Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emergency Summit {AE, CIS, LoF, Mandos, Black Sun}

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
It seemed like it had only been a few days since the Treaty of Ithor had been signed between the smaller nations of the Galaxy, yet here he was again. This time he was alone, as this was a meeting between the representatives of the five factions. For this he had left his armor at home, or more precisely aboard his freighter in the Starport. It felt strange not having the heavy metal armor weighing on his shoulders. He felt he would much rather have that than the weight of today's topic weigh on him any day. For today he wore a less than formal plaid button up, sleeves rolled to his elbows, a pair of beaten up pants and a pair of bantha leather shoes.

Sitting with his fingers interlaced he watched as the other representatives walked in and took their own seats. He met eyes with some of them, but for the most part he kept his eyes to the datapad with information streaming in. Casualty reports mostly, there were virtually no refuges, the entirety of both systems had been eradicated within minutes if not seconds. He heard from somewhere that when a large amount of life had been lost, Force users could feel it around the Galaxy. He was glad he didn't have to feel anything like that...The pain they must feel.

Sliding his finger over the touch screen of his Datapad, he pulled up a screen of notes that went alongside the constant data stream. The members were seated and the meeting of the century was about to begin.
@Akio Kahoshi @Tarika Sadow @[member="[/COLOR]Genesis Rostu"] @Domino @Qae Shena @[member="Boolon Murr"] @[member="Ashin Varanin"]
To say that Vorhi was worried would be a massive understatement. He was not in his best clothing today, and despite the importance of these talks, this was a emergency summit. The death toll was massive. What had happened here made the bombings rc-212 committed look like a simple homicide. This was bad. An entire group of nations had to look at this in earnest, and determine who, and what, was involved. He sat nervously at the table, looking at his other delegates. This was a fething disaster. He frowned. He didn't want to be the one to open this conference. After all, what do you even say in a mess like this?
To say that the Grand Marshal of the Confederacy was on edge...was the understatement of the century. Brisk steps bore the man, clad from the neck down in his trademark armor of white, from his vessel to the conference hall where his Ambassador and fellow delegates were seated. He, like the others present, did not have the time to change into something more suitable; for he was in the middle of militant affairs when the call went out. Nonetheless, he took a seat beside Vorhi, inhaled a calmly breath, and folded his hands upon the conference table.

"I never thought I would live to see something like this happen...and yet these tragedies have happened twice now..."

@[member="Vorhi Alestrani"], @[member="Gilamar Skirata"], @[member="Domino"], @[member="Ashin Varanin"], @[member="Akio Kahoshi"].

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"It'll come as no surprise to you that some of my people used to work for the Empire. I've asked around, and one of my people risked a run past the outer edges of the system, after the fact. They had a vision, sensed an echo, something along those lines. It's not certain, but it's plausible, that this was the Force at work at a scale that nobody's been able to conjure for five thousand years. That'd take a Sith Magician way beyond anything I've ever heard of, and special assistance. This could have been the Empire, but my gut says it's not. My gut says it's someone angling for a war between two or more of the Big Three."

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
A nod came from the old Mandalorian. "I agree. We have already seen once what the Sith are capable in the aftermath of Donyard. We all knew they had the capacity to do this. Maybe it was some sort of new superweapon in development by the Sith." Of course he was inclined to believe that this tragedy had been the Sith's doing. They were the people that were the least trustworthy, the next being those of the Fringe, though obviously for different reasons and he dare not say that in the presence of one of their leaders.
Vorhi frowned a little. "Assuming this was a variation on Sith sorcery, we are talking one of the most powerful uses of it in galactic history," he said, looking at the Grand Admiral and the Mandalorian representative calmly, despite his stomach churnin at the mention of such a thing. "I won't go on at length, but whomever this is, they would have needed immense power, and lore from a holocron versed in such an obscure ritual. That combination is not common, even within the Sith Empire," he said calmly. "Realistically, there should be a pretty short list on who did this. I feel as though it wouldn't be inappropriate for Lord Tyrin to answer some questions. With the permission of those present, I would like to ask for him to holographically communicate with this conference. Perhaps he can shed some light on the situation."

"The few people who were off-planet and displace by such actions can, at their choosing, migrate to the refugee sanctuaries on CIS affiliated worlds. It's the least we can do in this time of crisis." He smiled, although the tension hadn't left the rest of his face. "The CIS stands to give any citizen a fair shake, and those who have lost their homes in this tragedy should be given that. Even if it's no substitute for their loss, I feel such a gesture may help their hearts here."

@[member="Tyrin Ardik"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Vorhi Alestrani"]

"Agreed on both counts. It would be a very short list. I've discussed the matter with some of my people who were once members of the Empire, and they've prepared just such a list of current and former Sith. Tyrin Ardik, Sirella Valkner, Kaine Zambrano, Moridin, Disciple, Velok, Ashin Varanin." Admiral Shira Karrde shrugged. "For now, that's all we have. Nobody else is strong enough, I'm told.

"And yes, if His Majesty will agree to speak with us on the matter, I don't doubt that he has useful insights."

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Great, the emperor was coming to join the talk. But that list...He knew Ashin had actually survived the battle of Roche, though where she was at this point in time was unknown to him. Few on the list were people he was afraid of, though the two he feared most, Mordin and Velok. They should have been dead, he was there when he Emberli crushed the Whipid's throat with his crushguants. Mordin, though he was powerful and arguably more of a wild card, was less likely to have any stake in causing what could turn out to be all out Galactic war.

"Hold a moment Admiral. You mean to tell me Velok lives? That's impossible, I saw his death with my own eyes." Though that statement was untrue, he trusted the past Mandalore's word and maybe she knew more about this entire situation than she let on. His eyes narrowed and his mouth turned into a frown under his beard.
@[member="Ashin Varanin"]​

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