Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Unto Zion Shall Be Redemption

She walked around the man with a cold look yet a fire within her...if it was h er choice the man would be punished right then and there...but she had to remind herself that wasn't the way it worked

Listening to the pitiful man she kept her glare strong on him as she listened nearly wanting to give a punish equal to that of his companion

Instead she let [member="Ardgal Raxis"] do his thing and let a breath out"you are merciful my lord in my opinion I see he not needed such aight punishment...but it is your judgment that is true
[member="Cadan Tazi"][member="Lady Kay"]
Sareen hazily stood up, he couldn't see straight nor could he walk without tumbling this way or that. He felt a stinging sensation in his chest, he had been hit by another stun blast, but this time his armor didn't take the bulk of it. He was strong but ont that strong and he realized the battle was lost for him and his allies. Although his infrared vision was fuzzy he believe he could see the outline of [member="Lady Kay"]. But his attempts of finding who was who were cut short as he began to hear people coming from all around the warehouse. Sareen began to crawl hazily on his knees hoping not to be seen.

He started to go through a window when an armed Commenorian was also doing the same thing through the other side, probably one of Kay's friends. So no friend of his, he took his blaster and hit him across the head, pushing his body out of the window and jumping out himself, using all his energy. Sareen began to stumble his way back to the ship hoping to go unnoticed, he would be back, but with soem recuperation. He felt bad for leaving [member="Cadan Tazi"], but he could not stay and be captured with him.

Veris Tagge

Tagge Heir and CEO Bonadan Heavy Industries
[member="Desente Blissex"]

Veris Tagge nodded in agreement with the man's assessment of proceeding with caution. "I concur High Admiral, From the data we have and the Holo image I would recommend a three angle incursion with some fleet support just in case." said Tagge. He looked at the image one more time then continued. "A force from both flanks of the slipway and one from above. A force of COMPNOR troops can cut through and depressurize the slipway. The escaping pressure will be significant so make sure those troopers are prepared. Two companies of Marines can then come in from both flanks and move to occupy the slip and secure the ship and hopefully the Governor." said Tagge He looked at the Chiss and the High admiral waiting for a counter proposal. The Chiss seemed to be thinking about the plan looking at the image and then at a data pad he had brought with him. What the blue-skinned alien had on it was a mystery. The High Admiral was alos looking at the Chiss, Tagge imagined he too was curious as to the purpose of the pad.


Lash listened to the human colonel's idea them brought up a diagram of the orbital ring he had found in the science and industry archives. He had not made the existence of the data known yet. The ring was massive and the plans were just a vague outline of how the ring had been designed and built. He brought up an image then sent it to the holo projector.

"These utility shafts are large enough for your troops in zero G armor to traverse. Assuming I am correct in judging where the rebel forces are hold up, which I am, They will be here." Lash zoomed out to reviel a top down fiew of the ring then zoomed back in onto an area labeled capital bay 4002. " I noticed the number from the image and did a search for it" said Lash. He zoomed the image in on a wire frame view of the ring that laid out the original plans. "I am not saying this is what you will find once your in there but when the ring was built these were their blue prints." said Lash looking at the two men without expression waiting on a response.

Veris Tagge

Tagge Heir and CEO Bonadan Heavy Industries
Tagge looked at the new image in shock. As far as he knew no data on the orbital ring was available to any one. He had heard that no one had been able to find plans on the ring and that the last five hundred years crews had been slowly attempting to map the ring to no avail. Now here this blue skinned alien was with a complete blueprint of the station and ring orbiting Rothana

"Where did you get these plans Admiral?" asked Tagge. HE could tell the High Admiral was thinking of asking the same thing. He stared at the Chiss then looked at the images now displayed on the holo projector. The Chiss was correct, the utility corridors were large enough to get COMPNOR forces with cutting equipment through. They were also large enough to handle the vacuum of opening them up to space and sucking out the atmosphere in the slipway. The plan seemed more achievable now then he had thought before he recommended it. He felt confident in the plan before, now he was sure it could not fail.
Blissex turned his eyes from [member="Veris Tagge"] to [member="Lash"] and back again. There is something not right going on here...This chiss has far too many secrets and assets that we do not know about. But he did let us know about them...I wonder if this is him trying to ingratiate Colonel Tagge about his plan...or if he's intentionally trying to demonstrate to us his power. The thought that Lash was just doing only came to his mind as an unlikely afterthought.

Desente had seen too many power plays with the circles of those who claimed that they would bring the Empire back to power. He had managed to get a firm understanding of how many of those players moved in the New Order, there were a few threats which he could not ignore, such as the mysterious director of Imperial Intelligence. But the kuati-bred man was beginning to think that Lash was the most immediate and dangerous threat to him right now. But that's all because he is so unknown. I will need to arrange some people to...investigate him more. Blissex folded his arms as he waited for the chiss to answer the Colonel's question.
Anya was a good girl, a good warrior and a good servant--but she still had a great deal to learn about Ardgal and the way he did things.

"This is out of our jurisdiction," he said moving through the halls, "The local Commenor Police and government need to decide what happens to him. Rules are what make us different from the animals. Rules, ethics, and codes of conduct. Mercy has nothing to do with it, Humanity does."

It would make sense later, he knew. The longer she thought about it, the more it would make sense. He was a god of order, not chaos. Everything had its place. Everything worked in its systematic way. That was order. Even in chaos, he would find order or make it. That was his way. They reached a classic Corvette that would carry them to Ando. It had brought them here, it would take them away.

"Prepare yourself," he said when they were on board, "Not just your body, but your mind. We do not know what we will meet here."

@Anya Loma
She listened wanting to protest such a thing yet she sighed as she nodded

It is as you wish my lord, I hope they judge him fair and just"she said as she followed listening to him as she tried to make sense of those words...she'd make sense later when she cooled

She got in the corvette and looked over to him as she closed her eyes"I have seen and done things I shouldn't my mind has been corrupt yet now I am redeemed"she said as she looked to him" may we judge them well
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]


[member="Desente Blissex"]

Lash eyed the Colonel then answered his question "I had my people inventory the record archives of the center for science and industry on Rothana when we began our program there." Lash said considering what to say next. "My engineers found this among the largest files in the archives and pulled it up among the first items they inspected. They are still compiling all the data in the archive at this point but once the inventory is complete a full list will be made available from the Center and linked on the command net for reference." said lash shutting down the hologram. "I will send this and the temporary file which contains everything we have found so far." Lash entered in a set of commands sending the file to the command data network for the others to access. "There is some history in there and the plans for the ring as well as diagram mapping out much of the subterranean tunnel network," said Lash.
@Anya Loma

He gave a god-like, almost paternal smile to her. It was the sweet location between "ever patient", "Ever wise", and "all knowing." It was hard to pull off, only a psychopath who believed he was a god could do so with that level of effortless ease.

"I know you have, Messiah, but there is always a chance, always a chance at redemption. Your past does not matter, you are living in the orderly and just side now. The local government, do not worry. They are fair, and just. They will see things are handled correctly."

The general turned to one of the nearby officers, 'Bring in the choir, I desire worship."

"Of course, sir," the man turned on his heel, leaving and summoning both a full choir of singers and Ardgal's two armor bearers. Amid the glorious sounds of the choir singing his praises accapella in perfect harmony the two armor bearers helped their lord and savior don his Ardgal'gam ((in sig of course)) and primed his weapons for him. The sweet sound of his worshiping saints filled the god's ears, it was like a fresh, rejuvenating spring of water that filled his soul and cleared his mind as his armor was donned with great reverence.

@Anya Loma
She nodded as she bowed her head as she smiled at him and nodded"yea I know it's why I am with you my lord

With that she listned to the music that started and watched him armor up as she checked her blaster and small blade she had...she needed something warrior like...a blade worthy of a messiah....
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Desente watched the chiss reveal his knowledge to the two humans. The kuati man knew that Rothana held many secrets that had yet to be revealed to the New Order. But we will recover them in time...He briefly considered that thought and the demonstration of [member="Lash"]'s knowledge. But that 'we' may not be entirely collective. Blissex made a mental note to reassign one of his trusted proteges and perhaps an older RA-7 droid to investigating the archive that the chiss was discussing. While Blissex wasn't interested in the many mundane information that the archive likely held, it was not something that he wanted to be entirely oblivious to, especially in its obvious details. Likely several of his subordinates were already aware of the file that the chiss was discussing, but none of them had bothered to inform the admiral about its existence.

"I am very much interested in what you and your people have found," said Admiral Blissex, "but I think that practicality demands that we focus on the task at hand. We should be acting on neutralizing the ex-governor and seizing this unknown vessel before it becomes a real threat to our men, our people, and the forces that we have acquired so far. Undoubtedly we could likely destroy this vessel in action if it does become operational, but I do not need to tell you that we would likely lose more men and material, nor have an intact vessel to study and use at our leisure."


Lash nodded in agreement with Blissex and the listend while the meeting went forward. The planning was done and now was time to carry out the mission. The Colonel took two days preparing the required forces and setting up everything needed for the assault. Lash and the two Officers once again meet aboard the Victory X Star Destroyer Warpath now moving into position for the assault. IN the distance a presumably dead and long abandon section of the orbital ring around Rothana sat before them hiding the ancient ship and the forces of the formor leader of the world.

"Admiral Blissex, I would have preferred to use elements of Blue Steel Squadron for this. That ship may be old but it was classified as a dreadnaught when it was operational. I hope you have not under estimated its potential." said Lash to the kuati man. He seat aside his questioning of the High Admirals choice of resources and watched as a group of assault shuttles moved away from the Victory X towards the ring in an indirect path away from the section where the ship was being housed. Flying straight in would have given away their plan, as it was just being in the region around the planet may have given the Govoners men ample warning to prepare for the assault.

"I see Colonel Tagge is en route for the ring. I withdraw my statement. Let us see how this goes." said Lash begrudgingly to the High Admiral. The operation was under way and his concerns about how his superior officer had managed the resources was of no importance now.

[member="Desente Blissex"]

Veris Tagge

Tagge Heir and CEO Bonadan Heavy Industries
"Alright, lock down and pressurize!" shouted Colonel Tagge over the rumbling of the transports engines. The assault shuttles sped towards the ring in the distance. Its massive size unimaginable to most who had never seen one. The construct was a seventy five thousand kilometer ring sat in orbit around the world of Rothana, most of its once formidable production capabilities now dormant. The abandon, damaged sections of the ring now housed many unlawful organizations in its depths. For the most part, these were left alone and charged a small operations fee and never investigated by the commerce branch of fleet.

"Colonel, three minutes out" said the pilot of the assault shuttle in the helms intercom. Like the other officers and marines on the craft Tage was now fastened into his zero G armor and pressurized. The mission was to make insertion into the yard adjacent to the slipway housing the rogue ship and open it up to vacuum making it impossible for the former governor's men to fight.

"Very well major take us In" said Veris as he hit the button expelling the air out of the shuttle's bay leaving the marines in vacuum. The marines readied themselves and lined up for the doors to open. Each clad in space trooper standard armor with its multiple weapons systems ready to aid the force in taking the massive ship hidden the ring. Tagge stepped up and to the front of the group and waited for the timer in his HUD to finish counting down. It hit zero and the doors to the shuttle opened as the shuttle held position over the ring.

"Let go!" ordered Tagge and the force of marines dropped from the shuttle floating slowly to the ring under the gravity it exerted from its sheer size and spin. The group touched down and fastened themselves to the hull of the massive construct with mag boots and began the work of moving along the ship's hull and the waiting forces of the rogue former leader of the world below.

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