Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FNRP - Fracas at Far Harbor (OOC & Signup)

With the success of the Rishi FNRP which is now winding down, and with the event coming soon, this FNRP will tie in even more directly to the upcoming event.

The location for this RP will be the space station built over the destroyed planet of Far Harbor made by [member="Darth Abyss"] .

The setting? An auction to sell some valuable items recovered from the broken surface.

Different factions and groups will have their own secure booths to prevent the customers fighting.

Until of course something else comes to join the fun....

Please note, you do not need to signup to take part, but signing up allows me to tag you in the first post.

Any questions, please post below.
I'm down. Missed the previous one, but plenty of IC reasons for me to be here this time. Won't be getting a booth, rather looking towards interacting with the rich/influential folks there, possibly get some political alliances going and financial/political support for the faction.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Valiens Nantaris"],

I'll try to make an appearance along with [member="Ultimatum"], [member="Lord Mettallum"] and maybe [member="AD-8"] who expressed interest in the thread, although we'll probably try to cause trouble outside of the auction :p Digging around the broken surface does sound fairly appealing

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