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Factions! (Nicer this time)

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Ashtah Ordo said:
[member="Tionne Thanewulf"]

Before this escalates, the faction creator asked me to review it
You could've sent him your review in a PM.

Instead, you posted it for all of us to see.

Nothing is going to escalate. I've presented you with some hard facts as a critique of your critique. The only difference - my critique is objective.
[member="Tionne Thanewulf"]

And just to clarify, how was it a critique of a critique? You simple mentioned details i didn't , you didn't counter my critique nor did you comment on the critique itself
I don't think she really means much about this [member="Ashtah Ordo"]... [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] i did ask for the critique though i was not sure if she would add it to the old thread or just pm me her thoughts... as confusing as the good review is on what i had honestly thought wouldn't get one and i would have a step towards what more i could do to keep my idea while expanding it... my point is that she is simply trying to do something in her free time and as all critiques are it is her opinion just as mine is different and yours is... Kinda no reason to keep on pestering her and just move on.

Ashtah, i believe someone wanted to see what you thought of the Sith Assassins. I think they deserve the same thought you gave my own. Don't you? Rather than sit and argue with others.
Tionne Thanewulf said:
I would find more literary content to critique on the ingredients list at the back of a Skittles wrap.
I get she may be going about this all in the wrong way, and I understand how she could have upset people, but like [member="Julian Solo"] mentioned above. Is there any reason to make fun of her now. Everything I have seen on this site has been a representation of a good community until now. She may have started this, and it is okay to defend your friends and factions but now the only kind of posting is out of hate, and hate leads to suffering.

If this was how people reacted in real society when one person made an obvious mistake, I would hate to see how bitter the world would be. It's not a big deal. She messed up, so have I, and I'm guessing you have as well. There is no reason to drag her down about it!

And arguing doesn't, at least in my experience make anyone feel good. :(
Your logic is not entirely right.You are all acting like hypocrites, I tried to be nice, but you're so ostensibly venomous. And you cannot acknowledge it so you attack me ad hominem. If you still don't get it let me spell it out. No one benefits from being negative about irrelevant things, that's the end of it. It's pointless; and if I didn't like someone's opinion I'd accept it's their choice and just listen to what their message is
Niyla Alura said:
I get she may be going about this all in the wrong way, and I understand how she could have upset people, but like [member="Julian Solo"] mentioned above. Is there any reason to make fun of her now. Everything I have seen on this site has been a representation of a good community until now. She may have started this, and it is okay to defend your friends and factions but now the only kind of posting is out of hate, and hate leads to suffering.

If this was how people reacted in real society when one person made an obvious mistake, I would hate to see how bitter the world would be. It's not a big deal. She messed up, so have I, and I'm guessing you have as well. There is no reason to drag her down about it!

And arguing doesn't, at least in my experience make anyone feel good. :(
[member="Ashtah Ordo"]

I'll just point out that your previous thread has not even left the first page of the subforum here. You incensed people, pretty dramatically from the looks of things.

There is an ancient Greek word, kairos. In rhetoric, it loosely translates as "a passing instant when an opening appears which must be driven through with force if success is to be achieved".

This is not that time. People are still agitated by your previous thread. You ought to have waited a day or two, or as some have suggested, simply left this to private messages. All you've done here is apparently confirm the viewpoints of a large number of people, and most of those people likely hold a negative view of you.

Your best bet at this point is to cut your losses and just let go of this idea of critiquing others unless they ask for it, and even then keep it off the boards. Let this blow over and then perhaps reconsider the idea at a later date.

Edit: Having looked at the other thread... You made your bed with this mess. And now you do have to lie in it, unfortunately. You a great many things that did you no favors at all. The fact that people are upset and making the sort of remarks they are is hardly surprising. As I said before, I think you need to just take a step back, let this review idea fall off, and revisit it another day. Your credibility is pretty low right now. You've barely been here a month. You need considerably more time with the community at large before you can really post an attempt at an in-depth review.

If you want to review a faction from a total stranger's perspective, that's fine. But I would encourage you to keep the perspective and the attention on you and not make claims as to the worthiness of a faction or the people within a faction.
[member="Ashtah Ordo"] I haven't attacked you at all.

I merely said that level of detail displayed makes posts on Twitter look like Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.

When I look at the faction forums, the Atacama desert feels like downtown Hong-Kong.

Content is simply not there. You know, kind of like when you look at a CT scan and witness the contents of Paris Hilton's skull.

Nothing there.

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