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[First Order] Broad Strokes


Irajah hurried down the wide hallway, her shoes tack tack tacking on the white marble floor. She checked the number on each door she passed. Room 287, 287, where was- ah! There!

Because the medical center required her to take days off, and those coincided with days [member="Boo Chiyo"] was at school, Irajah had needed to find something to fill her time. The idea of sitting around the apartment simply didn't suit. After a little bit of searching, she'd stumbled across painting classes at the University. Open to both enrolled full time students and for continuing education, the timing had been perfect. It had been years since she had painted- she had been pretty good when she was younger, but nothing special. Her mother had been the artist. But she had enjoyed it, and this seemed like a good time to try to recapture some of that.

Transferring the sturdy portfolio and hard small case full of brand new brushes in to her left hand, she pushed the door open. There were already several people sitting at easels, though most of the spots were still empty. The teacher turned, smiling at Irajah as she slipped into the room and stopped.


She blinked, then looked at the professor.

"I. Er. Is this Still Life 102?"

The professor nodded.

"I was.... expecting..... I mean. Bowls. Of fruit. Or something. You know. Still. And not. Well. So nude."

His grin widened.

"Well, you have to admit," he said apologetically (but not, she suspected, actually very sorry), guiding Irajah to one of the empty easels. "He is sitting very still, isn't he?"

[member="Norin Kellarov"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"] anyone else is welcome to hop in!
Sara Lee Jones, a gifted mechanic and pilot captain in the first order navy, a fearless woman who stopped at nothing to fulfill her orders

And now she was...painting? The woman who was fierce in battle sometimes had way to much time in her hands that often she found herself setting around reading working on ties and what not, however she had grown bored of such activities

So she thought back to her Academy days and thought, why not get back into.painting, she remembered enjoying it so much

When she entered the room she...froze as she looked at what she'd be painting, however not one to show any sort of hesitation she sat down and started looking through her color and over at the..model

[member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Norin Kellarov"]

Michael Wainford

Commander of the FIV Warlock, First Order Navy
Michael was on leave for a few weeks due to it being the holidays with Life Day. Michael had nothing to do except sit in his home and read. Instead, he decided to take a few classes and the only class that was open was art. Wainford never enjoyed art so why would he paint? He walked into the building in civilian upper class clothing. He wasn't used to wearing civilian clothing. In fact, he wasn't used to being on a planet. He reached door to the classroom and opened it. What he saw surprised him. He covered his eyes with his arm.​
"Ah! Do you have any clothes?"
He uncovered his eyes and slowly walked to the nearest desk without looking a the man. He really did not know what to do, but he picked up the brush and started painting. When he looked up at the model, he would look up for only a second and look back down. He was very uncomfortable. Who would thought a commander to a First Order star destroyer would be taking an art class and painted a naked man Michael thought to himself.​
[member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Irajah Ven"]​
Norin had been reading the classified mostly out of boredom. It seems he had been pushed into a mandatory down time status due to the operational tempo currently facing the Navy. Ordinarily he would just hit up the nearest cantina and find someone to take home for a night or two. However as he skimmed something caught his eye.......a temporary gig just for the day.

To pose as a model for an art class. Norin was not an artist by any means but it was the requested outfit.............or lack there of that caught his attention. The chance to bear it all in front of a bunch of hot young university coeds. That was something Norin could get behind...........figuratively and literally.

So a little bit later Norin met with the Professor to get the details and get changed before the class started. Once the class began Norin came out first in a robe before tossing it off and assuming a proud and embarrassment free pose reminiscent of the Greek Gods of old.

He had intentionally faced the door with his pose so he could see every young coed that walked through the door to admire the perfect specimen that was Norin Kellarov.

[member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Michael Wainford"]

Marzena Vaas

Marzena walked down the hall towards the classroom, her pace rather slow. A hand curled gently beneath her very pregnant belly, and she paused to catch her breath. With all of the stressful events of late, her doctor had ordered her to rest. Of course, she had been spending a lot of time lounging on the couch, determined to live out her remaining weeks of pregnancy in comfort. But after a while, napping, snacking, and watching holo-dramas became quite boring.

The songstress did have a very special place in her heart for the arts, and she was a creative person. However, she had only attempted to channel her energies through drawing and painting a handful of times – very unsuccessfully. Marzena was open to giving it another shot, and figured that a class would be the right way to start. Perhaps it would be therapeutic, and maybe even a bit fun.

Finally reaching the classroom, she stepped inside the room to find semi-circle of easels, blank canvases, stools, and one man standing center stage… au naturel. Marzena’s brows arched slightly and she brought a hand to her mouth as she cleared her throat, averting her eyes from the model’s very naked form. After offering a nod to the instructor, she shuffled towards the nearest seat and perched on a stool. Her dark lashes fluttered a few times, she hadn’t quite been expecting this sort of class.

For a brief moment, she mused that the tall and muscular form of [member="Ludolf Vaas"] would look rather nice standing atop the pedestal. It was a pleasant mental image that she would keep to herself. After all, the sight of her husband displayed in such a way was one that she did not want to share. Still, she couldn’t stop the smile the tugged at the corner of her lips, or the slight blush that had found her cheeks.

Turning her attention to her art supplies, she took out a pencil and waited for instructions.

[member="Norin Kellarov"], [member="Michael Wainford"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"], [member="Irajah Ven"]


Well-Known Member
Archer Brandt.

He smirked as he read the name on the corporate business card held between his thumb and index finger. The card was printed on a gentle off white cardstock, the print bold and professional. He was quite pleased with how they turned out. Gently tucking it back into his business card case and back into the inner pocket of his light jacket, he leaned forward. Removing his jacket and slipping it to the back of the chair, he looked around the room. Raising an eyebrow, he took a deep breath as his eyes looked up from his musings and saw the model once more. Gently covering his mouth, he coughed quietly. He'd already seen the beast of a man that had been selected for today's art extravaganza but it didn't get any less impressive.

Quite the ladies man, Archer wasn't the slightest bit squeamish about... anatomy. In fact, he found that a certain level of comfort with the human form was actually quite beneficial, increasing his chances at meeting his next conquest. Well, it wasn't exactly a conquest, but he always did seem to play it fast and loose, a fact his aunt Aurelia seemed to remind him of daily. "You're a Vice President now!" Gods, when would it ever stop. Raising an eyebrow, he answered the question himself silently. Never. With a sigh, he continued his survey of the room.

It appeared he'd been the first to arrive, or at least among them as several others made their way through the door. A random mixture of men and women, all seemed to be quite surprised as they walked in the door, the model of the day seemingly purposefully position for optimum effect on the new arrivals. It brought a wry smirk to his face.

"Nice of you folks to show up!"
He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular but he picked up his pencil and hoisted it in a mock salute as they entered. The class would start soon, and he was happy to be relaxing, away from his business responsibilities.

[member="Marzena Choi"] | [member="Norin Kellarov"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Michael Wainford"] | [member="Irajah Ven"]​
Irajah had no particular issue with nudity. Heck, her job involved seeing a lot more of people than most. It simply was. What had startled her was nudity in an unexpected place, when she hadn't been prepared for it. Once she wrapped her mind around the fact that the art professor just really preferred butts to bowls of fruit, everything was pretty much okay.

[member="Norin Kellarov"] was difficult to ignore, and she didn't particularly try to anyway. In the background, the professor greeted each new student as they arrived- some flustered and surprised, others taking it perfectly in stride. It looked like he'd start once everyone was settled. Until then-

Catching sight of [member="Marzena Choi"], Irajah waved, heading over to the seat next to hers. She plopped down, there, offering a quick smile to the man sitting behind them ([member="Archer Brandt"]) before leaning over to Marzena.

"Is this an alternative definition of still life, or some kind of First Order slang I wasn't aware of? Because, if so, I might need some lessons in local culture that I hadn't realized," she said with a grin to the other woman.

Getting out her own pencils, she settled in as comfortably as she could.
Norin held his pose as a few more people arrived and began to get to work on trying to capture the magnificence that was Norin Kellarov. He did for a split second allow a small smirk to briefly form at the corner of his mouth facing away from the students. He had to admit he did having his ego stroked just as much as he enjoyed the albeit brief uncomfortable reactions of some of the students.

He did however hope things pressed along quickly. After all the class lasted a finite amount of time and there was a lot of Norin to popular represent in the mediums of their choice.

[member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Archer Brandt"] [member="Marzena Choi"] [member="Michael Wainford"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"]
[member="Norin Kellarov"]

Sara hummed lightly even as she peeked out, each glance made her blush a little as she would hide her face behind her tesal, she had to admit one thing, man looked cocky up there. No doubt enjoying the attention of the female peers, but Sara had to admit, he was the perfect specimen, the ideal first order man any first order woman would want

However whether she was looking or not...well that's for one to decide on their own

Marzena Vaas

Marzena’s eyelashes fluttered at the sight of [member="Irajah Ven"], and returned the wave with one of her own. It was good to see a familiar face, especially one that she wanted to get to know better – outside of the doctor’s office, and far away from any crisis situations. She smiled brightly as Irajah had a seat next to her, and listened as she leaned in to speak.

“No need to worry,” She started with a small chuckle, “I was a bit… surprised, too.”

She could certainly appreciate tasteful nudity, especially where art was concerned. There was much beauty in the human form – but she was not sure that she would be able to quite capture it in her painting. The self-doubt was setting in, and Marzena let her dark gaze wander the room.

As the instructor began to introduce their model, [member="Norin Kellarov"], he made sure that the students noted the defined lines of his musculature. There were some that appeared to be quite confident and experienced, as they had set their pencils to work already, skillfully sketching out the current pose. Marzena was relieved when the instructor addressed those that were still beginning, and suggested that they loosely construct the body out of simple geometric shapes.

Still, her pencil didn’t seem to want to make art.

Her eyes continued to roam, spotting [member="Sara Lee Jones"] blushing across the room as she sketched. Marzena cast a glance over her shoulder at [member="Archer Brandt"], and offered a brief smile. Turning back to Irajah, her smile returned.

“I’m not much of an artist, I’m afraid.” She attempted to sketch out an oval, “I hope the model doesn’t look at my work, I wouldn’t want him to be offended. I’m sure it won’t be an accurate representation of his…” Marzena paused, “modeling skill.”
Painting? Why not. Leilani looked at the offered course hemming and hawing over did she really want to sit in a room and play with colors on a canvas? Eh why not it was something to do until she left out for her next mission.

She wandered down the hall looking for the room, was she late? Of course but still well within that fifteen minute rule, as she entered she couldn't help but notice the model. Hmm...was it cold in here? She had not thought to bring a sweater or shawl with her. She found her way over to an empty chair where a few others had grouped together ([member="Irajah Ven"] , [member="Marzena Choi"] , [member="Archer Brandt"]) and of course the center of everyone's attention the model [member="Norin Kellarov"] .

She picked up the pencil and began making circles to outline the immediate form of head, shoulders, .....and other parts. She wasn't skilled at this but she could recognize the easy flow of the human form. She looked over at the other drawings trying to see what they envisioned, for art was different to everyone. What she saw as circles others might see as triangles.
this post is a trainwreck lmao

On her days away from her ship, the Epicanthix tried to keep a varied mix of activities to stop herself from tearing every one of her uncharacteristic blonde hairs out. However, sketching nude males was certainly not her first choice. Perhaps they could have painted some fruit, a nice pear or even perhaps a clothed person. But no, now she was dealing with a different type of pears altogether.

Upon arrival, the princess seated herself beside the other ladies in the room; [member="Leilani Paaie"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"], [member="Irajah Ven"] and the heavily pregnant [member="Marzena Choi"]. Within a few moments, an array of artistic utensils were laid out before her, the corner of her canvas aligned just right to preserve the model's modesty. Not that he had any, clearly.

She began by drawing a sort of blob thing, and then another blob thing, upon another until it transformed into some sort of cluster of blobs, each one more blobby than the last blob. It actually looked quite good, as far as blobs go, and you could quite clearly see the outline of a male perched on a sofa.

"So, Marzena. How far along are you?" it was a mediocre attempt at best to initiate a conversation.
Irajah's own hand sketched boldly, slowly at first, then more swiftly as the feeling came back to her. It had been a long time since she'd simply drawn for pleasure, but the memories of the muscles were just beneath the surface.

She grinned at [member="Marzena Choi"], pausing for a moment before leaning over.

"First off, don't worry about his modeling skills. He's not going to see this anyway. It's kind of considered a faux pas for the model to see the students' works. No good for any one involved."

As the professor talked, gesturing and frankly, appreciating [member="Norin Kellarov"] enough for all of them, Irajah translated for Marzena.

"You know how you can kind of fuzz out your eyes? Try doing that. It'll make the 'shapes' he's talking about easier to see- keep the details from being a distraction. You don't start with the shape of the individuals fingers or whatever details are wiggling about-" she waggled her eyebrows at the other woman with a small smirk before getting intent on the art again. "But the broader strokes. The oval for his head, trapezoid of his chest- yes, all the way down to the waist, just like that."

She looked up when [member="Lara Andar"] joined them, offering a smile to the new woman and sitting back slightly to allow the other two to converse.

Looking down at her paper and then up at the model for a moment, she gave herself a shrug. She was out of practice, but it wasn't as bad as she'd suspected it might be. Setting pencil to paper again, she started drawing again.

[member="Leilani Paaie"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Archer Brandt"] [member="Michael Wainford"]
Yes there was a deep appreciation from Professor Fileas Fogg's voice as he talked about the form of the model [member="Norin Kellarov"] as if he wanted to take him on a tour around the world. She took notice of those around her, and listened oh [member="Marzena Choi"] yes yes she heard of her the performer might have even attended one of her shows with the General.

Her gaze landed briefly on the drawing of [member="Irajah Ven"] and to the newcomers' [member="Lara Andar"] she wondered what [member="Sara Lee Jones"] drawing looked like but she was a bit too far away for her to be snooping what it looked like. There were a few men in class as well [member="Archer Brandt"] [member="Michael Wainford"] she laughed, she wondered what did they think of sitting in and drawing a nude male model. Was there a series of mental comparison occuring? She being a zeltron sometimes her mind worked slightly different than others around her.

"I like the blobby look" she said to the woman next to her Lara Andar, "I'm Leilani, you are?" Leilani eyed the bottle of wine in her bagand thought about breaking it out here in class, you know a few hits on something to relax you could make art all the more...interesting.

But she didn't have cups and to outright drink from the bottle in class...well..Professor Fogg might...not approve.

Marzena Vaas

Marzena’s hand hovered above her canvas, the lead of her pencil just barely touching the white surface, still a bit unsure. The kind and encouraging words of [member="Irajah Ven"] were greatly appreciated. She watched with wonder as the doctor’s skilled hand drew graceful lines. If she was out of practice, Marzena would not have had the slightest inkling. The way she guided her pencil along the canvas almost made it look easy.

“Hmm. I’ll give that a try!” Marzena nodded, deciding to put Irajah’s suggestion into practice.

Her dark eyes narrowed to a squint, and she watched as the scene before her became slightly blurry. It was easier to see the outline of the shapes now, and much of the distractions had washed away. This time, she let her pencil sketch freely, without trying too hard to focus on what she was doing. Marzena leaned back and blinked, bringing her work back into focus. There were obvious shapes now, they were far from perfect, but it was a start.

She shifted to the side to take another quick peek at [member="Norin Kellarov"], but found her attention drawn towards the door. Dark eyes watched as [member="Leilani Paaie"] entered, and then [member="Lara Andar"] following a few moments after. The songstress offered both women a friendly smile in greeting as they joined the group. Marzena tapped her chin with the end of her pencil, and glanced over to the side at Lara’s sketch. At least she had seemed to find another with a similar skill level; she didn’t feel so bad now. She smiled as the woman addressed her, and rubbed her stomach.

“It won’t be much longer,” Marzena said, and blew out a deep breath. “A few more weeks.”

She did not want to disclose her exact number of weeks, the expectation set around due dates was a bit much. Marzena already had her mother, brother, and husband counting down the days. And what if the baby decided to come early or late?

Marzena glanced over as Leilani introduced herself, and nodded at the stylish Zeltron. Perhaps she would leave the class with a few more friends!

[member="Sara Lee Jones"], [member="Michael Wainford"], [member="Archer Brandt"]
The noblewoman's pencil worked to sharpen the blobby outline of [member="Norin Kellarov"], adding a small stick figure like smiley face to her portrait's face. She then moved to add toes to the circles she had deemed feet, using a rubber to repair the damage caused by her pencil. The Duchess almost felt bad for the poor man, being humiliated by drawings like hers. Almost.

Lara turned to the rosy skinned Zeltron beside her, who referred to herself as Leilani. With a courteous smile, she nodded gratefully. "These aren't my usual pencils." the naval commander joked with a glint of humour upon her usually stern eyes. "I'm Lara, I usually work as a commander on a cruiser, so this is a little bit of normality for me. Well, if you consider drawing a nude man normal." another laugh from the Epicanthix. She should probably stop laughing at her own jokes. Lara's own eyes also fell toward the bottle, and she tapped her nose discreetly. "Later."

A friendly hello was given to [member="Irajah Ven"], the doctor also sat beside her as she replied to [member="Marzena Choi"], the heavily pregnant woman also in the class. "The baby will be here before you know it."
Sara stopped humming as she looked to the group milled about, she recognized [member="Marzena Choi"], she gave a sigh as she moved closer to the group with a smile, she listned in as she nodded to herself

*marzena you look like your coming alomg well, name Sara Lee Jones captain of bolt squadron pleasure to meet you*

She said not just directed to marzena but to the rest as well

[member="Lara Andar"][member="Leilani Paaie"][member="Irajah Ven"]
Norin heard bits and pieces of the conversations around him. Some of them made him smirk slightly and others just screamed of common small talk. Norin didn't know a thing about art which made catching the occasional comment about blobby looks both entertaining and curious.

Luckily the class was almost over.............holding the same position for extended periods of time always followed the same pathway. It started fine, then moved to slightly uncomfortable, to moderately uncomfortable, to down right painful, and finally unmaintainable. Norin was currently sitting at moderately uncomfortable. He probably should have gone with a more manageable pose but he was a bit of a show off.

[member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Michael Wainford"] [member="Marzena Choi"] [member="Archer Brandt"] [member="Leilani Paaie"] [member="Lara Andar"]


Well-Known Member
Archer had gone to work almost immediately, long sweeping lines appearing on the paper before him. Focusing more on the subtle curves and shapes associated with the model's anatomy, he drew most of his framework without even looking at the paper. Every minute or so he would glance down briefly, adjusting a line with an eraser and then resuming his drawing. Minding his own business he gave casual glances to the others around him, listening to their conversation and gleaning what he could from them. As he continued to draw he smirked, he'd done it again. A nasty little habit he'd picked up during one of the years spent at boarding school no doubt. Reaching once more for the eraser he gently rubbed the line he'd just drawn, getting rid of an errant scribble. Berating himself for his lazy scrawling, he picked up the pencil once more, this time focusing on the definition of the muscles.

He went on like this for some time, silently impressed that the model had held the same pose for so long. As he stood, it barely appeared he'd moved at all. He was disciplined, that was obvious. Archer smirked at that. He too could have become something greater - probably - but he lacked the self discipline to do so. Instead he was the heir to a company he couldn't even manage on his own. With a sigh he set down his pencil, stretching the fingers of his writing hand. As he did so, his eyes looked about the room, noticing he wasn't the only one who'd shown up alone. Others had as well, and a fair amount of attractive ones to boot. Trying not to let his gaze linger he picked back up the pencil. All that was left were the finishing touches, and then shading.

[member="Norin Kellarov"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Lara Andar"] | [member="Marzena Choi"] | [member="Leilani Paaie"] | [member="Irajah Ven"]
Something the Order and the Empire before them indisputably excelled in was their capacity for random guards standing everywhere. When a number of high ranking individuals got together in the same room, it followed to have a couple of personnel on site to watch over them. Fortunately such individuals could often enough handle themselves in a lightfight, but with the manpower to spare, brass would err on the side of caution.

So, 183 found herself on a brisk march to the door of this art room. She thought the halls of the university quite charming, reminiscent of her academy, though decidedly less spartan. While it was a boundless honour to personally carry the First Order's will to the front lines, she had to wonder what civilian life was like, growing up with prospects of attending these institutions. The trooper straightened her posture, knocked, opened the door...

... and froze. "R- Reporting for guard duty." Well, blast. What was this? Why were they painting him like that? One supposed the answer was simply, art? She had limited... exposure, to that sort of thing. Composing herself, Bee entered, found a vantage point to stand in out of the way to the side of the room, and raised her fist in brief salute. She intended to be scanning the whole room, but was perhaps slightly distracted. As this dawned on her, she had to silently thank R&D for the one-way opaque visors.
[member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Michael Wainford"] | [member="Norin Kellarov"] | [member="Marzena Choi"] | [member="Archer Brandt"] | [member="Leilani Paaie"] | [member="Lara Andar"]

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