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Election Night Party (Fringe+Kiskla)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ The vote may now officially begin. PM your votes to @[member="Kiskla Grayson"], our election monitor. Remember, this is what you copy/paste for your votes:
PRIMARY: ________ (3 points)
SECONDARY: _________ (2 points)
TERTIARY: __________ (1 point)
DO NOT vote for Jared Ovmar or Lucien Cordel. As non-staffers who are already members of the High Council, they're OOC guaranteed to win their seats IC.
DO NOT vote for Ashin Varanin, Sargon Vynea, Darth Arcis, or Spencer Jacobs.
VOTE FOR ANY FRINGER, NOT JUST THOSE WHO MADE SPEECHES. Here's our full member list. Take a good long look before you vote, so you don't forget anyone.



The biggest conference room in the place played host to the election night party. Campaign banners, buttons, doodads and so forth were on full display. For her part, Ashin wore campaign buttons for everyone from Rave Merrill to Shinju's pink-haired daughter. She was not running.

Instead, the supreme commander of the Fringe's navy -- she who had dragged a full quarter of the galaxy out of the Dark Age and into the galaxy itself at one point or another -- was serving drinks behind a counter. She tossed a toast in the direction of @[member="Kiskla Grayson"], who had organized the election monitoring.

An immense holoscreen carried the newest vote updates. The polls were open, and a huge assortment of names and numbers came streaming in as Fringe citizens voted for the people who'd so vigorously defended them from the Ssi-Ruuvi, the Abominor, Mnggal-Mnggal, the Ebruchi, Blazing Chain and a host of other unfriendlies.

For everyone's amusement, one wall held a poster-sized photo of Krag (current Emperor of the Sith Empire) bursting out of a cake on Rakata Beta. That had actually happened. A real cake sat beside the photo.

Votes would keep coming in for what promised to be a very long night.

Mikhail Shorn was not allowed on the premises. Neither were chainsaw swords.

@[member="Penumbra"] @[member="Dharma Vessia"] @[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Kitt Solo"] @[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] @Lord Exedo @[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Sargon Vynea"] @[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"] @[member="Vilox Pazela"] @[member="Lord Dissero"] @[member="Carré Inirial"] @[member="Valik"] @[member="Anders Sivas"] @[member="Morna Imura"] @[member="Jak Sandrow"] @[member="The Dark Ace"] @[member="High Prophet Dredge"] @[member="Meret Blackmoon"]@[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"] @[member="Silas Tyree"]
"SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR WEEEEEEEEEEE" Bundori had been allowed to stay up late for the results since she had participated and made a speech she didn't know if she would win but lots of fun and the little space elf danced around on a sugar high. She looked all around and at Auntie Commander who was toasting before she sat down with a plate full of cookies and some food to balance out the treats while she sat there smiling. Then giggling but most importantly bouncing in her seat almost from how much she had.

Lord Ghoul

A lean, dark-haired man with a mischievous glint to his pale blue eyes suddenly shimmered into existence in the middle of the conference room.

Glass shattered.

Mikhail glanced over at a startled VIP and twinkled his fingers.

He hadn't originally intended to cause any trouble. Honestly. But after being rudely informed by one of the guards outside that he was under no circumstances allowed to enter the premises. Well... he just couldn't help himself. He looked for the cake and found it beneath a comical image of Krag exploding out of the cake. Mikhail smirked and walked over to stand beneath the poster.

"Emperor Krag's finest hour."

Dharma Vessia

Lords of the Fringe
Something old, something new, blue, borrow, and it was not a wedding. Most gatherings called parties Dharma have been invited to were ones with weddings and she ignored them. Something different was better than old, new, and light urple. So the woman was going to live it up. Getting boxes and boxes of clothes that were cut to be twenty feet long in length, her minions brought them. They opened them and left them near the entrance for anyone that wanted one.

Meanwhile, Dharma made her appearance with wearing just a toga. Same cloths that were in the boxes were around her body. She was advertising the togas in the boxes. Walking in to the chamber more, lovely objects were kind enough to sing. It was one that was going to have her singing after she shouted, “TOGA! … TOGA!” Then she began to hop, bounce, jump, maybe all three at once but she was hyper. With pink hair child saying the one thing that might in common for the two, Dharma sang out, “You know you make me wanna shout… kick my heels up.”
An enormous head stuck through an open window, drawing the attention of most of those in the conference below. Hours earlier, workers had removed a rose window from the wall for just this purpose. The denizen had a scabrous hide, with weirdward scales of white. Outside could be heard the flapping of its long, leathery wings as they folded beside its body. The alated being turned in deorsumversion with consummate pools of a paralytic yellow whose hypnotic wisdom seemed to stretch back into aeviternity. Like dispiteous search lamps, they swung to and fro across the conference floor. The selcouth denizen opened its maw, revealing cubit-long fangs that gnashed like swords.

Those directly below took a step backward at the overpowering breath of the most saprostomous creature. It belched forth a flammeous spire that rose into the air, flavescent and blinding, then rumbled in a voice so deep the walls themselves seemed to tremble,


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The drink of the night was known as the Vaapad Lesson. Purple, pink and black, it both fizzed and glowed. Its ingredients included Ol' Janx Spirit and an adrenal stim.

Ashin had already had several Vaapad Lessons.
One of the Fringe's newest members had posted himself up at the bar, and had occupied the same stool for a couple of hours now. Dust had even started to gather on his shoulders, and the stool wondered if it and the man would be permanently conjoined. Well, it would, if it somehow gained sentience during the couple of hours that Alen Na'Varro had planted himself on it. The Dark Jedi had a look around the room. There was cake, and there were political candidates. Alen hated politics. He also hated cake, though he wasn't about to air that particular distaste to the general public. Cake seemed popular with these Fringe types. They were an oddball bunch. To be honest, Alen wasn't sure who he was going to vote for. He wasn't even sure if he was going to vote at all. If he did, though, he was going to vote for the dragon.

Alen eyed the purple fizzy drinks with distaste. He'd kill for a beer, literally. He also noticed that the barkeep was also the supreme commander of the Fringe fleets and had the energy potential of a gigantic ball of plasma (AKA a star), so he decided to keep his request polite and pleasant.

"Ma'am, could I get a beer?" A beer would go down a treat. Maybe after a couple he'd have an idea of what the frell was going on.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe's arrival at the party was, as usual, expected. She wore her traditional black dress, giving a soft smile as she entered the area. "Ah... Good to see everyone here and having cake." A soft smile hit her face as she walked over to the cake, cutting herself a slice. "Mmm... vanilla cake. My favorite... and they even have the white icing." Pausing, she turned, curious as to whether anyone would be interested in talking with her... And yeah, there was no one.



The Dark Ace

@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Formal parties were not something he'd ever been to. Well, not one that didn't degrade to drunken debauchery. This one wasn't expected to. Far to upper crust. Not that it was a bad thing. Knowing where you are at the end of the night and the morning after was a bonus. Ohh the stories he could tell when he was in the navy. Perhaps he best not. The Dark Ace was all fancied up in a three piece suit and a black tie, only his saber remained on his person. Quite the suave fellow, one who was looking for a drink. Ace slipped through the crowds towards the bar, he was stopped by the sight of a man who shouldn't be here. Time to clear this guy out.

A quick finger tap on Shorn's right shoulder to attract attention. Ace kept to his left though, hoping to dupe him out with a trick a four year old uses. "They should call you rule breaker. Not Thronebreaker". Dark Ace had a scowl on his face. Party crashers were not welcome in his books.

Lord Ghoul

(OOC: set before Korriban, please)

@[member="The Dark Ace"]'s finger went straight through Shorn's incorporeal shoulder. Doppelgangers tended to be that way.

"And they should call you Death-Wish."

Mikhail continued to stare fixedly at the poster.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Alen Na'Varro"] got an unfeigned grin, a beer, and a purple, fizzing, gently glowing shotglass for his troubles. "One beer and one Vaapad Lesson, Na'Varro. We don't stint on the education around here. Matter of fact, we try to get our people as much experience as possible. Hence the Vaapad Lesson."

She gestured around. "I'd say get acquainted, but the first people to show up are usually the ones we try to keep on a leash. No matter how much they enjoy it. We accept all types around here, Na'Varro. Sargon Vynea and a few others are the grownups, and then there's...this lot. The doppelganger over there is Mikhail Shorn, the Thronebreaker. He has his own temple on Korriban, in the Valley of the Dark Lords. The woman in the toga could probably turn you to ash with a word. Better get some more Vaapad Lessons in if you want to say hello to that one and survive it."
Meret attended as an observer. She was very sensitive to all the chaotic energies which flowed threw the members of the Fringe. She purposely avoided most members knowing that she was not like them and felt as though she did not fit in. Her world has structure and accountability, was creative and functioned with a certain reverence for life. Lord Cordel would be pleased that she showed up and whatever... Meret grabbed a drink from a passing waiter. Then she sat down in an over stuffed chair and observed those who came in and those who made spectacles of themselves.
@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]
The Governor of Endor was joined by the alchemist and scientist whose secret base on Endor had overseen so much interesting work in the past few months. Rave selected a similarly overstuffed chair.

"I voted for you," she said blandly. "Just so you're aware. And I'm fething running."
Meret's mouth opened wide as her jaw dropped "Excuse me? well thank you and you are? I am sorry I don't know many members personally. I have a stack of data tapes with names and stats that take a second place to the populations on Endor. I am non Force sensitive. " Meret waved the waiter over to their corner of the room. He approached the two attractive females with a full tray of drinks and appetizers. Meret took a few and place them on the small decorative table by the two chairs.
@[member='Rave Merrill'],
@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]

"Rave Merrill -- I run the bioresearch facility on Endor, the really quiet one." Rave drained her glass of Vaapad Lesson. "I've always liked how you run that world, Governor Blackmoon, and I've always tried to make sure my experiments don't cause complications for you."

She snagged two more glasses of pink/purple/black, glowing, fizzing alcohol from a passing tray, and offered one to Meret. "Vaapad Lesson. Bit of a joke there. Just, uh, don't drink it until after your speech."
@[member="Ashin Varanin"] got a grim nod of thanks in reply. He threw back the fuzzy purple liquid and grimaced, quickly grabbing the beer and using it as a chaser. That was better.

"I think I'll stick to Djem So if it's all the same to you." Varanin was alright, considering she was the head honcho. Revan Luciano wouldn't have been seen dead behind a bar, neither would Callista. The deadly Dark Jedi Master had a friendly side to her ... was it a mask, like Killian's had been? Alen supposed it didn't really matter. He was here, he might as well enjoy himself. "I might stick to the bar and be a grown up for once. Heck, might even have a couple more beers than I intended."

"What's with the ... ah ... picture over there?" Alen indicated the picture of Krag bursting out of a cake. Another thing he had no idea what to make of.
Here again Meret felt enlightened...research program? "You have been unobserved so I guess, everything is going well. I would love to tour your facilities and maybe you might care to see my green house? Or just take some time off and stay at the Hunters' Lodge..." Meret excused herself and went to the dais and presented her speech. She returned and sat down next to Rave. Meret then consumed her drinks. "Thank you, this was all so unplanned, I am a control fre... I has issues with impromptu situation." Changing the subject quickly. "Tell me about your name, it must have an interesting history."
@[member='Rave Merrill'],

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