Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Unto Zion Shall Be Redemption

Ardgal climbed into the rental speeder. It was small, a compact, and for his hulking frame.... well cramped. But there was also room for Anya, and well it looked good and it was cheep-ish sorta, so they were good.

He waited for the Dark Messiah to enter before roaring off down the road. He set a hologram with the man's face on it where Anya could see it, "This is the man, he is relatively harmless, a traveling salesman. There have been three cases brought against him for running drugs in interplanetary ways. There have been no confirmed convictions, but that doesn't mean he was innocent, as we all know." He knew too well, in fact.

The speeder stopped before the opulent Resort and casino. It was perfect, in every possibly way. Which was honestly kinda nasty for Ardgal. The gaudy, shameless show of money was revolting. He climbed out and walked to the lobby. His boots sank in deep into the rich red velvety carpet like nothing else he had ever felt before. He clenched his jaw, no one would ever feel that, there was no need for this kind of waste.

"We are looking for a Mister Heltzman," Ardgal said politely to the desk cashier, "I was informed he was staying at this location."

"Oh, of course sir," the droid intoned politely, "Room 207 the Second floor. He just returned."

Ardgal looked to the Dark Messiah, "We want to interogate, take him alive and get what he knows of course. We should split up in case he decides to run, you want to go the front or you want to go the back?"

[member="Anya Loma "]
Sareen managed to dodge all but one stun bolt, striking him in the lower left midsection, but it would take more than that to take down the humanoid beast. Sareen felt a little drowsy, but he could fight, he would not give up. Sareen fired blasts at the two spie's heat signatures in between the crates. Sareen growled as he fired continuously until the blaster ran low on it's cartridge, alerting him that the side-arm's low ammunition. The Trandoshan ducked for cover behind an astray crate as the gun began to beep. Sareen wouldn't let a pesky blaster get in the way for the brining of punishment towards these unknown assailants.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Axel"]


Blue Steel Squadron burst into real space over the world of Rothana setting off alarms and spinning up security details all over the world and orbital ring. Lash kept the group away from the world most of the time opting to keep the majority of his people separated from the Rothanans and the other human Imperials. Some of the Chiss engineers were assigned throughout the world and ring in technician roles. Many worked in the world's research and development center, but the majority of the military personnel stayed aboard the ships of Blue Steel Squadron.

Lash stood on the bridge of Carnifex looking out at the orbital shipyard ring. The first of the new Victory X-class ships built there were nearing completion in the yards main slipways. The heavy cruisers would be the first built here and would act as the defense force for the ring once completed. For now, the Three Victory X-class which accompanied Greth from Gerranthum were holding that position. Once launched those would be sent to the New First Fleet forming the back bone of that group. Blue steel had come with Lash from the Empire and as part of his agreement with Greth would stay under his command. Greth liked to think of the group as his secret weapon but it was widly known the group existed.

"Commander, Your shuttle is ready" said the blue skinned general standing next to Lash. He turned and nodded tot he man and walked to the lift. He had meet the High Admiral on a few occasions but the two had never shared many words other that greetings. This would likly be the most the two had spoken with each other since Lash and the Chiss joining Greth and his group. Lash stepped up into the shuttle and waited for the ramp to close. HE turned and walked tot he co-pilot chair and sat down. His pilot nodded then lifted the shuttle off the hanger floor and off into space bound for the orbital command center.

"Pilot. let the HIgh Admiral know we are on our way" said Lash then closing his eyes and meditating as the small craft moved along toward the massive ring in the distance.

[member="Desente Blissex"]

Veris Tagge

Tagge Heir and CEO Bonadan Heavy Industries
Veris stood in the hanger watching the shuttle land which was ferrying the Chiss Admiral Lash. Tagge had never had the chance to meet the reclusive man so this was indeed an experience. The Chiss had been a common sight for years know and Varis had shared discussions with many of the blue-skinned aliens while testing new technology and weapons on the snow covered testing range outside the city proper. The head blue skin, as he was called in certain circles was rarely seen on Rothana, choosing to stay out in deep space with his head engineers working on new tech. Tagge had to admit the fleet popping out of hyperspace announcing his arrival set a certain kind of mood with the other commanders of The New Order, as it was being called now. The thought of this alien commanding a force nearly three times as large as the defense fleet unsettled many in command. Tagge had been told the Chiss had brought the ships into the fold of the fleet and allowed to keep them as repayment for joining the cause, but the sheer sight of the large fleet now over the world unsettled Tagge also. Greth had spoken to a commander once about the issue when it was brought up and made it clear that the Chiss had his complete support and trust, and no one was to speak of it again. The ramp lowered and two tall blue skinned men walked down to greet him. Tagge had seen holo reports of Lash in the news and read his file so he knew which man was in charge of the two.

"admiral Lash, I am Colonel Veris Tagge, HIgh Admiral Blissex set me to escort you to command." said Veris as the Chiss walked up to him without a word.


Lash nodded tot he human man sent to escort him and spoke. "Very well Colonel, Pleasant finally meeting you, I have followed your career and exploits closely. Except for your defeat in the mid rim, your career has been exemplary. But that was a failed mission from its conception. I am sorry so many of your men had to die that day." Said Lash as the man looked him over. Lash knew the comment may not sit well with him but it was a truth and Lash was not one to coddle these humans because they get their feelings hurt when the truth doesn't flatter their egos. Lash paused before speaking, letting the man accept the comment and move past any misgivings he had because of it and man up to his role in the debauchery in the mid rim.

"I understand we have news on our missing governor, IF pleasantries are over can we get to business. I do not wish to be in system for longer than is needed." said lash to the colonel once again smiling at him.

Veris Tagge

Tagge Heir and CEO Bonadan Heavy Industries
Veris listened to the blue man's words with anger welling up in him. thousands of loyal men died at the battle of Russan. Thousands of men who needlessly died following him into a battle which was lost from the beginning. HE had heard the Chiss was cold, The unflinching commander of the people that do not flinch. He, however, did not know the man could be cruel. Maybe it was not his intent but the wounds of that day weighed heavy on Veris and the trivializing of it by this alien pissed him off. he composed himself and set his mind back to the business at hand, the governor.

"Yes admiral, we have gotten some information which seems to be pointing to a specific section of the orbital yard. I am not fully read in, I will be joining the meeting and we will both be joining the assault team it seems." said Tagge calming the fire in him and fighting the urge to shoot the Chiss commander. "If you follow me we will head into command and the meeting." said Tagge gesturing towards a door at the back of the anger.


Lash and his pilot walked with the colonel down a long hallway to a door at the end. The room on the other side was a basic meeting room with a large table and chairs in the center and a holo projector in the center. The three men walked into the room and each sat in chairs around the table without a word. Lash knew he had offended the man talking about his defeat at Russan. He had done it intentionally to gauge the mans reaction. Many humans would have angered and commented on the subject. trying to defend their actions and placate the fact that they did lose. The colonel had just taken the slight and stuck to his job. That told Lash Tagge was the kind of human he could work with. Lash had no place for weakness in his operations. Going forward he knew the Colonel may not like him but would do his job and follow his orders. A rare trait in humans. From another door the High Admiral walked in and stepped up to the controls for the holo projector Lash sat quietly waiting for the man to acknowledge him and the colonel and begin the meeting.

[member="Desente Blissex"]
Cadan eyes flared with rage as he saw the figure of a women he had seen far too much of. That women was indeed the infamous [member="Lady Kay"]. "Kark!" Cadan shouted as he drew his DL-18 blaster and fired two shots in her direction, they would fly harmlessly past her though.

Cadan ran full pelt towards the area where he last saw Kay, the pirate managed to avoid the stun bolts and again fired another few shots towards Kay. "We'll eat well tonight Sareen!" Cadan screamed out of rage, his legs moving as fast as the could. He smashed into some crates to help slow him down now he stood only meters away from the most illusive enemy he has ever faced.

" 'Aven't seen you in a while Kay." Cadan said drawing out his Chopper. A malicious smile crossed over his face as the engine began to roar, the chainsaw blades spinning wildy. "Imma enjoy this."



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As soon as [member="Sareen Zar"] started firing, Kay and her guard ducked in behind some crates. She waited, hearing his gun overheating.

Then came the crash. [member="Cadan Tazi"] ran headlong into some crates, causing them to move from their hiding spot. His anger almost matched that of Sareen. Not that she could blame them though, for she had escaped them and foiled their plans on numerous occasions. Today was no different.

As Cadan fired up his Chopper and Sareen was unable to fire his own weapon, Kay opened fire with her stun bolts on Cadan in rapid succession. Her guard meanwhile fired at Sareen to keep him back.

Once Cadan went down, he was all going to be hers. Her guard was already on his commlink, calling in the reinforcements.
Blissex briefly halted at the holo-projector and turned towards [member="Lash"] and [member="Veris Tagge"]. Tagge was more of known factor to the kuati man, a loyal servant of the Order. But Lash continued to remain an enigma to him. A mystery he might be able to unravel with enough time and resources. But now is not the time for that... He cleared his throat.

"Welcome gentlemen," said Desente, "to Rothana, seat of our power. We've focused much of our attention outward, but we've had a dagger growing near our new heart after all of this time."

The man tapped a button on his comlink, causing the holo-projector to hum. Light coalesced to form a shadowy wire-frame image of a large starship. To average eyes, the design would have seemed like any number of wedge-shaped warships used by the galactic powers. But to the experienced eyes, it seemed a far older design. One that hearkened back millennia ago to a time when the Sith Empire struggled with the Galactic Republic for control of the galaxy.

"The ex-rulers of this world appear to have been constructing a starship with which to possibly escape or wage war on us," said the man, "Admiral Lash, you may recognize what appears to be the base design of this vessel. It seems likely that they'll have upgraded such an old design with more modern technology...but we're not entirely sure what that is..."
She entered the speeder, thankfully her lithe and small body made it easy for her to get in with being to cramped up in the ship

She looked to the hologram as she studied it let her cybernetic eye take it in then nodded as she looked to him simple cover for him isn't it he could do something and say he was just in for business

She said with indeed a frown

She went quiet the rest and followed him in the casino as she looked around in disgust of the place...where the rich came to gamble get high and have a night of fun...the two just arriving would have their fun...serving justice fresh

She looked to him"I'll go through the back my flexible body will allow me quick access into some of the ducts maybe I can get into his room somehow"

[member="Desente Blissex"][member="Lady Kay"][member="Cadan Tazi"]@Lash@Veris Tagge[member="Sareen Zar"][member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Time seemed to slow as soon as Cadan saw Kay point the gun towards him and the stun rounds leave the barrel. In a feeble attempt he brought his arm up to slash at Kay with his weapon although it was too late. "You karking bit-" He felt it in his chest, his heart slowed and it felt like it would pouce out of his chest. Next his knees felt weak, his palms sweaty. The slasher fell from his hand and before it hit the ground, Cadan's head slammed into the concrete with a loud thud.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Sareen Zar"]


Lash looked over the hologram. The ship was a design he had never seen in tact. He had seen specifications on it and had studied it as part od his CEDF training just because it was such a pivotal vessel in the history of the galaxy. From what he remembered there had not been very many even build by the ancient sith. But there one was laying dormant in a slip somewhere in the orbital ring. Lash studied the design noticing modifications that visually stood out. The addition of a bridge structure which resembled a Victory bridge was the mos predominant modification. Heavy Guns lined the flank trench of the ship. Lash could make out heavy turbolasers and heavy ion cannons positioned for maximum forward firpower. Smaller light turbolaser turrets lined the dorsal hull. Much of the tech Lash was seeing was state of the art. From the outside the ship resmbled the old vessel but Lash knew from looking at it that is where the simularitys stopped. Lash considered the vessel for a moment then spoke.

"What you are looking at is an ancient Sith Harrower-class Dreadnaught. It was clssified as a dreadnaught durring that time but per modern standard it would be classified by mass as a Heavy Cruiser or light destroyer depending on the modifications they have installed." sad Lash watching the mens expressions at the revelation. "How one of these old ships has survived in this condition is a mystery I would like answered. It makes me thing more hidden technology could be burried in the abandon parts of the RIng. It is too large to effectively serch it all. I would like to have some of my team start serching the ring if possible High Admiral. We may yet find other surprises such as this vessel hiding among the shatter ring." said Lash tenting his fingers thinking about the possibilities that could await him.

[member="Desente Blissex"]

Veris Tagge

Tagge Heir and CEO Bonadan Heavy Industries
Veris looked at the image not recognizing it but admiring the construction. The vessel looked akin to the Victory star destroyers the fleet currently used but wider and with additional hangers viable. The Chiss definitely recognized the ship and explained it was a five-thousand-year-old Sith Dreadnaught. It certainly looked new in the hologram he was looking at. Nothing on the ship looked thousands of years old. Tagge noticed the assault systems to support assault ships in the ventral hull. It seems the vessel even had a series of large drop pods on its hull near amidships. The ship looked formidable from the hologram and from the way the Chiss was talking about it, it could be a problem if it were to launch.

"Do we have the exact location of the ship Admiral?" Tagge asked Blissex.

[member="Desente Blissex"]
Ardgal gave a nod, "Good work, Sounds like a plan. I will see you at the R-V," RV of course stood for Rondevoux point not Recreational Vehicle.

The general sauntered to the elevator and pushed the button when it came around he stepped on and pressed the button. The doors closed and he was sealed in the plush, overly golden guilded chamber of luxury going upward into the next level where their target, Mister Heltzman would be. Ardgal checked his concealed blaster pistol, vibro blade, stun cuffs, and such while he had a private moment. It was better to be prepared than not. He doubted this man would be the type to put up a fight but--well, it never hurt to be prepared.

The doors opened and he walked through to the room 207. Its big wooden doors were carved with what Ardgal could only image was ridiculously expensive cost by some guy who's only real contribution to society was making doors for the fat cats to show their wealth off to those lesser than them. He knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" asked a mumbled male's voice from inside.

"Ardgal Raxis, god of Justice here on behalf of the plantary--"

He was interupted by the sound of surpised obscenties and a crash of plates. The general wasn't about to wait, he kicked the door in, blaster ready to subdue Mr Overweight and "running." And he used that term very loosely.

@Anya Loma
Blissex mulled over [member="Lash"]'s request. While the Moff trusted the chiss officer, Blissex had not yet warmed up enough to let him conduct the search unsupervised. COMPNOR or the Imperial Security Bureau would almost be ideal for this...but that is not an option that I have. Blissex briefly considered his other options before finalizing on the most unobtrusive yet effective one that he had. He gave a curt nod towards the Chiss.

"I do not see why not. I will assign two of staff to work with you," said Blissex, "Commander Kusk and Lieutenant Gwone. Both have been working on the yards already, so they can help guide through what we know. This yard has some unique characteristics that sometimes have thrown off newcomers."

More importantly, they will inform me if you attempt to do something unwise or disloyal...But that was a thought best left to himself. He made a mental note to brief both of those officers about Lash and his past, just in case. The man's thoughts were interrupted by [member="Veris Tagge"]'s question.

"We do know," said the man, "though we have not yet visually examined it ourselves in order to prevent spooking the subject. Long range sensor observation and a little computer work is all that we have on them currently, as well as the testimony of...a turncoat. While I think that man is fervently on our side now, I am not sure if he knew everything. I think it is prudent to approach this target with a measure of caution."
She nodded and made her way to a vent that was located a little ways away...that was of course away from the fat eyes of anyone watching...course didn't matter they were focused solely on their stupid games...God forbid is she ever gambled... or we'll went to a casino like this...

She was in the vents and moved silently through it with a low breath she got to a point where she had to go up and started up for what usually would hurt a person she simply bent herself to get into the spot then up...oddly enough the vents had numbers...probably for repair then..ah

207, she looked down in and gave a look of disgust as she saw the fat man...she moved around and waited...she heard [member="Ardgal Raxis"] then suddenly she looked down to see crashing as she kivked the vent off and fell down in front of the man" be careful....I'd stay where you stand if you not wish to become food for animals


Sphaera Tea Company Owner



By the time that [member="Cadan Tazi"] fell unconscious to the floor, the reinforcements had arrived. They had been watching and waiting. Now they had the building surrounded and were already coming inside.

Kay picked up Cadan's Chopper and handed it over to her guard. "Put this in the restricted weapons room and chain Cadan up in one of the holding cells until I figure out what to do with him." She then approached the slaver slowly and started going through his pockets, looking for the device that he would shock the captured girls with. One she found it, she let a couple of the guards cuff Cadan and carry him out. [member="Sareen Zar"] and [member="Axel"] were nowhere to be seen. Cautiously, Kay waved to the girls. "Come on. You're safe now. We'll get those collars off of you and then you can go back home."

That gave Kay a bit of an idea. Hmm. A tracker collar on Cadan could work, and one that would shock him when triggered. Hmm.

She followed along behind the girls, her guard right behind her. Kay then stepped into one of the transports to follow the one that held Cadan. Maybe she'd have [member="Lord Sin"] or [member="Thraxis"] question him.
The slaves looked to Kay, the fear slowly fading in their eyes as they realised they were safe! Some broke down into tears, some celebrated, others helped those that needed it.

Cadan's men began to slowly trickle back, some were subdude others ran and fled the scene and were straight ont the comms telling others about Cadan's capture.

Slowly Cadanc came to, just as the cuffs were slapped across his wrists. "The kark 'appened?" He said, his head still fuzzy. That was until he saw all the guards around him. "What!" Cadan quickly tried to rise and struck at people with his legs and his head, athough to no evail. It would seem that Cadan Tazi had finally been capture by the infamous Lady Kay.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Axel"]
Anya Loma said:
God forbid is she ever gambled
Ardgal felt a prayer being lifted to him and took a moment to savor the saint's desire and yes, forbid she go to a casino to gamble.

With that established, he moved in to see the enlarged Heltzman quivering in fear as the Dark Messiah had stopped him in place. He gave her a nod, "Good work," he nodded at the chair, "Have a seat."



The man sat without another word. Ardgal showed the holographic image of the man's face, "Is this you?"

Heltzman's lips quivered, 'Y-y-yes."

"Are you aware of where this is?"

He nodded.

"Who was she? Answer us and your sentence may be gentle."

The man looked at Ardgal's blaster fearfully, "She was--a slave. I bought her on Ando for companionship--two years ago."

Ardgal's eyes narrowed as righteous wrath poured through his veins, "She was covered in wounds. Whip wounds. Were these from you?"

Heltzman could barely manage a nod.

"Who sold you this slave?"

"A--A--a pirate on Ando, someone named DeathBeard," Heltzman managed before Ardgal pistol whipped him into silence. "Good work, Messiah, we are closing in. Let us alert the authorities to take him in--and take this pirate on."

@Anya Loma
[member="Lady Kay"]

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