Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Feedback: Claiming What is Empty

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Not reading the rest of the answers. But my thoughts.

People don’t like the status quo changed. They don’t like to try to give people a chance. If someone else is having fun and they’re doing something you wouldn’t do? Let them do it.

It’s a matter of anonymity on the internet where you can be and do what you want, regardless of consequences to someone else’s good vibe.

Hell, I’d say bring Miles out, let him claim the mantle and rock on out.

[member="Ashin Varanin"]

It is genuinely one of the most interesting that has been on chaos for a while. The attitude of avoiding consequences for IC actions has been one I've seen with increasing frequency on the board.

We all know consequences are up to the writer, and no one wants to be one of those boards where Admins can force death on a character, but it would be nice to see people take their licks for things.

Invasions have been increasingly turgid affairs with no one taking hits either. The move to systems where PvP matches are counted to determine victory has, I feel, played a part in this.
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

That's a problem I've seen often as well. People need to be realistic when doing stuff like that. For instance, let's be honest. The way invasions play out here, it's all-out war. You just don't walk away from wars without suffering some kind of damage, whether it be physical or mental.
[member="Katya Shorn"]
I locked that thread at his request because clearly it was a misplanned attempt at something.

It’s not really the best example of a character failing because this was more a combination of OOC misinterpretation and the fact that no one took it seriously.

The real question is – why was everyone so quick to mock it rather than react in a more serious way? Now, I am 100% guilty of this myself, but the thing is I shouldn’t be proud of it, so perhaps I should work out why this happens and how I can fix it.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I've never roleplayed with Miles before, but maybe it was hia style that made them all mock him like they did? I read the thread myself, and what I saw at first was an attempt to take the Mandalore title by strength. I may be wrong, but I believe it is Mandalorian culture to challenge for the right of the title. Now, I don't know what was going on in the faction at the time, so if he took it upon himself to make a move where either none was needed, or an alternative was being talked out already, I'd say he's at fault there. Otherwise, why not let him take a crack at it? It was spontaneous. Isn't that what starts a lot of great ideas, spontaneous acts?
Has to do with OOC i think. [member="Gherron Vael"]. IC wise everyone and anyone could attempt to be mandalore. I've thought about it but nothing would come of it. Whether its the rank of Emperor or Mandalore.. Many people hole these positions to a godly or very high degree and those who are not worthy never get a shot at them. Its a sad reality and perception of many writers.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Katya Shorn"]

I didn't archive it for that purpose my purpose for Archiving it was a thread started by the Mandalorian Admins in response to discussing what to do about the missing Mand'alore that thread very well may be reopened depending on the outcome of the meeting they called.
[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Katya Shorn"]

First of all? You should have waited to see the outcome of the meeting.

Second? For all of you who aren't Mandos...why does this even matter? Yeah, I admit it was kind of a dick move. But rehashing it in public doesn't do much for the OP or anyone else involved. Let the Mandos sort their own osik out.


Anija Betna said:
Yeah, I admit it was kind of a dick move. But rehashing it in public doesn't do much for the OP or anyone else involved. Let the Mandos sort their own osik out.
I think you might be missing the point of the discussion.

We're talking about how oftentimes individuals reject the concepts of others in order to preserve their internalized view of their character and we're looking at some solutions to that. Interested to hear your thoughts :)

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