Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint [ CIS Dominion of Mikko ]



Mikko was hurting.

They had lost a friend. They had lost a Father. They had lost a guide. Death comes for all - but in its wake there is always a void. No amount of sorrow can ever fill the gaping hole left behind...but the people responded as people do. They filled the abyss with their anger. They filled the abyss with their fear. And soon, the grief-stricken world had turned against itself.

The Emperor was a guiding light to his people. By his hand did the planet remain neutral, despite the expansion of the border Confederacy and Empire. By his hand did the people remain confident that they could weather any storm. But in the wake of his death, two camps rose to replace him. Both were championed by a son. Both were upheld by claims of being the rightful heir. Both had come to terms with the fact that neutrality would not be an option for long...and so the youngest cast his lot in support of the Empire while the eldest made his plea to the Confederacy.

And whilst the the youngest's forces occupied the Mikko capital, expelling the elder from their home, his cries were answered. In but an instant, the heavens shuddered as Storm Fleet roared into realspace.

The Confederacy had come to Mikko.

The Civil War was at an end.


Seize and Maintain Superiority over Mikko's airspace: Armed forces supporting the Young Heir have effectively blockaded Mikko's upper atmosphere via local capital ships and ground side AA weaponry. Break their hold on the skies and keep our path forward clear.

Free the Capital: The Royal Palace and Imperial City have been overrun with forces loyal to the Young Heir. A curfew has been installed along with martial law. Expel the enemy from the city and take back the capital.

By this Rite: To be coronated, the True Heir requires the blessing of the ancestral spirits located within the capital city. Confront this obstacle by guiding the spirits to his location and naming him Emperor of Mikko.

[member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Aevan Kitaki"], [member="Akabane Jarvik"], @Alden Kyr'Nau, [member="Aleksander Miles"], [member="Anastasia Verd"], [member="Aoker Veru"], [member="Arabella Darkhold"], [member="Arlox"], [member="Ash"], [member="Ashen Soul Reynauld"], [member="Aurelio Ilyin"], [member="Aut-X"], [member="Averin An'Arach"], [member="Avo"], [member="Aya Clarke"], [member="Azrik"], [member="B1-990"], [member="Bartic Myth'rand"], [member="BBZ-20"], [member="Ben Mentel"], [member="Braemara Stormsister"], [member="BX-22222"], [member="BX-24601"], [member="BX-25233"], [member="BX-66260"], [member="BX-72967"], [member="BX-73300"], BX-75244, [member="Cairyn Midore"], [member="Causstik Rahn"], [member="Chalim Vern"], [member="Charr"], [member="Chek Zun"], [member="Chikako Liona"], [member="Darth Interitus"], @Darth Metus, [member="Darth Rixas"], [member="Darth Seraphic"], [member="Daxton Bane"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Derek Dib"], [member="Ellion Corsair"], [member="Galven Hansol"], [member="Hades Dai"], [member="Helix Syndicate"], [member="Holowan Industries"], [member="Idaren Verd"], [member="Iris Issey"], [member="Izevel Zambrano"], [member="Jack Anderson"], [member="Jaya Tandris"], [member="Jia Darkhold"], [member="Jorah"], [member="Jrogan"], [member="Kal Jaii"], [member="Kal Kandossii"], [member="Katarine Ryiah"], [member="Katria Vekarr"], [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"], [member="Keric Dynt"], [member="Ket Van-Derveld"], [member="Khonsu Amon"], [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"], [member="Kurenai Yumi"], [member="Lady Psyona"], [member="Lanna"], [member="Lewis"], [member="Lola An'Arach"], @Lord Metallum, [member="Luna Terrik"], [member="Maanis"], [member="Malok"], [member="Marcus Collier"], [member="Marcus Lund"], [member="Maxerian Gron"], [member="Miki Starfallen"], [member="Morgan Redeaux"], [member="Muad Dib"], [member="Mythira"], [member="Nasho Vesh"], [member="Nassier Zirfae"], [member="Natasha"] LaForte, [member="Natasha Darkstar"], [member="Noviac Caligo"], [member="Nyx"], [member="Orion Trex"], [member="Rapax"], [member="Rashae"], [member="Rena Namadi"], [member="Seela Tarkona"], [member="Sila"], [member="Siqa"] Verd, [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Surnin Strenger"], [member="Talbot Vitalis"], [member="Titan"], [member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Tschov Bolyn"], [member="Valis Marr"], [member="Valjan Hon'rey"], [member="Verd Skirata"], [member="Werah Unon"], [member="Yuna Hart"], [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
Desmond sat boredly within the palace. It was a lavish place, with fine rugs, beautiful hanging chandeliers, and expensive murals coating the walls. All of it was a facade. Outside the palace walls the young prince’s people were starving. Dying because their wasn't enough food due to an unfortunate oversight. But, the Empire kept the young prince believing he and his people were well provided for by giving the man ample riches. It was after all cheaper to keep one man content than a million. But, as victory over the planet seemed assured the confederacy arrived, backing the young prince’s elder brother no less.

Desmond and Inferno One were tasked with keeping the prince alive. So that even if they did have to flee, they would always at least have a lawful heir to the throne. The young prince was staring over a holotable which depicted the world at large. The confederates had yet to enter the system in force, but they were coming nonetheless. He seemed anxious and nervous. It made Desmond sneer. What a trembling coward. Still he was a useful coward. Desmond placed a hand on the young man's back so as to give him some of his strength.

“The fleet will hold my lord, and if it doesn't then we still have the city shields,” Desmond said reassuringly.

The man quaked with fear and Desmond knew he would have to take charge. The Chiss agent stared out over the battlefield and smirked. The Empire had graciously donated six hyper velocity cannons to defend the city. Of course the shields would have to go down momentarily as they fired, but the fleet would provide ample cover against any orbital assault.

“Ready the HVC guns. Have them fire as soon as the enemy enters range. Should our fleet be destroyed prepare the city shields… We will make them pay for this place with blood,” Desmond commanded in his rich Imperial accent and the officers surrounding the table nodded in ascent.

Desmond eyed the fleet’s battle line. A series of old Imperial star destroyers also gifted to the people of this planet by the Empire’s good graces. It appeared the admiral had an inkling of an idea of what to do as several star destroyers formed triangular wedges. But, Des knew they would not hold for long. They were old and outdated ships… It was going to come down to the combat planetside.

[member="Darth Metus"]
Location: Mikko
Objective: 1
Post 1

Aedan Miles looked around the command bridge of the Werda Kyr'am his Alor-class dreadnought would serve as the command ship for Blood Fleet in this engagement and he had brought along a pair of Tulak Hord-class to support it as well as a Maetus-class fleet carrier to provide fighter cover. Screening the capital ships were a trio of Gladiator-class frigates and a pair of Victory-class star destroyers. He was only a portion of the fleet coming with the CIS last he had heard Arlox and the other commanders of Storm Fleet would be present his force was here to keep the enemy vessels from fleeing from them giving a possible enemy in the future. Standing he strode forward looking almost disdainfully at the planet and its forces before snorting and waving his hand. "All ships are to prepare for imminent combat I expect that NONE of these people will leave here make it so." He laughed a bit as he watched fighter craft stream from his force as he laughed grinning savagely as he looked out over space muttering under his breath to his opponent. "Your move."
Free the capital
It was a scientifically proven fact that this reality was nothing more than a simulation. Because of that, Mara didn't believe in much beyond having a good time and following the money--and that she was living in a simulation of course. "The Force" was just a hacking code in the mainframe. "Death" was just a respawn. "Birth" was just spawning. It was all very scientific, and there were lives that did matter and didn't matter.

But how could anyone follow the good time if they were being oppressed with a military curfew? She couldn't shoot, and Mara was a pacifist by nature. She didn't believe in killing. There was always a peaceful solution--and that usually involved her hacking her way into something. That's what she was here to do. The CIS had employed her services to aid in the landing committee to liberate this city that was held under some heckin dude's thumb. Of course when she had heard the term "committee" she had expected something a little more.... office-y.

That didn't really make too much of a difference to her either way. Mara had charged head long in to deadly situations unarmed before. She would just have to make sure she was flanked again by folks who knew what they were doing. Arguably under dressed for the job, her upper half was partially covered in a form-fitting white crop-top. Across her bare shoulder, a tan leather satchel rested, holding her tools of the slicing trade. On her lower half, Mara wore a pleated crimson skirt that off set her blue skin and matched her lipstick. Her hair was half up and half down in a messy casual look that she had become known for. She looked more like she was ready for a night on the town than she was ready to start smashing on a planet. But, she wasn't here to fight at all. She was a programmer rather than a soldier.

In one hand she held her datapad, she was perusing Spacetrest to pass the time. In the other was her pipe. Anyone who came too close might have been able to pick up the faint smell of glitterstim off her person, if they knew what that spice smelt like. She sat cross legged on a crate in one of the hangars of the CIS ships approaching the surface of Mikko. When her party was ready to board, she would hop right on there--and get ready for the undertaking down bellow.


Objective: 1
Post: 1

Arlox had already been in the Hios system, waiting in his flagship the Decimator waiting for the rest of the fleet to come along, but it seems they were either taking their sweet time or Arlox just came too early, regardless he had start to run out of patience as he started to move his flagship towards the planet, as soon as he gave the order to do so his entire ship had started to get busy with him getting constant reports, one of them updating him on the situation on Mikko's airspace, a holographic table is in front of Arlox detailing over the entire battle space, he zoomed in on the enemies ships to see the capital ships. He let out a loud "Ha!" as he saw the capital ships, he then said "At least it's slightly interesting." Arlox then ordered his flagship to stay exactly where it is, so it wouldn't move any further for it to be in range to attack enemy ships so they wouldn't attack either, as Arlox knew it was best to wait for the rest of Storm Fleet to arrive to completely outnumber them. "I suppose I can wait a bit longer, otherwise if they're late I'll just hog all the fun to myself."

[member="Aedan Miles"]
Objective 1
Post 1

Orion stood beside a blue Super Tactical Droid, watching his task group come quickly out of hyperspace. The battle would come fast, meaning Orion would need to be faster. As soon as the ships came out of hyperspace he started barking orders. "Move our fleet into the atmosphere and launch fighters on my signal! Use our bombers to destroy any and all of their capital ships!" He turned to his droid commander, "Inform High Commander @Arlox we have arrived, and that I am ready when he is."

"Yes sir" the droid responded, walking off.

Orion turned back to look our at Mikko, crossing his arms as the Recusant II-Class Star Destroyer moved into the atmosphere to engage.

[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Mara Rockwell"]
Objective: 1
Post: 1
Location: MIkko

Kurayami had gotten a call from the higher ups in the CIS that there was a bit of an issue at Mikko. Something about Imps and Star Destroyers or something like that. He had been enjoying a relaxing night out at a local cantina on Nubia after a long day of keeping tabs on the productivity of Nubia StarDrives. He sighed as he finished his drink and headed back to the hangar. He ran a quick check on his ship systems and headed back to swap out his weapons load on the 'Ankou' class fighter. For this engagement he figured that he could make do with 8 proton torpedoes and used the centerline hardpoint to mount an Gyrhil 72 twin autoblaster, with 4 R-9X heavy cannons on the underwing double mounts. More than enough firepower to harass any starfighters that showed up. Once everything was set up he jumped into the cockpit and started running the preflight checks on everything as the canopy slid shut. Once it was closed and the panoramic display came online, he fired up the Phantom 4x jammer and set off towards Mikko.

Though the trip took sometime he made it in less time than he had expected it to take. Dropping out of hyperspace near [member="Aedan Miles"]' fleet he opened a secured comms channel to the gathered CIS ships.

:Bloodborn here, callsign 'Yellow 13'. Just arrived after hearing that you might need some assistance, I can help with starfighter interception and keeping gunners on the capital ships busy. Hard to lock on to what you can barely see. Anyone else who needs some assistance just let me know, can also provide close air support.:

[member="Arlox"] [member="Mara Rockwell"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Darth Metus"]
Objective 2
Location: somewhere in the Capital of Mikko
Allies: CIS
Enemies: Forces of the young heir

Shame that the Emperor was dead, bigger shame his children were squabbling and the total unneccessary bloodshed that resulted from this. If there was justice in the galaxy, Daxton would seize the crown and end this once and for all.

But there was no justice in the galaxy, the leader of the Red Ravens knew quite intimately. The elder son made a plea and forces in power answered. The last thing anyone needed was for this civil war to last longer than it already has.

With a select team of commandos in tow, Daxton had infiltrated the capital with a list of the young princes most wealthiest supporters and began to systematically eliminating them. Funny how they tought it was all a game until death came knocking on their door.

This was the third house he had visited and this time they actually put up some resistance. One could still hear the moaning from injured staff and guards scattered on the compound grounds. Daxton and his team were like wraiths, striking from the shadows before their opponents could recover.

The target was still strapped to a chair, drool leakimg from his own lips, eyes vacant as the information of the rest of his conspirators was Force Drained violently from his mind. Daxton could have left him as a mindless simpleton, but the Sith Lord loathed to leave a job unfinished, so he took an ebony spike from his belt and jammed into his victims ear, perforating the brain and killing him in seconds.

Leaving the spike in place, Daxton place his hands over the victims face and peeled it off as he would need it later when he impersonate him at the next location he was going to...
Objective 2
Location: Outskirts of the Captial of Mikko
Allies: CIS
Enemies: Young Heir's Forces

Again and again the galaxy showed her just how petty the politics of the galaxy could be. Each time reminding her why she was the kind to avoid them for the sake of her own sanity. After all it wasn't an uncommon fact of the Vekarr family that politics weren't considered one of their strong suits.

The situation on Mikko, however, was very different.

It wasn't a routine job, nor a typical request for assistance, but as she interpreted it: a plight for assistance from a brother who had come to arms against his own family. So when she arrived, late in part thanks to the younger heir's troubling air defenses, she was quick to take a rallying perspective of the situation she had gotten herself in to; the overcomplicated mess that it seemed to be.

That taken into account, her initial analysis of the war fairly grim, her briefing with the elder heir went far smoother than she could have possibly imagined. He had a rightful claim to the throne as the eldest heir, but that wasn't what had sold her as she made her way through the various troops and civilians to her vantage point outside the capital.

Unlike her father and his elder brother, this young heir seemed to lack any tactful respect for his brother. And while being paid to settle squabbles over respect didn't get you paid, she was more than content to settle it within the grounds of a debate regarding what was best for the people of Mikko.

So, as she took up position with a decent vantage of avenues to the elder heirs location, she listened quietly to the troops around her and trained her rifle on any enemy who came too close. He'd hired her to fight, a job easiest to cash in on if her employer stayed alive.
Location the capital
Objective: Free the Capital

All around her citizens were walking or running. Their faces flush from moving, the skin sparkled with perspiration from their efforts and all around the sounds of distress filled the air. Bella walked slowly until she found a table along the street sitting down she grabbed a menu from a droid who beeped endless at her, "yes yes I know, but I'm hungry and if I'm to go and fight someone I need a sandwich."

She laid the menu down, " a good droid and go get me a number 5...with the drink...I'll need to wash the sandwich down" She smiled taking a deep breath wouldn't my father love this. He was off doing his thing though. and she was still here trying to reconcile her own life again...what a multilayered cake of confusion it was.

But first things first....where were the troops....two blocks away, ok that gave her time to eat.
851 ABY - Flashpoint

Post: 1
Objective: 1
Location: In orbit of Mikko
Enemies: Mikko Combined Forces & [member="Desmond C'artyom"]'s Fleet
"I hate Imperials..." Were the final words that came out of Rear Admiral Aurelio Ilyin's mouth before the Intrepid and her sister ship, the Prometheus finally edged themselves out of hyperspace and into the orbit of Mikko. Upon arrival, numerous alarms began blaring across the ship as the older man reached over and pressed a button on his command chair. "Battle stations, battle stations. This is not a drill, I repeat - this is not a drill."

He reached up, pushing his spectacles back into place before inspecting their opposition. The Imperial Fleet was horribly out numbered, and although the Mikkonians had put up an effort to produce a sizeable defense fleet - it was meager at best. A droid looked up to the man, before he gave a stern nod. Quickly, a communications channel was opened up with the out dated force just a few leagues in front of them. "This is Admiral Ilyin of the Confederate Navy, surrender now or be destroyed."

He looked over to a nearby ensign, waiting until the younger officer took notice to his gaze. "I want Commodore Evirsteel and the rest of the Task Group prepped for hyperspace immediately, these Imperials didn't come all this way to surrender." He said, almost delightedly.


Arlox had looked more closely at the holographic table, opening up more details of the enemy ships to see that they were using... odd star destroyers, they weren't up to date. "Isn't that just insulting? they really think they can- ahh...." it clicked him as he started to laugh a bit. "So they know were going to win, they just want to make us bleed for it... that'll be fun." gripping intensely on his chair's armstand. "Very well, make connection with the rest of Storm Fleet and any other allies in this space battle." soon enough, a holocall would appear on the holographic table attempting to call all of storm fleet and allies. If they were to answer the call, they would receive this message.

"We've waited long enough, I believe it's time to attack, attack at your own will, you can either wait for other allies to show up or join me in the attack, or take your own course of action that you believe will contribute towards the battle." and with that, the message ended. It seems a few more ships jumped out of hyperspace right behind Arlox's flagship. "Ah... the ships I requested, finally." they accelerated towards the fleet orbiting the planet, in the front is a Recusant II-class Star Destroyer, two ships following behind it in a loose wedge formation, both of them being a Sovereign-class Heavy Cruiser, meanwhile three ships of a different class were at the back of this wedge, keeping their distance, all three of them being Sikune-Class Naval Artillery Battleships

Arlox's flagship had stayed back, completely out of range for this battle but wasn't defenseless as his carrier's fighters can come out at any time to meet resistance should he meet any, he'd expect others to either join along with Arlox's fleet that is currently heading towards the enemy fleet, flanking them somehow or waiting to be called upon as reinforcements, either way he does appreciate any form of assistance.

[member="Aurelio Ilyin"] I [member="Orion Trex"] I [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] I [member="Aedan Miles"]
Post 2
Objective 1
Location: Mikko Orbit
Allies: Confederate Fleet
Enemies: Mikko Fleet

As Orion looked out at the planet, his blue Super Tactical Droid walked up to him. ​"Sir, you are receiving an incoming transmission from the High Commander."

"Then put it through!" Orion ordered, waving his arm as he spun and walked over to the holotable. The droid pressed a red flashing button and a hologram of Commander [member="Arlox"] appeared. The transmission left as quick as it came, giving very simple but direct orders.

Orion nodded as the transmission dissipated. He then turned to his droid and began giving orders. "You heard him! Move our fleet into attack position! Launch all fighters! target their command ship!"

He walked toward the front of the bridge, watching as his Recusant II-Class Star Destroyer moved forward, flanked by a multitude of other ships. Vulture-Class Droid Starfighters poured out of ships, all headed straight into the enemy fleet, engaging enemy starfighters. The all out battle had begun.

[member="Aurelio Ilyin"]
Location: Sitting on a roof near the Capital
Objective: 2 - Free the Capital
Post: 1

Akabane sat patiently on a roof watching the Capital from a distance. The citizens here seemed to be in distress, while he could have helped them there was a bigger task at hand. Free the capital. Doing this helps them in a way anyways so he didn't feel completely bad about not helping at the time. Besides, conserving his energy for the battle ahead was something to think about as well.

He pulled out a cigarette from a recently placed box. Grabbing his lighter and lighting the smoke, he kept focusing those glowing red eyes on the Capital. The smoking was a habit he started recently. It was a bad one but he only did it when alone. Doing it around others would most likely be problematic, those that cared for their health. Akabane really should think about his too. At 25 years old he has plenty of life left, smoking can shorten it.

Just as he brought the cigarette to his mouth, the CIS ships above could be heard clashing with the enemy's. "Already?" he mumbled, forming a big grin. Akabane threw the bud to the ground as he stood up to face the sky. The scene looked so beautiful! Of course that was only in his imagination, battle appeared different in everyone's eyes. Akabane did some final checks before talking over the comms. "Lightsaber. Yes. Blaster. Yes. Sword. Yes. Mentally prepared. Yes. Alright I'm good." after going through and making sure he had everything required for the operation, Akabane spoke over the comms.

"Standing by, ready to assist ground forces." he said this quickly and expected a command.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Mara Rockwell"] | [member="Arlox"] | [member="Orion Trex"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Katria Vekarr"] | [member="Arabella Darkhold"] | [member="Aurelio Ilyin"]
Objective 1
Post 2
Alies: Storm fleet @Arlox @Orion Trex [member="Aurelio Ilyin"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Enemies: [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

Aedan chuckled as he watched the what he could almost safely assume to be an Imperial Fleet moving into position before him gathering forces to counter his presence. Leaning back he started to laugh madly as he spun around spreading his arms wide his back to the viewport as he saw the image of Arlox appear listening to his words and smirking lightly as he bows from the waist eyes gleaming with an almost mad light. "I will take what you say under advisement Arlox but as per my agreement with the CIS the Blood Fleet shall move as I deem necessary." He spun around and gestured towards the communications officer watching as the communication was cut and word was sent to his second wave of forces knowing that hidden in the second wave was his Evakmar Mk 3 assault ship that would once the path was clear land on the planet with his ground forces. He smirked gesturing towards the enemy fleet as suddenly his second force burst out of hyperspace oriented above his current force his trio of Aurora-class siege destroyers leading the way and opening fire with their long ranged weaponry as the rest of the fleet fired their missiles at the enemy force.


Free the Capital

Once more.

As the Confederate Armade sliced into realspace, alarms began to sound across their vessels. Orders were yelled over the comms. Support craft were launched from their hangars. The Battle of Mikko had begun. Yet, Razor had not yet joined the fighting. form was yet curled up in the storage position. Hung, with care, alongside his brothers did the unit wait for activation. And whilst its main processors slept, background systems allowed him the illusion of dreams.

He dreamt...of Raxus Prime.

Of feeling his innards rust over from centuries of disrepair. Of feeling his circuitry fed upon by rodents. Of having too low power supply to form any true resistance. Of knowing that he was there, discarded, because he had failed. Never again. Razor was given a second chance at this game called "life" - and all that was demanded of him was the fulfillment of his purpose. He was born to fight. He was born to win. He was born to be the most effective unit on the battlefield.

Deus. Volt.

Status: Online

At once, power surged within the droid, rousing the totality of his systems. The racks responded in turn, lowering him straightaway to the hangar floor below. As his feet touched down upon the pristine ground, diagnostic scans played behind his photoreceptors. All systems were green and the day's combat perimeters were being uploaded rapidly. Mikko... His objective was to break the hold held over the city. With as minimal casualties - especially civilian - as possible. If he were a lesser unit, Razor would have questioned the difficulty of the scenario. He would have looked at the odds and scoffed.

But having tasted the scrap heap, failure was not an option.

"BX-72967, Designation Razor, online. Heading to sortie." he announced over the comm. With clearance to proceed, the Commando paused only to arm himself with an HV-55A Disruptor Rifle before striding forth. Before him laid a number of pods, each preprogrammed for a swift trajectory to the planet below. The Confederacy was prepared to utilize their infamous "dummy drop" tactic - where numerous empty pods were launched alongside an invasionary force to eat upon anti-air fire.

And from what Razor's calculations told, they would land just outside the city walls.

"Accessing Roster. Planetside: [member="Akabane Jarvik"], [member="Daxton Bane"], [member="Arabella Darkhold"], [member="Katria Vekarr"]." he said to himself, quickly going over who the Confederacy already knew was on the surface. He then paused before the nearest pod, motioning with his offhand at the slicer [member="Mara Rockwell"]. "Sentient: Mara Rockwell. Your Objective: Assist in disabling city defenses. You will accompany this unit personally." This was not a request. With that said, Razor entered into the pod, paused long enough for the slicer to join him, and closed the vessel behind him.

A countdown echoed via the internal speaker. Thunderous vibrations gripped the chamber. The Pod was then launched into the void, joining a cadre from the Wodrata-class Pod Carrier that had ferried them in. As the Pod began its descent towards the surface, Razor made a single transmission over the comms.

"Unit: BX-72967, Designation Razor is requesting assistance. Yellow 13 ([member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]), please escort this Unit and accompanying pods to the surface. Requesting close air support for duration of operation."

"Ground forces: Jarvik, Bane, Vekarr, and Darkhold, please rally to the provided coordinates. This unit is landing in approximately thirty seconds and will require all assistance possible for maximum efficiency. Grand Objective: Liberating the Capital. Current Objective: Silent anti-aircraft munitions."

"Communication complete. Entering comm silence."

And in thirty seconds, the Capital City would be greeted to the sight of a tremendous number of Pods crashing down just outside of the city walls. Droids began to emerge forth and headed immediately for the wall. They utilized grappling hooks and jetpacks to scale the height of the structure, yet Razor tarried behind. He did so in order to protect the Slicer and to allow his request for support to be fulfilled.

[member="Akabane Jarvik"], [member="Orion Trex"], [member="Arlox"], [member="Aurelio Ilyin"], [member="Arabella Darkhold"], [member="Katria Vekarr"], [member="Daxton Bane"], [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"], [member="Mara Rockwell"], [member="Aedan Miles"], Desmond C'artyom
Location: Capitol City
Objective: Contact the Spirits
Allies: CIS
Enemies: Upstart's Forces
Relevant Tags: [member="Akabane Jarvik"] | [member="Katria Vekarr"] | [member="Arabella Darkhold"] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Mara Rockwell"]
Post: 1

War-torn streets were littered with sorrow as the Witch walked among them. Such was the price of war. But He thought this could be prevented. Or at least cut short. This place was ancient, at least from what she could feel. The war for succession would not be the first in the planet's history, nor would it be the last. So it was their job to crown the new one. Cold yellow eyes scanned the area. One of the Spirits was here. She could sense him. The words she spoke began as a whisper, sounding like some prayer to an ancient being. "Nu doryumi kia tu, anmuxuna na tave Nemye Va" The phrase repeated as she chanted, eyes glazed over as she called out to the Spirit Realm. They would hear her. They would come.

I can take you to them.

His voice boomed in her skull, and the words seemed to shatter her concentration. The Sith Witch shook her head, saying only two words. "Do it."

The real world faded, and she was in the nether.
Objective: 1(Moving to planetside for ground support on Objective 2)

Post: 2

Kurayami was performing a final weapons calibration before entering combat, making sure the firing patterns were all correct and would provide for a nearly constant stream of plasma and death. While finishing up this task a call came through from [member="Arlox"], but before he managed to answer another call came through from @BX-72967. The droid wanted ground side assistance and escort to the landing zone. It would be a hot entrance given that he was sure by now anti-aircraft batteries would be online. The Corellian relished the idea of getting this ship low to the ground to see just how it would manage in atmosphere.

::This is Yellow 13, to Razor. Roger the request, heading to the designated rendezvous position. Will be there in a few moments.::

He pulled into a sharp ascent followed by rolling to the left until the wings were at the 5/10 line. Pulling back hard on the stick he added slight left rudder to bring the three dimensional thrust vectoring into play to push the nose into line with the sensor ping. Leveling back out he increased the throttle, easing back as he got to the area and began flying a racetrack pattern around the indicated spot, not so much to keep eyes on any possible bogeys, but to keep his weapons pointed in the most likely direction of an attack at all points in time.

::Yellow 13 to Razor, I am in position performing a racetrack CAP with a few hundred feet clearance between the dorsal side of your ship and my fighter. Once I see the pods launch I will make my way planetside.::

[member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Akabane Jarvik"], [member="Katria Vekarr"], [member="Arabella Darkhold"], [member="Arlox"], [member="Daxton Bane"], [member="Mara Rockwell"]
The single cry of anguish, forlorn, devoid of hope was cut short by a bubbling gurgle as blood filled airway as the Sith Lord wiped his blade clean on the tunic of his victim. He hated to be rushed, after all he was an artist but it was clear that his duties in this battle had been reallocated.

Shedding his disguise like an old serpentine skin, the Zabrak could not help but feel underdressed for going into battle. With a simple hand signal, the rest of his team disperses to continue their campaign of sabotage and assassination while Daxton checks for cordinates for the nearest supply ship so he could rearm and support the rest of the team. After all the last thing anyone needs to see is a berserk naked zabrak raining death and doom, right?
Location: Mikko - Just Outside City Limits
Post Count: 1
Allies: CIS + Citizens of Mikko
Enemies: GE

Never had she thought that her duties as an apprentice would include becoming a King-Maker. Silver eyes were pensive and filled with mercury as they surveyed the war-torn streets outside the city proper and swaths of smoke billowing to the heavens. The Confederacy had already begun a sophisticated attack from a variety of avenues and seemed to be making swift progress. If the Empire did not surrender the skies of Mikko would soon be ablaze with war. She could already see the latticework beginnings of shining hairlines in the sky from the transparisteel portal on the Ferocity and her eyes tracked erratic spirals of glowing gnats. She couldn’t actually follow the ships but she could see the results.

Were it not for the chaos, panic, and the cacophonous noise beings watching from the ground below could find a macabre beauty in it. The gnats Srina saw were actually the drive-glows of starfighters. The shining hairlines were light-scatter from advanced weaponry, coupled with flashes of color, and the occasional star-burst explosion. She did her best not to think of the Confederate personal that might be lost in this. People that she had spoken to, trained with, eaten with, laughed and possibly bickered with. From the outside, from the relative safety of the Ferocity, the battle was abstract, but she could imagine that the inside was full of desperation and terror. It was so hectic that there was likely a stomach-churning sense of certainty that the whole galaxy was trying to kill them.

She momentarily pulled her attention away from the combat and instead looked at her Master that had ordered their landing site be secured. He sat tall and majestic on his throne. She took solace in his obvious strength and knowledge. His intensity and boldness was the perfect complement to deliberate, balanced steadiness. His rather gentle training methods often kept shielded her, protected her, from things she dared not know. That would not be the case today.

The Ferocity made itself a safe channel through bursts of flak and swarms of shrapnel. Sizzling nets of particle beams tried to attack their shields but even that didn’t stop them.

Darth Metus had placed them on a different path. They were not providing air or ground support. Instead, they were planning to aid Lady Psyona and some of the other members of the Confederacy in ending this debacle once and for all. The only way to do that was to gather the ancestral spirits that were located in the capital city of Mikko and convince them to name the elder prince the Emperor. From what she understood, Lady Psyona, and perhaps some of the other Mandragora would try to convince the spirits from the netherworld to come to back to their plane of existence.

She and her master would be tasked with beginning the rite in the real world to ply them further. From there, the decision of the spirits would be broadcast across the HoloNet for all to see. Her master ship dropped them off just outside one of the largest areas of bloodshed with full garrisons of droids, foot soldiers, and anything else they needed. The huge number of dummy pods that that dropped down just outside the city walls escorted their travels. The real pods would follow soon enough.

Srina was clad fully in the armor that her master had created for her. She waited for him to gather what he needed, to do what needed to be done, before exiting the assault frigate. “Lead the way master…”, Srina spoke up, knowing that he likely already had a destination in mind for the rite, it was just a matter of getting there. “The ground assault seems to have begun clearing a path…But I believe we’ll still need to be on our guard. The city still has a lot of active defenses.”

She knew that the Confederacy was working with a splicer to help mitigate that problem. Srina didn’t know if the woman had landed planetside yet, or if she was still on her way, or what was happening. Yet, Darth Metus would. To that end, she waited for orders like any good apprentice should. The small Echani never went off half-cocked and didn’t like improvising unless the initial plan failed.

The flaxen-haired beauty reached behind her back and grabbed the handle of one of her vibroblades and twisted it free. She would duel with one blade and the shield on her wrist. The streets could be filled with panicking citizens or troopers determined to fill them with blaster holes. Time would tell.

[member="Darth Metus"]

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