Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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General Rules

1. An individual character may not own a ship greater than 400 meters in length. Ships over 400 meters must be owned by a Faction (Major or Minor) or Company, and may be captained by the character, but in case of leaving will not go with them without exceptional circumstances and faction administrator approval.

2. Ships and stations at or above 1,000 meters will always require a development thread. Minimum: 10 posts, 1 writer.

3. Ships and stations at or above 1,700 meters will always require a development thread. Minimum: 20 posts, 2 writers.

4. Ships and stations at or above 2,400 meters will always require a development thread. Minimum: 30 posts, 3 writers.
6. Civilian space stations over 3,000 metres will always require a development thread.
Minimum: 30 posts +10 posts for every additional 1,000 meters over 3,000m (Max 10,000m), 3 writers.

5. Any starship that is deemed to be significantly overpowered (above the example ships given in the templates in a range of areas) and require substantial development (~50+ posts) over and above that outlined above SHALL be submitted using the Flagship rules below

5. For ships over 3,000 meters, see the Flagship Rules

6. All development threads that are hyperlinked in submissions must be cited as the full thread title, not an abbreviation.

7. All non-Basic submission titles should have its Basic translation in parentheses beside it. I.E. Echoy'lii Shuk'orok (Echoy'lan Crushgaunts) or Aliit'Verd Euk'gar'gam (Clan Verd Mando Steel Armor)


1. Only Major Factions may own Flagships.

2. Flagships are a prefix located in the Star Wars: Open Role-Playing forum.

3. The requirements of the Flagship thread are as follows:

a. The thread must be a minimum of 50 posts for ever 100m of ship (i.e. 100 posts for a 2000m ship and 250 posts for a 5000m ship)

b. There must be at least 7 writers actively involved in the thread.

c. The thread is public and is open to any other Major Faction to join.

d. The production - or possession - of the Flagship must be the thread's major focal point.

5. No player may captain a ship over 3,000 meters without the Major Faction Owner's consent.

6. No ship over 3,000 meters will be approved for any Major Faction without a completed Flagship thread.

7. Each Flagship must be labelled Unique.

8. Any submissions of a ship deemed to require more than 50 posts of development (on top of

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Spencer Varanin"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Gir Quee"]

We have yet to see a single one of them. That's a glaring issue when they've been available for over a year and must require a change.

Let's have less stupidly overpowered ships as mass and minor production, and more unique flagships with character.

People are currently engaged in a pointless pissing match over ships - including several judges who should know better - and it's just a waste of time.

Makes sense to me in principle, but I have concerns about how the math scales (corvette flagships everywhere!), and I think there's a zero missing on there.

Also tempted to give a ballpark example, like 'cumulative armament/defense rating of 38+, standard hangar.'
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Check the templates, flagships are 2000m+

It could be reduced to 1000m as long as the flagship rule didn't go below 100 posts for the bottom end.

Ahh. Your

Raziel said:
Any starship

line threw me off, especially considering our 'that's a flagship' talk yesterday re: Reshmar's 990m 20/20 limited-production nonsense.

Raziel said:
My other concern would be smuggler freighters that people dev over time.
Similar but separate issue, unless you're considering a unified 'elite ship' ruleset like we had in early '13 for about five minutes.

Tanomas Graf


From what I've read, I think this is a good idea. May really prevent overly-powered vessels from getting through with minimal dev.
Raziel said:
5. Any starship that is deemed to be significantly overpowered and require substantial development (~50+ posts) over and above that outlined above SHALL be submitted using the Flagship rules below

Raziel said:
1. Only Major Factions may own Flagships.
So essentially, only major factions can own overpowered ships?

EDIT: Just thought of this just after I originally posted.

Raziel said:
5. Any starship that is deemed to be significantly overpowered and require substantial development (~50+ posts) over and above that outlined above SHALL be submitted using the Flagship rules below

Are we going to define what is significantly overpowered? Or is this going to be one of those "I know it when I see it" sort of things?
Gir Quee said:
Are we going to define what is significantly overpowered? Or is this going to be one of those "I know it when I see it" sort of things?
If we are going to put this rule into place, it will need to be with some kind of written guideline (or example(s)) of what constitutes a "significantly overpowered" ship.

Otherwise I'm 100% against it, because we would effectively change nothing but allow for arbitrary additional development - and I would much prefer to cut down on development than anything.

Of course that's just my thoughts on it, what [member="Spencer Varanin"] thinks could be entirely different.
Made a modification.

The template already has suggestions for when dev is required for individual areas (lots of guidance text in the template on what requires dev, what is the maximum).

We could give some example flagships. I'd be against this because Flagships should all be unique.

We're not asking for more dev, we're trying to make flagships more accessible and to put the brakes on the pointless creep in mass produced ships (it can't be stopped).

We have zero flagships. Let's have more, instead of people hammering out solo development in a mass-produced ship pissing contest.
Gir Quee said:
Are we going to define what is significantly overpowered? Or is this going to be one of those "I know it when I see it" sort of things?
Hard to define. I've tried above now. (Over and above the example ships across a range of areas).

Normally if someone can take an example ship and tweak it. Or they can take an example ship and drop the production, or do a bit of dev, and increase 1/2 stats a little. Starships shouldn't be too "mathsy" any more. There are just a few stats, strengths and weaknesses to skim.

If I made the starship template fresh today I would not have any stats or armaments. I'd just have strengths, weaknesses and description. "This ship is pretty quick but lightly armed, but it has quite a few ion cannons" is actually all you need to Roleplay.

We should try and encourage some faction rivalries and big collaborative threads to make flagships more than people hammering out 50 solo posts of drivel.
Perhaps it would make more sense to actually add some example flagships to the templates?

I've never done this as I always wanted each to be unique and have it's own flavour, but maybe it would make it more clear where ships should be towards the unique end of the scale?

Maybe this won't help. Maybe I should focus on that "build your own ship" spreadsheet so people can see when they should be dropping the production?

5. Any starship that is significantly more powerful than the example ships given in the templates SHALL be submitted at a lower level of production (relative to capabilities), and the Flagship rules below used for exceptional vessels

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Gir Quee"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
Raziel said:
Maybe I should focus on that "build your own ship" spreadsheet so people can see when they should be dropping the production?
I'd very much be in favor of this.

I'm attempted to try and convert the spreedsheet into a webpage for easy access, but I haven't had any success yet. If I do however, I'll post it here.

I suppose the other main alternative would be mentioning to people who don't have Microsoft Office is that it works on OpenOffice.

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