Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The voices aid me, the voices destroy me..

Section 1: The voices in my head control me...

Chapter 1: Perfectly Sane, Perfectly normal.. (Completed) -

Drawn to Roon by the dark side of the force, [member="Adron Malvern"] finds a seemingly insane Miraluka with an unnaturally strong connection to the dark side of the force. Deciding to take her as his apprentice, Adron convinces Xobos to come with him and be trained in the dark arts of the force. After branding her, the pair depart from the retched planet, starting out on a new adventure.
Chapter 2: Reunion (Ended) -

Barely a day off of Roon, Xobos is thrust into the middle of a rescue operation by her new master, [member="Adron Malvern"], alongside his other apprentice, [member="Alden Akaran"]. Their target of rescue? None other than [member="Kei Raxis"], the man, from what the Miraluka had gathered, her master had killed a while before. Coming back to life was crazy enough, but attempting a rescue mission 48 hours after being brought off a desolate rock? Why, you'd have to be insane to try something like that...
Chapter 3: The Heart (Completed) -

Life as an aspiring Sith seemingly felt like it was never going to stop or slow down for Xobos to get her bearings. Barely a few days after attempting a rescue of [member="Kei Raxis"] near the core of space, Xobos, [member="Adron Malvern"], and Alden Akaran flew to the freezing planet of Ilum to begin more formal lessons from the master. After learning being forced to learn Tapas or literally freeze to death crossing a frozen lake, the entered a tall tower that seemingly rose above the clouds. Proceeding into the tower earned them a look into one of the planet's many crystal caves, where the pair both found the crystals they would eventually use to create their weapons of war.
Chapter 4: The Corrupted: CIS Invasion of Kuat (Completed) -

It was her first real taste of true combat, and to say that Xobos passes with flying colors would be something that could very easily be seen as a lie. Traveling with her master [member="Adron Malvern"] and fellow apprentice [member="Shakti Sweet"], the duo apprentices tracked down a jedi hiding within a hospital. however, before the pair could even engage the lightsider, a primal rage that was unlocked from deep within Xobos's mind left her exhausted and collapsed on the street, where the other apprentice had to rescue her. The mission proved a failure, and the jedi escaped.
Chapter 5: Down to the Basics (Ongoing) -

After the invasion of Kuat, it was obvious to the master of the apprentice that Xobos needed more training in the way of the blade. On Bothwani, Xobos and Shakti are taken to the notorious Outpost Sarlacc to begin this training. After a cleansing of the old guard, the pair were informed that they would be staying at the outpost for a month to complete this part of their training. Sergeant Zax, a man that apparently Adron trusted enough to be the leader in the apprentice's training of the blade.
Chapter 6: Crown of Sorrows: CIS Invasion of Tanaab (Completed) -
After a hiatus from the throws of war, Xobos was given command of a task force fleet for the invasion of Tanaab. Her task was to back up one of the larger fleets, though that was quickly changed once the battle on the ground proved to be more of a necessity for her fleet than the one in the sky. With a small sized fleet, the apprentice began to direct the ships down into the atmosphere, when an SOS from the FOB got through to the official channels. Deciding to send the only sentient fighter squadron in her arsenal, Xobos continued the decent down into the atmosphere, until the entire task force was engaged by an enemy Mandalorian fleet who seemed hell bent to keep her from reaching the surface. The engagement took Xobos by surprise for only a moment, but she had thankfully spread out her task force in a way that began to quickly dispatch the fleet engaging her own. However, as the sky battle between the two fleets fully kicked off, an urgent comm came from grey squadron. They were being completely, utterly decimated. The words from the men sent the apprentice into a semi-meditative state, leading to her engaging in battle meditation for the first time. Grey squadron is saved, yet the experience left the apprentice unconscious, where she entered into a new state of meditation. There, the apprentice is able to converse with the voices in her mind for the first time, speaking to them about the experience of the battle so far. Eventually, the battle is won, though with the new skill unlocked, and a new state of consciousness that she is able to enter into, Xobos is left impacted from the battle in many more ways than just one.
Chapter 7: Umgul and the Chocolate Factory: CIS Dominion of Umgul (Completed) -

A simple mission of retrieving a few samples of a new style of chocolate infused with bacta leads the apprentice to make a new acquaintance, [member="Cali Ziiva"]. While the Zeltron did seem offputtingly happy at the beginning, Xobos was quick to warm up to the other women, finding her to be much more pleasant company than it first seemed like she would be. By the end of the day, Xobos had her first friend outside of the apprentice group since being taken from Roon, one that would prove to impact her in more ways than one moving forward.
Chapter 8: See me in your darkest dreams (Ongoing) -

Her first training mission since the tales of Bothwani, Xobos is taken to the planet Bothawui, a swamp world, practically against her will. Waking up and realizing that she was in the middle of another training session, she was informed that there was a treasure hidden deep in the swamp. To find it meant success. Though it was not as simple as it seemed, as her vision was taken shortly after. She would have to find the treasure without the aid of her sight, forcing her to find a new way to see. Using the vibrations of the swamp as a way to see, a novice version of the power force sight, Xobos was able to slowly make her way into the swamp. More and more she was able to use the power to see, even able to dodge the first of her master's attacks and to trick him into falling from the trees above. However, a force attack by Adron ensnared the apprentice high above the ground, leaving her a swinging target for the man...
Chapter 9: Salt and Souls: CIS Dominion of Crait (Complete) -

Tagging along with a group of witches and knights obsidian, Xobos was introduced the supernatural side of the force as the group descended into the graveyard of souls on Crait. Her own voices were unnaturally quiet during this mission, leaving the apprentice wondering if there was any connection. However, this seemed unlikely, and she just focused on completing the mission at hand and worrying about her mind later.
Chapter 10: Confederate High Command {CDF} (Complete) -

A changing of the guard within the ranks of the Confederacy led to her master becoming the leader of the military branches. Calling a meeting where all of the the highest ranking officers were required to attend, Adron revealed this fact to them. Also within the meeting, aside from a promotion for the commander of the Dauntless, [member="Luna Terrik"], Xobos was also put forward as the hand of her master, and would be enacting anything that he felt needed to be. Essentially, the apprentice would be his enforcer within the military of the Confederacy, a fact that the voices seemed to take to quite well.
Chapter 11: Sugar and Spice and Everything Sparkly (Ongoing) -

A comms call from a certain Zeltron led to Xobos meeting up with the Whimsy representative for what was supposed to be a quick and simple business meeting. Instead, the businessmen that were supposed to be super nice, according to Cali, attempted to assassinate the pair, which meant they needed to defend themselves. Xobos seemingly did quite well, with the help of Lagos, and dispatched her group of assailants without much trouble. Cali took a much more explosive approach, but both left the meeting unharmed. After this, Xobos was convinced by the Zeltron to head back to her mansion back on Naboo...
Chapter 12: A Touch of Midnight: CIS Dominion of Omwat (Ongoing) -

Being able to take time off from training constantly and being in firefights to enjoy a little spookiness was certainly something that was high on the list of the Miraluka, and thankfully a certain pink alien was ready to lead her to having a great time. A quick kiss shared between the alien, and with the costumed pair ready to boogie, they quickly grabbed a pair of drinks, then started toward the haunted maze, with the conversation between filled with plenty of teasing...
Chapter 13: An Unlikely Pairing (Ongoing) -

A mission of importance, given directly to her by her master, leads the apprentice to the space surrounding her master's homeworld, Illyria. While on her way, a conversation held in the void with her voices left the apprentice questioning why Ora would seemingly break her trend of speaking in a certain way. It left an imprint on her mind, yet there was another individual that would certainly be leaving their mark on Miraluka, [member="Eustachya"], very soon...

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