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False Peace In Shadows (Shadow Empire Dominion of Morellia)


The Shadow Fleet assembled, rising up into the sky like a glorious monster ready to take out anything in it's way. Felix stood in the frieghter's cockpit, watching from the viewpoint in awe. -I hope this is what Romeo would want..- This decision was made in regards that when he came back, he would have bad news, and good news. Maybe.
She wondered if her uncle would be coming with her to accompany her to the planet. She was set as a false ambassador to the Commonwealth of Morellia. They held a lot of resources the empire could use, and they would take them, willing, or forcefully. She took a deep breath, and began to turn the ship on. On the ship were a squad of six Shadow Guards, dressed in that all too familiar Revan's Sith trooper armor. They all possessed blaster rifles, and sat in motionless silence. They were totally loyal to the Sin family, and trained to protect them at all cost. They were well respected by the Sin family, and well appreciated. On her was two red shoto sabers, and a comlink to the Shadow Empire fleet. It wouldn't be long before she would have to take off, and begin the long ride to the planet, and land. She checked all her systems, all green. -Good..they filled her up before hand..- She looked back at the Guards, and ordered them. "It's okay guys, you can go lounge about, relax, we have a little bit of a ride before we get there." The sergeant stood in a bronze red armor, and saluted.
"Thank you ma'am. Come on fellas, you heard her, at ease." They all slumped their shoulders, and rolled their necks. Truly impressive men of honor. This was also her element to take the government from within the city, she suspected not all of them would be coming back. This pained her.

"Shadow Fleet, this is Ambassador Sin, let me know when I am clear for take off." She spoke in a com system on the ship's dashboard. "Copy that ambassador, we'll let you know." She leaned back, and watched more of the soldiers line up into the cruisers, and frigates. Some where of the Drakon Regiment, others the common Shadow Soldier. The Hallow Battalion was somewhere in there. Machines of war rolled, or walked up behind them, ready to begin the assault. Over head, Blackfires wooshed with their speed, and agility. She took in another breath.
"First real mission with the empire, and already we have a new enemy...please dont let me kark this up...please." She said to herself. Behind her the guards were going back to other parts of the ship to find food, or a place to relax.

The Planet: Morellia
The Government: Morellia Commonwealth
The Key Resource: Morellian Weapons Conglomerate
The Opposition: Morellian Enforcers

(Use these links, there here to help you plan out your post, again USE THESE LINKS)


1 - Begin Negotiations
2 - Set Up Beacons
3 - Hack Planetary Systems
4 - Begin Orbital Strike
5 - Land Troops
6 - Declare Morellia Ours


One Character Per Writer
Have Fun

(Hey guys a word of advice, this will probably get hectic, so make sure that you're declaring your objectives, and locations in your posts. Make it clear, and visible please. Also Salvor's writer, and I will be DMing along the way with his writer account, and mine. Salvor will DM against my character, and I his to make it fair) Also Armory Manifest use it, or loose it guys. This is here for a reason. Remember also that Objective 2 requires the OSSRs.)

[member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Katar"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Crucius Sin"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Breanna Volsh"] [member="Eve"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"] [member="Kaia Brin"] [member="Vale Pek"] [member="Maxco"]
War was nearly upon the Shadow Empire and despite the fleet amassed before them, they were ill equipped to handle a full scale conflict. This would change, it must, if their survival were to be ensured. So they were off to make diplomatic relations with Morellia.

The young Zabrak Salvor Arnex was new to this empire, but he was a part of it none the less, entrusted with secrets and power and more. He thought of Keturah, the king’s daughter. He skin, white as porcelain, and soft, her hair black as ravens. He thought of the anger she caused in him and how despite himself, he would do what it took to keep her safe.

He walked through the line of men and women that made up the army of the Shadow Empire. They were too few. Far too few. This to would change, one way or another. Most did not notice him as he passed, few others lingered on the black cloaked, golden skinned Zabraki boy that strode through their midst on his way to find Felicia Sin.

He found her. Surrounded by guards but still very alone. Power could do that.

“Do not worry Lady Sin. We shall not fail.” It was entirely possible he had snuck up on her. Moving with silent purpose was one of his talents. He was close to her, uncomfortably so. He had a thing were personal space was not a concern of his, it could be chalked up to poor upbringing or it could very much be a power play. He was so close he could smell her, she stank of uncertainty and doubt. The plan would work, it was his plan after all.

[member="Felix Sin"]
Keturah was stationed in the computer labs on the ship. She and a few other slicers were going to hack the planetary systems the moment the signal was given. Until that time, she was keeping up communications with everyone going planet-side. <Keturah to Ambassador Sin. Communications are 100% operational. We'll begin the hacking process as soon as you want us to. Oh, and don't worry. You've got this. Salvor won't let anything go wrong.> She still was thinking of the Zabrak in the back of her mind, even now with everything that she had to focus on. She prayed that he would be safe. She prayed that everyone would be safe. <Be careful, guys...>
[member="Felix Sin"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Crucius Sin"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Breanna Volsh"] [member="Eve"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"] [member="Kaia Brin"] [member="Vale Pek"] @Maxco
This aught to be fun.

That's what I was thinking as the fully-equipped, and probably unnecessary, blockade fleet under my flag command assembled over Mytus VII. With a spin of my chair, and a deft hand, I opened a channel to the "ambassador" Felix. Then, I watched as no less than thirty capital warships besides my Nova Dragons trickled in from Belkadan and Eplistica. There were something like ten Venators, and double that of Crusader Corvettes. I'd flatly turned down the "big guns" - ships the size of small Star Destroyers made to take out whole cities, and I certainly thought that this contingent I'd picked for myself was more than enough. After all, the Morellian defenses weren't much more than a couple of orbital stations, and a bunch of cowboys with pretty guns.

"Ketty-cat, Felix, I'm ready to jump. We got anything specific on their defenses, or do I just blast anything that comes out of atom?"

[member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Felix Sin"]


The multiple personality droid
G12-B walked into the computer lab he had been assigned to slice into the planetary systems. Seeing the commanding officer he stated as much, G12 then sat down at an empty computer terminal and fired up the control panels:

logging in......

system commands:
Ship's security cameras

He had then taken out a datapad and plugged it into the terminal. Line of code appeared before him and trying to find just one line out of the millions was going to be difficult. What was he doing? Preparing for the war of code which would eventually happen.
Stardust was in the hangar bay prepping teams for when the order was given out to drop the troops down on the ground"OK fire teams listen up me other pilots will be dropping on the surface to deliver you"she was walking back and forth looking at the men and women assembled before her "we'll land 2000 feet away from their lines fire will be hot and thick so find cover and get behind it me and the pilot will come and get more troops to reinforce the line" she looked around"remember to fight with honor and keep the goal in sight "she tookba breath" any questions?

A man raised his hand"um yes what about armor

That us a good question we'll have others drop two Osprey Light Battle Tanks on the field to support your movement up, any more?"she nodded"OK then hold until the order is given dismissed "people walked off as she rubbed her head" this is gonna be rocking"she put her hand to her ear contacting [member="Felix Sin"] " ambassador troops and army us ready to deploy
Adan was getting himself prepared for the taking of Morellia, he walked watching his troops getting ready making sure everything is going smoothly. Each trooper had his armor and weapons attached. Adan walked in front of them, they lined up from left to right in a straight line, not one trooper was further out than the other. Was this discipline, respect, or fear for the gigantic Devaronian? "Alright men we are taking over this planet with war on our minds, there will be no slow poking or cowering out, you will follow my orders and disobedience ends with a bullet to the head, are we ready soldiers?" YES SIR!!!! they said in unison. Adan did not play around when it came to this kind of business it was serious and professional way or the dead way. Adan walked to the cock pit of the freighter sat down grabbing his com link. " Adan Jax reporting the red devil is ready for action over." [member="stardust"] [member="Felix Sin"]


[member="Salvor Arnex"]

Salvor's voice scared her, and she jumped a little, holding her chest. "Damn it Warden...why do you have to do that?" She said in between breaths. She looked a the Zabrak's posture, wondering what was going on in the man's head. She turned the thrusters on, and took the yoke, pulling it back a little, let the engines slowly make the beast of a freighter rise. "I trust you Salvor...dont make me regret this...I feel I have already karked up once with the coalition..." She said as the hatches closed, and the freighter continued to lift up into the sky. All around the men, and women of the Shadow Empire reported in, some she knew, some she didnt. She replied to the ones that concerned her.
[member="Keturah Sin"] was in charge of the hacking with the help of some of the crew, like [member="G12-B"], and help keep comms up for the squads for mission updates. "Copy that Ketty love, keep comms to a minimum with the Ambassadors, stay a few parsecs behind us, good luck girl." Then [member="Cross Ikon"] checked in after that, "Red Head, just shoot the beacons that are put in place." She then turned her attention to the next check in, [member="stardust"],

"Copy that Star, see ya on the other side." She flipped a few switched to show the comms were busy, and thus could not be reached on those channels. They could always send them a hailing though to let them know something came up. [member="Adan Jax"] then checked in. "Copy Red Devil, the Ambassadors have lifted up, remember, come in a few minutes after us, set up the beacons, get the hell out of there." She flipped that channel's switch last, and looked back at Salvor. "'re the Sith Romeo told me all about? I hope his trust in you is well placed..this is pretty close to the Sanctums." With that said, they broke atmosphere, and were now heading towards the planet, soon they would be going to hyperspace, and in the Morellia system. She bit her lip, and leaned back. "I hate flying..."
[member="Felix Sin"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="stardust"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="G12-B"] [member="Cross Ikon"]

Sweat collected on the brow of Morellia’s governor as he presided over the preparations being made. Was it nerves or the heat? It was impossible to tell. He was not a man who was easily intimidated but standing here in the massive cathedral, watching the priests and priestesses go about their blessings, rankled his nerves a bit. The governor had never been much for religion, seeing it more as an obstacle to advancement than anything else, but he knew its importance to the people he represented.

The people of Morellia were very devout, worshiping a single omnipotent deity. They built immense temples of worship like the one he stood in now, and gathered in mass to ask for forgiveness, and offer their eternal devotion in exchange for good fortune and the chance to live forever at their makers side after death. He found it to be entirely preposterous, but he would never let his constituency know that.

“governor.” one of the priestesses had come over to him, he could tell from her robes she was a higher rank than most of the others that were here, in his youth he could of told you who she was, but now it had been too long and he had other things on his mind.

“The Grand Cleric will see you now.”

He gave her a stiff nod and followed after her, they walked a short way, past servants scrubbing and initiates praying and studying, down a hall lined with stain glass windows with religious effigies depicted on them. She opened a door to a small office like chamber and he went in, met by The Grand Cleric herself.

She was one of two religious figures that sat higher on the hierarchy than anyone else. There were always two Grand Clerics, always chosen at the same time. When one Cleric passed on, the other also stepped down allowing for two new Clerics to take their place. Since his election he had worked closely with both Clerics, knowing having them on his side would mean having the people on his side.

“Governor, welcome.” she was a small frail woman of at least seventy. He elegant blue-gold robes hung loosely from her small frame, but she spoke with great conviction and an almost youthful vigor. “I’m glad you could join me.”

“of course, your grace, there is no where I’d rather be.” except for a million other places he thought.

“I doubt that governor.” she said with a knowing smile. “I wanted to talk to you one last time about this meeting your having.”

“Now, grand cleric. I’ve already, told you. If this meeting goes well, we stand to gain a powerful ally that can grant us, protection and trade.” he told her for the tenth time.

“what if it doesn’t go well?” she asked for the eleventh time.

“then we lose nothing. This is a diplomatic mission and nothing more.” he was tired of explaining his decision to sit down with an ambassador of the Shadow Empire. Romeo Sin and his ilk offered an opportunity for their economy and military might to grow. If things went off as well as they promised to, he could even be up for a seat on the senate one day.

“Governor, I, must reiterate, this is a mistake.” her voice was full of grave warning as she once again began to spout off about her vision. A vision, ha! Like he would believe that. He knew her angle, she feared only that he would become more beloved than her precious church, by providing the people with real tangible benefits, not rewards one had to die to earn.

He cut her off before she could start. “Your concern is noted. But if you’ll excuse, I must get back to the capital building. My guests will be arriving in a matter of hours and there is much that has yet to be done.” he gave her a curt nod and left.
@Maxco @Adan Jax @stardust @G12-B @Cross Ikon [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Salvor Arnex"]

The Overseer Enforcer watched his holoscreens light up with acknowledgements from all over the city, he was setting up checkpoints to keep this all under control, making sure nothing would get in the way of the governor's meeting. His second in command, the Underseer, came up behind him.
"Sir, the Governor is seeing the High Priestess at the moment, want some men sent over there to escort him out?" The Overseer was a large man compared to the Underseer. Weighting in about two-fifty, and standing six foot, five, and a master of the slugthrower Morellia was known for.
"Let the Gover'n have a small squad escort 'em. We got to make sure he's got some protection at all cost." He stood up.

The Enforcer HQ was set in the middle of the city, the city of Morsela, was a metropolis. Big buildings, and traffic out the butt. It held dual defense towers with turbolasers set on them, then they had one AA on middle of the building. In key points, like the Morellia Weapons company held more defense. Three Turbolaser Towers, five AAs, and a platoon of Enforcers around the clock was there.

The Morellia Hospital held no protection as they though it was not good to present weapons at a place of health, and care. The Overseer grunted. "Make sure 'em boys got speeders with them turrets on it, the fifties I mean. I don' trust 'em Shadows. Got something up 'er sleeves, but the gover'n likes em' so we'll be nice." He looked at his second in command. The man saluted his commanding officer, and went off to carry out the orders.

Apart from that, outside city limits were farms, and small towns. Nothing there for defense either. The Overseer pulled up a comlink. "Teams one, two, and six. Pull out er' stations, and I want ya hitting patrol duty. Team one take the hospital, two take the outskirts of town, six take a speeder with em' fifties to the Morellia Weapons Conglomerate."

Then he set up another, four, and five, to stick on patrol around the governors estate building where the meeting was, both would have the speeders with fifties, and a few men walking around the perimeter.
[member="Felix Sin"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="G12-B"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"] [member="The Shadow King"]

“You may have fucked up with the coalition, but this not that. Romeo entrusted you with more than you can handle. This, I can handle.” he had no time for her self pity and self doubt. He would not hold her hand through this, if she could not handle this, she should of sent her uncle in her place. She said, she trusted him, he however could feel the lie. She trusted him less than she trusted her self right now, and he did not care. It was not her trust he was trying to win, or Romeo’s for that matter.

“Lady Sin.” he kept up his respectful demeanor as much as he could. “Make sure, the horned one knows, not to drop in until Keturah and the droid can take down the comms and the land to space artillery.” for this plan to succeed, everyone needed to know there jobs and do them accordingly. He trusted this in Keturah and the droid would not disobey its programming, Adan however lacked the subtly this mission may require.

“Keturah or the droid may need to come planet side with us. Morellia’s systems may not be advanced enough to break into from orbit.” Salvor had done his homework before they had taken off, he knew the Morellians, we not renown for their technology. In fact quite the opposite.

Felica now questioned Romeo’s faith in Salvor, her lack of confidence was bleeding all over this mission and they had hardly left the atmosphere, she was going to fuck this up. The female Sin may think herself as important because she and Romeo share a last name. but Salvor did not share the sentiment

“This is a diplomatic mission until, I say other wise. Are we clear?”

He would worry about the Sanctum, when they made themselves something to worry about.
I smiled at the holo of Romeo's little cousin, and activated the other channels to see my flag officers. East of these men had at least a Venator and two Crusaders under his command. Three of them had Nova cruisers, too, having stayed under my flag in the time since we'd been out of stasis. But one man had no less than four of my Battle Dragons, seven of my Novas, and one of the Venator wings: My little brother, Ogen, finally coming into his own. He looked like a puppy wondering if he was going to get a treat, with his giddy facial expression, and it looked like he might've been space combat simulators in the background.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, let's go on an adventure."

[member="Felix Sin"] [member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Maxco"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"] [member="G12-B"] [member="Keturah Sin"]
Star went to the command center of her freighter and signed setting down, she'd been out of battle for awhile now but still new what to do"Adam stick close to me ok "she did this so he wouldn't get reprimanded by [member="Salvor Arnex"] , nothing against him just she was cautious about him. Maybe cause she didn't know him well and how he'd act to someone disobeying "salvor when we get to the planet you want us to hold in space till orders given correct?" She asked setting in the command chair
[member="Adan Jax"]
Adan respond to [member="stardust"] "10-4 green sexy, you know i will, over" he gave her a slick quiet laugh. This is where everyone will get their nicknames from the devil. He had two already one fro himself and one for his wife a little humor never hurt anyone. This was in fact a stiff neck job but he didnt mind.


[member="Salvor Arnex"]

Felix looked Salvor up, and down, and grunted. "Right. Let's do this then. The worst he will do is yell...I think." She said as she leaned back in her chair. "Let's hope the man over the planet doesnt keep our shadow guards out of his estate, with out them, we have no real way to take the building." She said as he began to check the status of systems again.
"[member="Keturah Sin"], [member="Adan Jax"], [member="stardust"], start looking for key locations to set up the beacons, remember, dont fire the OSSRs till all is set. You miscalculate one thing, and that could bring this whole thing down on our heads." She said into the new com channel she had opened into her comlink in her ear.
After seeing everything was golden, she sat back, and checked her holowatch. "One more hour till we reach the planet's space. Start doing studying on that intel. I wanna hear it being done to guys." She looked at Salvor, and muted the comlink. "To make sure their doing everything right...imagine if one of those beacons were shot at the estate with us in it...I dont think we would survive. Best to keep an eye on em agreed?"
"Got it." Keturah replied. Her fingers moved as fast as lightning across her holo-computers. She hacked her way into planetary grids, defense reports, the whole shabang. Pinpointing beacon locations was pretty simple. It was simply a matter of getting the defenses down for the others to get in and plant them.

((Sorry for the shortness. A bit busy IRL.))
"10-4 Sinbad" He was replying to [member="Felix Sin"] another nickname for another ally he thought to himself. After that he searched for suitable places to place the beacons for the OSSRs. He would not fire until told to, he didn't worry about messing up because it was his first time but he didn't want to hear the exclamations and yelling and nagging of his allies. His wife [member="stardust"] would do the least screaming well at least that was the thought he had. "Okay just clarifying if I find a good spot to set of a beacon I don't want to hear bull crap about it or sarcasm, yes or no and that's it." That time he was referring to everyone. [member="Keturah Sin"]
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="G12-B"] [member="Kitsune"]

Grand Cleric Merina paced about her chamber after being rebuffed once again by the governor. He was a good man, if not a little clouded by his ambition. She knew he only sought to improve the station and well being of Morellia through this meeting with the once called Shadow Empire. She however had her doubts. One did not become an empire through peace talk and negotiation, still, he was the politician and probably knew more on that front than she.

There was still the matter of her vision how ever. It had taken her by such surprise all those days ago. She had been tending to the church garden as she had every morning for the last fifty years and suddenly, she was back in her chamber looking out the window, watching as Morsela burned. Bodies of troopers, men and women she knew, she blessed, she loved, lay in pools of their own blood, and a monster stood above them all, climbing the steps of her beloved cathedral. Gold skin stained with blood, a sword made from living energy, red as the fire and blood that surrounded him. As suddenly as she was there, she was back in her garden.

It had taken days of prayer and of council from her male counterpart for her to come to the realization that, what she’d seen, may have in fact been the future or a possible future. She had gone right to the governor and explained what she had seen, he was not unkind to her but she knew, he did not believe her. And now here she was, in her home, in her palace of worship and for the first time in her life, she felt fearful while here. She knelt and prayed to her god, asking, begging for the protection of her flock. He was their shepherd and under his eye no harm could come to them. Yet still, she was afraid.
Roger that Felix"she began looking at the schematics for the lay out laying back as she observed them sighing lightly"keturah where would be the best places to hit that would be effective"she asked looking again. She wasn't much of a tactical person or to say she never really had much experience doing this type of work"what if...we hit a power station?"she asked to everyone
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Maxco"]
[member="Maxco"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="[/FONT][/SIZE]Keturah Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Savlor Arnex"] [member="Cross Ikon"]


Zenko stood aboard the ISS Mikoshi behind her goddess, the Daimyo of the Yokai Clan and the Shogun of the Inari Shogunate, Kitsune. Kitsune was her idol, her savior, her reason for the continuation of her existence, and the impetus which drives Zenko to achieve greater and greater feats, and achieve greater and greater heights. She held Kitsune in absolute adoration, and would let the galaxy burn to ashes if her goddess desired. She followed every whim of Kitsune, and ensured that Kitsune was constantly cared for. Bestowed upon her by Kitsune during the opening of Izanami Ironworks, the katana was manually forged out of duranium by Kitsune and the handle was engineered with the components of a shock stick, delivering stunning electrical energy in a rapid, overwhelming series of bursts. Hardwired into Zenko's jacket, a series of powercells power the entire device. The jacket itself is constructed out of a combination of armorweave with thin, interstitial plates of duranium, providing Zenko light and functional armor. Her sneakers were built-in with repulsor generators, which could be used to push Kitsune forward in a spontaneous dash several meters forward. They could also be used in close combat, parrying weapons without damage, as well as tearing deep lacerations and breaking the bones of any opponents upon contact with the multitude of repulsor generators.

Kitsune stated on the holocommunication device of the ship, "Hello. This is the ISS Mikoshi. We are delegates from the Inari Shogunate and we are seeking the establishment of a cable between our two factions."

Zenko watched as the ISS Mikoshi was slowed its descent and hovered above the hangar of the main government building and waited beside her goddess for further instructions from the local government.

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