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Exploring Heaven - Cloud Nine [ Open thread ]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

The guard looked down at Kaile, completely silent.

"Hello." His voice was gruff, curt, and short.

He clearly wasn't looking for conversation and was more looking to do his job. Kurt appreciated that in some way, after all Saeva was here in order to guard the station. If they weren't easily distracted by beautiful women...well all the better. It wasn't a feat that he would have subscribed to many, and it was one of the reason that he himself made a terrible night watchmen. Pretty girls always distracted him one way or another, he just couldn't help it.

"Something you need?" The guard continued in his rather curt manner.

Kurt nodded, not interested in conversation at all.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

A friendly perk of her eyebrows, a sweet smile. Oh he was pretty terse. But he didn't mean it in a bad way. No, his focus was on doing his job. It was in the way he stood in alert, how his eyes would scan the area. He wore a tiny cybernetic within his ear, and it likely wasn't the only one he had. Having iBorg cybernetics herself, she could get a grasp on specific things. Her implants helped her stay hidden from scanners. Only the most detailed of medical instruments would be able to spot her. It was pretty nifty.

Not to mention the bonus of being able to walk through shield -- any shields. But that was another story for another day.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to bug," she apologized, adding, "Would you happen to know where the nearest food mart is?" it was a rather basic question, and considering how fancy Cloud Nine was, most of the shops around were artisan boutiques. "I want to have a picnic, and we just wanted to buy a few things for it."

The blonde guard's attention would swivel over to her, appraising her. "There is a marketplace at the Skylane." well it wasn't as much as a food court as much as a series of high quality artisan and organic marketplace.

"Oh! Thank you!" Kalie would reply with ample amount of gratitude. Taking a few steps back, she spun on her heel and gave Kurt two thumbs up.

"There's a marketplace at the Skylane!" now all they had to do was find it. A quick scan and she found two signs. One would direct traffic towards the Skylane.

"Shouldn't be too bad!"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Skylane? He questioned where exactly that was, though it seemed that Kaile already had more than an idea.

The strawberry blonde lead the way, grasping onto Kurt's hand and pulling him towards the direction that the sign had pointed him in. Each step of the way caused his stomach to grumble a bit more, each step of the way making him more and more hungry. For once, the Pilot wished that they had planned ahead better, thought about the future. If he had known he would get this hungry he would have brought a power bar or something of the sort.

He frowned slightly. "You're not carrying any snacks, are you?"

It was a long shot, but Kaile was a resourceful one, perhaps she had hidden a package of almonds in her bra.

She'd never done anything like that before, but maybe she had done so this time...maybe...hopefully...unlikely.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"A snack?" Kaile would turn to glance over her shoulder, slowing to a small halt. He didn't look too good, in fact, one could probablly say he was edging on the line of potential grumpy. Anyone who was hungry could very well do that.

"Yeah, I have some pretzels if you want them?" she let go of his hand, quickly sliding her backpack off her shoulder to loop it over her chest. Bobo would scurry from one shoulder to the other, glancing down with avid interest as she opened the bag. That was where his nutrient tube was at, an whenever he wasn't perched on Kaile's shoulder, he would go there to rest. Something that seemed to look really nice right now.

So when Kaile's fingers would tug and pull at the ties, letting the top flap fall slack so she could go digging inside, Bobo took advantage of the fact an scurried down her arm and into the back.

"OH!" that surprised her, and she gave a half chuckle. "I guess you're hungry too, mm?" He would go slipping into his tube, where he would relish digging his claws into the nutrient mesh.

A bit more digging and Kaile gave a victorious, "Ah hah!" out of her bag she pulled out a small bag of pretzels. Not much, but it would tide the hunger over.

"This okay?" she would glance up at him, offering him the bag to take. "I have a bottle of water too if you like?"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Nope, that's fine." It really was. He didn't need to be hydrated, he needed to eat, and badly.

Kurt tore into the bag of pretzels with about as much subtlety as a rancor with a bantha in front of it. He opened the bag and stuffed his fingers into it, pulling out a large handful of pretzels and throwing them in his mouth. He munched them loudly, not really caring about the looks that he received from some of the people that they passed.

The Pilot was a simple man, easy going and he knew what he wanted at all times.

There was no playing around with Kurt, no games to play or anything of the sort. When he wanted something he would ask or reach for it, when he met someone he would be upfront with him. That was how it had always been, that was how it would always be as far as he was concerned. To Kurt, things just...went. Right now all he wanted was food, and if they ever found this market then he would be more than happy about it.

"Oh." Kurt said pointing. "Look."

Apparently they had stumbled upon the skylane, a massive bridge like system that spanned from one section of Cloud Nine to the other.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]


The awe in Kalie's voice would not be missed. Wonder swept across her heart-shaped face, the tiny freckles over the bridge of her nose bright against the rays of the Bespin sun. The bridge was crafted out of a mixture of light technology with classic Nabooian architecture. It reminded her of the various light bridges on Makeb, only this was was far more ornate.

"Well ain't that so pretty?" she'd sigh out, coming to a small stop just to admire the view. "Just like a holo-picture on one of them museums." beside her, in between her moment of awe, the loud crunching sound of Kurt chowing down on the pretzels made for an interesting twist in the ambiance. With a chuckle, she glanced up at the pilot.

"Come on," she gave a nod over towards the bridge. "Let's go find some real food for our picnic!"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

It was pretty, he could hardly deny that. All of Cloud Nine was a sight to see, something beautiful that had been torn right out of someones imagination. Kurt wondered just how they had built this, how they had conceptualized it even. It was amazing to him, amazing to see and to experience. The entire place literally floated in the clouds, water falling from it like it would simply come back. Cloud Nine, if ever there was one, was the symbol of wealth and affluence within the galaxy.

"Yeah." He said as they walked along, his eyes slowly panning over everything. "I wonder how much it costs to live here."

Kurt had no illusions that he would ever be able to afford something like this, but the knowledge would have been nice to simply have. He imagined that the domes themselves would have cost hundreds of thousands of credits if not millions. His lips thinned slightly, eyeing the section of the city that they were approaching. It seemed less crowded, which he was rather happy about, though he wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing or not.

Slowly they passed over the bridge, reaching the other side of the city and the marketplace.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Reckon a lot more than I'd get with tips at Yum Bunnies," Kaile opted for humor, hopping the small step that would bring them to the marketplace at the end of the bridge. For a woman who was twenty-seven years old, Kaile certainly had a rather refreshing and youthful disposition. Maybe it was just that joy she radiated. Aint' nuthin in the 'verse that would stop Kaile from being cheerful at that.

"But it sure would be nice wouldn't it?" she'd say a bit wistfully, unable to help giving a slight half spin as she would take in the marketplace, the beauty, and just the idealistic location. Even the marketplace was lovely, with tall black ironwork lights, curling stairwells, two tone canopies, and ohhh...

A pause and she closed her eyes, taking a big whiff. Oh that smelled delicious!

"Is that fresh baked bread?" there was something about fresh baked bread that was just amazing. Snapping her eyes open, she once again shone a sunny smile at Kurt. "I think sandwiches are in order!"

Taking the hand that wasn't clutching another mouthful of pretzels, she lead him further into the marketplace. "What would you like on yours?" over here there were smaller artisan shops. Cheese, bread, organic fruit from all over the sector, transported in by Vanir Industries and Arceneau Trade.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Probably a lot more." Kurt mused.

The place certainly was pretty though, something to strive for perhaps. There was still a wondering though, what a place like this would be like to live in, how it would effect you. Would he become snobby? Stuck up? That was something funny to think about. A smile pulled at his lips, and slowly he followed Kaile deeper into the market. She eventually spotted a shop, she always did first, rushing forward the young woman pushed her face up against the glass to watch artisan bread being made.

"Sure." Kurt said, sandwiches sounded good enough, he just wanted something to fill his stomach. "Just get whatever looked good."

Though, he could go for some good bantha roast slices.

Would they sell that here? Bantha wasn't a very expensive meat and he doubted that it would be all that popular in a place like Cloud Nine. He frowned slightly, finding that he was rather out of place in Cloud Nine.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kaile had her hands covering the sides of her eyes as she peered inside the shop. Oh, there were so many options. Everything looked amazing, so fluffy... A deep growl would rumble from her own belly now, reminding her that she didn't have any pretzels and she was just as hungry as Kurt. Hopefully it wouldn't be too expensive...

Pulling back, she gave a nod, pushing back the long bangs away from her face to tuck it behind her ears. "Okay, want to get us some drinks while I get everything for the sandwiches?" she'd suggest, glancing over to the pilot as she swung her satchel off of one arm again. Had to get her credit chips from her wallet. One didn't quite make so much as a Galactic Alliance spy, but she had a enough to see them through lunch. Maybe even dinner.

She specially set the amount of credits she'd need aside for dessert, though. That was a surprise for Kurt. That thought alone made her smile again, a flush rising over her face.

"Meet me here in about five minutes or so?" it wouldn't take longer than ten she supposed, then they could go search down by the falls for a place to sit at to eat.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Sure." Drinks?

What did she mean? Did she mean alcohol? Soda? Juice?

All three?

It was hard to tell with Kaile.

A frown crossed his lips, though slowly he began to turn away. While Kaile had been squirreling away money for this little trip, Kurt hadn't exactly been saving a lot lately. Most of his credits went to upgrading the Messa in one way and the rest generally went to food for them both or something else neat that he saw. Kurt wasn't really one for saving money, but despite that he had a few credits still jingling around in his pockets, certainly enough to get a few drinks for himself and Kaile.

So with that in mind the Pilot began to wander off, searching for any sort of drink place with a mind for an ale or two. Kaile was great like that, willing to try most things once or twice before really settling on anything. It was great, and something that Kurt took full advantage of.

He was sure there was something interesting to be found here.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

The small ding of the door opening would greet the Lorrdian, and she would carefully, if not a bit shyly walk inside.

"Welcome to Leoie Bakery," an older, portly man with a turban and a flour dusted apron would say with cheer. His energy was infectious and earnest, prompting a wider smile from Kaileann. With that encouragement, she floated over with the renewed energy of a child.

"Hello!" she sang, coming over to the counter where racks of fresh bake bread sat cooling off. Oh that was heavenly! Divine! The aroma of fresh-baked bread saturated her clothing and her hair. It was just simply wonderful.

"Come on young Miss. How may I help you today?" He had a large thick mustache that curled up at the edges. That amused her.

"I'd like a loaf of your best Tatooine pretzel bread if you have it?" one could only be hopeful. Few could ever really find it outside of Tatooine, but by the dawning expression on the baker's face and the brightening smile, he gave a nod. "Yes, yes.. I have some right here."

It appears that since Arceneau Trade, being headquartered on Tatooine, meant that wherever it traveled to also brought with it some of the culture. Take into consideration that Danger Arceneau and Alric Kuhn also had a large estate and the woman was of Tatooine origin, it made sense that the bakery would work to suit that taste. Besides, it was a pretty tasty bread.

"Do you have any cheese? Anything to make sandwiches?"

"Of course!" he would gesture over to her towards the counter with refrigerated deli meats and cheeses. Oh, this was great! Bending closer, she would skim over the options. A few were pretty hefty. There were some prime cut Nerfmeat slices. She mentally calculated the amount. Okay, that wouldn't break the bank.

"I'll take some slices of the Nerfmeat... and some Ukio cheese."

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

It took him surprisingly little time to find a store that sold what he was looking for, in fact he was downright shocked at how easy it was. Apparently Cloud Nine really had a bit of everything. The drink store was just that, a drink store. There was a little bit of everything. Soda, Alcohol, juice, even oddly pressed...mush that Kurt wouldn't have called a drink.

Unlike Kaile, Kurt wasn't into asking for help.

Instead he began to read through the labels of the bottles, wandering through the store and waving off anyone that came to talk to him. The Pilot liked to explore on his own, liked to peek into the little corner spaces and find what could be interested on his own. Eventually he found a bottle of what appeared to be a strawberry banana Ale. He chuckled slightly, thinking about what that would taste like. A smirk crossed his lips, then he pulled two bottles form the shelf.

Along with that came a strange concoction made with Coconut and some type of mystery fruit, though that was classified as a Soda, not alcoholic beverage.

Eventually he trekked to the front of the store and paid, smiling at his findings.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

With a bag full of her goodies, Kaileann happily left Leoie Bakery with a small wave.

"Thank you young Miss, and please come again."

"Oh, thank you!" she'd exclaim with gratefulness and a sunny smile. There was a pep in her step, and a brightness in her eyes. Mister Nrie was helpful enough to slice the bread for her, giving her extra napkins and offering the luxury of taking a few condiment packets. Pleasure delighted her face, the Lorrdian quickly catching sight of the pilot.

She rushed over with an excited flounce, coming to a stop by his side to share her findings. "They have Tatooine pretzel bread!" her voice was a buzzed with energy, opening her bag to show him all the wrapped items. They were neatly wrapped, already prepared for easy eating. Really, Mister Nrie was truly kind to help her out with it.

"Roast Nerfsteak sandwiches!" she beamed. "What did you find?" she'd ask curious, already poking closer to see what he had.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Strawberry Banana Ale." Kurt said pulling one of the bottles out from the bag that they had been put in.

He gave her a small grin, not even trying to hide what he had done.

The drink wasn't entirely serious, Kurt had never tried something like this and had in fact just bought it was a thought experiment. He always did that on new worlds, though Bespin was hardly new to him. He had been here half a dozen times to deliver things to Cloud City, the more famous, though far less opulent home here on Bespin. Cloud Nine was something else, it had its own culture, it's own way of moving. Sure it was copied from half a dozen other planets and it's very architecture was stolen from somewhere else, but that unique blend, the interesting mix of cultures and traditions...well that made something utterly unique in it of itself.

"I know how you love your strawberries." Kurt said, his smirk growing wider. "...and banana's."

Childish, but he couldn't help it.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

There was a knowing expression that would purse Kaile's lips together with a sly grin. Oh he was enjoying this. She could see it in the devilish twinkle in his blue eyes, the rogue smirking grin. Yes, strawberries certainly were her favorite, but so were other fruity tastes. She shook her head, and she couldn't help but laugh, reaching over to pull the bottle of ale from his hand. Oh the rascal!

But the cute rascal none-the-less!

"My... how thoughtful of you," she'd say dryly, mirth dancing in her eyes as she began to walk back towards the bridge. "Two of my favorite things to wet the whistle." it likely would be a rather interesting tasting, but ale was ale.

She shook her head, well into a good nature and enjoying the banter. Bending closer, she slipped the bottle back into his bag. "Alright, let's go find a place to eat!" hooking her arm with his, she led him off, Kurt not arguing with her as both of their stomachs were already gurgling their displeasure.

"So when's your next run?"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt shrugged, sidling along with Kaile towards the lower falls once more.

"Whenever I want, really." Sif didn't particularly care when he made the runs, just when he paid for his ship. As long as those payments were made Kurt could do any amount of work that he wanted, it was part of the deal for working for the company. It was quite a good deal actually, a really good one, and he was one of the few in the company to have it. Of course it paid to do more runs faster, but he didn't always feel like working, as lazy as that sounded. "I think I want to do something in the core though."

That was dangerous. "Maybe a smuggling run."

His eyebrows waggled at Kaile.

Sif generally didn't really do actual smuggling, but they did deliver contraband into one Sith space. Lately, Kurt had been upgrading the Messa more and more, with those upgrades came an eagerness to test things out, and where better to test things than One Sith Space?

A bit of danger, a bit of daring, and a whole lot of credits.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

A smuggling run? To the Core Worlds?

O-hh boy.

Kurt would see Kaile start to nibble on her lower lip. By now he would know that was a nervous tick of hers as much as it was one that suggested some fun times were to be had. It depended on context, and since they weren't really talking about strawberries and her affection for bananas, meant this was more the former than the latter.

There was just one teeny thing she hadn't quite disclosed to Kurt yet. One she wanted to but hadn't found the right time. That was her real job with the Alliance. As a sleeper agent, it was her job to simply blend into the surroundings and become the regular Joe. The Big Guy wasn't too pleased when she was fired from Yum Bunnies, but when he learned that she was now traveling with one of Sif's couriers, he encouraged her to stay there. That was great, and she was happy when that happened. To be honest, Kurt had grown on her, and he was fun to be around. The bulk of her life had been simply moving from place to place and pretending to be someone else.

Kurt managed to make things fun again. He was laid back and such a prankster. It helped that he didn't ask questions. He didn't pry into what she did, and that he simply seemed happy to have her around. Someone to talk to.

Or maybe that was just her more than him?

In any event, she was still very much a card carrying member of the Alliance, and with that came certain responsibilities. If Kurt wanted to go on a smuggling run to the Core Worlds, that was an opportunity for her. Something she could use to perhaps slip some information to one of the resistance cells.

It was something she couldn't pass up.

Her face would brighten. "Really?" a half turn and the backwards walk again. "When?!" her excitement made it seem that she was interested in participating in this.

"Maybe I can help you deliver packages too!"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt had never considered himself a smuggler, ever. He had carried drugs and other illegal goods before, but he had never sneaked them passed authorities or lied about what he carried, it simply wasn't in him. He wasn't the type of person. A scoundrel, sure, but not a smuggler. Kurt much preferred carrying legal goods to illegal ones, there was less trouble that way and generally everyone ended up alive and happy, smuggling was generally different.

"Yeah..." Kurt said slowly. "You can come along, just leave the deliveries to me."

That would get awkward.

Sif didn't actually know that Kaile was living with him, that kind of broke the terms of his contract. "Maybe next week. I'll have to see what's available."

Kurt didn't do anything off the books, just Sif related corporate work. It was better that way, and showed the company that he had a sense of loyalty. He truly did, and he liked working for Sif. Now that they had hired Jamie on top of himself...well he figured that he owed them loyalty at the very least.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

They would come over the end of the bridge, with Kaile replying with certain devilry. "What? You don't think I can deliver a package?' she gave a sudden halt, pausing right in front of him, arms held wide with the shopping bag on her left hand. Enter the slight wiggle.

Yep, Yum Bunny wiggle.

When one would look at Kaile, it was easy to see why any red-blooded sapient would take a second look. She was bubbly, fully of enthusiasm, and - like any other interested male would - had the body a call girl would envy. Even with the shorts, her boots, the casual button up blouse that made her seem more of a space wandering university student, she was a refreshing bit of air.

"I think I can deliver just fine," came the waggle of her brows and the wiggle of her nose. With that she gave a deliberate twirl on the ball of her foot, and sashayed a bit a head of him.

Her laughter came floating a few seconds after.

"Come on, I can be a good girl and keep myself busy." she'd add, chuckling to herself. "Find something to do."

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