Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Family Sins (Ask)

Within the Shadow Keep, Romeo had found that this is where he would begin his new family heritage. Here, the Sins would rise anew, with new ideas, and ways leading them, but these things would have to wait for awhile, he had a few things he had to discuss with the rest of the family, like his cousin jumping into the circle from no where, and surprising him with the fact that Deth was watching out for him. It was all strange, and something he had to act upon soon, very soon.

In the meeting room dubbed nothing, not everything he had, had a name. Though it was well fashioned, with the emblem of the Sin family emblem stitched into the drapes around the room. A table made of marble, that was white, with black specks in it, and nicely fashioned metal chairs with cushioning lined the table.

Along with his cousin, it was just them two in the room at the moment, and she sat on the opposite side of the table. They had been discussing things, like what they had both missed, catching up wasnt something Romeo was used to either.

"I still can't believe you have been watching me this whole time Felix, it's been too long, you should have just went with me...hows Arieen?" He said, leaning with his elbows on the table, and his hands propped under his chin. His eyes were burning with a crazy spark in them. He felt horrible he had forgotten all about his cousin, much more his sister in all this.

[member="Katar"] [member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Felix Sin"]


[member="Romeo Sin"]

It had been only a short time's notice since she had came back into his life, and she had already seen how much her cousin had changed more into a man, and less like the rebellious teen she remembered. There were times where she coluldnt find him, and she would have to find him through days of searching. Sometimes it had frustrated her.
It had appeared that her father wanted to come, and help Romeo with his cause, and was willing to give him access to his small amount of resources to help with that cause. Many members of the Sin family had seen that Romeo was making a name for himself, and wanted to aid him in his cause. They ad taken notice that he was nothing like his father, who was becoming more, and more cruel as the days went by. They all wanted out from under the gazes of death.

She licked her licked her lips in a perverse way, "She's fine, though she misses you. She's becoming quite the woman you know, beautiful..." She stopped, and looked around. "Where's Razer? I half expected to see him flaunting over the women here." She asked with a tone of wonder.

"Also I understand you have two daughters. Congrats, though I didnt expect you to be that kind of guy, you know..fatherly, romantic..' She trailed off.
[member="Adan Jax"] @stardust
[member="Felix Sin"]

Speaking of the devil, Erika came into the room, and running to him, and hopped into his lap. "Well here she is. Erika this is Felicia, you cousin." Erika smiled and cheered in a squeaky voice. "HI Felicia, Im Erika!, and this is my daddy!" She said pointing up to Romeo. He chuckled, and rubbed her head on the top. "She knows who I am dear."

Romeo stopped his smile though, and looked down. "He's...gone." He said simply. "Where'd he go daddy?" His daughter asked with that tone that kids have when they don't understand. "He's...gone baby girl, he's..not..coming back." he didn't know how to explain it to her.

He looked back up at Felicia, "Felicia....I dont know why you licked your lips, but I have no meat on my bones, and I dont have thing for Arieen either!" He said a tone he hadnt heard in a long time.
Adan getting his things he was on the freighter with his wife. "So hun did you hear that there is another sin in the sin family. That family is getting big fast I think it's trying to break a damn record," Adan laughed. He was familiar with only a few of the memebers in the family, Romeo, Razer, Ericka, and Keturah Romeo's adopted daughter. "I think we should go over and visit what do you think hun?" [member="stardust"]


[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Romeo Sin"]

The little girl looked nothing like her cousin, but his eyes. "Hey there Erika." She said titling her head to the side, and smiling, but the joy was short lived. His brother was dead? When did this happen, and why? Razer wasnt that much a idiot..was he? It took a lot to keep herself from tearing up. She shook her head, and wiped at her eyes. "Oh, we all know there's a sister, brother complex going on there." She said.

She leaned in, "Romeo, your sister wants to leave Coruscant, so does dad, they all want to be back here with you, and away from Crucix. Even though you may have infiltrated the One Sith, but it's not safe for them there anymore. The more they help you, the closer they come to being found out, and killed."
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Felix Sin"]

Romeo shook his head, he had saw her pain, felt it in the force. "I'm sorry..I wasnt strong enough to save him...I couldnt do anything for him, but I..." He pressed a button, with it came a maiden through the doors. "Yes m'lord?" She was one his personal maidens, and Erika's nanny. "Can you take her please? I'll come get her later." The maiden bowed. "I have some business to talk about with Felix here babydoll, I'll be back to get you though." He hugged her, and let the maiden take her out. "I dont have a sister complex."

When they were alone, Romeo stood up, and smashed his fist into the wall. The wall creaked, and his fist was bleeding. His eyes fell with tears as he stood there. "I know who did it....they recorded it all...he begged for me..." He shook his head. "I know who killed him, I know him....Onyx.."


[member="Romeo Sin"]

Felix jumped when he hit the wall, she saw the blood, and hurriedly stood up, and rushed to him. She grabbed his fist, and held him close, wrapping her other arm around him. He cried into her chest, and spoke about Razer's murderer. Felicia could feel the tears drop from her eyes to her cheeks. She couldnt say anything for a while, and they just stood there, holding each other.

"I told you to stop calling me Felix a long time ago Romeo, it's not funny." She said, kissing the top of his hand. She guided him back to his seat, and sat him down, inspecting his hand. It wasnt broken, thank the gods. "It's okay, its not your fault you red eyed devil you....we'll find this...Onyx? Why..why would he do that? Romeo he will slaughter you! You cant go after him, you need to get your other family out of Coruscant first."
[member="Felix Sin"]

Romeo chuckled in between sobs, and leg go of her, clearing up his tears, and smiled at her. His face was flushed, and looked at her with loving eyes, till he noticed where he had been crying. "GAH! I pretty much motorboated you! What the hell Fellicia?!" he said in a loud grunt, and shook his hand in its stingy pain. " whats happening with my father...details Felicia, leave nothing out." He spoke, back in his normal state of mind.

It was hard being a Sin


[member="Romeo Sin"]

She giggled as Romeo complained about getting to know her breasts a little more personal then he was comfortable with. "Oh you liked it." She teased back, and sat next to him, listening to him talk in that soft, but oh so cold tone. The darkside was obviously always tying her cousin to fall deeper down that path of darkness. She wondered if he could forever keep stable enough mind to stay in control.
She sighed, and held one his hands, in hers.
"Your father is just become cruel, using members of the family as punching bags. He's killing anyone for just coughing in his presence. He's even...he's even become physically violent with Arieen." Her tone turned low, and quiet, as if to keep from having the man hear them talk.
Stardust had been on the planet when she received a message from romeo about a small meeting, she made her way inside and opened the door, she looked at the drapes with the sin family emblem stitched with care into them, next the that caught her eye was the female age didn't know about, the next was how the air had a mix of sadness hate and regret with a little happiness "I uh hope I didnt arrive to late for this" she said with a smile bowing gently"
[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Felix Sin"]
Adan arrived as well looking around seeing [member="Romeo Sin"] and the new member of the sin family. He didn't say anything to anyone just nodded. He had his black boots, black cargoes, his armored shirt and his two favorite clothing his dark hat and his trench coat. His lightsaber hung from his side he had a darker aura around him. [member="stardust"]
Keturah shyly peeked partially around the barely opened doors of the keep. She'd received her father's summons, telling her about the cousin she had yet to meet. She wasn't quite sure why she was nervous. She'd met plenty of new people before. Why was this one any different? Probably because this particular person was family to Romeo, and now, to her. Taking a deep breath, Keturah straightened her short black tutu-skirt and quietly walked into the room. She came up to her father and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Sorry I'm late, daddy." Her small voice cooed as she sat down in a chair beside him.
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
Katar entered a few minutes after Keturah. She was dressed nicely for the meeting. She'd been acquiring a new taste for clothing since she and Romeo had become "friendlier" with each other. She wanted to always look pretty for him. She gracefully took her seat on Romeo's other side, giving him a small smile in greeting.
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Adan Jax"]


[member="Keturah Sin"]

When his daughter walked in, Felicia gave her the biggest smile she could muster. She had the most beautiful yellow golden eyes, like two little suns, she had ever seen. She looked over at Romeo. "This is Keturah, I take it? She is gorgeous! Hello there Keturah! Im your second cousin, Felicia." She then saw [member="Katar"] walk in, and already knew who this was to Romeo, she saw that flicker in her eyes when she looked at her cousin. She also had her cousin wrapped around her finger, but she doubted the woman knew how tightly wrapped Romeo was around her.
Now that [member="stardust"], and [member="Adan Jax"] was here, more details could be given on what was going on.
"Romeo, your father...needs to be put down. It's time you take your place as the full head of the family. The SIth are eating the Sins from inside out, however your ways are keeping your side flourishing. I can tell all these people in here are loyal without question to you, that's what a true leader earns froom his people." [member="Romeo Sin"]
It'd been too long since I'd come to the palace, obviously. The guards didn't recognize me, and I responded to their protests with a single finger and a smile. Getting upstairs wasn't unduly difficult, since most people here knew who was coming when the red hair and the large-brimmed metal hat appeared. Seeing the door to the meeting room open, I casually walked in and grinned around the table. Most of these people were my friends at some point or another, and I counted Romeo alongside Rikki, Mit, Nomad, and Oka as the closest thing I had to family.

Sitting down in a chair, I spun around and greeted everybody, looking from Romeo, to Stardust, to Ajan, to Keturah, and my eyes finally came to rest on two women I didn't know. One, an almost cat-like I vaguely recognized from the last time I'd been in the palace, and the other, who looked remarkably like my black-haired friend, was totally unfamiliar.

"Well, I see you, Romeo, and Ketty-cat, and Ajan and Star. I'm damn glad you're all still in one piece. But, I don't know the cat lady sitting next to you, Romeo, or your lovely carbon copy, here. In case you two didn't know, I'm Cross."

[member="Felix Sin"] [member="Katar"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"] [member="Romeo Sin"]
Adan looked at every one with his dark stare as they walked in greeting each other Adan nodded at [member="Cross Ikon"] Adan walked over to the wall and leaned against it pulling his has hat over his eyes though still being able to see every one. He has changed he's got more serious more dark it will be definitely the new Adan,"Alright Rome not to be an nerf herder but what you called us all down here for man gives the details,are we gonna kill things cause I'm itching to break someone's face." As Adan said this his fist in his black glove clenched hard and banging it gently on the wall. [member="stardust"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Katar"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Felix Sin"]
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Katar"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="stardust"] [member="Salvor Arnex"]

Romeo stood up from his seat. and cracked his neck. What was going to happen, it all came down to how he acted upon what he was being asked to do. When he saw his red head friend come in, he smiled ear to ear. "Cross, my red headed friend how are you?" He looked at Katar, and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her. "I think we're going to Coruscant." he said. "We need a freighter that has a decent stealth drive, and can carry.." He pointed fingers and counted. "Six people, then another like...four people." He said looking at his family, and extended family.
" dont know my family, you dont realize whats about to happen....if you dont want in on this, I understand, Felix and I can handle it alone.."
She smiled gently and nodded to [member="Cross Ikon"] taking her place by [member="Adan Jax"] hoping to calm his dark aura a bit*indeed good to see your still kicking cross how's the ship"she said and smiled at [member="Keturah Sin"], she soon turned her attention to [member="Felix Sin"]'s words"romeo never really mentioned his father much all I know is he is a evil man "she said straightening herself up and looking at [member="Romeo Sin"] " and your right I am loyal to him very loyal*she looked and listened to romeo*romeo I've followed you this far I'm not going to chicken out now"she stood and gave a comical salute"im on board my king
Adan smiled evily from ear to ear "you want a freighter, i got a freighter for your ass the one and only mona, that beauty will fit all of us comfortably, and has more space for more." Adan leaned off the wall moving towards the middle of the room, "so what the hell are we still standing around for, we need to go and do this shit ." Adan was anxious he hasnt done anything in while and his life was getting boring, he was quite tense as well. [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="stardust"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Katar"] [member="Cross Ikon"]
I looked mock-disbelievingly around the room, and then back to my dark-haired friend. I put my hand over my mouth, and squinted at him as if I was confused about something.

"So, your family is insane and wants to kill you and your look-alike, here. Probably along with your kids and your cat-lady. Got it. Now, picture how bored I'd be if you lot went off and died. Rikki would never forgive me for it, either. So, let's go shoot some stuff, and then you can go back to ruling like a good little Sin."

With that, I dropped back into my chair, grinning again.

"And I bet I can pull some strings with what's left of my captains. Lot of 'em are Ravens, now. Or dead. Maybe I can even persuade Ice to come ride with us another time."

[member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Katar"] [member="Keturah Sin"]

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