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Approved Species Fiend Shadowspawns

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  • Name: Fiend Shadowspawn
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Origins: Netherworld
  • Average Lifespan: NA
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Made of arcane fire, the Fiend Shadowspawns are demonic creatures hailing from the depths of the Netherworld, summoned by dark adepts of the Shadow Creed. When summoned to the realspace, they appear in various sizes, oftentimes bound in alchemized iron cages that operate like armor, or bounds for them. Their roar is a deafening dragon-like sound with their growl sounding like boiling magma. The less life force they consume, while in Realspace, the less their fire blazes, slowly turning them into stone, up until they eventually are banished once again to the Netherworld.
  • Breathes: NA (Does not require atmosphere)
  • Average Height of Adults: 10-30 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 1-40 meters
  • Skin color: NA (made of fiery energy)
  • Hair color: NA (fire)
  • Distinctions: Consisting of fiery energy, these creatures are oftentimes refered to as "Fire Demons". Although not always brought forth ill-intent, in realspace, they tend to have shapes of winged entities, many of them resembling draconic or bird-like creatures.
  • Races:
    • Tarimran Spawn

      Tariman Shadowspawns are huge bird-like entities, at the most part, with little to no appearance under bounds or caged. These Shadowspawns are pact-bound to their summoner, being both his or her source of power as well as a daemonic companion whisperer. Although fierce in battle and possessive in their nature, they are not hostile to their wielder and shall choose to return to the Netherworld, instead of possessing the summoner, should no life force is able to be consumed for their preservation. It is not rare to see such demonic creatures represending loyalty and purity of soul in the cultures that practice these arts of summoning.
    • Ntimaroth Spawn

      Engulfed in a fiery rage, the Ntimaroth Shadowspawns are brought from the ancient prison of Inferno that lies deep in the domain of the Athysian Ancient Deities, in the Netherworld. Violent in their nature, these demon spawns shall not hesitate consuming their summoner should they carve a hole in his or her willpower and mind defense, while they wreck havoc in the surrounding region to feed on the life essense they can harvest. These creatures are often related to spirits of Chaos and defiance, while they are characterized as some of the most dangerous of their kind. Their distinguishing feature is the thick alchemized armor they always appear wearing. In reality, that armor operates more as a cage and means for the summoner than an actual protective gear. According to the legend, these cage-like shells were crafted upon the Shadowspawns when captured in the Netherworld by the Summoner.
  • Force Sensitivity: All (Force Demons)
  • Force Predators. The Fiend can sense any Force Sensitive or Force Entity around it. Usually, it turns very hostile towards it, as it is viewed as a great source of energy. Due to the Fiend's nature, it has natural resistance in Force-oriented attacks.
  • Bloodfueled. The more the Fiend kills, especially if they are Force Sensitives, the more powerful it gets.
  • Puppets of the Master. Being brought into existence by a summoning ritual casted by a powerful sorcerer, the Shadowspawn can remain in realspace as long as the sorcerer summoning it can hold. The more the fiend exists, the more its corruptive energy damages the summoner, while its excess dark side energy besieges his or her mind. Should these abominations are summoned by a weak individual, they will quickly turn against their wielder, feeding on his or her soul. After devouring him or her, the fiend shall return once again to the Netherworld. In the hands of a powerful sorcerer, however, these fiends prove most deadly weapons and blind servants. Whoever wields these abominations must remain in concentration, as holding such demons in existance is a fight on its own. Should the concentration is broken, the fiend shall be banished from realspace.
  • Realspace Drain. While the Shadowspawn remains in realspace, it requires excess Life essense to remain whole, as being in any form of realspace (planetary or void) causes the spawn to quickly lose its energy being drained to death. The more it remains without the ability to feed on life essense, the more the drain has effect on it, up until its fires fade completely, resulting with it being banished once again into the Netherworld where it came from.
  • Taste of Force. Exposure to Lightside Force energy effectivelly damages the Shadowspawn, as it further increases the draining effect of realspace, while being met with a Force Nullifying field instantly despawns it back to the Netherworld.
  • Diet: Life Essense, Force
  • Communication: Telepathy
  • Technology level: NA
  • Religion/Beliefs: NA
  • General behavior: Very very VERY aggressive, the Fiend Shadowspawns are unable to remain passive while in realspace, due to the excess draining they experience the more they remain. This causes them to turn violent, seeking life essense to sustain them in existance. They are known to emerge after their summoner's call in desperate, or battle situations.
Shadowspawn legends go long back in the mythos of Athys as well as several other planets that have embraced the Shadow Creed. Many of these dark creatures are said to be demons of an ancient war god who fought and eventually lost to the Athysian Pantheon. Many of the god's children were shattered in untold numbers, wandering in the Netherworld as they were all banished from realspace. Several most powerful sorcerers and summoners venture into the forbidden halls of the Netherworld domain of their dark gods, seeking to capture and tame these creatures.
On the other hand, there are also many legends of such fiery creatures emerging as guardian angels and helpful companions of summoners, being much less of a demonic entity.

The Alcademon Hegenika, of the Athysian League are one of the most renown clans pacticing summoning arts. During a great assault on Erevos, moon of planet Athys, the Alcademon Hegemon, Desmundor Alcademon Desmundor Alcademon deployed several summoners who brought forth numerous Shadowspawn demons as a vanguard to battle the Marskha hordes of the planet.
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Ylla Caeli'runa

Hello, Irratar Hemstagon Irratar Hemstagon ! Apologies for the wait on this! I just have a few edits that need to be made before approval:

Links | Please link the Demon wiki page provided here.
Origins | Please link the Netherworld.
Distinctions | This field is blank. Would you mind filling it in with the relevent information about this species?
Weaknesses | Because the species members are Force sensitive and appear to be from the Dark Side, please add appropriate weaknesses involving Force Null fields and Light Side abilities.
General Behavior | Please expand on this beyond their aggressive nature.
General Behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]

If you have any questions or just want to tell me that edits are complete, just give me a tag!

Ylla Caeli'runa

Irratar Hemstagon Irratar Hemstagon Lovely progess. However, we're stilling missing those additional weaknesses involving Light Side abilities and Force Null fields. Once those are added, I can approve this for ya!
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