Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forever a Student(SJO/Jedi)

Raven was caught up more in her own world of thought more so than actually watching the sparring that went on between Sky'ito and James. Once she was approached by the Mandalorian woman, she was caught rather off guard by her presence. Given her socially awkward and somewhat apprehensive nature, she tended to stand off in the distance and watch; allowing people to approach her instead of vice versa.
She listened to the Knight's offer, and wondered to herself whether or not she should. One thing she didn't want to do was waste somebody else's time. In in concordance with that, she didn't know how she would. Maybe she wouldn't be what the Knight was expecting; not meeting up to some expectation. Regardless, she gave the woman a nod, choosing not to speak instead.

Who knew? Maybe she'd actually make another friend.

Viathae Qarmast
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

As the clone's attack was dodged, Yumi's counter would hit it's mark, sending the Clone crumbling to his knees, the POOF. As Yumi prepared for the next attack, it would already be on its way. In the form of a two pronged pincer move, a clone from either side, the one to her left would be engaging with a high kick, while the one to her right came in with a leg sweep.

Two angles of assault meant that Yumi would need one solution for both attacks. This time, the real James would be part of the attack, but which one. How would she know? Was it the type of attack, maybe it was the same subtle smirk he'd had earlier? Or was it just instinct for Yumi?

The other nine clones would close the gaps, making the circle smaller. Closing in on Yumi, giving her a sense of claustrophobia as her enemy surrounded her. It was a mental attack that paired with the physical to stress her out. Testing the mind was just as important as the body.
[SIZE=9pt]Some[/SIZE] of the of the Knights and Padawan had broken off to do their own thing, but still others from around the courtyard gathered for the impromptu lesson being offered by the Grandmaster. Usually busy with field work and administration, she didn't often have a chance to lead classes.

"I would love to have you join us," she told Natesh with a smile.

She unclipped her own lightsaber, then toggled the settings on the hilt so that a very strong containment field would be produced. Much harder to breach than at normal power, strikes from her lightsaber would only cause some harsh stings at most.

She activated her saber, which produced a fine blade of silver. A product of some of her earliest work in alchemy and force imbuement, long before she had joined the Silver Order. It seemed fitting to continue using the synthetic crystal as she now led the organization as its newest Grandmaster.

"Alright then, thank you all for joining me! I'm going to take this opportunity to use Form I as means to address some of the common issues I see with new lightsaber practitioners, as well as some more experienced ones who have picked up some bad habits. Master Kitra, would you join me for some demonstrations?"

She took a few steps away from the group to create some space to maneuver, then waited for [SIZE=9pt]Valae[/SIZE] to join her at her side. She knew her friend was less combat oriented as the Silver Order's most senior healing specialist, but the exercises wouldn't be intensive at all.

[member="Alana Vettry"] | [member="Dagos Terrek"] | [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Mabbik"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Nia Sol "]| [member="Natesh Ignafine"] | [member="Samara Raine"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Jue Yaun"] | [member="Yusana Fenni"] [member="Raven Sorenova"] [member="[FONT=tahoma]Viathae Qarmast"][/FONT]

((I understand some of you have already broken off to do your own thing within the thread, but feel free to join up with me again at any time. <3))
Valae’s brows lofted as Arisa called out a request for her to join the sparring demonstration. She stood and gave a nod to Jerit to excuse herself. As she walked towards the Grandmaster, she kept her expression neutral but pleasant. However, on the inside she was already having doubts. Maybe a practice dummy would have been a better choice for an opponent…

Clearing her throat, she pulled her own saber off her belt, the blade of which was rarely seen these days. The newly made master would attempt to conduct herself with some shred of dignity during this practice. Surely she could hold her own with form one. She briefly recalled her first days practicing this form with her padawan friends – good times!

After offering the Grandmaster a respectful bow, she moved to stand across from her.

Valae’s blue-hued saber came to life, and she assumed a ready posture. Gazing steadily across at Arisa, she narrowed her eyes slightly as she sent her friend a telepathic message: “Don’t mess me up too bad now…”

Nodding slightly, she signaled that she was ready.

[member="Arisa Yune"]| [member="Alana Vettry"] | [member="Dagos Terrek"] | [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Mabbik"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Natesh Ignafine"] | [member="Jue Yaun"] | [member="Yusana Fenni"] | [member="Raven Sorenova"] | [member="Viathae Qarmast"] | [member="Nia Sol"]

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Raven Sorenova"]

The Mandalorian glanced at the girl's eyes a bit more. A feeling of worry appeared within her mind. Was she afraid of the Mandalorian or something? It would be natural if she was, knowing how Mandalorians usually were towards Jedi, and always wanting to kill them, even the younger ones. Damned cowards. She saw her give a nod and smiled. "Good. I think you'll find training with me to be proven advantageous. I promise, I won't go too hard on you." But even if she said that, she was still a Mandalorian, and training a person so late in life might be a little bit more difficult than training someone who is a youngling. She placed her hand on her shoulder and glanced at her eyes.

"I need you to trust me. Being a Jedi is not as simple as you probably would think. We are peaceful, like monks. But we also have a duty, like a police officer, however, we are not soldiers. Let that be the first part of your lesson to remember. We are here to protect the galaxy, not conquer it." Viathae wanted to make sure that the girl learned to the fullest of her abilities, and use them to defend other innocents from harm. "Let's start with the basics... do you understand the first form of lightsaber combat?" she asked as she got up.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
When the clone disappeared in a poof she quickly turn her attention to any other oncoming attack, not having to worry about said clone getting back up later on in the fight, or causing a tripping hazard. When to two prong attack came she decided to go on the offensives for a bit, mainly having no counter for the two attacks that didn't involve doing of some king, keeping the number of opponents down was critical to keep up the fight.

Launching forwards a bit she was able to just miss the leg sweep, as the high kick came she block it her right palm but allowed it to reach above her left shoulder. Quickly she moved her left arm above his leg, getting it in a slight lock placing it on his chest, in one fell move her left leg sweep up towards the Jame's right leg in an attempt to trip him in a move that would put him quite roughly on his back. Kick were one of the mains thing she specialized in defecting.

Even though the move was not yet finished she kept an eye on the other clone behind her, it was imperative that she finished this action before he could come full circle for another attack. As the other clone tried to confine her she gave a slight smirk, metal stress wouldn't really work on her, sparing with multiplier opponents doesn't quite add up to facing a Sith lord and negotiating why they shouldn't kill her. As quickly as the smirk surfaced it vanished, keeping calm was a must for this fight.

[member="James Mathison"]
Raven knew it within herself that if she were to ever be able to learn anything, that she would have to put her trust into the people here. As it stood now, Arisa was the only person that she felt remotely comfortable around. And even that was limited. She knew nothing of the woman, and she had to fight her normal instincts to push her away, and actually give her the benefit of the doubt; something that not many in Raven's life have ever received, if anybody ever had.

She only wanted to learn, but doing away with her tendency of isolation was difficult indeed.

Raven shook her head in response to Viathae's question. She knew nothing of lightsaber combat, or even their existence. While she had seen passing glances of their rendition, she never paid full attention to it. At the time, she never cared.
In reality, she knew near nothing of combat in general. She had never had to use physical force to protect herself. Physical, anyways. She had used her force powers many a times during her escapades, but that was the extent of any combat she had any idea of.

[member="Viathae Qarmast"]

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Raven Sorenova"]

So apparently she knew nothing about lightsaber combat... good. She gave a think of how she could train this one. Surely in some way that she can adapt her skills much more easier. "Alright. Well, I suppose we all start somewhere, eh?" she said. Even if she didn't knew the basic form lightsaber combat, it's actually a rather simple starter for all those who really want to start into the forms. "Then I guess that shall be the first thing I teach ya. Is that okay with you?" she said to Raven. She didn't wanted to scare her or anything, but Viathae was full of enthusiasm. She wanted to train someone and see the full potential in their skills. But it's namely to help defend herself better. If anything, she'll probably teach Raven on how to be a negotiator, a person of peace, just like her, and use violence as a last resort. "If so, then come, we'll start training if you wish. Don't feel like you're going to mess up or anything."
She already knew that she was going to mess up. If there was anything that she did know, was that messing up was part of the process. All she could do was try her best. As far as Raven was concerned, she was naught but an empty slate with a few markings here and there. She was ready to start putting a little bit more of her trust into people, and Viathae would be the first in which she would try to open up to. She nodded in response to her, ready for whatever training may come.

[member="Viathae Qarmast"]

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Raven Sorenova"]

"Glad to see that you are confident despite not being talkative." she said as she walked over towards the center where everyone else was training. "To become a Jedi is no easy thing. Especially when it involves a combat situation. You should always negotiate your way out of any situation, and never use violence. However, should you manage to find yourself in a combat situation, then you'll have to find a way to defend yourself from blaster fire. The First Form, Shii-Cho, if utilized properly, can be a good basic defense." she then got out her blaster pistol and set it to a low level, not to stun however. "I would get you a training droid, but, you must learn how to face yourself against real danger, rather than deflecting fire from something that would realistically not target you often." she glanced over at Raven and nodded. "Do not worry. It's on a low setting, so you won't get hurt from it. You'll just feel a slight pinch. I promise you."

Her blaster was quite modified, and it was one of it's settings. That way, she won't have to change it to stun, and can still defend herself with the blaster at different levels of intensity. This way, she won't be able to harm anyone accidentally or anything like that. The reason for the blast is so she can know that Raven is ready to take on the real universe, to ensure that she had the basic concept of being steeled, and always alert. But to also know that she doesn't have to retort to a combat situation.
It came as a shock to her when she watched Viathae wield a blaster, ready to be aimed and fired at her. As she stared at the blaster in her hand, missing everything else that was said to her about the blaster's low setting. With all of her experience, she had entered fight or flight mode somewhat instantly the second it had registered that it was intended to be used on her, like many were in her past. She immediately took an offensive stance, placing her right foot behind the other, and knees slightly bent as she was ready to evade and do whatever else to avoid being hit, if possible.
Her fists clenched. It took every fiber of her being to resist the urges that ran through her mind to attempt to force push the knight away from her and then take off running right then. While she thought that she was holding herself together, it could be seen that she was indeed troubled by this; her facial expression, trembling hands and twitchy fingers made it all too obvious. And again, she heard absolutely nothing about the blaster's setting, as her mind had plunged her conscious into a deep state of reminisce about her past, which only made things in this regard for her, harder.

[member="Viathae Qarmast"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

As the first James slid by, Yumi catching the seconds kick opened her back to attacks. Having tripped the second Jams down to the ground, The first came back with a series of punches, tight grouping and in quick succession.

The James on the ground, having his leg still in a light hold, spun to his chest, propped himself up on his hands and Mule Kicked with his free leg for her chest. We're it to connect, he could roll away while having pushed Yumi right into the other James.

All the while, the other James clones inched closer, leaving less and less room to move. James was pressing the attack, keeping her brain moving and not giving her a breath. It was a test after all.

Kiran Arlos

"Oh great." Kiran muttered as he rolled over in the small bed while looking at the time. Kiran let out a small sigh as he took a deep breath and then pulled himself out of bed. The young man had made an unexpected trip to Voss and arrived in the middle of the night. However they were able to get him a room and were kind enough to allow him to stay here for a few weeks.

Kiran got dressed in his usual training attired, he was already running late and he hoped they weren't that far into the lessons. Kiran splashed some water on his face then reached for the towel hanging to the side and dried off. Kiran left his room in much haste as he set out with a jog out of his door and down the hallway heading towards the courtyard. The young man made it their quickly enough and noticed there were several there already, however not as much as he had expected.

"I'm terribly sorry I'm late. I overslept..." Kiran bowed apologetically and cleared his throat. "So, what's going on?"

[member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Alana Vettry"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Mabbik"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Natesh Ignafine"] [member="Jue Yaun"] [member="Yusana Fenni"] [member="Raven Sorenova"] [member="Viathae Qarmast"] @Nia Sol
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Once the first James was firmly on his back she quickly turned around to face the attack posed by the one behind, she was not fast enough to intercept the quick punched about to be thrown so she rolled with it, putting yet another move into play. She let two of the punches connect hitting her in the pelvises and shoulder, gritting her teach as the suit took some of the impact but not a lot, simply not being what it was designed for. On the third punch she grabbed the arm with he right and and pulled forward a bit getting out of the danger zone of the kick the other James had coming for her. Placing her right hand out in the way of the oncoming kick, it hurt like hell once connected but launch her body into a spin her elbow on a collision course for the James she had grabbed face. her fighting style had shifted slightly to that of an offensive kind, using an opponents attack to help defeat another, but at a cost.

[member="James Mathison"]

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Raven Sorenova"]

If she was going to learn how to fend herself well in combat, she has to learn that unexpected surprises will come at any time. She didn't intentionally mean to spook the girl, but she had to make sure that she was ready for the real world. No one is going to tell you if they are going to stun or shoot to kill. She begun to get her hand on the trigger finger, but she didn't wanted to make her not trust her. "Relax. I set it to a very low mode. It won't kill you nor hurt you that much. It will feel like a pinch, but you will suffer no majour life-threatening damage. I sense fear in you. Breath, and concentrate." she said as she slowly begun to squeeze the trigger hoping that she was ready for the blaster fire.
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"] (totally spaced on this thread. My bad.)

As the Clone who'd just launched a flurry of blows connected on a number, realized he was certain to be put in a hold if he didn't react. But, the incoming elbow was problematic. Instead of attempting a block or counter, the clone simply took the hit and allowed himself to go down, rolling his "unconscious" body to the ground.

The Clone on the floor, having connected slightly with his kick, attempted to somersault out of Yumi's grasp. Hoping the movement would free his leg and allow a clean break. If successful, he would roll to his feet and turn to face Yumi once more.

Back to the second Clone, if Yumi were to notice, the elbow had indeed rung his bell, but the idea was to fake a knockout and allow him the opportunity to go for her legs. Using a scissor foot technique, he wrap his feet around Yumi's legs and tried to roll hard into the bend of her knee, to topple her over.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She managed to doge the flip from one of the Jame clone, probably thinking that he had been grabbed in some way, but all she had done was left the foot connect with her hand to allow more momentum in her elbow swing, which connected with a satisfying crunch on contact. Thinking he was down for the count, and turned her attention to the one just as he finished he flip, and thus was unprepared for the leg lock.

The James clone twisted his body using his extra wight to bring her to the ground, faster then expected, resulting in a rough left side face plant, enough force to reopen the scar their, but only slightly, a small amount of blood trickling down her cheek and onto the ground. "ow"

[member="James Mathison"]
She could see her finger squeezing the trigger ever so slightly. She already knew that she was going to have to fight through this, but it was ridding herself of all her her past feelings; her negative thoughts if she were to concentrate clearly. But the question that then arose in her mind was how she was supposed to defend herself from the blaster fire? Only one idea came to her mind, and it was the only things that she had on her side, and so it'd have to work.

Steeling herself for what was to come, she nodded, though her hands were now relaxed, but not because of her newfound way of thinking of the situation. But rather, a means to her possible solution.

[member="Viathae Qarmast"]

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Raven Sorenova"]

The movements to Viathae seemed as if she was not extremely trustworthy of her. "Ease your mind. Be your blade." she said to Raven. Viathae didn't wanted to harm the girl or anything, but she had to tell her, otherwise, if she did fired, who knows what else might happen? But now, she had felt Raven's fear go down a bit, but not enough to the level she wanted. But then she noticed something... Something she didn't catched...

She didn't had a lightsaber.

Quickly noticing this, Viathae threw her own at Raven as she used the force to activated just as it got to the palm of her hand. "Think fast." she said. "Forgot to give you your weapon." She should of known that she forgot to pull it out. It was tuned down to training mode, so it wouldn't really hurt as much.
Raven was surprised to see the saber tossed to her. She caught it with both hands, apparently nervous with the tool she was just given. Upon examination, Raven only came to find herself confused with the workings of the weapon, having never touched one a day in her life. She looked up to Viathae, gesturing with the saber in her right hand in question.

"How? I've never used one of these before."

She was sure to be careful as to not touch any buttons that may deploy the blade. She thought it'd be nice to get the thing out of her hands, in truth.

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