To all of the players involved in my RPs and to anyone who has desired to RP with me, I must apologize for my absence.
School and other factors in my life have made it difficult to focus or find time to post. As such, I will be in an extended leave of absence until further notice. I have no idea when I'll be able to come back and RP, but it'll be within 6 months from now, hopefully.
I hope everyone enjoys themselves and thank you for the wonderful RP so far!
Just a reminder: I am not leaving Chaos and I have no intention to leave it. I am simply letting you know that I won't be able to post for a while.
Thank you all!
Lilly ^^
School and other factors in my life have made it difficult to focus or find time to post. As such, I will be in an extended leave of absence until further notice. I have no idea when I'll be able to come back and RP, but it'll be within 6 months from now, hopefully.
I hope everyone enjoys themselves and thank you for the wonderful RP so far!
Just a reminder: I am not leaving Chaos and I have no intention to leave it. I am simply letting you know that I won't be able to post for a while.
Thank you all!
Lilly ^^