military that responds to matters of national security or incidents beyond the scope of a planetary or systems force.

The Defense Force consists of three primary branches: the Army, Navy & Starfighter Corps. Newly enlisted cadets have the option to choose from a number of career specializations under each branch, though the exact options available depend on their score on the GADF’s Vocational Aptitude Test (VAT). Some may choose to pursue more advanced careers with the GADF, which typically fall outside of the scope of training provided for enlisted ranks. These might include, but are not limited to: becoming an army ranger, a naval bridge officer, an RSC pilot, or an SIA intelligence officer. Such careers require additional and often rigorous training/education. Cadets who find themselves eligible for these advanced specializations may enroll in one of the GADF’s many prestigious academies, including the Grayson Military Academy on Coruscant, or the Pols Anaxes Naval War College on Anaxes. Regardless of the branch or specialization chosen, all new cadets are required to complete the GADF’s Basic Military Qualification course.


    Boots on the ground. Tracks in the mud. The divisions of the army make up the largest branch of the Defense Force and offer a wide array of career opportunities for those interested in seeing the Galaxy and getting their hands dirty along the way. The most common specializations within the Defense Force’s army include:

    Infantry - the standard foot soldiers of the GADF and the majority of any land force. The GADF’s infantrymen are trained to handle a wide range of weaponry to accommodate multiple squad roles, allowing them to quickly adapt to unexpected changes in their group dynamics and battlefield strategies. Members of the infantry may also choose any number of roles, such as: scouts, field medics, heavy weapons, signalers and more.

    Support - the backbone of any GADF’s ground operation. Support units play essential roles, whether on the battlefield or back at base. Although members of support specializations aren’t typically faced with the heat of combat, their efforts and successes play a vital role in almost every aspect of a battlefield. Support specializations include: engineers, medical, logistics, artillery, vehicle crewmen, and many more.

    Mechanized- typically paired with basic infantry companies, mechanized infantry are trained to operate or fight alongside armoured personnel carriers and other infantry fighting vehicles, such as the Alliance’s REC-FC/12 landcruiser. Mechanized infantry forces utilize their increased mobility to complete rapid deployments and fast-striking combat maneuvers, or to provide fire support on the battlefield.

    Armoured - the crewmen of the GADF’s armoured battalions are trained to operate and maintain the Galactic Alliance’s many mobile heavy weapons platforms, such as the Glaive-class Fighter Tank, Cataphract-class Main Battle Tank and Halberd-class Heavy Walker. The significant fire power offered by these armoured fighting vehicles can make or break a fight, making them an essential part of any ground operation.

    Pathfinders - the GADF’s army special forces and elite ground combatants. The Galactic Alliance's pathfinders are experts in rapid offensive deployments and are trained to survive and excel in all environmental conditions; from the harshest of deserts to the most frigid ice plains. Pathfinders are expected to be able to fend for themselves with minimal supplies if necessary and complete high risk objectives, often through unconventional means.



    The spearhead of the Galactic Alliance’s military operations. The fleets and marine corps of the GADF’s navy are the Alliance’s shield and first responders. It is common for members of the Defense Force’s navy to spend months on tours, even during times of peace, to defend strategic locations and national borders, patrol major hyperlanes and trade routes, or rapidly respond to emergencies that arise. Common specializations within the Defense Force’s navy include:

    Servicemen - the vast majority of crew members on any given naval vessel. Servicemen are typically enlisted personnel who fill common roles that are essential for the smooth operation of fleets, starships and even individual components. Positions within this specialization include fleet and vessel logistics, stewards, technicians and most other non-bridge/officer roles on a starship.

    Officers - junior and senior officers fill vital roles within naval command centers and on the bridges of the GADF’s many starships. These disciplined personnel complete in-depth education programs and training at some of the Galaxy’s most prestigious academies, such as the Pols Anaxes Naval War College. Some specialist career paths for naval officers include: communications, sensors, helm and, of course, the pursuit of esteemed positions within the Admiralty.

    Marines - the Defense Force’s elite expeditionary infantry force, specializing in naval deployments. As a detachment of the GADF’s navy, it is common for Galactic Alliance's marines to be attached to rapid response forces, often making them the first foot soldiers on-site when a conflict erupts. Because of this, Alliance Marines are outfitted with state-of-the-art REC/STA-02 Advanced Shocktrooper armour and a wide arsenal of REC weaponry to hold their own in dire straits. Much like the army, the marine corps has an array of specialized roles, including: advanced recon force (ARF), heavy troopers, medics, engineers, and many more. **Alliance Marines use army ranks instead of naval ranks.

    Commandos - an elite group of naval combat personnel trained to carry out crucial or covert tasks in small squads of four. Unlike the infantry, marines, or even the pathfinders, Galactic Alliance commandos are a limited and highly mobile force that are generally deployed to complete specific objectives rather than fight, often behind enemy lines or beyond the scope of the Alliance’s territory. Because of the nature of their work, commandos are outfitted with the best armour and weaponry the GADF has to offer them, which includes REC/STA-01 S1 Advanced Commando Armour and the devastating modular REC-DC/03 “Viperwasp” Particle Blaster. **Alliance Commandos use army ranks instead of naval ranks.



    The GADF's starfighter corps is an extension of the navy and operates as the Galactic Alliance’s primary means of naval support for both ground and space operations. It’s composed of many talented personnel and pilots with something to prove, working together to hone their affinities with hard work and dedication. The starfighter corps is commonly deployed when larger capital ships require finer offensive or defensive maneuvering, or to provide extremely effective support during planetside engagements. Common specializations within the Defense Force's starfighter corps include:

    Pilots - highly trained personnel who specialize in the mastery of their assigned starships. The pilots of the GADF's starfighter corps make up the majority of its personnel and require a commissioned rank. Because of this, most graduate from the academies spread throughout the Core, such as the renowned Pols Anaxes Naval War College, while others pass the tests using skills learned on backwater planets from navigating their speeders around a farmyard blasting womp rats. Pilots are typically grouped into Flights of 4 throughout training, and then assigned as a group to a permanent squadron upon graduating. Squadrons are often organized by vehicle type, such as starfighters, starbombers and other support craft. Common starships utilized by the Galactic Alliance's starfighter corps include, but are not limited to: V-wing Heavy Interceptors, R-wing Heavy Superiority Starfighters, and Y-wing Heavy Starbombers. In addition to their starship, pilots are also assigned their own astrogation droids to provide general assistance and complex calculations.

    Maintenance - someone’s got to keep those buckets of bolts ready to fly! Operating out of capital ships and the hangars of the Galactic Alliance's ground bases, maintenance crews are typically enlisted ranks who spend their time upkeeping and repairing the corps’ vehicles and equipment. Because of their expertise, members of these specializations oftentimes have suggestions to improve the crafts in various ways, such as refining the targeting software or enhancing the aerodynamics of the fighters. Roles within this specialization may include: mechanics, technicians, engineers and other hangar crew positions.

    Training Officers - the starfighter corps' instructors and academy support staff are responsible for developing the simulations used by pilots and setting the corps' performance standards. Members of this specialization are most often commissioned ranks who have proven themselves to be excellent navigators, and who have been exposed to the extremes to re-purpose that knowledge in order to sharpen the skill of the Defense Force's pilots.

    Administration - the junior and senior officers of the starfighter corps administration teams work tirelessly to tighten communication between the training academies and other departments of the corps, as well as with the other branches of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. While higher level administration of the starfighter corps falls upon the GADF navy, it's members are still responsible for tasks that serve to improve the overall structure and function of it, such as the development of live operations, the assignment of pilots to their squadrons and ensuring order and discipline amid the ranks.

    Special Operations - not every mission is kept in the records. For those rare assignments, the special ops teams are sent in. Highly trained individuals are tasked with the most dangerous and daring missions the Galactic Alliance Defense Force has to offer. Scouting, hit and runs, and target neutralization common within this operations. Members are hand-picked to ensure efficiency and invisibility.



    The Strategic Intelligence Agency is the Galactic Alliance's central military intelligence agency. Although it is overseen by the Ministry of Intelligence, it operates as part of and often alongside the Defense Force in order to offer strategic insight and ensure the Alliance's forces are well informed of the happenings in the Galaxy. The agency's primary purpose is the collection of information to analyze and report on threats to the Galactic Alliance's national security. If deemed necessary, the SIA even has it's own specialized combat divisions that are dispatched to conduct operations - covert and overt - to investigate or resolve conflicts and concerns.

    • Internal Security Bureau (IntSec): In essence, IntSec acts as a miniaturized internal intelligence agency and private security force within the Strategic Intelligence Agency. It is responsible for protecting the SIA's information and assets from internal and external threats.
    • Counter-Espionage Division (EsCon): One of the most strongly vetted departments of the SIA as a whole. Members of EsCon are tasked with monitoring the SIA itself, rooting out spies and moles from the agency's own ranks.
    • Communications & Traffic Division (Comm-Traf): Responsible for analyzing network traffic obtained through accessible public and private sources, such as HoloNet scandocs, newsdocs, and intercepted comlink frequencies and beamcasts. Utilizing highly trained staff and sophisticated A.I. machine learning & pattern recognition techniques, Comm-Traf searches for intel that could prove valuable to other Bureaus of the SIA.
    • Audit Division (A-Div): The SIAs expert interrogators, responsible for the extraction of high value information from the enemies of the Alliance. A-Div is one of the smallest branches within the SIA, as they are only utilized in circumstances deemed urgent by the Ministry of Intelligence. Occasionally, with the express consent of the Minister of Justice, judiciary forces may also request the assistance of A-Div agents. These requests must also be approved by the Minister of Intelligence.
    • Surveillance Division (Veil): The eyes and ears of the Operations Bureau and by far it's largest Division. Responsible for observing, recording and reporting on the activities of the SIA's objects/groups/people of interest. Through the use of moles, double agents, field reconnaissance and other hands-on methods the agents of Veil establish deep and reliable sources of intelligence within desired organizations and social circles.
    • Counter-Intelligence Division (CInt): Despite most within the SIA considering SpecDiv or IntSec to be their most clandestine and well-guarded departments, CInt holds the title with the Divisions existence being known only to the Minister of Intelligence, Director and Deputy Director of the SIA. Unlike other Divisions, agents of CInt are tasked with the infiltration of other government departments and organizations of the Alliance to root out enemies from within.
    • Diplomatic Services Division (DipServ): Another sizable Division within the Operations Bureau and SIA as a whole, DipServ (often simply called Dip) is a broad Division that is responsible for a wide array of tasks. Most notably, Dip agents are tasked with strategically coordinating and covertly overseeing trade, diplomatic and political missions to best ensure the safety of those involved. Additionally, agents of DipServ occasionally coordinate with localized forces to achieve diplomatic objectives; such as establishing, arming or funding rebel cells who promote agreeable ideologies, or providing aid to movements that aim to destabilize organizations or individuals deemed to be undesirable or dangerous to the Galactic Alliance.
    • Special Operations Division (SpecDiv): The Operation Bureau's black ops special forces and the SIAs only dedicated combat personnel. SpecDiv is an extremely closed-door Division within the Agency, with some details of their operations being restricted even to the members of EsCon. SpecDiv units are dispatched for high priority offensive operations, such as tactical infiltrations, resource and personnel extraction, and occasionally target extermination.


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Enlisted ranks (or "non-commissioned members") make up the majority of the Defense Force's manpower. These members typically perform jobs and hold positions that require minimal (if any) additional training courses after completing the Basic Military Qualification course. Most field personnel fall into the enlisted ranks since they often require little previous knowledge, exceptional VAT scores, or a long and arduous program at a military academy.
A commissioned officer (or simply "an officer") is a member of the Defense Force who has been issued a formal document (known as a commission) granting them legal authority over enlisted ranks and officers subordinate to them. Commissions are typically granted upon graduating from one of the Alliance's accredited military academies, allowing recipients to pursue more advanced specializations and positions of authority within the Defense Force command structure.


Organizational Structure
Consider this a guide only. The only rule is the Rule of Cool - you want to command a unit/ship and you're higher rank, so ahead if it's best for the story.

Different formations may be larger or smaller depending on the number of support staff, units assigned (or reassigned elsewhere), specialized units etc.

Preexisting names for units can be maintained, variations (e.g. Task Force rather than Fleet, Heavy Battalion rather than Battalion) are fine.

Not every officer has to be a commander. XO/2IC/deputy commander is generally one rank lower than the command (e.g. battalion 2IC is a major). They can also be staff offers (e.g. Star Defender operations/logistics/intelligence officer could be a lieutenant commander).

Special forces units are often led by a commander one rank higher (e.g. special forces platoon led by a captain).
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[Last Updated: 2024-03-14]


Want to get added to the roster? Fill out this little form and post it here!

Name: (Character name)
Rank: (Character rank)
Branch: (Army, Navy, etc.)
Squad/Company/Division: (Optional)


GADF High Command

NameRankUnit / Flagship
Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Supreme Commander


Harson Thaddeus Harson Thaddeus
Major General
Sol Stazi Sol Stazi
Lieutenant Colonel
Zanvic "Ironhide" Dak Zanvic "Ironhide" Dak
Gorthalon Gorthalon
First Lieutenant
Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr
First Lieutenant
Janesha Porwool Janesha Porwool
Besh Company
Makani Kandor Makani Kandor
Ranseur Squad



Battle Group "Kenobi"
Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva
Rear Admiral
Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Rear Admiral
Hiro Statura
Rear Admiral
Toren Drake Toren Drake
Rear Admiral
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus
Rear Admiral
Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash
Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)

Marine Corps
Sara Roche Sara Roche
First Lieutenant
Bayaz Bayaz
Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
Zinder Tokarache Zinder Tokarache
Lt. Bren Alazar Lt. Bren Alazar
Traden Avarice Traden Avarice
"War Hogs" Black Ops
Dagmar Kortu Dagmar Kortu
Staff Sergeant
"War Hogs" Black Ops
Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh
"War Hogs" Black Ops
Zav Traros Zav Traros
"War Hogs" Black Ops
Mela Mela
"War Hogs" Black Ops
Keiran Varn Keiran Varn
"War Hogs" Black Ops
Monos Monos
"War Hogs" Black Ops


GADF Starfighter Corps

Ari Naldax Ari Naldax
Nemesis Squadron
Olen Halcorr Olen Halcorr
Daz Farlander Daz Farlander
Flight Lieutenant
Tren Chaar Tren Chaar
Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame
Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris
Shar Sieu Shar Sieu
Flight Lieutenant
Olly "Mr. Pibs" Piblarian
Flight Lieutenant
Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
Flight Lieutenant
Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris
Flight Officer
Leon Gallo Leon Gallo
Flight Officer
Len Vert Len Vert
Flight Officer
Artemis Toth Artemis Toth
Flight Officer
Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne
Addison Porte Addison Porte
Flight Officer
Flight Officer
Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis
Flight Officer
Wedge Draav Wedge Draav
Flight Lieutenant
Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene
Serpent Squadron
Razor Squadron
Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster
Voldran Molf Voldran Molf
Elena Lowe
Talon Squadron


Strategic Intelligence Agency

Aldric Laurent
Senior Agent
Saul Colsan Saul Colsan
Senior Agent
Tiric Sar'andor Tiric Sar'andor
Senior Agent
Gramani Fey’la Gramani Fey’la
Zev Tantor
Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat
Counter-Intelligence Division
DipServ, Fulcrum Network
Jadcasa Leesib Jadcasa Leesib
Kol Ambo Kol Ambo
Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea
Task Force Xesh
Kingsley Kingsley
Task Force Xesh
Kirk Korrado
Task Force Xesh
Kreg Jare Kreg Jare
Task Force Xesh


The Fallen

Freedom is costly, and these names are inscribed to remember those who paid the ultimate price. Though the sun may set on every planet, the golden starbird's light shines on, as do theirs.
KIA, Battle of Ziost
Ayana Vullen Ayana Vullen
KIA, Battle of Ossus
Suri Vullen Suri Vullen
KIA, Battle of Csilla
Teica Giraan Teica Giraan
KIA, Battle of Krayiss II
Down With Her Ship
Sion Dallo Sion Dallo
KIA, Battle of Krayiss II

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