Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Legitimate Rule. Legitimate Power.




  • Army Name: First Order Stormtrooper Corps
  • Classification: Standing Army
  • Affiliation: The First Order
  • Army Symbol: The Stormtrooper Corps symbol is the First Order symbol in simple white and black.
  • Description: The First Order Stormtrooper Corps is a professional standing army of strictly drilled volunteers and conscripted children. It stands as the backbone of First Order's Armed Forces, both on ground as well as on ships, devoted to fighting the chaos which the Galaxy was in, standing side by side with their comrades. It is both seen as an honour and opportunity to serve in the Corps, offering even the lowest of individuals to rise through merit and skill. The Stormtroopers are highly trained and very well equipped, serving the First Order nigh unconditionally.
  • Headquarters: Serenno
  • Goals: The speartip of the First Order. Their goals are both practical and ideological in nature. They are trained and drilled to bring about the change the First Order encompasses, seeking order, stability and justice without hesitation or doubt. Furthermore they are the model of the First Order citizen, disciplined, loyal and strong, serving as an ideological image for the entire First Order.
  • Reputation: Stormtrooper Corps have existed since the declaration of the New Order and their reputation has been through ups and downs, therefore the name itself will install mixed feelings in allies and foes alike. Though in the short time since its anewed founding, the First Order Stormtrooper Corps has shown a strong focus on loyalty and comradery instead of idealising anonymous weapons. These Stormtroopers are fierce on the battlefield and work extremely well in their units due to high standards of training as well as unit-bonding experiences.
  • Army Size: Huge
  • Composition:
    • Stormtrooper Corps
    • Army Group
      • 2+ Armies
      • led by a Lord General
    • Army
      • 2-4 Corps
      • led by a General
    • Army Corps
      • 2-4 Legions
      • led by a Marshal Commander
    • Legion
      • 4 Regiments
      • led by a Legion Commander
    • Regiment
      • 4 Battalions
      • led by a Regimental Commander
    • Battalion
      • 6 Companies
      • led by a Battalion Commander
    • Company
      • 4 Platoons
      • led by a Captain
    • Platoon
      • 3 Squads
      • led by a Lieutenant
    • Squad
      • 2 Fireteams
      • led by a Sergeant
    • Fireteam
      • 4 Stormtroopers + 1 Heavy Weapon
      • led by a Corporal
  • Legion Unit Types
    • Armored - Equipped with heavy armor and mechanised units, focusing on aggressive advances and combined arms warfare.
    • Mobile - Equipped with light armor and airland units as well as swift speeder groups to quickly deploy and perform direct engagements on light infantry basis.
    • Line - A solid mixture of armor, artillery and infantry to perform well balanced in most kind of operations.
    • Assault - Focused on heavy infantry and squad weapons as well as artillery, it is especially focused on close combat or assault operations, often with air support.
  • Numbering & Naming
    • Permanent and continuous numbering only exists for Legions and Regiments.
    • Corps and Armies will be numbered as well but by requirement and current deployment status.
    • Army Groups are named after their Commander in Chief or deployment zone.

Supreme Leader
- Trajann Vemec Trajann Vemec [Supreme Commander of the First Order Military]


The First Order Stormtrooper Corps was among the first installments of the new First Order government, passing the Armament Act immediately both out of necessity for starting the funding and organisation as well as fortifying the militaristic values the First Order holds.

The Stormtrooper Corps would serve as both the primary First Order army unit as well as its high-grade, well trained and well equipped elite force within the tithe and vassal system the First Order is structured in for the time being. That means that for the First Order as an overarching government, the Stormtroopers are the primary armed force to be deployed but are to be deployed in extension of the troops the vassal houses and states are fielding themselves.

Founded in 898ABY, several months after the end of the brief civil war on Serenno, the Stormtroopers are now primarily composed of volunteers from the imperial remnant Stormtroopers, volunteers from Serennian houses militia and overall volunteers from the surrounding systems and sectors who are flocking to the banner of order and stability. This resulted in a heterogenous combination of soldiers from different backgrounds uniting for a single purpose, an exemplary and model for what the entire First Order aims to do.

Shortly after the Armament Act was passed, the Education and Preparation Act was passed which described the necessity for pupil in the age of 7-12 to enlist in the local Youth Corps which offered both education as well as training, preparing the new generation for service but also for life outside of the military. It was not a forced conscription, but a preparation and a promotion for the Armed Forces overall. Though this only counts for the Core Regions of the First World, any vassal would have to contribute a tithe in form of manpower or resources to the First Order for remaining in their relative self-determined dependancy and supporting the Stormtrooper Corps with recruits.

The focus of the Stormtroopers are primarily operations which are direct engagements and pitched battles. They are well trained for any potential ground and boarding combat scenarios and how to handle heavy and special weapons like grenade launchers, flamethrowers or rotary blasters as well as operating with armor, from aircraft or on foot and in conjunction with artillery and air support.

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