Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enter in Korr

Hello, I roleplay as K'sara Korr, adopted descendant of Jaden Korr (for those of you familiar with the Jedi Knight games).

K'sara is a Jedi Padawan turned Sith Assassin, when her teacher, Master Shakarna, one of the best staff saber wielders in holocron history, was cut down in front of her by the jedi council for accusations of treason and following the path of a Sith Lord.

K'sara was the product of a Mandalorian and a Twi'lek Sith Lord named Darth Viridian. She was found and brought to the council after her mother, was killed by her Mandalorian father. The one who found her, was Master Shakarna.

More will be told in her profiling.

Hey, welcome to Chaos! :D

I figure I should mention right now that having that apostrophe is going to make properly tagging/mentioning you impossible. There has to be at least three letters before the apostrophe, iirc.

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"

Hi there~

But no really welcome~

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