Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Unto Zion Shall Be Redemption

Veris Tagge

Tagge Heir and CEO Bonadan Heavy Industries
Tagge nodded to the Moff as the man gave him a license to kill. He would, of course, use the battle plan Greth had lined out in his brief but he would modify it to better suit what he wanted to do. Taking out a section of the ring was out of the question. He would need to take the section without damaging the main support and sealing of the structure. It wold do him no good to capture the criminals position only to be sucked out into space and have the orbital ring break and fall to the planet killing everything on the surface.

"I will get the job done Moff Greth, I will depart for the fort now and begin my preparations to assault the ring." said Tagge as the Moff dismissed him. Tagge turned on his heels with a snap of his boot and walked out of the bright white room into the much more dimly lit receptionist room. The door slid closed behind him and he nodded to the Moffs aid as he walked past and out into the hallway. Soon he would see action again. It had been too long.
Greth watched Tagge leave the office then stood and walked back to the window. Out int he distance freighters landed at one of the many surface ports. Traffic to and from the world was picking up despite the former government's attempts to disrupt it. Shp after ship passed over the worlds governmental headquarters moving from the ports into space and back. Food was the main import these days. The world had been starving when they had arrived. Greth had spent a small fortune lining out new trade contracts for food. Now the people of Rothan could eat and be feed and in return more productive and loyal. Nothing bought loyalty more than filling a man and his families stomachs.

Greth sighed and pulled himself away from the thoughtless task of staring out into nothing and opened a channel. "Admiral Lash, I have a job for your engineers, Please report to High Admiral Blissex for your assignment." He closed the recorder and sent the transmission to the Chiss Officer. He needed his team to go over anything the Assault time might find in the shipyard that would give Greth an idea as to how the former governor and his people had been able to keep their location a secret for so long. He suspected they would find some sort of stealth tech or systems that had been keeping the fleet from homing in on them. He opened a second channel and began to dictate another message.

"Admrial Blissex, The operation is a go. I am dispatching Tagge to your command. Use him Admiral, he is the best tool we have for this job. I have also informed the Chiss he is to report to you as well. Have them tear apart what ever you find that might be of interest to us. I have faith you and your team will bring an end to this chapter of Imperium history." said Greth as he finished and sent the message. He returned to looking out at the port in the distance and the snow covered mountains beyond them. This frozen world was home now. He would make it and the Imperium the most powerful government in the outer rim.

[member="Desente Blissex"]
Cadan sat at his throne while another slave brought him up another cup fill with liquor. He took the cup and down the contents before thowing back at the young slave girl. "Trained ya well I 'ave." He said as he looked around the room waiting for his entrage to eventually return.

As Cadan seemed to get slightly more intoxocated one of the slaves girls took this as her chance to attempt an escpace, they weren't tied up but had collars around their necks. The slave was a fresh one, caught just a few days ago. The young human girl looked no more that her early 20's. She moved like the wind and began sprinting for the door, a few others slaves screamed and shouted for her to stop but the young girls mind was set on being free. That was before a sudden jolt of elextricity ran through her body causing her to collapse on the ground in a spasm.

"Don't you dare try and run from me girl!" Cadan shouted as he stood and walked towards the girl, his thumb on a small red button causing the electricty to speed through her body. "Now the rest of the girls will pay!" Cadan grabbed a fistful of the girls hair and jerked her head to face the to watch as he electrocuted the rest of the slaves, a grim smile crossing his face.

[member="Lady Kay"]
"A harem, eh?" Axel asked as he entered the building on accident, looking for the bar but finding a large group of lush and beautiful women. They were all being electrocuted currently, but that was neither here nor there. Tapping at his chin thoughtfully, Axel contemplated the group just so slightly more, perverted reasonings mixed with those of logistics. Sure, he could have a dozen girls, but did he need that many? Plus that was an awful lot of food...

"Anyway, boss man, got an idea where the nearest bar is? Supposed to meet a colleague!" He called out, finally shrugging the idea off. His body was mostly hidden beneath his large jacket, which neatly hung to his ankles. In his right hand was Excelsior, his cane, and atop his head was the mostly uncommon tophat he frequented. All in all his appearance spoke of a class normally unavailable. When he lifted his head, revealing his eyes beneath the brim of his hat however, most got disturbed; the red iris on black canvas that was his eye's entirety was off putting for most.

"You see, I was told, this was the bar."

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Sparrow Hawk-class Assault Shuttle Avalanche, entering orbit around Rothana

Blissex's shuttle rocketed up into the atmosphere, flying past food-packed freighters and military vessels alike to near the almost sacred ring of shipyards that encircled the world. Even after all of these years, many people regarded the monolithic structure as a technological marvel: proof of what civilization could do even on the outer reaches of civilization if there was a will. But the Kuati officer was oblivious to the engineering talent that made such a mammoth structure possible as he sought to analyze plans of the massive shipyards. It's dauntingly finding a needle in a haystack...if we hadn't to managed to...acquire some information from Mister Kor. But once the advantage of stealth is gone...well...the game is almost as good as over. The shuttle's intercomm buzzed before he heard Moff [member="Joran Greth"]'s voice give him instructions.

He had only encountered [member="Lash"] a few times before. And while he had initially been skeptical about the Chiss's abilities, Lash had proven to Desente to be perhaps the most competent officer within the Imperium. He had grudgingly earned the man's respect, though Desente privately wasn't sure if his loyalties could be trusted. But Greth seemed to trust the chiss, which was good enough for Blissex to not act on his suspicion. At least not yet. Desente folded his gloved hands over his datapad as the Moff finished giving him his instructions.

"Understood," said the kuati, "I will have my chief of staff contact him to meet me at the command post for this operation."

The shuttle neared one of the ring's mammoth sections before it came into an enclosed shuttle bay. He felt a slight reverberation as the Avalanche made contact with the durasteel deck, but Desente still rated the landing as adequate. The man rose up from his chair, gathered his gear, and walked down the shuttle's ramp into a small piece of the wonder that was Rothana's shipyards.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay watched the girl try to break free. Silently she rooted for her as the girl ran, but then her jaw dropped as the girl fell to the floor in spasms. Her eyes narrowed at [member="Cadan Tazi"] as he approached his captive and tormented the others.

She shut off the recording as she had gathered enough evidence. But then [member="Axel"] walked into the warehouse. Who the heck was that? Kay looked to her guard and then through the window again. At this moment it was hard to tell if he was a vigilante or a customer. Either way, she was going to wait to find out.
Cadan spun around to stare at this man waltzing into the warehouse asking for a bar. Cadan's first throught was it was his crew returning, but he'd never let his crew dress like that. The pirate threw the girl back towards the group and walked back to his chair before throwing himself into it.

"What kinda idiot must you be if you think a bar is in this ware'ouse?" Cadan asked as he ran his metalic fingers around the handle of his DL-18. Cadan locked eyes with Axel, the eyes were an unusualy colour but Cadan shrugged it off, maybe he had them dyed that colour.

"I got no idea where the nearest bar is mate. But I can't just let ya be walkin' out after what you just seen." Cadan stood and drew his DL-18 in a well coreographed sequence that seemed to have been done too many times before. "So tell me why I shouldn't just blow that little 'at right off your ugly 'ead?" As far as Cadan knew he had customers coming, but they would arrive with his crew. This could be some do-gooder or worse, someone trying to steal his hard earned products.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Axel"]
She nodded as she lifted the eye patch, revealing the cybernetic eye a she looked out and spotted two cameras....they looked to be rotating ones they went 90 degrees one way then back to setting position....meant for traffic however was high enough that it if seen the budimg"my lord spotted two cameras sending coordinates to you

Then she picked up noise....something wasn't right" sir I'm picking up a noise disturbance nearby in a warehouse permission to move in for observation and scouting" quick and crisp were those words as she slowly started for in putting the eye patch down

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"][member="Lady Kay"][member="Desente Blissex"][member="Axel"]
Axel laughed at the intended threat, simply put unconcerned. He continued his looking around the building. The tap tap of his cane as he moved was the only other sound evident from his person. Finally however he responded, eyes still away, "It would do little more than start a fight you just don't need, trust me." Finally he turned his gaze once again to the alien, "If you don't know where a bar is, maybe offer a drink to your guest?" A grin shining pure cockiness emerged to the fore.

"I am Axel Daemon-Verd, Crusader and Clansman alike, and while I stumbled into this place on accident, it could be beneficial to us both."

[member="Cadan Tazi"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
It was easy to hear them speak. [member="Cadan Tazi"] wasn't one for being quiet and [member="Axel"] sure didn't make any attempts to speak with a low voice either. Verd. She knew that surname. It was Mandalorian. What interest did he have with Commenor? An Embassy for the Raxian Empire was currently being built. But if some other Mandalorians were coming here to help the Crime Lords, well, she just had to put a stop to that.

Kay stood there debating on whether or not to go inside. She knew that her guard wouldn't like it, nor would her friends. It was risky. She started to move from the window when the guard put his hand on her shoulder and whispered, "Madam President, I cannot allow you to go in there."

Kay whispered back, "Circumstances have changed. We don't just have a slaver in there, but someone from Clan Verd as well. I'll just continue recording them for now, but it'd be clearer if I did it from inside. Now come on."

She was stubborn. Her guard gave her a hard stare for a moment and then finally nodded. Kay knew these warehouses well and was glad that there was no buzzers attached to the doors. So the two of them were able to slip in quite easily, using the shadows to conceal them. Carefully and slowly so as to not draw attention, Kay climbed up some stacked crates and lay down on her stomach. She slid herself close to the edge and then brought up her recorder again, seeing the profiles of Cadan and Axel while they conversed.
Spaceport - District 3 - Commenor

Growled as he passed through the masses of people filing through the spaceport, he could not track his prey without it. It had been so long since their last encounter, he wondered if she would remember his scarred face, but that was of no importance to him now. All he knew was that she was here, somewhere. His intel had been relatively shaky, but the Trandoshan hunting network had always been fairly reliable, but the authenticity of his intelligence report would have had no affect on his decision coming here. If he had anything to go on finding the one that always got away, he would take it.

As one more middle aged business man bumped into him, he had had it. Sareen hissed at the man who stood only a foot lower than him, his face swirled into fear as he began to make a faster pace to his destination. He may have been wearing his robes, his armor and weapons not present on his person, but the old Trandoshan still frightened most he encountered. Sareen brought up his comlinked banded arm and pressed one of the colorful buttons, "Sssseeker one, and sssseeker two. Find target, Kay." From his Lambda class transport two Seeker Droids left the opening cargo door, heading for [member="Lady Kay"]. He relished the final word as it came off his pointed tongue. The time of his revenge was nearing, and he evnied it with such a passion he had not felt in a very long time.
The word 'beneficial' floated through Cadan's head. This man didn't seem bother by the slaves, so perhaps he might indeed be in the position to purchase some. Cadan had been tricked before though as he continued to hold his blaster pointing it towards @Axel.

"I ain't got a drink for you. But something better." With his free hand Cadan reached around and grabbed a small bag of spice and tossed it towards Axel. " 'Ave a 'it of that." This certainly was an interesting encounter for Cadan, maybe he would see how this man reacted to certain things. Cadan slowly reached around with his free hand again and pulled out his small red button and pressed it hard. The screams from the slaves echoed through the warehouse, a grin smile crossed the scums face as he did this completely unaware of [member="Lady Kay"] in the warehouse.
As the events unfolded, Axel had of course kept all of his sensors active and so did not miss Kay's arrival. A jerk of his thumb pointed her whereabouts out, "You always let people wander about your warehouse? First me, now anothrr?" Of course the alien could likely not see her as Axel did, and may thinknhe was crazy. Either way, Axel grabbed at the sack of Spice, and instantly he his hand was within, taking out an hefty amount before consuming it on the spot.

Of course none of them present could know yet that he was an Iron Knight, a Shard possessing a mechanical body - well in his case a biological with mechanical additions. The drug would not be able to effect his mind like it would a normal being, as he had a robotic brain in place of tissues, and even then was controlling it, not actually a part of it.

[member="Cadan Tazi"][member="Lady Kay"]
The droids led Sareen up and down the streets of Commenor, 'disgusting' he thought. A hive of bureaucracy, bourgeoisie, and lawful activities. A plain, indistinguishable world, a pawn of the Republic, a perfect representation of it's leader. Eventually he entered a less populated district, where warehouses and factories lined the streets. Eventually he reached a certain warehouse, here, here he could smell something. Her scent, covered by those of illegalities, had been found. Sareen pressed a button on his commlink, the seeker droids broke off from their search and zoomed back to the transport.

He waited a moment in front of the door, almost unsure if he should open it. For so much time he had longed for this moment of revenge, for the Cartel, his business, and much more. But now, the once ruthless hunter, hardened slaver, and toughened Trandoshan, could almost not bring the courage up to open the door. After a few minutes he finally did it, Sareen took his clawed hand and pulled open the door. A confused, and slightly angry look took his face, "Cadan?" Sareen turned menacingly towards the unknown man, [member="Axel"], and craned his head back to [member="Cadan Tazi"]. "What are you doing in thisss place?" Sareen took a whiff of the air in here, it smelled of drugs, girls, and [member="Lady Kay"], three things Cadan always seemed to have around.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay kept her recording device out, but pressed herself down on the top of the crate, doing her very best to not be seen. How did [member="Axel"] know that she was there? Maybe her guard was seen, but he was below her position, hidden between a couple of crates.

And then the voice of [member="Sareen Zar"] was heard. Kay held her breath. As he was asking [member="Cadan Tazi"] of what he was doing here, she was wondering the same about him. Crime must've really gotten bad on Commenor if remnants of the Hutt Cartel were establishing themselves here. There was no way that she was going to allow that to happen.

Right now they were outnumbered, so they couldn't do much until they were safely away. She couldn't even call on Thraxis to come by, as General Santiago of the Commenori military had hired him to find the Crime Lords by almost any means. Would Thraxis go after Cadan? The two were drinking buddies at times, but it was hard to say if that would prevent him from doing his job.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, that's where she was right now. The worst part was that there were innocent people there too that could be used against her. Kay clenched her jaw. She just had to wait and hope for the best.
Cadan watched as Axel consumed the spice and nodded approvingly, the pirate slid away his pistol. "So friend are you buy-" He let his sentece trail of as he looked in the direction that Axel pointed, his eyes scanend past Kay and fell on the arrival of an old Hutt Cartel Enforcer such as himself.

"Sareen?" Cadan shouted from across the room, before he walked up to him and went in for a handshake. " 'Ow the kark 'ave you been?" Cadan would say as he pointed him towards the slave, who were still in pain from the electric shock before. "Just in time, 'bout to 'old meself an auction for these girls 'ere."

Cadan was still the only one in the warehouse completely unaware of Lady Kay and her where abouts.

[member="Lady Kay"][member="Sareen Zar"][member="Axel"]
Took Cadan's hand for a shake long over due, "It'sss been to long Cadan." Sareen glanced at [member="Cadan Tazi"]'s showcase of slave girls, "You alwaysss knew how to pick 'em." Sareen took a whiff of the air, hoping to re-engage in his pursuit, gone. [member="Lady Kay"]'s scent had now been covered by spice and slaves. Anger began to encompass his face when he saw two heat signatures with abnormal positions in the warehouse. One on top of some crates, one in between. Now normally Sareen didn't mess with spies, much of the time they have helped him in his former career as a bounty hunter. But if these were spies on his friend, well Sareen wouldn't take too kindly to that.

Sareen reached for his weapons, when he realized all he had taken was his side-arm DL-18, a feeble weapon for a creature his size. He growled as he felt anger for his mistake, but that was in the past, he was needed in the future. Sareen turned to Cadan, un-holstering his DL, "Would you mind if I, took care of, your unwanted visssitorsss?"
"Thank you, Messiah," he said tapping in on the mainframe of the computer.

After a few seconds he pulled up the feed for the security cameras and fastfwarded to the time of the incident. The from of the young twi'lek scurried into view, bound by her hands, arms, and struggling to keep moving. Ardgal's brows furrowed as he watched the woman, alone, untie herself over the course of two struggling minutes. When she was free, she backed away to the ledge, speaking to a figure who appeared. Ardgal wished this camera had picked up audio too.

Then the man she was talking to appeared. He was well dressed, richer by the appearance of things, and well connected. She continued to get more and more animated as the discussion went on. Guessing by body language, it looked like he was trying to calm her down and de-escalate the situation. After a moment, he made a lunge towards her, his bulbus form trying to cover the ten feet between them too soon. She turned before he could even come close and jumped off the ledge. When the man turned to leave, visibly shaken, Ardgal got a good look at his face for the recognition software. The results were good enough for him.

"That is going to have to wait, Anya, we have a lead," he looked the data over for a brief moment more, "A Mister John Heltzman has some explaining to do. He is staying at the Ecstasy resort and casino. We shall pay him a visit."

[member="Sareen Zar"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Anya Loma "]
She smiled" your welcome sir

She stopped as she listned to him and turned and started down it would wait be order of her lord

As she made her way down she couldn't help but feel cold...just all of this just...what was it all for..she couldn't....was that how she was before? A murderer? Just killing for fun?!

As she came up to [member="Ardgal Raxis"] she changed her demeanor and gave a light smile" ready to move out sir


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay shut off her recording device. She had enough anyways, Word of an auction, slaves, plus illegal drugs. It was enough to put [member="Cadan Tazi"] away for a long time. Or at least get him kicked off the planet. But now with [member="Sareen Zar"] seemingly knowing that they were here, it was time to leave.

Her guard seemed to realize it as well. He unholstered his blaster while Kay quietly slid back along the top of the crate before climbing back down. The last thing that she needed was to be trapped by either of them. She pulled out her small blaster from her boot and then sent a couple of stun bolts right at the form of the Trandoshan hunter. A split second later her guard was also letting out a few stun bolts at Cadan and [member="Axel"] . If any shots were to miss their mark and hit any of the slave girls, well, they were only stun bolts. At least they would survive.

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