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First Lessons on Korriban

Darren Onyx

Valley of the Dark Lords

The planet was a barren wasteland in his eyes. Why would such a powerful force settle on such a deserted and ruined planet. The young Darren Onyx shook away the thought. He came here to learn about his power and how to control it. Something told him, however, that the Empire would rather exploit his power and use it for there own gain in the war. Darren wasn't to worried. He had always supported the Empire over the Republic. As far as the other factions go, Darren thought they were nothing but a mere stain on the glorious galaxy that would soon be in his grasp.

In the years that followed him murdering his father on Corusant, he never used the force again. It still amazed him how a simple sentence his father had said to him would set off the inner darkness he had tried so hard to keep at bay. He wanted to use his power to bring down the one thing the Republic had that not many could obtain. Wealth. Money. Untold riches that compare only to the Hutts of on Hutta. The idea of it sickened him. He would dream of the day he could slowly kill a wealthy business men that worked for the Republic. To watch him beg and bribe him with money, only for him to slowly slice his heart open with his lightsaber and watch his life slowly slip away. But that wouldn't be for a long while. He had to train and learn the ways of the Dark Side before he could start his conquest on those men.

He was at the entrance of the tomb of Darth Nihilus, one of the most known and most evil of the Dark Lords of the Sith. Darren thought Nihilus was the most powerful of all the Dark Lords. He had heard stories of powerful sith that studied his tomb. That is why he was here. To find those men, and begin his steps into the Dark Side.

<Anyone can join (sith anyways). This is my first forum so bare with me. Try to throw some challenges as we go too. I don't want to walk you into anything and vise verse. Enjoy>
Darren was on Korriban looking at old holos and teading about them when he came across an entry about a Sith lord named Darth Nihilus. it read that he was a powerful Sith during his time and that he had a Tomb here on Korriban with untold "treasures". intrested in alittle adventure he left the holo there on the table and left.

Darren was walking to the the tomb according to his map that he had aquired. as he was nearing the tomb he noticed another force user. he was oblivously a Sith from his outfit. and the lighsaber that hung around his waist.

He knew that Sith tombs had dangers in them and if this man were to get past them for him he would just come right from under him and take what ever was there.

Ava Solborne

Korriban. A planet owned by the Sith Empire. Now Dominator had to spy that planet. It seemed unnormal, that a padawan would have to do so hard and dangerous job. Even worse, he had to enter the Valley of the Dark Lords. This place was the greatest Darkness ever. It was the Darkness. So many Sith Lords... "Come with us!" Again, Dominator heard voices. Oh, yes, he heard them always. Now these voices didn't disturb him anymore. But still, he was sad, that he had become crazy and hoped, that no one will ever know that.

The Y-Wing Starfighter landed near the valley and Dominator stepped out. He was sure, that he will be killed during any conflict. There had to be so many Sith Lords in the valley. Living Sith Lords. Now that the Rule of Two didn't mean anything, the Sith Empire was very powerful. But of course not as powerful as the Republic and the Jedi Order. Sith made the wrong coice. They didn't consider the truth and covered themselves with lies.

Darren Onyx

Onyx began to walk into the vast tomb of Nihilus. From first glance, it seemed small. He was quickly proven wrong when the tomb began to spread into cave after cave into the mountain it was built into. Although Onyx was alone, he could still feel the presence of others around him. He ignored it. There could be thousands of Sith within the valley, he wasn't afraid of bumping into a small few.

Onyx slowly started into one of the deeper chambers on the far left of the main chamber. He was trying to pinpoint the location of the famed Holocron by using the force. He could only hope he was right. A wrong move could result in anything. He could spring a trap and be locked away. He could be locked away then ambushed and killed by another sith. The way things could end if they go wrong are more in number then the ways things could end if things go good.

"Lets hope nothing bad happens... And I'm talking to myself, perfect," he said with a laugh. Onyx knew he would be talking to himself alot on this trip. He was all alone.
Darren has followed the Sith in to the tomb. He had to make sure that he masked himself well enough that he wouldnt be felt by the man he was following. Darren was listing in to what he was saying. he was muttering about talking to himself. the man laughed at that thought and would walk further into the tomb of the Sith lord.

Suprisingly it was huge on the inside and he would occasonaly spot a path down into the planest surface that would only lead deeper. As from what he could tell the man was some what lost. Darren was thinking if he sould join him? It would make it easier to find what ever it was down here. but how would they divy up what they found? Darren would deal with that later.

Finaly comming to a decision he open himself up to the force and slightly making his presence known. He would have to be cautious around this sith. You never know what they might do.

Ava Solborne

Dominator looked around and sighed. He had to go. There was no chance to turn back again. "Dominator, come with me!" Again. The voices. They called, invited him to the Darkness again. Yes, Dominator was crazy or something, but no one knew it. Besides him. So... Sith had no chance to manipulate with him. So he stepped closer to the valley. The Darkness almost covered him. He sensed, that the Force ran around him. It flew and levitated around him. It was a beautiful situation, but it was the Darkness. So he raised his hand and the Darkness flew around his hand. Then he just threw the Darkness away, at the ground. The ground vaporized a little. Just a little, not too much. Dominator felt it, but some metres farther, no one could feel it. Still, the Darkness gathered around the padawan and Dominator thought: Damn Witches! He thought, that it is just the Magick, but he was wrong. But that's longer story. You can read about it in the next thread.

Dominator walked to the valley with confidence. His craziness had made him more confident. He was not shy at all. But he still thought about everything many times before doing it. And it was great. His lightsaber was on his belt and his newly grown hair flew in the... wind. Maybe it wasn't wind, but another craziness?

Darren Onyx

Onyx could feel his presence. "I know you are here, reveal yourself or face my power," Onyx said with a vile tone.

He could tell there was something here. He hoped it would be a fellow Sith but the chances of a the Jedi are still likely, even if it is in a place like the valley. With luck, whoever was present would help him find the Holocron. You never know. The ruins are filled with the long dead sprites of Sith. In the tomb of Nihilus, it could be anything. Even the long dead Nihilus himself could be using his dark powers to trick him.
Darren heard the mans voice and it flowed with the Dark side. now that he knew that Darren was there he took a few steps foward saying "I am here. You seem to be at a loss? "

Darren rased his hands and out away from him to show that he was unarmed at the moment and contiued speeking "My name is Darren Shaw. Might i ask who are you?"

Darren Onyx

"I too am by the name of Darren. But you may call me Onyx,"

He was cautious on approaching. After having the man in his sight completely, and his hands ready for battle in case things go weary, he answered his question. "I may be lost. I may not. It all depends on who is asking. Who are you? I sense both the powers of the dark and the light. Are you a bounty hunter of sorts? Trained in the arts of the Force?" Onyx wasn't going anywhere or help anyone until he got the base of the man down. He knew that betrayal would be a possibility if he was trained in the dark side. Many sith betray, he would be no exception.
Darren was very cautious about the other Darren Onyx. Onyx was poised to strike at any moment. he answered "I was born here and trained as a Sith. I left and joined the jedi. Again i left them and chose my own path. and just to point out. if you were not lost you wouldnt be using the force to find what ever it is that is in here."

Darren had lowered his hands and then proceded to say "I was betrayed by own father and I have his Sith blade. if you would like proof that i do not lie it is on my back." Darren procede to turn around to show his back. he felt as if he was giving his lighsabers to him by doing this but he didnt really want to kill the person who was leading him to what ever the Tomb holds.

Darren Onyx

"I find what I need through the force," Onyx replied with a slight smirk.

The blade on Darren's back proved to be real. Onyx knew he would need help once he got deeper into the tomb. He thought to himself for a slight second before continuing to speak. "I know that the Holocron of the Dark Lord Nihilus is buried here. I can make it on my own but the tomb itself should be difficult. Who knows what he left behind to stop others from reaching it. You can tag along if you like," Onyx informed him. He then began to slowly continue down deeper in the cave all the while hoping not to get stabbed in the back by the new adventurer that now fallowed.
Darren was told he could join Onyx in his looking for the Dark lords Holocron. He realised that the Holocron was the "Treasure" he proceded to walk behind Onyx and contiue to go deeper in the Tomb. searching for a long lost treasure.

As the were walking deeper Darren asked "what exactly is stored in this holocron?"

Darren Onyx

Onyx was walking at a normal pace. He heard Darren catching up next to him. They were relatively quiet for several minutes. "What exactly is stored in this Holocron?" he heard Darren ask. He was surprised at the question. Many sith knew the legends of Nihilus and his abilities to use the force. Onyx soon remembered that Darren wasn't a full blown Sith.

After another minute of walking, Onyx spoke up, "Nihilus is inside it. His soul. See he was more then just a Sith. He was a wound in the force. He had the power to consume the life force of anything. Jedi. Sith. Anything that could live. For every soul he consumed, the stronger and more invincible he became. When he died he used the souls he built up to survive. His body died but his mind lives on within the Holocron. If I find it, I could become one of the most powerful sith ever."

When he finished explaining the story, Onyx continued walking. He cursed himself. He thought he gave away just a little to much information. Before Darren could reply he quickly added, "At least that's the legend...." ​Onyx sighed silently, he just may have saved his own life.
Darren listend intently about the sith lord's legend. He was suprised that such a thing could exist where a sith lived forever in a holocron. it furthered his intrest about getting it. if he had that kind of power he could save his mother from the sith. and he couldnt be stopped. but he was relictant to reach for something so powerful.

Emence power came with a heavy price no matter what it was. and if it came with a price that he couldnt foretell he'd rather go with out. but if it was a small price to pay he was willing. using the force he expanded himself to feel all around him and to "see" what was comming. and he felt an opening alittle ways ahead and then said "I believe that there is a room ahead. do you want to check it out or contiue on? im just along for the ride."

Darren Onyx

Onyx looked over to where Darren mentioned the room. Onyx strayed from their current path and to the entrance of the room. "Let's go check it out," he said as he walked in without worry.

The room was large and circular. There were six large walls that had pillars surrounding them. Inside each wall was a painting and old text. The text was written in the old language of the sith. Onyx knew where they were. "We are inside the Hall of the Lords. This place was where the Dark Lords would meditate. And this," Onyx said as he approached the center of the room where a small pedestal with a strange dark substance sat. "This is a Well of the Dark Side. There are very few of these. Many lay here inside the valley, though there is one rumored to be on a long lost planet. These allow one to become even closer and one with the dark side. This is obviously a sign. But it is getting late, perhaps we should wait till morning? What say you?"

Onyx snapped back to reality and turned back over to Darren. He was hoping Darren would want to wait, as he wanted to study the room they were in longer. He would of course except the fact of continuing on but the thought of studying these ancient siths was amazing.
Darren thought about the proposition and what may happen. "Its fine with me we can study them to see what they may hold expecaly since these are rare, but we are going to have to be careful because i dont know what things prowl these tombs."

Darren was intrested in what this Sith Well was all about. but they need to find out some sort of way to protect them selves. "we sould set up some sort of watch. ill go ahead and be the lookout."

Darren Onyx

While Darren went for lookout, Onyx began to write down the translations from the walls. All the while he was mumbling words of excitement, intent, and fascination. He was in awe at all the knowledge he was able to obtain. There were several moments where he even started to laugh he was so happy. If there was one thing that made Onyx happy, it was researching the ancient sith who used to rule over Korriban and the Empire.

After awhile, Onyx switched over to the Sith Well. He took observations notes on his observations, and even observations and notes on his observations and notes! He finally built up the courage to reach out and touch the dark power. It felt like small shards of electricity were passing through the Well and into his hands and body.

As he took his hands away he felt different. Both in good and bad. "Hey Darren! When you get the chance come look at this," Onyx noticed the power shift. It seemed as though it could temporarily boost power. Though he only lightly touched it, he could only image the power someone could take from it.
Darren heard the ocasional laughter when Onyx was doing his reaserch. he thought it was alittle funny himself that his companion was so intrested in glyphs.

Onyx then said "Hey Darren! When you get the chance come look at this," so Darren checked the hall that he was watching and went over to onyx and saw that he would touch the well and he would slightly glow a red hue. it looked like he had a aura around him. Darren felt the Dark side flood the room as he touched the well. he then asked "May I give it a shot?"

Darren Onyx

Onyx gave out a chuckle. "Indeed, but I wouldn't take to much, who knows how much someone can take before becoming a actual living entity of the Dark Side."
Onyx watched as Darren stepped forward for his turn. He grabbed his papers and got ready to document everything.
Darren was frightend because he didnt know what was going to happen. he slowly placed his hand on the well. feeling a slight tingly feeling. he felt as if her just woke up after a long sleep and was rejuvinated. it felt good. it felt powerful. taking his hand away very quicly as if here we burned by hot iron.

Darren looked at Onyx "Woah! that feels good! hahaha" he had to stay away from it. he couldnt be temped to touch it again. He wouldnt allow it. he turend toward onyx to see his reaction.

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