Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exodus - SSC Dominion of Tygara

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
The SSC will be re-dominioning Tygara and using it as an opportunity to evacuate Kaeshana, which is about to be wiped out by a devastating meteor strike.

So anyone in SSC or their allies/friends in the Republic, Mandalorians or independent. I'm not looking to have any opposition in this aside from NPCs as there will be quite enough going on without it.

The objectives of this dominion when it begins will be three-fold:
  • Load as many people on Kaeshana onto transports and on to their new home.
  • Begin settling people onto Tygara.
  • Defeat attacks by Xioquo raiders.

This will not be a military dominion primarily, the Xioquo are vastly inferior in numbers and technology. This is mainly a humanitarian relief dominion.

Please number all your posts.

[member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Doctor Azure"] [member="Layla Tyr"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Post 1/20
ALL SSC/Jedi/Mandos/Allies Welcome

The day had come.

After nearly a year of planning, a year of hopes, fears and prayers, it was time for the final push.

The planet of Kaeshana, ancient homeworld of the Eldorai people, was doomed. A massive body was coming towards the planet, and nothing which had been done against it had helped delay or divert it. The planet was fated to be destroyed in exactly 1 week, 16 hours, 17 minutes and 45 seconds…and counting.

For months the Eldorai, with help from Firemane and the Coalition, had been removing everything of value from the planet. First the richest citizens and nobles had been offered a chance to ‘contribute’ to the exodus by supplying money, and in doing so be the first ones evacuated. Next all the art, weapons, equipment and food which could be spared was taken off-world and moved across the galaxy to their new home on Tygara.
Now the turn had come for the people of Kaeshana. A lottery system combined with a pick of the best scientists and vital trades had been set aside to be evacuated. The rest would have to try and get aboard any ships if they could.
Understandably, order had started to collapse. The famed obedience and faith of the Eldorai people was evaporating like summer mist, and any ship which landed without protection was liable to be hijacked by desperate people.
As doom approached more and more people turned to apocalyptic cults and religious bands. Perhaps if they prayed to the Great Goddess Ashira the planet would be spared. Perhaps if they purged the outsiders and Kar’zun who had brought this catastrophe about (or so they felt) the Goddess would spare them.
And so any outsider which had not left already was lynched, and the cities became battlegrounds between those who were slated to be saved and those who would do anything, anything for a silver ticket of embarkation.

However, it was not just rescuing the people of Kaeshana which was required; they had to have somewhere to go. During the dissolution of the Levantine Sanctum the planet had never actually been lost, but Coalition outposts needed to be established, homes for the Eldorai built, and the infrastructure upgraded. This was no less vital a task, to prepare for the flood of people.

Finally, the existing inhabitants of Tygara were not especially appreciative of this new influx of outsiders. Whilst the Qadiri (or at least their strongest leader) had signed treaties with the Eldorai, the Xioquo were implacably opposed to this takeover. Though outnumbered and inferior technologically, the Xioquo saw an opportunity in the chaos to pillage, take revenge and slaves and cause havoc whilst attention was diverted away.

On board the Tirathana Skyport now orbiting Tygara, Star Queen Tirathana VII, Anya Venari to her friends, was working to plan the exodus, the resettlement and the defence of the new realm. She had sent out the call to all friendly peoples in the galaxy to help save her people. Not everyone could be saved, but if they saved even 50%, even 25% of her people the Eldorai would not fade away.

In the message sent out to all friends she labelled three objectives therefore:
(Label posts with which of these objectives you are undertaking)
(OOC Mission Briefing)

  1. Save as many people from Kaeshana as possible. (Primary)
    Options: Rescue people, transport supplies, perform medical assistance, fight off cultists/hijackers.
  2. Threats: The Cult of the Silver Star – Fanatical old believers who feel contact with off-worlders has caused this catastrophe, and hope to slaughter all non-Eldorai and ‘collaborators’. Rioters – People desperate to get on board the evac ships and will beg, borrow, steal or take the silver embarkation tickets to do it.
  3. Locations: Santaissa – The capital of Kaeshana and the largest city is where all the people being evacuated are being gathered near. Other cities and towns across the planet can be evac’ed if desired, but they won’t be on the lists.
  4. Notes: There are several billion people on Kaeshana. Less than half can be saved, at best, so bear in mind the scale of evacuating everyone in China and India by boat to America and you get an idea of the scope.

[*]Settle and build the new cities on Tygara. (Secondary)
  1. Options: Move from objective 1 to here, build houses, apply medical aid, clear land, organise shelters, provide law and order.
  2. Threats: The Lost – People who have lost all their homes and possessions demand a better life on Tygara and try to loot or trick their way into it.
  3. Locations: New Santaissa – The unimaginatively named city being raised on Tygara. Satellite cities of Lireth, Fieres, Daer.
  4. Notes: Though less action packed than the others, this can be a chance for non-combat general RPing. Also a chance for companies and groups to assist.

[*]Defend against Xioquo raids. (Secondary)
  1. Options: Defend against coastal or inland raids, join the attack on a Xioquo citadel, train the local militia.
  2. Threats: Xioquo. Though armed only with late 19th century era weapons, the Xioquo are ruthless, cunning and brutal. They strike at night or from cover, using crossbows, rifles, knives and swords. They are slavers and seek to steal people away to a life of torment underground. They also have Dark Side Force users of Apprentice and Knight level, mainly specialising in life drain and elemental powers.
  3. Locations: Fort Kerrigan – Coastal Firemane fortress to defend against raids. Eldorai settlements. Xioquo citadel.
  4. Notes: The most combat focussed of all the objectives. This is a chance to kill Drow…and who doesn’t want that?
Objective 1

[member="Anya Venari"]
Kaeshana, capital city of Santaissa
Cadalthor villa.

Everything turned to ash. But the Goddess called those who earned her favour to her side. She would not abandon her children. She could not... Yet she would not avert the destruction of her people's homeworld. Was this punishment for their sins? Had they erred so much. These thoughts were heretical, yet she could not help the fact that they invaded her thoughts.

Such were the thoughts of Tarissa Cadalthor as she walked through the elegantly manicured, beautiful garden of the Cadalthor villa. Elegance, wealth and splendour were reflected in it, though the villa had by now been stripped of much that was of value. By now it was also all but deserted as the rather prolific Cadalthor clan had been among those wealthy citizens who had easily gotten a space on the exodus fleet. Likewise their servants and most of their guards had been evacuated as well in advance.

Tarissa had stayed, however. A sigh escaped her throat as she looked down upon the plants and then, further ahead, at the city, for the villa was located in the mountains above Santaissa. In the far distance fires could be made out, the flames of chaos that were engulfing the planet. "How dire is it?" she asked, though she knew the answer to it already.

"Nadana has fallen to the Silver Star and they're making inroads into Santaissa. The Visitors' Quarter has been burnt to smithereens and there's even been attacks on the ziggurat. Open bloodshed in the streets, speeder bombings. The Angelii have been using lethal force to keep order at the spaceport. It's like a flood over there. Fighting on the Liorre freighters...I could go on and on," Sylviana spoke as she approached the older Cadalthor, doing her best not to shake.

"Any word from our illustrious human allies? Are they actually making good on their promises?" Tarissa asked or rather demanded.

"Not yet. The latest communication from Her Majesty said they were en route," Sylviane spoke, then cleared her throat, laying a gentle hand on Tarissa's shoulder. "The entire family has already left. The whole city is being thrown into chaos, the officers aren't even sure how long the troops at the port will remain loyal. We should..."

"Go. A shuttle is waiting for you. We have our own vessel. House Caldathor takes care of its own. I'm staying," Tarissa said with an air of finality as she finally turned around to face her. Sylviane had turned ashen-faced and her lip trembled.

"What...are you insane? What in the name of the Goddess has possessed you? Kaeshana will be destroyed. The Great Serpent will rise and devour it. Or are you placing false hope in that technological terror Kerrigan was prattling on about? It will not save us. You'll die."

"I place my hope in Ashira, and someone has to stay behind to make sure things go smoothly. The Queen is gone, so is most of the peerage, though the majority of them were useless imbeciles and cowards anyway. My mind is made up. Now, please, don't start crying. It's unbecoming for a Cadalthor. We have dignity to maintain." Abruptly the Eldorai aristo pulled her younger cousin into an embrace and patted her on the shoulder, then pulled away. "If it comes to the worst, we shall see each other in Her realm, where there is no pain. Now go. I'm heading to the palace."
Provide Medical Assistance

"No." The sound came from her as she was standing there with the palm scanner. Those who were being brought on scanned for dangerous things first by Ranger's and then medical tests. Couldn't have one infecting the entire crew while they were traveling... it would really be harmful to their work and she kept her lightwhip and saber on her hip while letting them sooth the force energy she expended. Telchek cube providing more assistance with her before she was passing two along and motioning for two more to come up and join her for a lovely day of medical scans.
Fight off cultists/hijackers.Threats: The Cult of the Silver Star
Ranger's [member="Bounce"]

The ranger's were assembled for protection detail. Someone trying to screw with the people could meet the swift tranq rounds while Willa was moving. The sonic shotgun for close quarters set to stun settings before she was leaving room for the others to join her. BB was skilled and the more ranger's they had on hand to protect the people the better. Also would give her time to test and work on the equipment they had. Newer experimental knives and her own personal weapon she was using with the standard sub machine gun to try out the variable weapon setting. Willa held the phrik and hybrid plexisteel lightweight gun before taking aim while she moved forward. Wanting to see what was making some of the people moving around bunch up and make a circle blocking her view. Nightwish on her belt under the armored leviathan cloak.

Image Source:
Intent: To Give Willa a personal weapon
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Shatter Gun
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique
  • Phrik Casing
  • Metal Matrix Composite
  • Terenthium
  • Magnetic Acceleration Components
  • Magnetic Coil Shot components
  • Electrical components
  • Mini computer
  • Biometric handprint
  • Micro Grenade Attachment
Classification: SMG
Size: Handheld
Length: .6m
Weight: 4kg
Ammunition Type:
  • Top Mounted Launcher: Depleted Baradium tipped bolts
  • Main Weapon: Meg Pellets
  • Under Barrel: Micro Grenade
Ammunition Capacity:
  • Top Mounted Launcher: Single shot
  • Main Weapon: 400 shots
  • Under Barrel: Micro Grenade Clip (standard 30 shot clip)
Effective Range:
  • Top Mounted Launcher: 250m
  • Main Weapon: 200m
  • Under Barrel: 75m
Rate of Fire:
  • Top mounted launcher: Single Shot
  • Main Weapon: Semi Auto/Automatic
  • Underbarrel: Single Shot
Special Features:
  • Lightsaber resistant casing
  • Extremely Quiet
  • Extremely Lightweight
  • Powerful range
  • Optional Silencer
  • Biometric Handgrip
  • Mini Computer
Built and designed for Willa, the weapon is fashioned using and combining several bits of technology from a shatter gun able to send quickly small projectiles with great force to an ancient crossbow style bolt gun able to launch explosive bolts that detonate on impact with a surface or force powers. The bottom section is made to be modular and accept most underbarrel attachments in the galaxy including most armatech ones.

The gun uses twin magnetic coils systems to create its primary weapons with the verpine shatter style as the central and most used. Then a coiled magnetic launcher able to fire bolts with an explosive ti[. The small wings that come from the side of the gun indicate the tension of the shot as it adds rotation to increase power and distance with the indicator showing when it it as full tension. The bolt being able to be fired and penetrating light armors.

The tips of the explosive bolt are made for impacts and can be detonated prematurely when coming into contact with a surface created by a force barrier or push. Something useful in combating force users and with the baradium the explosions go off like mini low yield thermal detonators. The weapon able to be reloaded from the supply Willa carries on herself in a sheath and are commissioned from Armatech for personal ammo to her.

The second part of the weapon and main section is the shatter pistol, using magnetic rings to accelerate shavings of metal at high velocity. The shot is near soundless and has a far range offering strong kinetic force to the shots. Following in the paths of a verpine rifle Willa secured in a krayt dragon hunt the ammo capacity is based with the tiny pieces of metal she can fire and is designed as the primary function popping out one shot every few seconds when the trigger is held down.

The grip and the under barrel of the gun are the most helpful with a slider for the various underbarrel modifications that can be used. Armatech custom ones for her old slugthrower that are made to fit and the hand grip is form fitted with an on board computer and sensor for her handprint. The weapon it tied to her and made not to fire or work as more then a club for others who try to use the fire unless she unlocks it for all users.

Further upgrades and work on the gun were divised changing the modular bottom attachment into a clip for Micro grenades using the inspiration from their grenade launcher. A solid thirty shot clip that can be switched out and with the static attachment the mag pellets were designed more like the assault rifle's ammunition. To fire mag pellets encased in energy at high velocity in a larger capacity. The grenades creating a soft kill that is strong for disabling speeders and unarmored vehicles.
Primary Source:
Objective 1
Location: Santaissa spaceport

As the transport ship that Spencer had taken to the planet of Kaeshana landed he made his way down the ramp of the huge vessel, it could evacuate a lot of people, but the population of the city was just too great, it would have to make hundreds of returned voyages to accommodate for the huge amount of evacuees. However Spencer was there to help guide them any bring as many people they could fit into the transport as possible.

As he made his way planet side he could see the disaster he was walking into, the ship had been opened for no longer than a few seconds before masses of people made there way to the entrance. Yelling and barging through. The aggressiveness of the people could be understandable, but they would still have to do this in some sort of controlled way. As Spencer was first contact for the people of Kaeshana it was difficult for him as he had never witness anything like this before. Of course he wasn't alone, but his eagerness to help left him stranded with only a few rangers to control the ever growing crowd. He didn't want to have to hurt anyone, but if they forced his hand there was going to be consequences. "Alright Rangers, I am going further into the city, make sure everything is going alright and no riots have broken out. Make sure as many of these people get on the ship as possible, leave when ready. I'll make my way back on another ship later. But make sure you get details of everyone entering the ship. We don't want a crisis on one of these, the Coalition will not be happy with that." Spencer spoke firmly with a nod at the end. "Yes sir. Keep in radio contact." The ranger replied as he saluted Spencer. "Will do Ranger. Good luck." Spencer replied as he turned his back and headed into the city. He could only hope that what he said was true and that there would be more transports arriving. Or conversely, he would be back in time to take off with the rest of them.

[member="Willa Isard"] | [member="Cathbodua"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Anya Venari"]
Provide Medical Assistance

"Next." There were sounds coming from the ones there while she moved now finally going through some of the different sections letting her attention go to one of the smaller ones while getting women and children on first as she passed some of them through. "Move along." She stopped one of the children kneeling down while her hand came up and the scanner lit up going over her. The small stuffed thing in her hands obscenely fluffy. She moved it to the side and finished scanning her while pointing. "Take her to the side, we'll need to run additional tests... next."
Fight off cultists/hijackers.Threats: The Cult of the Silver Star
Ranger's & [member="Spencer Olin"]

"Move quickly." THe sounds of them going forward as the squad let their attention hug the corners was there. Willa could see the small thumbnails of their helmet cams while Lorna and Rio moved into position. Her smg raised up and the bolt shot on the top taunt while the small blade were fully extended. "Breaching in three... two... one." Her bolt fired out and impacted a speeder that was coming around the corner on the repulsor before it detonated, looks from the ones around before stun shots were being delivered and restrints on some. Willa switched her handlign of the gun and as shots rang out from a window with a ball of ice she fired a micro grenade clipping the ear as it detonated in the woman's face.
Objective 1
Location: Lion's Gate, major spaceport of Santaissa.
(Kaida POV)

Chaos had swept across Kaeshana like a powerful storm. Politically the planet had always been as tempestuous as its weather, now it had exploded. The famed obedience and faith of the Eldorai had been swept away by a tidal wave of fear, desperation and sheer desire for survival. The Queen was long gone, so were most of the peerage and the foreigners. The Citadels of Dusk and Dawn had been decommissioned and stripped bare. No soldiers stood sentinel in them anymore, no Tempest Cannons were arrayed against intruders coming from space, for they had been evacuated.

It was every Eldorai for herself. Some tried to make their peace with the coming end, gathering their loved ones as they prayed to the Goddess, others looted in an orgy of violence, others again did anything they could to get off the doomed planet.

"Please, Seraph, I have children. We're very poor...but I'll do anything. Just...," a desperate elf, who had her two daughters with her, fear written upon their faces, grabbed at Kaida's shoulder as she was making her rounds at the checkpoint. Always the same picture, just in a dozen and more variations.

"I'm sorry, get in line. No special treatment," Kaida said, clamping down on her emotions. She could not allow herself to feel sympathy - or any emotion really. Ice encased her heart as she looked upon this image of misery, for it was a massive crowd of elves that stood in front of this checkpoint. Violent outbreaks had been common and they had already fired rubber bullets and used the water cannon. Everyone was eager to get through, even to the point of trampling on their fellows.

"But...please, we cannot afford a ticket. If we can't go together, just take my children. It's not fair that only the rich survive!" the woman cried out, getting desperate. She tightened her grip around Kaida's hand when suddenly, one of her little girls began to cry. "It's alright, dear, we will..."

There is no doubt, only duty, the words appeared in Kaida's mind like a mantra and she roughly forced the woman's hand away from her. "Get back in line. You're Category 4." This was the category of those who would receive a space at the very end.

" can you?!" But Kaida had already turned away and was walking to one of her Host Leaders. Refugees were being processed at the checkpoint. Their silver tickets of embarkation were checked to make sure they were genuine, they were searched for weapons, then given a number and directed to a shuttle. Busses came at regular intervals, offloading more refugees.

"Red flight just took off, ma'am," the Host Leader spoke. Even with her voice modulated by the electronic speaker integrated into her helmet, Kaida could sense she was nervous. "The crowd is getting unruly. There's been incidents of Silver Star attacks on other checkpoints."

"Get a grip, Host Leader, and keep them in line," Kaida snapped irritably. "Understood? Good." She picked up her comm and dialled a number. "Control Tower, what's your status? We're sending you a fresh load, over." However, before she got a response there was suddenly an outcry from within the crowd.

"They're leaving us here to die!" Then abruptly someone - it was impossible to find out who - chucked stones at the soldiers. Abruptly others began joining in as they were swayed by the maelstorm of fear that was sweeping across the area.

"Assume phalanx. No one gets let through," Kaida thundered and quickly the Angelii assumed the formation, covering each other with their Taegis shields. Some were armed with riot control weapons such as Czerka headbangers, but most were not. Too many attacks by the Silver Star had made that unwise.

"Desist immediately if you want to get off this planet" That was directed at the crowd. To emphathise her point she gripped her bolt pistol and shot into the air. This served to calm the crowd down a bit. She made a motion and some soldiers were directed to snatch the troublemakers from out the crowd. Her comm beeped as the Control Tower called her, then suddenly there was the loud boom of a massive explosion. Far away in the sky a dropship full of refugees was blasted into pieces as one of them detonated smuggled thermal detonators, with a cry of 'Ashira is great!' "Everyone stays where they are. Control Tower, this is Taldir. What the feth is going on?! Give me the chief of security." Even as she spoke these words she knew what had happened.

For a moment there was silence, then cries emerged from the crowd. "Purge the unbelievers! Ashira wills it!" Then from somewhere within the crowd blasterfire emerged and, hidden from within, fireballs and bolts of lightning were tossed towards the Angelii. One Eldorai soldier fell to the ground dead as a sniper's blaster shot caught her.

Panic broke out as most of the crowd charged towards the Angelii who suddenly found themselves bombarded by hidden attackers and about to get overwhelmned by a massive, panic-filled throng of people. Kaida stiffened as a blaster bolt grazed her arm. "Seraph?" one uncertain soldier exclaimed.

"Fire!" Something inside her snapped. Bang. Blood and brain matter splattered across the ground as an unarmed female elf was shot dead. Now the Eldorai soldiers fell in line. Blaster salvoes streaked through the air, blasts of telekinesis held the crowd at bay, then it clashed with the phalanx. Even stun weapons can be dangerous, even rubber bullets lethal and the small unit was more kitted out for war than riot control. Blasts of bright light, let loose by Angelii pyromancers, blinded the charging crowd. Cries were heard when within it people were being trampled down.

A zealot of the Silver Star, carrying a belt filled with explosives, charged at them, chanting in Ashiran hymns. Reacting quickly Kaida drew upon her Sciia to drive her back with a blast of cold that seemed to congeal the air itself. Then she suddenly winced and felt a burning sensation as round caught her in the knee. "Ice wall," she grit her teeth and bit down on her tongue as she drew upon her Sciia. The molecules in the air bent to the will of the cryomancers as it suddenly...became very, very cold all around them, a wall of ice springing to life. Against it the violent charge crashed like a human battering ram, an onslaught of misery and hopelessness, but it was reinforced by the terramancers who bent the ground itself to their will, fashioning a wall out of it. Sirens could be heard as Gunships came swooping down, some deploying water cannons, others taking out hidden snipers. As the wall finally shattered, the crowd seemed to break into flight. The wounded and the dead lay upon the ground, some were terrorists, but several were not. The blood of the innocent and the guilty alike stained the ground. Squads of soldiers moved in, bearing shields that could just as easily be clubs. Suspected troublemakers were grabbed, others cut down. Order was restored, if only at the tip of the bayonet and the muzzle of the blaster.

Santaissa, Central City District.
(Tarissa POV)

Reaching the ziggurat was a harrowing journey far as Tarissa was concerned. Seemingly everywhere across Santaissa there were signs of fighting. Snipers irregularly fired upon the speeder, forcing its pilot into wild evasive manoeuvres, and down on the ground people were looting. Homes and shops had been set alight and were now being put to the torch. Busses full of refugees were driving towards the 'port, yet every so often fights broke out as those without tickets fell upon those who did.

Entire districts had been written off by the army as it concentrated on the most essential. "The Kar'zun will have to handle the attacks themselves. I'm not diverting troops to their habitat," she spoke into the comm as she was talking to a subordinate, having to yell to make herself heard over the cacophony of sound. A sniper round narrowly missed the speeder and it rocked, but she continued on. "What's the situation in Nadana? Do we still hold the bridge?"

"Yes, but the 3rd Company has mutinied and joined ranks with them. Our troops cannot hold the bridge without reinforcements."

"Blow it up."


"If they cross it, the Silver Star can march upon Santaissa. Our fortresses are stripped of defences. Blow it up."

"Lady...there's still thousands of civilians in the city. We cannot airlift them. They'll be trapped."

"I know - and there are only so many we can save. Their lives are in Ashira's hands. Do it." Blaster fire whizzed past and above her head and she had to hold on tightly as the speeder shot through the air towards the ziggurat. She pressed a button on the comm, switching to another channel. "Get some bloody air cover in sector three. Situation at the Lion's Gate? Then suppress it. Double-check everyone who tries to get access, no matter what rank. Get every vehicle you can find in the city requisitioned. Scour the temples for medical supplies." A burst transmission reached her about lynchings a few blocks away. Shame. The speeder descended down from the sky as the ziggurat came into view. By now it looked less like a centre of government and more like a fortress, with sandbags and heavy weapons emplacements, even a few tanks shielding it. The next call she made was directed towards the so-called Barsen'thor, where the Firemane command centre was, after climbing out of the speeder. A couple dead bodies lay sprawled across the ground.

Tygara, Fort Kerrigan.
Objective 3
(Siobhan POV)
[member="Eyrecae Alzari"], [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Light years away - as a matter of fact one could say it was half a Galaxy away - Fort Kerrigan had been thrown into hectic activity over the past few days. Time after time after time raiding parties of the Xioquo, a militant people of dark elves, had harassed and attacked the Eldorai settlements, eager for spoils and slaves. Technologically they were far inferior to the Eldorai, but even so slaves had been taken here and there and there had been casualties.

Boats and shipments of supplies had been attacked, battles waged upon the seas as the nascent Eldorai surface fleet fought the attackers. It was time to teach them a lesson. Within the fort, a bastion of Firemane power projected upon this planet, troops, both Eldorai and Firemane, were being assembled.

Some support had been promised from Amikaron, the Eldorai's unwieldy Qadiri ally as Shahbânu Semiramis was eager to claim part of the spoils and exact vengeance for the Xioquo assault on Mansura. Soldiers, Mag'ladroth walkers and ships would be prepared. It would not be enough to repel the Xioquo raids, an important citadel of this people would have to be taken, all those who resisted put to the sword. It would be messy and bloody, reports indicated the drows had some sort of sea monsters at their disposal, but if the Eldorai were to have a future they would have to claim this land. So Siobhan Kerrigan prepared for battle and carnage.
Objective: Assisting with Medical Attention.

"Yes Master." the masked figure bowed as the order was given. "Come now youngling, you can tell me about that lovely little friend you have with you." his voice was melodic, a warm smile was easily discernible in his inflection, as he guided the child to the waiting area his Master wanted her to go to. He engaged the child in brief conversation, helping to bolster her spirits, and diminish her fear of his mask. "So your little friend brings you peace and comfort? How incredible! I have my mask for a very similar purpose. You see, my little friend, I too, am quite shy. But my mask helps me to be not so." He nodded emphatically when she asked about him one day going without his mask. "Perhaps, one day!"

He would leave her when another medical attendant approached to administer additional tests on the child, who seems marginally less shaken now, than when she was initially scanned by Master [member="Cathbodua"] . Returning to his Master's side, the Padawan stood out of the way, but present to administer aid as she needed him to.


Storm of the Force
Post: 2/20
Objective: 1 for now


On the ground at Lion’s Gate Spaceport was a certain Tempest. She was in command of Firemane’s operations, specifically of providing escort off the planet for refugees. [member="Kaida Taldir"] meanwhile would be providing security on the ground.
“Red Flight is away, ma’am,” the controller called in.
“Red Squadron, move in to provide escort,” Tempest ordered.
Five transports laboured into the air, each carrying over a thousand people. To support them six fighters moved in to take flanking positions.
Tempest followed the squadron with her eyes, then looked away. All was well…
Suddenly the ground heard the rumble of an explosion. One of the transports flared like a nova and broke apart into flaming fragments.
“Take evasive action!” one of the other pilots screamed.
Fortunately, it had been the most rightward of the transports which had been destroyed, meaning the others could easily steer away. However, one of the fighters was not so lucky. A huge section of hull plating came away and clipped the wing of one of the fighters.
“This is Red Two, I’m hit! Going down, controls lost…ejecting!”
The pilot hit her ejection seat and was thrown clear, but unfortunately a piece of metal tore into the control systems of the seat. With it went the repulsors which would lower the pilot to the ground.
“Help!” the poor woman cried as five thousand metres of ground stretched for her with terminal velocity claws.
Tempest needed less than a second to decide her course. She slammed on her helmet and fired up her jetpack. Fortunately she was wearing her full Beskar’gam, but even if she hadn’t been, the Force was with her.
Even at maximum power Tempest knew she wouldn’t get there in time, and even if she did the weight of the chair would be too much for her to carry. She’d be forced to drop it or be pulled down as well.

No. Use the Force. You can do this.

She didn’t know where the thought came from, but it was enough to jolt her awake. The pilot was falling past her, and would soon be out of her reach, so she extended her hands, letting the jetpack hover her in place for that moment, and focussed.

Dana Quin’s view of the ground rapidly approaching slowed slightly, the tumbling stopped, and she started to descend slower, gentler.
With her powers balanced, Tempest called on the Force stronger, shut off her jetpack, and let her powers keep her pace with the pilot.
“Lieutenant Quin, listen to me very carefully,” she said slowly, deliberately as she hovered feet away from the astonished woman. “I have you. Do not move, do not struggle. I am here, but I need to focus, so stay quiet and still.”
Quin was not about to argue with a woman who was holding her from splatting to the ground.
2000m, 1900, 1800, 1700. Tempest could feel the strain growing, but she would not relent. Siobhan had shown her what she could do. She could do this. She had to. Saving one person over the thousand just killed by the bomb was minor, but Tempest needed this moment, if only for selfish reasons. She needed to prove to herself that she could do it.
900, 800, 700.
The descent was getting quicker now. The ground was becoming more distinct now. The individual fires at the spaceport could be clearly seen, the small matchbox sized vehicles and ant sized people.
600, 500, 400.
Tempest couldn’t hold on forever, but she forced herself to stay in the moment.
“I am not weak. I can do this,” she hissed aloud.
Wisely, Quin said nothing.
300, 200, 100.
The sounds of below, gunshots, the occasional errant blaster bolt. Tempest could let none of it distract her.
Dropping to the ground with her jetpack, she levitated the chair with Quin in it to the ground, landing it with a bump on the pavement inside the perimeter.
“Go get yourself checked out and get evac’ed to the Valora’s Blade,” she snapped at the woman when the danger had passed.
“Yes, ma’am, thank you,” Quin said, quivering with barely suppressed relief and fear.
Tempest nodded, then turned away. She needed a moment to compose herself, but triumph filled her. She had done it. Siobhan would be proud. She would show them all, all the people who doubted her.

Meanwhile, Blue Flight was ready for boarding…if there were any citizens still orderly enough to get aboard!
Objective 1: Save many people from Kaeshana
Location: On Ground Kaeshana
Fleet: EIC Mentor-class Battlecruisers

The time had come. After a meeting with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], on Kaeshana, Coci had told her friend the than Silver Jedi would assist with the evacuation of Kaeshana. Already work had began shortly after the meeting but still there was much to do and many people to rescue. Time was running out and fast. Coci had come to the doomed planet with the full fleet of Mentor-class cruisers, all available space, their hangars and cargo holds had been stripped and set up to take as many people as possible.

Already the planet is unstable, the imminent collision starting to have effect on the planets gravity and axis. Coci stood by for the moment and watched as hundreds if not thousands enter the ships with little possessions they could carry, enough to get them by when they arrive to their new home. Many Silver Jedi on ground helping the weak, sick on board, some children running around excited and happy for a new adventure, while others look solemn and clung to their parents, knowing their lives are about the change. They are all walking into the unknown. And there is fear in the air.

As soon as all the Mentor ship are full to capacity, Coci walked up the ramp and headed to the bridge. It was time to get the first of many people out of danger and to Tygara. Loading ramps raised as if in unison, and the ships lifted off the ground, probably for the last time.

Coci stood on the bridge and let the crew go about their work and soon the fleet entered atmosphere over the doom planet.

Objective 1
Location: Santaissa spaceport

As Spencer moved away from the chaos at the ship he heard a loud explosion, bringing him down to his knees, the heat of the blast radiated through the city. The extreme heat felt like it almost melt his skin straight off. But it didn't he stood up as the heat dropped and without a second thought he knew what had happened. "Halt all incoming, that was a bomb. I'll be there in a second." He hissed over the coms as he turned and ran back towards the ship. There was no reply. "Rangers, come in, this is Padawan Spencer, update?" He spoke through the coms unit once again waiting for a reply. But nothing. Oh no, whats happened. The thought of disaster ran though his head. He never should of left them.

As he made his way back to the ship he saw the crowd of people pushing against the rangers, they had deployed riot shield, but it wasn't enough. The crowd was too large the combined force of them was pushing the rangers back. Luckily their first communication made it through but the rangers had no time to reply. As Spencer was at the back of the crowd he decided not to force his way though, but to take an alternate route. A route the elves wouldn't be able to. As Spencer looked to flank around the crowd he saw several pillars standing around them, he decided to use them to make his way over the top of the crowd. With the aid of the force he was able to jump and climb up to the top of one of the pillars. Keeping out of the crowds view. He made his way from one pillar to the next until he was practically over the top of the crowd. He waited for a moment watching the crowd. "Control tower, this is Padawan Spencer, we've paused the boarding for now, will give an update when its all clear." Spencer spoke through his com unit to the control tower detailing their situation. "Roger." The sharp response from the tower. They were busy so he didn't expect much more.

As Spencer jumped from the pillar he landed behind the ranger line. He turned around looking at the crowd who still hand't noticed his arrival as they were too busy trying to fight off the rangers who stopped them in their tracks. Spencer waiting and focused all the force around him, attempting to let it all out in calming wave. Hopefully stopping the rioters in their track. As he cleared his mind and focused on the task at hand he pushed his hands out releasing the wave of force as it entered the raging crowd. The front line seemed to slowly stop but it took longer for the rows behind them and the people at the back were hardly affected. The drain it had on Spencer was quite prolific it would take some time to regain his strength. "Ranger, tell your troops to move in force them into a line and begin allowing people aboard. ID, weapons, explosives, everything. We don't want any more birds going down over here." He ordered as he took a seat behind the lines. "Yes sir." The Ranger replied before putting it in action. "Tower, this is Spence, we are now boarding once again. Hopefully not too long till we got a bird heading your way." He spoke into his com unit as he watch the rangers at work. "Alright Spence, good luck." He heard back over the coms as he slumped over exhausted from the huge use of force he had just displayed.

[member="Tempest"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Willa Isard"] | [member="Cathbodua"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Anya Venari"]

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
Post: 3/20
Locations: 1a, 2, 3
In space there was considerable congestion and activity as ships came and left the atmosphere. Shuttles from below were loading into larger ships in orbit. Massive Liorre class transports were moving in alongside converted cruisers and freighters. Anything which could hold more than a hundred people was being used.
As the journey across the galaxy to Tygara took a standard day each way ships thus dispatched could not simply dart back and forth. Rather, most took their cargo of people and left, hoping to return later.

One ship was not being used to evacuate civilians, even though it could have held millions if properly stripped down. Rather, this vessel was hoping to do something about the threat to Kaeshana itself.
This was the Barsen’Thor, the largest vessel ever to appear over Kaeshana, arguably the most powerful ship in the galaxy at this moment, and the only hope the planet had to alleviate the ruin oncoming.

Developed in the previous year and built at phenomenal expense by the Coalition government at the Mon Calamari shipyards, the Barsen’Thor was magnificent. Yet, even it was dwarfed by the scale of their threat.

On the bridge of the Dreadnought, Tegaea Alcori along with a top team of scientists as well as Admirals Gould and Stahlmann were present. Currently they were in space, so far from Kaeshana that it was barely a spec behind them. Rather, what loomed before them was the target; a colossal asteroid over 20km across.
Tegaea, even though she was on the massive ship, knew their target was over seven times larger than they were.
She turned to [member="Elanil Saedaris"], the resident Eldorai scientist and expert.
“Elanil, I know we lack the power to destroy the body outright, but with the Nova Cannon we should be able to break pieces off it, or maybe cause a diversion. It only has to deviate a small amount to miss the planet. Anything we can do to assist you. We have the latest scans of the body, along with possible faultlines and weaknesses.”
Tegaea herself was unusually ruffled. The stress of the event was making her more than a little uncomfortable. At least she was here though, not down on the planet.


Objective 2

Meanwhile, over Tygara, the great flood of Exodus ships were beginning to appear. In addition to the Coalition and Firemane ships, any sort of civilian freighter which could be hired or loaned had been pressed into action.

On board the Skyport the Queen looked over the statistics frenetically. She had not slept for days, had barely eaten. None of that mattered. Only the survival of her people mattered.
“What’s the latest projections?” she asked, just as she had every hour.
“Latest census figure gives a rounded figure of 2,470,000,000 residents of Kaeshana registered. If we discount the 20,000,000 non-Eldorai and Kar’zun, we reach the figure of 2,450,000,000.”
Anya nodded. It wasn’t easy to ‘discount’ the others, but they had already either been repatriated, or not. It was not time to worry about them.
“We have, in the preceding months, moved some 100,000,000 Eldorai from Kaeshana and settled them here. About half of these were able to pay the…uhh…donations for priority access, the remainder were chosen because they were military or had important professions…or of course are on active duty elsewhere.”
Anya sighed. Moving 100 million people across the galaxy was an achievement probably memorable in the annals of galactic history, but it was only 4% of her people. The richest and most useful 4% certainly, but still.
“Give me your latest analysis and projections. Do not hold back for fear of upsetting me. I feel I have reached the point where I am beyond that.”
The aide licked her lips nervously. The sovereign might say that, but one could never be sure.
“Based on the amount of civilian transports we’ve managed to hire, the times necessary to move them back and forth, and our own capabilities…I think the highest reasonable figure I’ve seen floated as possible is…20%. The mean figure I’ve seen is 15%”
Anya’s eyes had been closed, but now they snapped open. This figure was far, far better than earlier figures. She said as much.
“We’ve acquired the services of three Conestoga freighters, as well as increased production of 100 Liorre freighters to load them from the ground. Even if their projections of space have not been entirely accurate, they have allowed us to add a massive amount to the tally. Combined with other ships, we feel confident that 15% is very achievable, and 17-18% are not outside possibilities.”
“Very well. I want all ships to operate as quickly as possible. Begin moving people into the new camps on the surface. Make sure the food and water distribution is running smoothly.”
When she was alone for a moment the Queen looked down at the datapad. 15%. She never had thought that she’d be happy with saving 15% of her people…but it was better than 14% Or 0%.


Objective 3

“Welcome to Fort Kerrigan, Ms Alzari. You are expected.”
“Fort Kerrigan, huh? Has it got a statue of her with over scaled tits?”
The Angelii who had been sent to greet the visitor at the landing pad looked appalled.
“Cheer up, toots, you’re here and not at home getting squashed by a rock. I’ll find my own way from here.”
The Angelii looked like she’d protest the horribly insensitive joke, but instead turned on her heel and stormed off.
[member="Eyrecae Alzari"] smirked and wandered over the landing pad. She was disappointed to see there was no statue. She’d have to talk to Siobhan about getting one made. She did so like to stroke the Countess’…ego. And other things too, but whilst the imminent doom of billions could be referred to repeatedly, procreation topics were too adult.

In the command room of the fort, Eyrecae found Siobhan and the other leaders. The white-haired Eldorai dropped her hammer on the floor and grinned. Sadly, in this universe, she lacked fangs to make it more intimidating. Ah well.
“Right, I’m here, let’s get this party started!” She made a theatrical bow to Siobhan. “My Lady Countess, I am so pleased to be in your presence again, I beg for the honour of your presence!”
She said it seriously, but she was being her usually trollish self, and Siobhan knew it.
[member="Kaida Taldir"]

Objective 3.
Fort Kerrigan
Location: Crossfire Hurricane

For many weeks now, Abaigeal had been in the training compounds of Firemane on Etti IV with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] learning force skills in order to best defend herself as well as those she holds dear. One day, she will face Kaine once more and exact her revenge, but that day is a long way off and she must be patient. In moments of quiet, Abaigeal's mind goes back to that day, locked in the dungeons sending day after day in considerable pain before she gave in the him, the cuts of his instruments are nothing to her now, the scars mended and she holds them as signatures to her experience and a reminder to her purpose, but the death of her mother, is something Abaigeal will never forgive or forget. Not only of the hideous man that killed her, but of herself.

The ship, an old A-Wing her mother loved, touched down on the surface of the planet just out side Fort Kerrigan. Abaigeal has come prepared for a fight, fully decked out in Firemane's finest armour and weapons, with her saber clipped to her belt. But regardless of these weapons, Abaigeal has more .. the force. Sio had taught her well. Climbing out of the cockpit, she looked around to see soldiers all ready for battle, ships and walkers dotted the area whinging and hissing as they moved into position. Abaigeal could sense Sio near by, her presence well known to her now and so Abaigeal went to find her.

"Lady Kerrigan", she greeted her mentor and master and more importantly her friend with a respectful bow. This friendship is one that is growing stronger by the day and they are becoming close as mother and daughter would. But today on this day of battle, Abaigeal gives her the respect of her station.

Provide Medical Assistance

Looking at her padawan head off illicted feelings of contemplation as she stood there and scanned another patient sending them inside or it might have been the spicy food she had managed to eat a couple bites of. The mother of the girl came and finally she spoke. "Your daughter will be fine, there was just an anomoly in her scans that we will clear up and then send her along. Now since you don't want her to get sick head inside and make sure you have a place she'll be able to sleep for the trip. We'll have you there before you know it." The woman was nodding and heading off while the jedi knight motioned with her hands towards her padawan taking a knee near the girl. "Now lets try and get you on board quickly." There was a look from her at the bodysuit the healer was in. "You know starring is rude." She had one hand up scanning the girl as her datapad on her forearm showed the full body scan and she spoke. "There is nothing wrong with you." She was looking closer and. "It is that thing in your hands, lower levels of energy that are throwing my scanners off." The little girl clutched it closer as the jedi held her hand out. "Give it to me and We'll lock it away, it could be dangerous and should be somewhere it can't harm the others. I'll have my padawan give it to you when we get to your new home." Her voice was... Hapen she might be jedi but few places in the galaxy had she seen a race more sure of themselves and their own superiority and it could just ooze from her speech at times like this while the girl was holding the thing out. Once it was in her hand fingers tightly grasping it and going towards a small containment bag. "Now go with him back to your mother, we'll have this for you to get later." The girl nodded while the blacksuited woman turned. "Take her to her mother and give them one of the small packets of anti radiation meds. We'll check the toy later when you return."
Fight off cultists/hijackers.Threats: The Cult of the Silver Star

She kept them moving, weaving and acting through the area as they worked to try and keep anything with bombs away from the ports. Her ranger's were good but there weren't that many of them as she was heading through the building and adjusted the smg withdrawing a second standard one. The whirring sound of the power cell within it as the energy recycled for it to have more shots. They rounded a corner and one of the thumps of the sonic shotgun went off before she was coming around and firing off a large clip of energy shots. The one space elf ducking down until her one gun clicked empty for the cell and she rose up taking a bolt to the chest. "I'd stay down." MOtioning for Dane to move forward and restrain her as they were continuing to clear the area.
Providing Medical Assistance

"Yes Master." The masked Padawan spoke, his voice bringing a small comfort to the air, as he escorted the youngling back to her mother. He spoke soft, easing words of comfort, unwittingly and unintentionally weaving the Force into his words, his desire for calm and for peace for these poor souls being impressed upon them through the Force. Very subtle, too subtle for even Ryn himself to notice he was doing it. After giving the child and her mother the prescribed medicine, and re-assuring the child once again that he himself would return the stuffed doll back to her at the end of their trip, the masked Padawan returned to his Masters side at the queue of sick and injured refugees, awaiting the next task she'd give to him.

His weapons weren't far, though he sorely doubted they'd be much use against any kinds of fire-arms and especially not lightsabers, but they were where he could swiftly acquire them if he was needed to act in defense of the innocent here seeking medical aid. But, if martial prowess was demanded and his weapons were unavailable, he did have his own natural capabilities to fall back upon. Of course, worst case scenario....

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Location: Space/Kaeshana major spaceport
Objective: Help the poor souls out of the planet, prevent any rebellious actions.
Allies: [member="Kaida Taldir"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], Ice, Silver Sanctum and friends

As the shuttle came near to the planet, she understood more about the direness of the situation. She could feel a big amount of dark and powerful energy coming towards the planet, and the energy was enough to destroy the whole place. So they had to act quick if they wanted everyone to survive this, yet it wasn't going to be easy. People would become insane whenever they, or their loved ones are in danger and defy the order. So this time, she brought Ice with her also, in case of a big group of troublemakers they would need a mutated wolf to shut them up. Also, she was using the Force to reinforce her legs, to walk properly. And she was getting good at it to be exact, no more pain as she used the Force. And they waited as the shuttle went slowly towards the destination, to the planet about to get destroyed in maybe a week.

They finally arrived after a good waiting, and the pilot of the shuttle sent a message to the bay and wanted a landing permission, yet Kaeshana was already too busy with the ships and landings and departures so it wasn't that easy to get a permission. She didn't count the exact time, since in space time went different, yet it was like... an hour that they waited a response from the officers, and as the static hit their communication device, they finally got their permission and landed. And oh Force, the temperature in here was getting worse and worse every second, yet, she has been informed that there were going to be a meteor rain in a week, right? So, not surprising. As the shuttle doors opened, Ice went for it first with his excited nature, then Nima followed him, to where the loud noises came from.

She arrived to the scene, after her powerful companion, and the looks weren't that pleasant. Blood and screams and cries of the innocent everywhere, the people who looked like military were holding their weapons towards the people who wanted out. Order, had its own price again, as it seemed. She moved towards the woman, who looked in charge as Ice followed her with small steps, she looked around and saw the curious eyes examining them both. "What happened in here?" She asked out in curiousity, and as a Master Jedi who wanted to know who was responsible with this. It seemed like the Jedi... were late to the party again. Why was she feeling that this started to happen often? In the area there was someone familiar as well, yet the aura was distant. But she sent a telephatic message, and told the familiar aura there was something wrong in here as well. Ice run towards one of the people and sniffed her hand, yet the woman was scared enough to let out a scream. "Ice, get back here." She said in a commanding voice, and he obeyed. Whatever happened in here wasn't that pleasant, and she had that feeling that it wasn't the last of that events.
Location: Kaeshana, Lion's Gate, Santaissa main spaceport
Objective: Keep order by any means necessary.
Allies: [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Nima Tann"], lack of moral scruples

The riot was over almost as soon as it had begun, though it was only an interval in the coming storm. The smoke cleared and before the Eldorai soldiers corpses were strewn across the ground. Some were terrorists, many were civilians driven to sheer desperation by the coming apocalypse. There were children among both groups. The ground was splattered with blood, and the screams of the wounded and desperate rose up to the heavens as they cried for deliverance.

A deliverance that would not come for many of them. Kaida's jaw tightened as she beheld the sight. She could not allow herself to feel, she would not. Guilt was a selfish emotion, a luxury she could not afford. At least that was what she told herself. Instead she gestured to one of her officers. "Comm Phoenix Squadron and tell them we want those buildings ahead covered and snipers rooted out - and get us a walker. Tighten perimeter security. Anyone even remotely suspicious gets grabbed. Silver Star affiliates will be shot on sight. Illyria Section maintains phalanx, Ariane carries out security checks."

At the moment the Tower called. "This is Tower Control, what is your status? Blue Flight is ready for boarding."

Kaida picked up her comm and spoke into it. "Flights can resume momentarily." Switching off the device she suddenly heard a call from some of her soldiers. Apparently one of the snatch squads had found a Silver Star terrorist who had been wounded during the brief fight and taken captive. The prisoner looked badly beaten but still defiant, she spat at Kaida when she approached.

"You're all going to hell," she hissed in sheer anger and rage. "Murdering your own people. For what...the rich and the unbelievers! This is Ashira's judgement on us. You're monsters." One of the soldiers pulled out her blaster pistol in anger and was about to squeeze the trigger when suddenly Kaida seized the gun and pulled it down. Then, without further ado, she removed a dagger from her belt and stabbed through the prisoner's throat, killing her.

Pulling the blood-stained blade away, she looked at the trooper. "Conserve ammunition," she admonished flatly. "We're not taking traitors and terrorists with us." In other words, they would die anyway since they were going to be left behind on this doomed planet. Then she turned away and walked back to the checkpoint. Slowly but surely 'normalcy' was resuming. Soldiers were checking civilians for hidden weapons, though the hatred and resentment many of them felt like could be seen in their eyes. A soldier was sent to check up on Tempest and the pilot the Dahomian had just rescued earlier.

Nima would not go unnoticed, but then there were very offworlders still left on Kaeshana. Most of those who had not fled right at the start of the exodus had experienced terribly unpleasant things such as lynching, which was obviously not very nice. Even fewer offworlders came to this planet, which narrowed her alignment down. An Angelii guard looked suspiciously at her, before concluding she was probably a Jedi and relaxing. "You are Yedai? Terrorists attacked, then riot. Seraph Taldir is in command," she spoke in strongly accented Basic, though presumably the gist of the matter was brought across. "Over there," she spoke, and so she directed Nima and her wolf to the Seraph, which was about the equivalent to an army major.

Location: Kaeshana, Central City District, at the ziggurat.
Objective: Help organise evac, keep things from falling apart.

"We are connecting your call. Please hold...."

"What in Ashira's name this? Feth this," Tarissa cursed angrily because apparently it was taking a bit to connect her call to the Barsen'Thor. By now she had approached the very deserted ziggurat. Once it had been the centre of government, main temple and palace of the Star Queen, now it was a shadow of its former self. Not so long ago it had been hit by looters, though they had been dispersed with heavy firepower. A company of the Angelii had mutinied and only been suppressed at great cost when they declared for the Silver Star.

It was all a massive mess. Yet even now, as Kaeshana approached its dom, there were always those more interested in power plays, as absurd as that seemed. "Lady Cadalthor, I am surprised you are still here. The rest of your clan has fled," Cennobite Simmona Jamarin spoke. A tall, regal and imposing looking elf cleric, she seemed to be directing a group of troops and rescue workers.

Tarissa suppressed the urge to summon her Sciia and drive it into the woman's chest like a thermic lance. "I could say the same about you. Doubtless your minions have been busy 'securing' the Church's coffers of riches. I am taking command of the situation. What is going on here?"

If looks could kill, the one the cleric shot Tarissa would have made her spontaneously combust. "The peerage has fled, the clergy is filling the void. I am directing a relief operation to help the people of Chaeronea, lest they be forgotten. There is more to our world than Santaissa."

"And I suppose it's no accident that it happens to be a town filled with your followers and donors. Your order is countermanded. It is a town of secondary concern. If we spread our resources thin, the only operation will collapse and more will die," Tarissa snapped irritably. Urge to unleash her power of fire was rising. She made a gesture to one of the officers. "Captain, you're not taking my orders here. Direct your group to these sectors," she passed over a datapad with the coordinates. "Start with sectors nine, twelve and fourteen."

Sectors in the city had been assigned different priorities in order to prevent the entire citizenry was storming the spaceport. Some had fallen under the control of the Silver Star and it was too dangerous to send in busses to evac people. Directed from the palace, the convoys would pick up as many as possible, prioritising the safe sectors of Santaissa.

The cleric's face went red with anger. "You don't have the authority to order this. How dare you? This is nothing but a naked power grab of a mad tyrant. Abandon the people like this, and they will throw in their lot with the extremists."

"And die. If you keep obstructing me, I will have you whipped, put in chains and tied to a lamp-post. We'll see whether the Goddess saves you when the asteroid hits. Now get out of my way." Tarissa had never been the jolly sort and there was no doubt she was dead serious. Presumably cursing, the cleric stalked off.

Location: Tygara, Fort Kerrigan
Objective: Crush the Xioquo, be relatively sane.
Allies: [member="Eyrecae Alzari"], [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Eyrecae and Aba would find Siobhan inside the command room. She looked unusually tense and stressed. The stress of the past months was making her more than a little uncomfortable. Then again, at least she was not on a doomed planet, though she felt a stab of guilt because of that. Apparently she had also started smoking again, which was something she did in stress situations. At least the ashtray on the table was full of cigarette stubs. A large map was spread out across the table and staff officers were mocking small, holographic blocks that represented the different forces. Like two daggers, the Firemane and Qadiri forces were aimed at the subterranean Xioquo citadel.

Siobhan looked a bit tired, but still gave Eyrecae and Aba a smile when both entered the room, though she did not address them immediately. A staff officer, who seemed to be her aide-de camp, had been relaying some facts. "The Bashar has protested about her troops not being kitted out with modern weapons on par with ours and about being given a secondary role in the offensive. Something about the Xioquo's are the Qadiri's historic enemy and it would be dishonourable to merely guard our flanks. Likewise she demands you recall your foreign advisers and replace them."

Siobhan looked just a bit irritated. "Tell her they got the weapons the agreement dictates. If she doesn't like it, she can go explain to Semiramis why her troops were incapable fighting the Xioquo and why I managed to do it without them," she grunted.

The ADC, who seemed to be the sort who at times had to restrain Siobhan's temper, suppressed a sigh. "Yes, Countess, you really want me to tell her that? It would lead to many ruffled feathers." she asked in the timelessly patient voice of a subordinate used to suppressing her own exasperation.

Siobhan shook her head. "Fine, no. Say it politer then. As a matter of fact, tell her we'll be giving her a special consignment of weapons as a show of trust in the common struggle blabblahblah and that I'll grant them the honour of being the tip of the spear of the attack." The special consignment consisted of slightly more modern bolt action rifles and revolvers. "And tell her that the Star Queen is sending her strongest Eldorai warrior to help," she said with a dink directed at Eyrecae.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll pass it on. Troops are all but ready, probe droids are feeding us with SIGINT. We have the outer layers of the caves mapped, but we're on our own in the deeper levels. The tunnels are not broad enough for tanks, but we'll have our walkers and artillery."

"Good, dismissed," Siobhan said, reaching for a cup of stimcaf and having a drink. To her annoyance it was only lukewarm. Staff officers departed from the room and she could turn her attention to the two people she actually wanted to talk to.

"Good to see you both, circumstances considered," she said and limped over to them. Strangely enough Siobhan was not in the mood for trolling and ego-stroking, so she did not respond to Eyrecae's faux fawning. Still, the demigoddess, not a demigoddess, got a kiss on the cheek, then Siobhan gave young Aba a hug. The girl seemed to have a way of always cheering Siobhan up and was fast becoming something like a daughter to her.

"Now that I've 'diplomatically' dealt with our native friends, we can get to the assault. Xioquo citadel is underground beneath the caves. We'll be launching a two-pronged assault in conjunction with the Qadiri." Siobhan would have preferred multiple axis of advance, but because Firemane had limited manpower that would have required relying more on the Qadiri, who would obviously have wanted more say in the command then. The Countess had little trust in their competence, especially if they were not officered by her minions! Totally not racist. "Aba, you'll be with me. The Xioquo are primitively armed, but they have dark Forcers of their own. Mostly elementalists. Stay close, don't get cocky. Eyrecae, you'll be the hammer. Supposedly there's an underground lake and we have to expect an alchemised kraken or two."
Objective: 1 for both
Elanil Saedaris
Location: On board the ship with [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Elanil had been glancing out the viewport looking to the massive asteroid ahead of them. The end was nigh or some nonsense like that did cross her mind. She had been one of the fortunate ones who would escape disaster, because she was useful for the future. Not that this was where her thoughts were right that moment.

Her eyes moved to one of the monitors beside her, where the distance between Kaeshana and the asteroid was ticking down. A rather permanent frown was usually etched on her lips, but this time she seemed unhappy if not downright worried to say the least, not that anyone would blame her. Somewhere she knew her twin was down there on the surface, dealing with goddess knew what. That tension she could feel through the unique bond shared with her identical twin, Elayne.

Hearing Tegaea's words the redhead nodded to her. "You are correct, it cannot be destroyed outright. But perhaps..... Hmmmm...." Elanil drifted into thought for a moment, thinking about the possibilities before making any kind of decision.

Finally the Eldorai scientist knew what she needed."Bring me the scans, I need to see them first. Everything depends on the asteroid's composition if we can even break it up at all. I'm positive there is some weakness we can exploit. Data first, and then we'll see what I need. Unless you're in the mood to take potshots at it while you wait." One couldn't be too sure if she was joking or not. Though Elanil was far too serious for that.

The woman did give pause long enough to lift a single finger in the air. "Just don't touch the eastern edge. I'd rather not push it's trajectory closer to the planet if at all possible." It would at least give them something to do in the meantime while she worked with the available data. Could they really avert disaster? No, Elanil was far too pessimistic for that.


Cora Passek
Location: Santaissa, Central City District
Allies: Linking up with [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] shortly.

Cora had been working for Firemane for a little while an had been assigned to help evacuate the Eldorai refugees. Not that anything ever went according to plan with the little blonde. In a massive riot, Cora got separated from the group of troopers she was with and forced further out into Santaissa.

Fires were already springing up left and right as Cora ducked for cover and looked for anyone who needed help. Screams and shouts of terror were hard not to miss at this point, for they were everywhere. Panicked citizens fearing that life would soon be over, and they simply desperate to escape this unfortunate ending.

As she rounded a corner near the palace, the cries from an Eldorai woman ahead, were unmistakably different, wracked with pain, agony and immense suffering. Though she couldn't see her, didn't take much guess to figure out where she was exactly. A building ablaze, a mess of rubble and fire, Cora assumed what anyone would, that someone was trapped inside.

For once, the blonde picked a most unselfish path. A year ago, the sith spirit in her head would have forced her to place self-preservation above anything else. Another soul in need is not something it would have allowed her to stop for. And now, a selfless act almost seemed foreign to her. Her entire life had been so much about herself until the moment the vile spirit was removed from her body. So as her feet turned towards the stairs, and started into the burning building, she found herself pondering such thoughts.

Why in the name of the stars are you walking into a burning building? Did you lose part of your mind with the removal of Vahri? Hush you. I'm going to do the right thing for once. Internal dialogue that to be honest, she wasn't much in the mood for.

Acrid smoke filled the air, and Cora kept moving following the cries for help. Finally she came to a door, the knob warm to the touch. And maybe that should have been warning, but at this point, Cora couldn't care. Kicking the door open she was met with a hot blast of air and the room on fire. In the far corner, huddled and trapped by debris rested an Eldorai woman pinned by some heavy debris.

Glancing at the flames between them, Cora knew the odds were stacked slightly against her. Okay, more than slightly. Being Corellian, she could hardly care about the odds. She was doing this. The woman needed help and it seemed Cora was the only one nearby who could do anything, so it fell to her shoulders. "I'm here to help. I promise." She spoke over the noise of the fire and what was happening outside.

Some of her powers still were unknown, and the blonde hadn't noticed that the flames seemed not to be spreading towards her. Not gaining ground when they should have been. It came on a more instinctual level. As she took a step forward the flames moved just barely from her path, heating her skin to a near intolerable level but yet did not burn her. A small show of her hidden pyromancy abilities. While this seemed a little odd, to be honest Cora didn't put it together, and she was unlikely to for some time. Her focus was solely on the woman she came to save.

Extending her hand, she drew upon the force, and pulled the beams free from the Eldorai woman. Though there was still a problem. For the woman seemed to have a badly broken leg, and wasn't going to be walking out under her own power. With really no time for anything else, Cora lifted her as gently as she could under the circumstances, laying her over her shoulders, and was quick to race from the room. Still she didn't stop there, heading for the only place where she might find medical aid and help. The palace seemed natural to her.


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