Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Edithornes Children

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu brought the coat up to cover her face as she and observed the prison. Even in ther weather she needed the mask over her face because her eyes would freeze without them. The current temperature was about fifty degrees below freezing, with winds about thirty klicks an hour. At least it wasn't snowing right now though. Still, Matsu didn't like the freezing cold conditions one bit.

She was wearing temperature regulating robes from head to toe. It was white and light-gray to blend in with the snow and ice on the ground. her hood even had thick masking for her face. The gear was supposed to be rated to over seventy degrees below freezing, and wind over fifty klicks an hour. In spite of the rating, Matsu's hands were freezing even with the gloves on, and the rest of her wasn't much better.

The reason she was observing the prison was that the Peace Brigade slime were holding about two thousand prisoners there. The scarheads slavers weren't expected to pick them up for several more days. With a small window to act, Matsu, along with twenty-four special-ops troopers on loan from the Republic, had been sent to free them and she clenched her fist.

I had to notice that Peace Brigader on Abiimir, Matsu thought as she shivered in the cold but a smile was on her face. Under all the cold she was free, somewhat. The council had reformed, the jedi enclave reformed under Romi Jade Romi Jade and it had allowed her to slip into obscurity. She had been healing still but had authority needed from Tython and as a jedi. With the attack on several worlds and the destruction she had chosen to remain quiet on the issue. Remaining on Ahch-To with the Jadeite she trained.

"I hear that about a thousand klicks north of here the temperature is all the way up to freezing," Lieutenant Koflan said cheerfully from the snow next to him. She practically had to shout to be heard over the wind but it was a fun sentiment and for a moment the jedi master pinged with envy.... Freezing sounded enjoyable compared to here. The Paladins were with her and they moved as a unit.

Matsu lowered the mask just a bit and felt the wind biting into her face. "More like three thousand," She responded gloomily. "And the wind would still be blowing forty klicks an hour," She added as she shivered slightly from the cold again. "Now we have to get in there and out hopefully without to much trouble." She was chuckling a little more, inside she might be able to shed a layer or two and let her body heat warm him more to fight.

The Peace Brigader had been easy enough to notice. The rest of the cantina's patrons were a depressed lot of sentients, no doubt from HoloNews showing the destruction the hordes of the Bryn still among other sith orders and groups tearing their way across the galaxy had sown. The skinny, forty something year old male human however, seemed quite content with the state of affairs. The contrast was easy to pick up with the Force.

At first Matsu had just wanted to wipe the carefully guarded but smug grin right off her face. She voiced her plans to her companions, three humans and a Noghri, just in case they wanted to help out. Then Lieutenant Koflan had to suggest that the slime might be Peace Brigade, and therefore might have some intelligence. Military, at least.

Or better yet things that could be given and used for aiding the Enclave, helping the Jadeite jedi or useful enough to the Protectorate that they could get an upper hand to protect the galaxy from Fringe, Horde and Crusade forces closing in. So instead of breaking a few of her bones in a cantina fight, she had lured him outside by whispering under the white current.

It had been easy to sneak up on him and plant the idea there was a better party outside.. Then she and her friends hauled him off to a more secure area, and found out if she knew anything. Between a growling Noghri flashing her claws at him on one side, and Matsu pretending to be friendly from the other, she was spilling her guts in no time.

It turned out that the frakkin' scum regularly delivered supplies to a Peace Brigade prison. She has just made a run, and they had about two thousand Republic citizens from the outer rim worlds. Naturally, since she reported the details of the operation to the Republic command stationed on the Watts, they tasked him with the mission as small as it was.

Luckily the fellow had told them that the prison had very little defenses, and less than fifty guards as well as a sub basement just above a large cavern that no one used because of the dangerous creatures. The prison was just a few buildings above ground slightly scattered with two basement levels. One was a command center, with an observation post above it, and a HoloNet communications antenna on top of that.

The observation post was perhaps five meters above the command center, and the comm antenna ten meters above that. She mused it might be like the pit but no where near as effective. At least in some terms a prison in a frozen wasteland was still effective wherever you had it.

The second, and largest, building was barracks for off-duty guards, and storage. The third building was access to the prisoners, who were kept below ground, in twenty hundred-person units and there there was the small landing pad she would call in reinforcements when they were needed. The jedi master looked at her small team and focused on the force and the rippling of the current to hide them.

There were supposed to be eight-to-ten guards in the command center, plus four more in the observation post. The guards rarely went into the prisoner areas, and never patrolled outside. They delivered food to the prison, and the prisoners took care of themselves. The main security feature was the deadly cold, along with the fact that none of the prisoners had any sort of footwear, and only minimal clothing.

If they escaped, they would die from the cold in a matter of minutes. Anytime the the doors to the prison area were opened, the command center and barracks blast doors were closed. If the prisoners caused problems, then their unit could be opened to the elements as well. Or they could be sent down into the cavern underneath and left to die from whatever lurked in there.

After observing the prison a bit, Matsu and her men decided on sending a small team in to take out the four guards in the observation post, and the HoloNet antenna. Then the other team would storm the command center. Between the two teams they would also keep the rest of the guards pinned inside the barracks if necessary. The jedi master had a face though while she looked at the others there.

Then Matsu took a deep, frosty breath and reached out with the Force. None of the guards in the observation post seemed to be looking their way. In fact, they didn't seem to be too alert at all. She continued to reach out and with the white current focused on herself and the people with him, trying, straining to make it cover all of them as they went.

She nodded towards Lieutenant Koflan, then climbed to her feet, and began slowly moving forward in a crouch through the deep snow with her six men. They were moving into position to attack the observation post. Lieutenant Koflan's team of a dozen would be following them, to hit the command center, and hold the barracks. She made careful movements like a hunter stalking with barely a crunch underfoot.

A two person sniper and observation team was a little over three hundred meters away. Further out were two more pairs of troopers, with each pair manning a rocket launcher, and also acting as observers. The forms of each of them in the force came to him while she expanded her senses to cover all of them.

It was a lot for him to handle, but fortunately Lieutenant Koflan was happy to help him out. The Noghri mostly needed everyone to stay out of their way. Matsu had almost sent them ahead on their own, but the Force had told him to go with them instead of Lieutenant Koflan's team. There was something else here buried below the surface and while the prisoners were a priority she suspected they might end up going into those caverns later.

Nearly ten minutes later Matsu and her team were in position. She gave her comlink a quick double tap to alert Lieutenant Koflan. She received a single beep of acknowledgment, which she responded to with another tap of her comlink. Since Lieutenant Koflan's team consisted of nine Humans, a Wookiee, a Devaronian, and another Twi'lek, they couldn't move quite as fast as six Noghri and a Jedi master. Even with the gear on she moved with speed.

When Lieutenant Koflan finally alerted Matsu that her team was ready, she immediately signaled the Noghri attack, and dashed forward the last dozen meters. Pulling a stun blade out that would be able to knock out or kill with enough force. her touch on the white current was more then enough to cover the fast moving Noghri as they got into position.

With the knee-deep snow pressing in on her lower legs and feet, Matsu wasn't quite able to leap onto the roof of the command center. She was able to get high enough to pull herself up though. Three of the Noghri stopped at the base of the wall, and propelled their comrades up. Then the second three quickly reached down and helped pull the first three up. It was a practiced movement they had all done a million times and she remained still almost not breathing until she stood like a statue.

While the Noghri were climbing up, Matsu reached out with the Force, and made sure the guards in the observation post above him hadn't noticed them. They still didn't seem to be paying much attention to anything and were playing cards. That was a good thing compared to some and she was more then happy to take advantage. She could feel the other men moving about the place while the muted scents in the air came to him. Machine oils and fuel for keeping the heat going along with the scent of sweat and musk.

The most important thing was to make sure they didn't get a distress call off. The problem was, Matsu didn't know if the observation post could send one, or just the command center. That meant they had to take out the four Peace Brigaders in the observation post before they had a chance, just to be sure. She mentally prepared for the two possibilities, one of them calling in reinforcements and possibly killing the prisoners and two for them to succeed and keeping ther under wraps until a check in failed.

Matsu and her twenty-four special-operation soldiers had arrived in system in an old converted passenger liner. It could easily hold twenty-five-hundred passengers. It couldn't land on ther iceball though. They had two smaller transports that would ferry the prisoners to the passenger liner. One could carry close to two hundred people. Matsu and her team had landed in a second transport that could carry up to forty people. The passenger liner and larger transport were hiding behind a moon three planets out.

A few moments later, one of the Noghri was on the ladder, her hands on the hatch leading into the observation post. Matsu was hanging off the side next to him. The hatch was locked, but it only had basic security. The Noghri had it unlocked in seconds. She glanced over to him, and Matsu nodded her head in approval. Then the jedi master focused on the current and force to obscure them and focus on it.

As she opened the hatch Matsu squatted on the ladder in preparation. She had her blaster carbine in one hand and across her chest for the noghri, attached to her combat vest with a pair of straps. The carbine was specially modified so a plasma cutter could be attached to the underside of the barrel, as a bayonet. There was a switch just above the trigger that would ignite the torch. The moment the hatch was open, she leapt up and through it, igniting her lightsaber as she did and tossing the carbine to the noghri.

The four guards must have thought they were receiving visitors or something. They stared at him dumbly as she slashed the nearest one across her midsection with her lightsaber. The other three Peace Brigaders' eyes went wide with shock as the shots rang out from the noghri into the second one, then Matsu stabbed a third one in the heart. Before she could take out the fourth one, she dropped out of her chair with a hole in her chest from a blaster fired by a second Noghri coming up through the hatch.

"Antenna!" Matsu shouted as she hauled the Noghri the rest of the way up through the hatch and shoved him aside. She quickly jumped back down onto the roof of the command center. Another Noghri had already found the communications cable. Matsu cut through it, and anything else that looked important. Then Matsu let out a sigh of relief. At least now the frakkin' Peace Brigaders can't call for help. Now they had to get into the command center.

Matsu dropped back down onto the snowy ground, and was joined by the two demolitions troopers. They quickly began setting up their explosives on the command center's blast doors. The jedi master while they set up was sensing and searching inside to feel where they might be while she moved about with a gron on her face and the silvery blue saber was activated. The blade blending in with the snowy ground.

A handful of seconds later, the bomb was ready. The two demolitions troopers announced it over the comlink as they stepped around to the side of the command center. Matsu glanced around to make sure everyone else was out of the way, then joined them. She could sense nine or ten people inside, but none of them were near the doors. They were definitely alert, but none of them seemed to be panicked. Maybe they didn't know they were being attacked.

The bomb exploded five seconds later. Matsu and the two demolitions troopers went back to inspect the damage. There was a crater about thirty centimeters deep, and perhaps a meter across. The demolitions troopers quickly began setting up a bigger one. A smirk on her face while she went to try and obscure them but now there was no real use hiding. The prison was on alert but the communications were cut off as they moved about.

Matsu stepped over to check out the barracks' in the force and the people were stirring. The Peace Brigaders had to notice a bomb going off on their command center. The ones in the barracks should be coming out to see what was going on—probably with blasters firing away. The other troopers moved into positions to best breach and defend while keeping an area of fire.

The barracks doors remained closed though. Matsu was about to see how her demolitions troopers were doing when she saw the doors leading to the prisoners opening. Then she felt the prisoners inside start to get very worried. The small hers of the air rushing in to the sealed rooms and the senses of the prisoners changed. She didn't fully know what to do while she moved to check but stopped briefly to think.

It took Matsu a moment to comprehend what was happening. The frakkin' Peace Brigaders are going to freeze the prisoners to death! Matsu muttered a curse and rushed back to the command center blast doors. The two demolitions troopers had the second—bigger—bomb set. Before they could ignite it though, Matsu's communications trooper commed him. She told him that someone inside the command center identifying herself as Captain Jakkobs was trying to talk to him. She also said that she was broadcasting over an open comlink, so they could all hear him. Matsu thanked her, took a quick breathed to calm herself and then switched comm channels.

"Ther is . . . Commander Matsu of the Jedi order," she said over the comlink. She bit back a few more choice words. She didn't identify herself as a rank among the jedi either. They didn't need to know that right now. As she spoke, she reached out with the Force to get a feel for the people in the command center. They were mostly worried, and a little scared. None of them seemed to be on the verge of panicking though. That would have to change.

"I'm Captain Jakkobs of the Peace Brigade," a human sounding voice replied. "I assume you're here to free the prisoners. They'll start freezing to death in about ten minutes. You can try and save them, or continue attacking us. If you do choose to continue ther attack, then I'll make sure as many of them die as possible."

Matsu could use the Force to block the cold from the entrance to the prison, but she knew she couldn't keep it in place long enough to ferry all the prisoners to the passenger liner—especially if the rest of the Peace Brigaders in the barracks chose to start fighting. She felt like she could get into command center in ten minutes. The problem was, Captain Jakkobs was very confident she could kill the majority of the prisoners. Matsu had come here to rescue them, not win a pointless battle against some Peace Brigade thugs. She had to listen to the Force for guidance.

"Then what will you tell your masters say when you don't have their prisoners? They will not be happy that you killed them and let yourself live." Matsu asked with a small smirk on her face. That definitely caused a reaction. They were very concerned about what the scarheads would do to them if they didn't have two thousand prisoners for them. "We've got a supply ship due in the morning. We'll just hitch a ride, and disappear somewhere," Captain Jakkobs said confidently. THat got the jedi master a little annoyed since she was wanting to complete the mission.

Matsu thought a moment. Admiral Palios had made it clear she had to either rescue the prisoners or scratch the mission as expeditiously as possible. There was no way she could still be here in the morning. She certainly didn't want to spend the night freezing her fur off. Then a small smirk tugged at her lips. "Piloted by a skinny human," she replied. "About forty, blond hair? Goes by the name Koddy?"

There was a noticeable pause over the comlink and the jedi master knew she had struck something. "Yeah," Captain Jakkobs replied fearfully. Even though they were speaking over a comlink, and she was wearing a cold weather mask, Matsu flashed a predatory smile, she had something now to push at and while time was ticking on the prisoners her hands motioned, her stance going very still.

"Koddy ain't coming in the morning, Captain. We've got him locked up," She told him and had a smirk on her face that tugged, pulled to be showing as humor. They needed to act fast for the prisoners but savoring ther from the man would be what would help."Ronko shavit," Captain Jakkobs responded in denial. Matsu chuckled. "How do you think we found out about ther place?" She asked.

There was another noticeable silence over the comlink. Matsu could sense the Peace Brigaders' dread as the realization sunk in. "Frakk," Captain Jakkobs finally replied in dismay. Matsu waited several seconds before replying. "There's only one ship leaving ther rock before the rogue sith show up." She wasn't sure exactly when that would be, but since the prison was at capacity, she didn't think it would be very long. "If you surrender, I'll allow you to be on it."

Once again there was several seconds of silence over the comlink. "We surrender," Captain Jakkobs finally responded. "Good," Matsu replied quickly. "Open the blast doors of the command center only," She instructed him. Then everyone will walk out single file." "Yes jedi," she answered dejectedly.

Matsu quickly switched comm channels and instructed Lieutenant Koflan's team to stay in position, covering the barracks. Then she told four of her Noghri to get ready to go into the command center with him. She wasn't about to give the Peace Brigaders a chance to surprise him. She told the other two, and the two demolitions troopers, to handle the people coming out of the command center.

As the blast doors began to open, Matsu's senses—including the Force—were alert for danger. The moment there was enough space, she rushed in, the noghri with their carbine and him with her deactivated lightsaber leading the way. She immediately began sweating from the increased temperature. Four of her Noghri were right behind him.

"Hands up!" Matsu spoke loudly projected as she swept her head across the line of people walking towards them. The seven men and two women instantly stopped and obeyed. Matsu reached out with the Force to sense if anyone else was inside. When she reached the last Peace Brigader, she stopped. "Is anyone else in here!?" she demanded, pointing her lightsaber at the woman's chest from less than a meter away and keeping it deactivated.

Two of the Noghri moved past them, searching the building. "N—No," the woman answered, trembling as her eyes followed the Noghri a moment, then went back to Matsu's saber hilt. Panicky people weren't the easiest to read with the Force. Considering Matsu didn't sense anyone else though, she believed her. Two more Noghri kept hustling the rest of the Peace Brigaders through the blast doors.

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Matsu asked her in a slightly calmer voice. Willing her to asnwer with the force truthfully. her senses searching to hear and smell the changes in her body in case she lied. "N—No," she answered, still trembling. Matsu reached down and opened her overcoat to cool off. "Do you know how to operate the controls for the prison and barracks doors?" she asked her.

"Ye—Yes master," the Peace Brigader replied, slightly more confidently. Matsu set her saber underneath her left arm, out of the way. Then she stepped forward and began searching the woman for weapons while one of her Noghri covered him. When she finished, she pulled out a pair of binders, and slapped them around her wrists in front of her. "Let's go," Matsu said, pushing her back towards the interior of the command center.

The woman was in her mid-twenties, several centimeters smaller than Matsu, with black hair. She was also a few kilos heavier than Matsu. Matsu took the woman into the control room while the Noghri swept the building for Peace Brigade holdouts. There was a stack of blaster pistols on one of the desks. The woman stayed away from them without being told. She was practically trembling with fear. The problem was, Matsu needed her thinking rationally for the next little bit.

"Hey, what's your name?" Matsu asked her as she sat her down in a chair at the control panel. The woman stared up at him for a few seconds. "What?" she asked, holding her cuffed hands defensively in front of her. "What's your name?" Matsu repeated, trying to calm her with the Force. "Sansa," she finally answered. "Sansa Stavver."

"Well Sansa," Matsu said as she sat down a chair next to her, between her and the blasters on the desk. "I need you to take a deep breath and relax okay. No one is going to hurt you." Matsu opened her overcoat all the way as she watched Sansa take a couple of deep breaths. She also sensed her calm down somewhat, although she was still highly agitated. Matsu assumed it was from being captured. It made the jedi master hold on her for a moment while she reached out to sense around him and to the prisoners. The thought of them almost freezing was becoming a real possibility.

Before Matsu could say anything else, the two Noghri that were searching the building entered the room, and announced it was clear. They also told him they had found a small weapons closet that had about ten blaster rifles, ten pistols, and two E-Web heavy repeating blasters in it. They said there were some grenades and extra power packs as well. Matsu instructed them to take the E-Webs and anything else they needed, and have Lieutenant Koflan deploy them as she saw fit. Then she had to calm Sansa down a second time.

"Now Sansa, I need you to close all the prison doors, but leave them open about half-a-meter, okay. Can you do that?" "Yes," she replied, leaning forward and reaching out towards the controls with her cuffed hands. Matsu kept alert for deception from her through the Force. The control panel was laid out in a simple graphical design. The main doors for the prison were easy to spot. There were additional doors several meters inside the main ones. Each of the twenty housing units also had a pair of doors. There were also controls for the barracks and command center doors, as well as communications.

Sansa slid the doors closed, leaving them slightly open. "I'm not sure exactly how far open they are," she explained as she leaned back. "But that should be about half-a-meter." She had a small air of confidence that the jedi master figured she could trust somewhat at least. "Thanks," Matsu told her. "How many people are in the barracks?" The woman shifted uneasily in her seat and the jedi master remained still searching with the force. "Um, I'm not exactly sure," Sansa answered. "I think about thirty-five or so."

Matsu had no interest in fighting nearly three dozen Peace Brigaders, even if she had superior troops, and position. "Can you keep the barracks doors closed from here?" She hoped while feeling them in the force. "No," Sansa replied. "They can be opened or closed from here or there." She looked down at her binders, and fidgeted in them a bit. Her body tensed and heartbeat changed a little. If she was a betting jedi she would win for sure.

Matsu thought she seemed to be about to say something else, but she remained silent. The Force was prompting him to find out. "You have something else to add?" she asked firmly, influencing her with the Force at the same time. "Um, there's about thirty guard droids in the barracks too," Sansa said softly. "We keep them hidden from the rogue sith."

Matsu's eyes went wide in shock even under the sash and mask. Frakk! In a split-second she had activated her comlink. "There are guard droids in the barracks. If the doors open, treat the forces inside as hostile. Repeat, there are about thirty guard droids and thirty-five Peace Brigaders in the barracks, if the blast doors open, treat them as hostile."

There was a chorus of acknowledgments from her troops. Matsu ran through a Jedi calming exercise. She had two dozen special-ops troopers, with two rocket launchers and two E-Webs. There was no way she could evacuate two thousand prisoners with the droids and Peace Brigaders nearby. They wouldd have to thin the numbers and make sure everything was taken care of.

Next Matsu contacted the transport that they had arrived on. She ordered them to power up, and get to their position as soon as possible. Then she contacted their bigger transport and passenger liner, and ordered them to head ther way as well. The liner would go into a low geosynchronous orbit so the two transports wouldn't have to travel far to ferry the prisoners back and forth. Then Matsu turned her attention back to her prisoner.

"Let's go," Matsu told Sansa, taking her by her upper arm. After a few steps towards the door, Matsu let go of her so she could zip up her coat again. A dozen meters or so later, they arrived outside, back in the freezing cold. The sense of foreboding that came to her gut through the force. There was something stirring from the explosions and she could feel it down below. Hell she thought for a moment she had the barest flash of one of the priestesses coming to warn him.

Lieutenant Koflan had moved the captured Peace Brigaders into the prisoner area, and had the two demolitions troopers and several prisoners keeping an eye on them. She had three troopers in the observation post, and two more on the roof of the command center. One of the E-Webs was just to the side of the command center, as close as they could get it and still cover the barracks blast doors. The other one was just inside the prison doors. The rest of the troopers were spread out in the snow. The sniper and rocket launcher teams were still in place as well.

Matsu activated the comlink that was built into her hood. Then she began issuing orders. "I want Lieutenant Koflan and five people inside the outer prison doors. I want four people in the observation post. The sniper and rocket teams stay where you are. The two people on the E-Web next to the command center stay there. Everyone else I want inside the command center."

There was another chorus of acknowledgments as they moved to obey Matsu's orders. Instead of heading for the prison though, Lieutenant Koflan came to him. "We've got quite a few prisoners inside that claim to be military. They want to help. I told them I'd pass the message along," she told him over the howling wind. Then she felt it down below in her gut and for a moment was worried about things attacking or going wrong.

There were ten blaster rifles and ten pistols in the command center's weapons closet, plus the blaster pistols in the control room. Matsu knew that military could mean anything from highly trained crack-commandos to remote reserve militia that only cleaned up after natural disasters. She didn't have time to find out what sort of experience they had, and she wasn't about to give someone a weapon for the first time in ten years if she didn't have to.

"Tell them thanks, but we have everything under control right now," Matsu replied. "And make sure the Peace Brigaders that we captured don't cause any problems." Lieutenant Koflan acknowledged, and headed towards the prisoner area. Matsu took Sansa back towards the command center. "I want to talk to the people in the barracks," Matsu told her once they got back in the control room. "And tell me who's in charge over there." As she spoke, she opened her coat again, and began pulling off her gloves.

"Um, it should be Lieutenant Grienn," Sansa replied as she reached towards the controls. "Go ahead," she said, nodding towards Matsu a couple of moments later. "Ther is Matsu of the jedi order and Republic," she said over the control panel comlink. "I would like to speak to whoever is in charge of the Peace Brigaders in the barracks." At the same time, Matsu reached out with the Force to get a sense of the people in the barracks.

She also pulled her overcoat and hood completely off, and put her regular comlink headset back on. That left him in her cold-weather-combat jumpsuit, thick outer pants, and boots. There was silence. Matsu looked questioningly at Sansa, who glanced at the controls, and nodded her head in consent. After several seconds, Matsu repeated the message. The third time, she added, "I know you are receiving ther."

"Ther is Lieutenant Grienn," someone finally replied. "Talk." The jedi master scoffed for a moment and spoke. "Lieutenant, in case you haven't noticed, my forces have taken over your command center. If you surrender, then you and your people can leave ther rock aboard my ship. If not, then you can stay and explain to the rogue sith why you don't have their prisoners."

Matsu didn't mention that she knew about the droids. After several seconds of silence she replied. "Okay," Lieutenant Grienn answered. "We surrender. We're coming out." Matsu listened to her words over the comlink, and did her best to sense her intentions with the Force. She was sure she was lying. She didn't feel like she had given up.

"Actually I need to alert my forces so they don't open fire," Matsu quickly lied. "I'll contact you in a couple of minutes." There was a brief pause. "Okay," she responded. "We'll await your signal." Matsu sensed she was still deceiving him, but not lying that time. Maybe that meant she had believed her lie. She quickly switched comlinks to talk to her troops again.

"The Peace Brigaders in the barracks are still hostile. If the blast doors open, treat it as an attack," she announced over the comlink. There was another chorus of acknowledgments. Then Matsu contacted her transport to get its ETA. The pilot told him they would be there in about three minutes. Matsu told him to pull up the map of the prison complex on her HUD, and ensure she knew which building was the barracks.

Once that was done, Matsu had about three minutes to kill. One of her Noghri was by the door of the control room, and the rest were near the command center blast doors. Sansa was sitting silently in the chair, looking down at the binders on her wrists again. "So, why did you join up with the Peace Brigade?" Matsu asked her.

Sansa paused a moment before replying. "My husband joined, and I went with him," she answered with a shrug. Matsu noticed she said went, and not came, implying that she wasn't with the Peace Brigade anymore. "So where's your husband now?" she asked casually, hoping she wasn't in the barracks. Sansa probably wouldn't be as cooperative after she had troopers blast her husband into little bits.

"She died a couple of months ago," she replied softly. "On Ylesia." Matsu idly wondered if she had killed him when they had captured the Peace Brigade leadership and that traitor Pwoe. "So why are you still with them?" Matsu asked her. "Do you believe the rogue sith are going to win?" "I don't know," Sansa responded, seemingly to both questions.

Matsu could sense she really wasn't sure. She however, was very sure, at least about the outcome of the war. "The rogue sith are going lose," she told Sansa firmly. "And you'd better believe it. It is something I have seen many times and they do not stand a chance in the long run" Sansa didn't respond for several seconds. When she did, it was only to change the subject. "I don't think Lieutenant Grienn is really planning on surrendering," she said. "She's really a believer in the cause."

"Me neither," Matsu agreed with a nod. "That's why I talked them into waiting before they came out." "Are you a Jedi?" Sansa asked him, changing the subject again. Matsu had only used her lightsaber in the observation post. She had used the title Commander when dealing with the Peace Brigaders. She didn't think she was famous enough to be known my sight, especially with all the cold-weather gear she was wearing. More so because all reports said she was eight hundred and to human standards she looked seventeen.

"What makes you say that?" she replied out of curiosity. "Isn't that a lightsaber?" Sansa asked, gesturing towards the cylinder attached to her hip and the other ones on the belt. Matsu gave a tight smirk, slightly impressed she had recognized it in such a location. "Yes, it is," she responded. "And yes, I am." Sansa remained silent for a few seconds. "Can't you just kill everyone in the barracks with a wave of your hand?"

Matsu couldn't help but burst out with laughter. "If only but no not quite," she answered. "If a Jedi could kill with a wave of their hand, we would have already won." Before Sansa could say anything else, Matsu received a comm. It was the pilot of her transport, telling him that she had arrived at the prison complex, and was hovering in place. She told him to stand by.

While she had been chatting with Sansa, Matsu had been going over her plan in her mind. She was sure that Lieutenant Grienn wasn't planning on surrendering. However, she wasn't quite ready to slaughter them all based solely on what she felt through the Force, and Sansa's opinion. She flipped her comlink over to broadcast to all of her troops, and the transport. The terrible feeling from down below was in her stomach. The tightening of her gut had him worried.

"Ther is Matsu. The barracks blast doors will be opening in a few moments. If anyone sees droids, or is fired upon, then everyone, including the transport, is cleared to return fire, is that understood?" There was a chorus of acknowledgments. Matsu made sure the transport crew understood, as they had the most firepower. It had a pair of starfighter-grade laser cannons, and a concussion missile launcher. Far more than enough to deal with thirty guard droids and as many Peace Brigaders. Once she was sure everyone knew what to do, she told Sansa to contact the other Peace Brigaders again.

"Alright Lieutenant Grienn, my troops know that you are surrendering, you can come out," Matsu said over the comlink. "That took quite a while," she replied. "I hope you weren't setting up an ambush?" "Not at all," Matsu lied smoothly. "My communications equipment simply isn't working properly in the cold." "I see," Lieutenant Grienn answered. "Well, if you're ready then, we are coming out, unarmed, please don't shoot us."

"We're standing by," Matsu replied cheerfully. The instant she finished talking, she let go of the transmit button, and turned back to Sansa. "Can you make the blast doors open faster?" she asked her. "I—I don't know," she replied, looking at the controls. "We've never tried to find out." "Well, if they try to close the doors again, make sure they open all the way," Matsu instructed her. "Yes master jedi," Sansa responded obediently.

Matsu really wanted to be outside in the fight with her troops, but she knew she could do more here. She did start putting her overcoat and hood back on though. A moment later, she heard the transport's laser canons shooting, and a few seconds later, its concussion missile launcher. At the same time, she felt the Peace Brigaders in the barracks dying. Even though they were the enemy, it was hard to feel so much death through the Force.

The shooting was over in about twenty seconds, although it seemed like much longer. Finally there was silence. "We're going in to check for survivors," Sergeant Vikkors announced over the comlink. "We're with you," someone else added. "Let's go," Matsu told Sansa, gesturing towards the door with her hand and reeling a little while the equipment went on.

By the time they made it outside, several more troopers had moved into the barracks. Matsu had no trouble smelling parts of at least a dozen guard droids scattered about the oil an burning metal pungent, along with quite a few bodies. She activated her comlink, and began issuing more orders. The soldiers were going about fully trained and in practiced movements that were a good thing to have.

"I want the transport on the ground as close to the prison as you can get. Leave two people in the observation post and the E-Web by the command center covering the barracks. Sergeant Vikkors, once your team is finished clearing the barracks building for threats, let me know. Lieutenant Koflan, let's start loading up prisoners. Leave the Peace Brigaders for last," Matsu instructed them.

There was another chorus of acknowledgments as they began obeying him. Then Matsu turned to her prisoner. "Barracks," she told him, gesturing towards the open blast doors with her saber. As they walked, Matsu reached out with the Force to see if she could sense any Peace Brigaders still alive in the barracks. By the time they reached the barracks, Matsu was pretty sure there weren't any left alive.

The transport set down with its ramp just a few meters from the prison doors. In minutes Lieutenant Koflan had it filled to capacity with rescued prisoners. It took them nearly three hours to get all of the prisoners, plus the Peace Brigaders, onto the passenger liner. Matsu had her troops salvage as much of the weapons and equipment as they could from the barracks and command center. She had also had her two demolitions troopers blow the control room up so it couldn't be used again.

Matsu waited until the very last transport to leave. It was the smaller one she had arrived on. Besides him, with Sansa, the other eight Peace Brigaders they had captured, and her special-ops troopers were aboard. There were also some containers of equipment they were taking from the prison, including one with several hundred sets of binders, stun cuffs, shock shackles, and even slave collars.

As they took off, Matsu had the pilot blast the observation post into twisted wreckage. Then she had him shoot through the open blast doors of the command center, just to make sure the Peace Brigade couldn't use the place again. The large gaping hole in the ground collapsed as a sound came from below. The jedi master had a look on her face and turned to stare as hovering over it brought thick shadows to the scanners but in the force.

In the force she felt it and spoke to one of the Peace Brigaders in the ship. "What is down there?" her voice was more of a growl as she could feel something down there and throughout the operation it had been twisting in her gut but now the man spoke a little scared. "We don't know we never went down there, no one does it eats everything and we keep it sealed." That got the jedi masters attention as she opened the door and looked down with a crouch.

"What are you going to do?" It was Sansa and Matsu looked over to her while speaking to the pilot. "I'm going down there get them to the ship and get out of here. Inform The Silver Jedi where I am and to send a ship. Whatever is down there we can't have getting loose." The pilot gave a nod of her head as Matsu jumped wrapping the force around him while she came down. The force cushioning and slowing the fall until she felt the temperature change entering the depths of the cave.

The ship headed up and decloaking from the white current a slender woman in white robes stood in the transport as they headed for the passenger liner. Matsu and two dozen commandos had rescued just over two thousand prisoners from a Peace Brigade prison, and hadn't had a single injury, much less lost anyone. Arya moved and sat silently contemplating that. For the first time since the beginning of the war, she had been on a mission, and no one had gotten killed. After a few seconds, she began smiling and leaned back.

"Hey who are you??" Sergeant Vikkors asked from the seat next to her. "I am syn's master," she said with a half truth, quickly covering her eyes with her shawl so she wouldn't see her face. "I'm fine," she said in a clipped tone that stopped him from commenting further. The Fallanassi master would oversee the ship taking care of everything and make sure the jedi's master of the order got the information. A ship would return as needed.

Slowly the jedi master felt herself touch the ground and a small impact crater formed that sent a thundering crack through the cave. her saber coming to her hand and the smells had changed. There was dead stuff down here, the smell of rotting meat decomposing slowly in the damp air filled the cavern and she could sense something was up ahead. The flesh on her arms and hairs standing warning of pradators, of things out there searching.

The temperature was warmer down here and the jedi master was actually sweating as she moved and took off the overcoat, gloves and was left standing in plain attire. The small chill from the air meeting her sweat was sending a shiver down her spine but it was still a welcome change from the restricting clothing. Here she could really move and holding her sabers. The skittering of something brought her attention deeper into the caverns while she went down.

Quickly her pace went from a slow careful walk to a small jog until she reached a drop off and looked down. There was something large and a grouping of people there. With another in between them that was being attacked, that got the jedi master to back up and run full pace jumping with force speed into the air as she launched herself at the large creature and as it snarled, screeched and looked up towards him she felt the power between it and the man off to the side from the others. She was using a link with it before the jedi master landed and rolled.

She moved to the ground and looked at the group around him, going back to back with a beast of a man who reeked of stale urine and blood. Then the tension went away and she heard someone shout. "Enough." The leader if she could be called that was standing at the top of an incline and Matsu felt the one behind him stiffen ready for more of a fight. "And who are you? Another interloper who has come to steal my treasure the god beast will devour you and I will have all of your secrets."

The jedi master reached out and felt the one in the room as the large man a marauder of the sith she could feel now charged them. The creature wasn't making a move yet but the power emanating from the man's chest... She had something on him as the jedi master focused for a moment and disappeared into the white current to disappear. She had face zealots like ther before and now as she went into that place to fight she looked to go after the leader. Cut off her head and the others would fall.

Matsu then watched and moved with careful movements around the man as her three fought and then Andelka joined in. The beast of a man spoke spinning around in place as she searched for the jedi master and Matsu's mind played out scenarios. She could leave the one sith by herself or she could help for the moment and handle it later or she could fight them all. Slowly she listened to the marauder begin to fail and she remembered what her old master told him as she watched speaking the words through the white current cloak.. Choosing to go after all of them.

"I saw a creature, she sat and she held her own heart in her hands, and she ate of it. I asked him, "Is it good friend?" She said, "It is bitter. Bitter. But I like it because it is bitter." Slowly Matsu moved as she looked at the others who couldn't hear him and she laughed her head tilted to the side. Slowly she grabbed one of the attackers by her tight ponytail. "And because it is my heart." Quickly Matsu gave a laugh a small one and threw her against the cave wall with a sickening crack.

There was no real time to worry once that creature was ordered to attack she would be in trouble and attacked another slashing her saber across another mans chest following through to reach the leg of the marauder. The jedi master had two down and three threats left plus a large beast she would have to deal with. her saber left her hand to impale into the back leg of the marauder before she was attacked by the third man and Matsu ran.

She ran after the leader perking up with the hairs on her arm before she lept through the current and as the man looked back and around she used what flexibility she had her hand and rushed towards her back hooking her hand under the mans chin. The momentum to dig a strike of her deactivated hilt into her spine deeper at the forth lumbar in the sweet spot. Slowly Matsu breathed in the scent of the mans skin as she smelled the sweat and underneath the scent of fear. She was afraid now that she wasn't in control of the gang. Quickly Matsu moved as she hooked her arm under Andelka's chin as she stood back to back with him and dropped to her knees twisting 270 degree's as she snapped Andelka into a backbreaker.

She crashed her knee's into the ground as the snap brought the man onto her stomach. Matsu quickly rolled him over and twisted sitting on her chest as she drove her fist down to her chest and found the source of the energy she was sensing now. The cool metal in her grasp the jedi master pulled and heard what she had been hoping to avoid. "My beast attack." She didn't pause, pulling the metal to him and rolling onto her back. The jedi master kicked as the massive creature roared and launched the man upinto its waiting maw before she pocketed the piece.

The marauder was dead and she had killed the lone attacker as the large beast ate the man. The snapping of bones loud in the cavern, the jedi master stood up and held out her hand as the saber returned to it and the silvery blue was out with a purple blade. She reached out with the force and was glad the others had made it out, she was hoping they got the message to Kiskla and she would be on the way. Or ther could become something dangerous while a smirk came.

Ther wasn't going to be won by a saber, she could make out what the creature was now and it wasn't a good thing. One of these were dangerous and if it was down here killing things then it had been trapped. She had to think of something to do now though since it might escape and with its food source gone.... Ther could prove difficult. "Well I did want to have a fight." The smirk that came on her face was more then enough while the jedi master clenched her fists and breathed to focus. The blister pods on its back opening and releasing a scent of old death.

The jedi had faced many things and in truth she had never expected to face a behemoth such as ther but it felt good. Win or lose she had to admit she was enjoying the moment as she charged to the side and thought about several duels she had been in. The music Iella had introduced him to was playing in her head and she had to admit she enjoyed it. Then she was off and focused pushing the force into her muscles, into the very fiber of her being before the words came out to allow him to grip the wall. A spell Elayne had taught him and she climbed scrambling up the side of the wall before the beast crashed into it.

her frantic motioned had the two sabers releasing from her hands at the creatures eyes with a sneer and Matsu jumped going up high to the cavern roof as the beast jumped. Then came down with a thunderous crash almost making him lose her grip but she remained grabbing one of the stalagmites and punching it. The cracks forming before it dropped and the jedi master went with it jumping all off towards the wall. The metal in her pocket was still cool but pulsed radiating energy almost until she landed and rolled.

The jedi master took the piece and held it with her bare hand as she felt it then, a surge of energy into her being and it was like a jolt of energy to her system before she went off running again. The rock had crashed into one of the blisters and impaled itself but it wasn't enough damage before it roared. Now it was a matter of finding something large enough to hurt it or enough things to smack into it so they could do as needed. "Maybe ther wasn't the best idea." The doubt entered her mind but she thought about what had happened with Iella on the world and what had happened.

She hadn't been ready for that either but she had trusted in the priestesses and went through their trials for one reason. She wasn't afraid and there was no reason to start now as she felt it then. That lingering tendril from the creature trying to mess with him. Paranoia and fear wasn't something a hunter felt and she thought about what could happen next from all of ther. She didn't want to die but it was a real possibility when facing dangerous creatures. She would have to move and move faster before the day was over.

Then there was a pulse and coolness washing over the jedi master from the object she had grabbed and took it out. The coolness of the metal in her hands felt strange but it was invigorating compared to other things she had touched. Whatever it was she needed to protect it from misuse while charging at the beast. Whatever it was it helped and Matsu dropped down sliding along the floor as the saber went at the beasts foot.

The blade biting into it and the sizzling sound as the creature shrieked. The tendon slashed until Matsu rolled around to her feet before dashing backwards and avoiding the creatures tail. She could notice the beast turning slower and it was getting angered chasing after him again and Matsu jumped at the wall letting its head crash into the cavern wall. She used the spell again to climb and jumped holding the blade with two hands as it drove down at the beasts head.

Then it was screaming and slashing while she dodged with the blade digging in. her foot finding one of the beasts eyes as Matsu started to kick and felt the thing give away covering her boot and leg in ocular jelly. her face shown a look of disgust but the shrieking was evidence that some damage was done. She kept moving with it keeping the blade as it dug into the beast before getting bucked off into the air.

With a turn in mid air and some force energy Matsu came down again slamming the blade into its tail and she jumped leaving the blade just a bit jumping towards the ground. Then she was rolling and sending a force shockwave. For the first time she was glad the biting cold and chill in her bones was keeping him moving, keeping him motivated and able to move faster.

Then she heard a sound and looked over as the large sith was moving and stirring on the ground. She was also bleeding the scent of blood strong in the air as Matsu ran and heard him scream. The shockwave came for a moment as Matsu jumped up and turned over the shockwave as it came hitting her ears with a deafening ring. Ther was going to be problematic while the creature turned back to look towards the sith and Matsu used the moment it grabbed him with the face worms.

Slowly the man was set in the blister pod and Matsu could feel her pain in the force but couldn't do anything yet. The jedi master reach up towards the top of the cavern and focused finding some loose rocks as she tossed kinetite blasts into it to drop on the beast. Hopefully it would help ease the siths pain more then she deserved with a small amount of reservation but it would be cruel to not help.

The rocks fell and one crushed the blister pod as the screams ended, the metal in her hand pulsing and she didn't feel tired from all of ther as Matsu moved about to let the wounded beast chase him. "Come on, come at me." She shouted more and more going up onto an incline and as the creature growled Matsu aimed a blast of electric judgement at her other eyes sending a heavy burst that gave way to popping and sizzling.

The beast roared againa nd was blindly slashing as it hit Matsu and she was glad for the sasori bodysuit as the armor protected him and she was thrown into a wall. The feeling in her chest was like a weight had slammed into it and relearning how to breathe wasn't a fun thing. Nor was the taste of copper in her mouth as the jedi master was lifted and held in front of the beast. It was scenting him and Matsu growled at it... then it growled at him before she kicked its tooth jamming it down her throat.

Then she was going at the mouth and Matsu could feel the heat of its breath. Taste the decay from flesh left in its teeth and growled before curling up and landing on the beasts tongue as it chomped down missing her body. In the mouth was a tight fit while the beasts saliva got everywhere and she felt the beastmatting her hair. Then it reeled its head back and she slipped going down.

Ther was not a good thing and as she slid down the throat of the creature the jedi master reached out grabbing a ridge of flesh and dug her hands in. The small strain was there in her muscles while she felt the slippery saliva and other fluids but kicking to dig her boots into the esophagus was enough to hold him in place. Then Matsu reached out grabbing the other side while she pushed to wedge herself into position against the wall. She was just above the stomach as the rhythmic thumping thumping of the heart before she started to formulate a plan.

Alright I am in the stomach of a Leviathan and alone She hoped that her message and report had been given as needed and that the jedi were on the way. Knowing Arya she would also contact Iella E'ron and her silver jedi if they came. It mattered less who came and more that someone did so she wasn't stranded on an ice world deep in a cave. She really didn't want to have to deal with that while she calmed her mind. Listening to her breathing steady before she reached out with the force. Digging her heels and hands in more and growing stiff.

The jedi master looked inward and deep down while sending out the force to reach any of the jedi she knew before the objective became clear. her hands digging in while she held the piece of metal in her hand and pushed off bringing one of the points out below to dig into and create a gash that stank of just awful things. Then she had blood and gt over her face as the jedi master climbed through into the chest cavity and she could feel the lungs of the beast inflating as it inhaled.

Then she was slashing and tearing digging her hands into the lungs as air and blood washed over him with a putrid stench, then she was carving her way through it down deeper amidst the shrieks and roars, then the choking on blood until the jedi master found the heart. Beating rapidly and irregular. her arms wrapped around it as Matsu squeezed and constricted it to kill the creature. She ground her teeth in slight frustration and then it gave way and there was a roar that turned into a gurgle.

Then there was an impact and things fell silent, Matsu was laying there between the heart and pieces of lung while she took a deep breath and let go withdrawing her lightsaber to slice and area she could climb around in. Maneuvering she made sure to dice the heart just in case and kicked until her feet met rib cage. Using that as a guide Matsu put the blade between the ribs and slowly started to slice through the thick underbelly of the beast. Then she could scent it under all the guts, goop and blood. That wonderful scent of chilled air and the jedi master pushed herself forward to climb out of the beast.

Matsu was looking around as she laid there and could feel something, that same feeling from Kashyyyk when she had been flow walking in the tree, that same sensation of power and she looked up seeing it.. the feeling of something on her face. Thick, wet and fleshy before it trailed the gore away. Leaving a pale stgreak and she rolled over falling back against the creature to try and protect herself.... but that tongue wasn't what she was feeling as she looked up and saw a massive wolf.

"Well well well... little jedi has come here now." The voice wasn't coming from the wolve but she could see it rasiing back on its haunches, eyes glazed over for a moment as the mist and whatever it realy was appeared. "Seeking me out, drawing my attention by killing my pets. When will your kind ever learn. I am not one with whom you can mess and now... now you will pay the price for your.. curiosity." She coudl feel its voice not from lips but from everything around her. Matsu was looking at parts of the mist around the cave.

Then she was being taken in the jaws of the wolf and moving, somewhere she couldn't feel as her stomach lurched beneath her, her eyes shutting through the bright tunnel before she clung to the wolf and felt the soft fur of the beast. She had been to the spirits, the priestesses but had never seen anything like this before. She had seen some of the more dangerous things that they were all going to be doing.... Then she was awake, looking over at it when she was deposited on the floor.

She couldn't tell where she was, looking around the room was filled and opulent... garish in most cases but she was ale to see areas of the room in the light. Shelves of artifacts and things that were left around. The wolf was there looking at her and it growled silently but was watching her more then anything. Its eyes still glazed over while in the shadows she could sense it, something was moving against the thicker shadows showing her what they were going to be doing. "Welcome to your new life."

She didn't have much in the way to resist, the being was older then her, stronger in ways that few others could understand so she did what was smarter. She didn't resist, she bided her time, focused on keeping herself stronger and safer so that she could learn about what they were doing.. what he was as the room she was in was something that she would want to be in. It was an artifact collection unlike anything else she had ever seen. Millions of artifacts from species across the galaxy... from eras she had never known existed.

Whatever this thing was.. it was ancient or it was something else and she could see parts that had been formed later from other species. Things far older and more dangerous then what she had faced before. Legends that the spirits and the priestesses had spoken about when they touched the cosmic force. 'Ohhh' She felt one of the spirits in her head giggling.. amused at her thought of the Omnipotent beings that controlled space and time even matter being able ot make things from nothing.

She had worked out with a few other things, worked with the force while the jedi might be searching for her. The days seemed to become months and longer without some way to fully see time and the passage of it. She worked to curate this beings collection. Seeing artifacts it had collected for no other reason then he could take them from the beings in the galaxy. Hoarding the knowledge here until one day. She resolved she had learned enough but couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Matsu had heard of the legends, anyone who studied the ancient jedi did just that. Here the world was one giant library.. this being wasn't a gree... it had killed them here as they were going extinct. What she feared was that it was far stronger then she was suspecting before the jedi master breathed in the scent of the metal and machinery on the planet. As far as she could see there was the library, with defensive towers and cannons across the surface of it here.

This world was like coruscant or denon or nar shadda massive, built from the surface layer by layer of library flooring and he was expecting her to take care of all of it. A lifetimes of work as the jedi master realized what else there was here. Vaults deeper down, she returned to the level and started working on the computers themselves. So that she would be able to see more of it, she wanted to try and get lower into the library here. The Great Library of Manuals.

She laid there relearning how to focus the force within her mind and she was trying to allow the sense of where she was... how farrr she had traveled but her mind was still foggy as she rose up. The library itself was something she had been searching for a long time to find. The gree were well.. the gree were good at hiding things and their skillss with things like dimensional engineering was a ways to make massive spaces out of smaller areas.

She walked and found a railing that let her look down into the lowerr levels as far as her eyes could see... the sounds of machinery still working and droids were walking around. She could make out what they were doing in the distance when her vision and thoughts fully returned to her. THe force whispering and letting her focus her mind to find herself before exploding her consciousness outwards and towards the stars.

"I see." She said it and was moving now as slowly her body adjusted. THe force returnign to her muscles and she started to take in more of the area, more of her surroundings and most importantly... The way out. A massive lift that would go to the surface was her goal and then she would find a means to get either communication to the Jadeite or another means. The Gree did have hypergates after all and a few of them were around the galaxy still active and able to be used.

The lift went up as she could feel it, the whispering against the back of her neck the charge of the thing... cause as she turned it didn't give itself much shape... remaining more like a glow that reflected her image. She had seen the mirrorverse and Valeyard which was a dangerous prospect... Maple Harte Maple Harte haad aided with that and she tried to reach out and get the former jedi to be able to feel her. SHe might need a little violence if there was something like pirates in the way.

The surface of the library was in sight as she moved towards it but stopped looking back at the thing.. Wutzek was something she had encountered before... his.. its children more so. Learning manipulation of matter like art of the small to a degree few others could touch or dream of. She listened to the being speaking into her head as it screamed when she held a hand up. She knew how to fight him... had done it and allowed the force to protect her.

THe being spoke for a moment but its wordss were lost... the sensation of something else was there as the jedi master observed something new... or old... wordplay she had it as it spoke and stood there watching her. Morphous and shapeless in many things but its words came to her. "A jedi hasn't been here for awhile and to anger that thing... not an easy feat. You must be troublesome." It seemed much more curious while watching her but didn't seem to see her as much as what she was.

"And yet, in each human coupling, a thousand million chances for a child. Multiply those odds by countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive; meeting; siring this precise son; that exact daughter… Until your mother was captured by one she came to to hate, and of that union, of the thousand million children competing within the force, it was you, only you, that emerged. To distill so specific a form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold… that is the crowning unlikelihood. The thermo-dynamic miracle."

He seemed more interested in boiling her down to just a statistic compared to anything else and the jedi master stood there as the surface of the great library became visible. The lift coming up and she could see the sun. There wasn't any ships and everything looked like it hadn't been touched in centuries or longer. THe jedi maaster huffed as she felt something behind her and then there was a tightness in her chest.

The stars expanded outwards... the energy tearing at her as she felt fire and pain in every atom of her body... SHe had learned to check it with art of the small and alter it in ways few others could... fast... faster then most could preceive but her mind raced and she thought of Hanna Ike Hanna Ike for the moment until she was gasping.. her body on something solid for a moment.

THen she was falling, the sensation dropping away as wind sliced at her face, the coldness of thin atmosphere was there and she opened herr eyes squinting from the wind rushing itno her face. She looked around and could see the massive trees of Kashyyyk, the glittering blue waters as she had thought about it and it was there for a brief moment. Hanna was her main thought and her children who had enjoyed being here on the world when she was among the silver jedi.

She took a moment and couldn't focus the force for the moment... she needed to calm herself and refocus as her body went straight... a knife edge and the jedi master focused herself to be like a knife going through the air and reaching terminal velocity. She could see the trees approaching faster aand faster as she focused finding her breath again and the force. EXpanding it within her chest for the moment as she pushed it outwards from her body and wrapped herself in the force itself.

She was allowing herself to better focus the force and she felt the impact... it was still even with the massive cushion of force energy. She was like jello as the shockwave around the impact site shook the trees and she didn't doubt it was going to be on the sensors as the jedi master stood there. Her body relearning for several seconds how to move and brreathe... she rose up slowly and started to walk towards a part of the silver rest.

"...that brings us to the last fiscal quarter."

Wielding a datapad in hand, as the boy's hand artfully swiped across the screen, the myriad of holographic aids changed form. Statistical analysis of any number of permutations, with the same data sets depicted in various form or according to differential variables.

A shareholders meeting had more in common with theater than it did actual math. The art of the deal. Numbers presented through a particular lens. Marketing. It was all marketing. The young Anzat felt very much as though this were the opening night of some grand play and he but an actor on a stage. Following the script given him by the Director of Communications for the part that he was to play.

"As you can see, over the last three months, we've reintroduced the brand into several markets to off-set the currency volatility brought about by the collapse of the..."

The hair rose on the back of his neck.

The boy stopped in mid-sentence, fumbling with the datapad as his right hand instinctively dove for...

...for what? A lightsaber that wasn't there.

Something was...

...was what? The boy's mouth opened a moment, his mind off-track as he then recalled when and where he was. Tucking the pad under his arm, the boy looked around the assembled holographic depictions of various individuals as he weighed his next move.

"My apologies, I fear that solar activity may be disrupting the transmission from here," the boy lied smoothly, before deferring toward the hologram of an aging woman with short, white hair. "Aisha, if you'd be so kind to take over," Sor-Jan remarked, yielding the floor to the director of Corel Financial.

With a thought, the Anzat had severed the connection, as the room went dark as the blue light forms vanished.

"Are you feeling unwell, sir?"

Glancing upward, the small youth was graced by the omnipresent protocol droid.

"A disturbance in the Force," the former Jedi supplied cryptically, even as he passed his datapad over to the robotic assistant. Then, thinking twice on it, mused aloud, "For a moment, I was overwhelmed by a feeling that a short Atrisian woman was going to drag us all into a fiery doom."

"That seems... oddly specific."

Yes. It was.

He felt it still. A presence he hadn't felt since Voss. But that had been a long time ago, in what felt like a galaxy far, far away. Before the Kathol Outback. Before the Galactic Alliance -- the first one, at that.

"Well, whatever it is, it's not our problem," the boy utterly flatly. He'd tried to save the galaxy before. Several times actually. All it it had ever gotten him was frustration and anger. And disappointment.

The disappointment was the hardest pill to swallow. Having been raised by the Jedi, he'd been indoctrinated into the belief that they were the guardians of peace and justice...

...the fact was, reality fell far short of the soundbyte.

So why were the hairs still standing up on the back of his neck?

He felt as nervous as a youngling on the day of the Jedi Hopeful Trials. He opened his mouth to speak, then seemed to reconsider. The hesitancy remained, lingering indecision, before the boy finally asked, "Check the holonet for trending news tags. Anything... unusual," the boy requested finally.

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike 's face came to mind. Like an echo of a dream half-remembered. Or a waking nightmare. "Cross-reference Atrisia and Shri-Tal," the boy added. If Matsu was involved, those were the most likely places where she'd be up to something.

"Should I inquire with the Jedi, sir?"

"Coruscant," Sor-Jan clarified, with a shake of his head. " Romi Jade Romi Jade 's enclave likely doesn't have the resources to have situational awareness beyond Ossus..." Though, if there was some kind of doom lingering out in the galaxy, the Scar Worlds were as likely a place as any where it would appear.


"The Silver Jedi?" the boy scoffed, feeling the bile rise in the back of his throat even as he said the name. "I'm sure their heads are too far up their own asses for them to notice. Or to care."

"You misinterpret my statement as an inquiry, sir," the droid correctly flatly. "I was not suggesting Kashyyyk. I was stating that I have found a relevant holonet news tag that closely matches your... fiery doom."

With a simple hand gesture, the droid summoned a holographic window appeared in mid-air. It was a holovid, seemingly shot by an amateur with a vid-comlink, but which seemed to depict a fiery orb visible in the sky from a canopy of trees.

"This was posted to HikHok precisely twelve-point-eight-seven-nine seconds ago by user JediBoi4987."

Kashyyyk. The boy felt his jaw tighten. Of course, it would involve the Silver Jedi.

Sor-Jan had trusted the Silver Jedi once. It was a mistake he didn't intend to make a second time. He could never forgive them for walking away from Voss. And for what? To save lives by not fighting for them to begin with?

"Like I said, not our problem," the boy remarked coldly, turning his gaze back up at the droid as he said, "That will be all."

He put his back to the droid as the automaton lumbered out of the ship's board room. Shuffling his way toward the panoramic window that wrapped around the starboard bridge tower of the Clone Wars era ship, the young Anzat gazed out into the stars and wondered what had happened to the idea that all stars burned as one...

"Damn you."

Who? The Jedi? The galaxy? Himself?

All of the above.

Taking a deep breath, the boy tapped his comlink. "Bridge, Xantha."

"Drop us out of hyperspace and then set a course for the Kashyyyk System."
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Be careful what you wish for.
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” - Henry Ford

Something was bothering him, he could not sleep and did not understand why. No matter how hard the big man tried to clear his head, there was something that was affecting him so much that he could not understand and no matter how much Caltin focused, he just could not center on the problem. This was one of those fewer and fewer accumulating days where he felt, truly felt like he was no longer a Jedi, that he was just pretending and that he was something else. So the only thing that the big man could do was get out of his head. He was going to do what he hated more than wearing formal robes.

Caltin Vanagor was going to meditate.

Sitting in the Lotus position was never comfortable. Sure he was flexible enough but his feet always began to fall asleep after a while, but this was the best way that Vanagor knew how to figure out what was bothering him so much. This was an issue that was going to eat at him and give him an attitude that the big man would not take out on his wife. So, sitting quietly he focused on the... quiet... a lot of quiet... and just let it take him on the... quiet... until slowly the big man drifted into memory.


Cantarus Auditorium
1938 Hours

It was the "Coronational Honor's Society Student Governmental Policy and Infrastructure Debate." A mouthful indeed, and he fought the multiple cases of "ton-eye"(where your eyelids felt like they weighed a ton) during the event but Caltin Vanagor sat proudly in the audience as his daughter Alyscia was among those on stage. He barely understood any of the discussion going on, but he was happy to be there. It gave him time away from his current trials and tribulations about his place in the universe. He didn't question who he was, he was Jedi, a warrior, a protector. He didn't question who or what mattered to him, his family, his fiance'. He questioned his place in the ever-changing galaxy...

... but not tonight.

No, tonight he was just a dad, getting the "You're so cute when you're confused..." smirk from his daughter on stage. Caltin tried to help her prepare for this, doing and saying what she wanted him to, but still lost on it all. She was able to prepare, and he was able to spend time with her, so all was well. One thing that caught his attention, and he would not realize it just yet, was the comment that Alyscia made in response to a comment about having limits and rules, and "everyone has their place."

That made him wonder, "Why?" and she had asked the same question. It was almost as if he was feeding her the information, he wasn't, that just because someone assumed that there were rules, were there? Were you supposed to suppress speech you don't agree with? Or protect it because if you don't protect that, who would protect your speech? He was equating much of this to his current situation. but would address it another time.

Soon the final of the four-hour event saw its completion and everyone was beginning to disburse Caltin wanted to take his daughter to dinner, but she sadly reminded him that the group was meeting for dinner. It was disappointing, but he waved off her offer to decline their invitation. She had him any time she wanted, he could let her have fun. It would give him time to hit the Jedi Enclave in the Government District, he had questions that could be answered...

... and now the journey had a destination.

Keeva Thymes, Jedi Knight, and once Republic General arrived at the Jedi Enclave in hopes of finding her long-time Master, Satkia, but it seemed she had missed her Master by a matter of hours and won’t be back for a matter of days. She could track her down, though Satkia had her own personal life now and Keeva was a grown woman on the cusp of Masterhood herself. It wasn’t an emergency or anything serious and felt foolish tracking down her master for just a heart-to-heart.

Actually, it was the issue with her Master Trial that she wanted to discuss. She had a small discussion with Master Navaria and knew she’d been hiding from the galaxy and that in order to face her deepest and darkest fears, she’d have to leave the protection of Ossus behind. It was harder than she thought, she even had students now to train, but she left them with a list of activities and directions that she hoped would pre-occupy them until she returned. By then, she hoped to be more confident in herself not only as a person but as a Jedi Master too.

Now Keeva found herself in the archive room of the Enclave, pouring over random files and debating with herself what to do next. She felt trapped in this semi-transition between Knight Warrior and Master and wasn’t sure where to put her focus in order to advance and become a better Jedi. She had issues regarding the Sith she needed to deal with, but provoking a fight wasn’t going to help anyone or her chances at Masterhood. It would be a foolish and reckless thing to do, something a Padawan or Knight would try in order to gain reputation. No, Keeva had to deal with her past, emotions, and questions about her future in a safer environment... but where?

And with whom?


Feeling a weird sense of Deja Vu, Caltin continued to walk through the somewhat empty Enclave. Perhaps it was the time of night and there was a skeleton crew, after all this was more of an Embassy than an actual Enclave. It didn't matter though as he knew where the archives were, and he sensed a familiar presence there. However, he wouldn't intrude, he would continue to look around.

The place was definitely "Corellian", and while it wasn't to his tastes (if he hates anything, it's the color "green") it was definitely a nice look. Walking by Alyscia's desk, he stopped to check it out, the pictures, the knick-knacks, it was definitely hers. The holo of her and her friends was a fond memory, the surprise trip to Hesperidian that he sprung on her (and them). A small tinge of sadness flashed across his face as he noticed nothing of him, but that was okay, after all, girls her age don't want pics with their dads.

Then he saw the lock screen on her computer terminal, it was one of the two of them on Naboo, a truly happy picture and the smile was back.

Almost made him forget why he was here.

"Master Vanagor?" He heard the voice coming from the entryway of the common area. "You shouldn't be here." It was a Padawan, who was assigned "Representative Duty" for the evening. The thought brought an eyebrow up his forehead. Why is that? He asked as he stood up, almost immediately intimidating the smaller Jedi, which brought him pause.

"Because Jedi Knight Thymes is in the archive. You are with her, right?" Caltin just rested a reassuring hand on the Padawan's shoulder as if to say "relax."

I'll go talk to her. Not really sure why he said that Caltin made his way into the library and while he was in there to search for answers, he tapped on Keeva's left shoulder as he walked by her right side from behind. Turning around with a smirk, he stopped.

Hey soldier, what brings you here.

The tap on her shoulder startled the Jedi Knight out of her mellow mood as her blue eyes widened to see Caltin Vanagor appear on her right. She had not seen him since his visit to Ossus... a while ago now. She always looked up to the Jedi Master, admiring his strength, wit, and kindness towards students. He reminded her of a Soldier, another Guardian who will not hesitate to pick up their lightsaber to defend innocence and the values of the Jedi.

At hearing the question, Keeva let out a long, audible sigh and slid down an inch in her chair. It was a loaded question.

“I honestly don’t know. I came here to seek some advice from Satkia - but she’s gone and won't be back for a while. So I feel like this was a wasted trip... I came into the library thinking something would spark my interest, or answer my questions, but so far I’ve been brooding on my own problems and issues. That is until you came in.”

Keeva looked up at Caltin. “What about you? Didn’t realize you were in town - so to speak... then again I’m not the type of Jedi to keep tabs on others... I don’t know where many of my other friends are these days.”

Friends? Keeva could count the number of Jedi friends on her fingers... it wasn’t that many, but seeing a familiar and friendly face like Caltin’s did more to brighten her mood than she realized. Maybe she should go back to Yavin 8 more often?

I'm never hard to find, I'm usually on Yavin, Naboo, or here... or just call my ship. As for being here now? My daughter attends Coronet University and interns here in the liaison office. Looking around the walls and at the various knick-knacks, Caltin started to look at entries. He was looking at the older side, the "Hyperspace Wars" side. What was he looking for? He'll know when he finds it. There was an answer to the question in his mind though and one way or the other he was going to answer it. That question is "why?"

Keeva seemed rather bothered, she was looking for something as well, but she asked for Satkia. That was okay, the redhead was her Master after all, but Caltin couldn't sense her on the planet. So the girl was out of luck for the moment, but that may not have been the case though as there was another option. Perhaps I could help?

Help? Maybe, but Keeva didn’t want to drag Caltin into her drama. He already had a daughter for that. But, if she stayed there scrolling through the archives, nothing would come out of it. She had to talk to someone... Caltin was here and offered.

“Maybe... It’s about my Trial... or well lack of one. I’ve decided to put my name forth to become a Master. A long shot, but now that the Temple is up and running on Ossus I feel a Master of some level should be active there. I’ve been there for a while now, helping with the finishing touches and training any Jedi that comes around. I thought since nobody else seems to be stopping by and I’ve sort of made it my home - that I should become a Master and look after the Temple properly.”

Keeva looked up bashfully from her seat at the big man.

“The problem is, finding someone to help me with my Trial. I’ve tried Derakai, but that didn’t work out and even Narvaria came by and talked to me about it. I’ve got some pent-up issues I’ve been avoiding - she helped me see that but didn’t do much else. I have a bad habit of crawling away like a hermit when I hit a wall. Ossus became my new ‘hole’ to get away from my past, my fears, and even my darkest thoughts. Sure I can put everything out of my mind and focus on the Temple and the Padawans... but I know inside I’m running away from part of myself. I was hoping to talk to Satkia since she knows some of what I’ve been through...”

Keeva sighed and fidgeted in the chair. Caltin didn’t want to hear her sob story. She was a Jedi Knight, a Guardian and she didn’t want that impression ruined. A heavy sigh came out of Keeva as she realized she did it again, but the pressure on how others perceived her was ahead of her own good.

“Sorry, I’m rambling again. It’s nice to talk to someone about it, but I don’t want to hold you up. You must be here for a reason.” And it’s not me... Keeva said, the last to herself.


A very young Caltin Vanagor was in his room looking for his favorite model ship. The room was a mess, not because the little boy was a slob, but because he was looking furiously for it. It was when his father walked in chuckling to himself that the child stopped looking around. "What did this room ever do to you, son?"

Embarrassed and bowing his head, Caltin just pouted. I'm sorry.

Dropping to his knee, Eldric patted his young son on the shoulder. "Hey, it's alright. What's going on?" The reassuring smile never left his face.

I can't find my YT-1300. Throwing his hands up in frustration, but in a way, anyone over 5 years old in the room would see as adorable, he looked around. I searched everywhere.

They conversed a little more, but more of Caltin ranting and raving about where he looked, and his father asking more questions until finally, Eldric stood erect. "Let's go for a walk."

Confused, Caltin looked up. Why? I wanna find my ship.

Nodding, his father answered "... and I intend to help you. Let's go get some ice cream, take our minds off of this, and then we'll figure out where your ship is." Caltin was obviously interested in getting ice cream but still concerned about his toy. "You trust me, don't you?"

Present Day (at least in this Flashback)

He had seen that look on her face before, he had worn it himself. Not about becoming a Master, that was thrust on him, and he was caught off guard, but when he was searching for an answer. No, Caltin may not be here for her, but he could indeed help, and considering she would pay it forward and wasn't trying to use him for advancement as some did, he was more than willing.

I'm going to tell you something that might shock you. Every single one of us has issues, pent-up anger, dark thoughts, all of it. Don't be ashamed, just be aware, don't let it define who you are. He could say more, like how she wasn't a "hermit" if she wanted to figure things out on her own once in a while. We all have our own way of doing things. It would be just piling things on at this point, besides, they had time.

Now come on, let's go for a walk and get some ice cream. Clear our heads. Slowly heading to the door, he waved for her to follow, not as a Master to a Knight, but as a friend who wanted to help another. She didn't ask him for help, but maybe that is why the Force brought them together.

Keeva gave Caltin a smirk at his words of advice. She knew some had dark thoughts and issues to deal with, but what about Master Tessa, or Master Farifax? They look so at ease, so calm and in control of themselves. She doubted they had any of these dark issues to deal with. Still, she couldn’t completely throw Caltin’s words out the window... she knew he had issues - of what she didn’t have the details, but then there was Judah, Satkia... maybe he was getting at something.

“Ice cream? Am I six?” Keeva asked, the smirk becoming a smile, turning into laughter, but she stood all the same to follow Caltin. A walk with a treat at the end sounded like a good deal.

“How do you deal with it?” Keeva asked at Caltin’s side. “The anger and darkness? Is there a secret of some kind I haven’t learned yet?”

He didn't expect his advice would be well received, it rarely was, but the smirk from Keeva said it was practically falling on deaf ears. It was fine as all Jedi are especially good at something, oftentimes at the expense of something else. He wasn't a diplomat or a giver of advice. He knew what he said to be true, well, for the most part, Master Rendahl is like a Jedi statue, but that is a conversation for another time.

It works for me.

I was trying a different method of clearing our heads... he then shrugged with a smile blowing it all off. ... oh well, more for me. While he was visibly taken aback by her refute of ice cream, though he could admit it was "outside the box", there was a method to this and she would see it soon enough.

I learned a long time ago that I'm not a Jedi because I have to be, but because I choose to be. Walking out of the archives, into and through the common area, Caltin didn't really think about an answer to the question she asked. How do you answer something like that, after all?

What I mean is, well. Let's face it, I have a bit of a reputation, and a good portion of it is justified. However, that's not who I am. For me, it's about my decisions and not my habits. Yes, attachments lead to fear, fear leads to anger, and anger leads to the Darkside; but why does it have to? Trusting in the Force is more than simply a training line. I'm conscious of my decisions, and I know if I'm going to go too far with one. As they made their way out the front, he looked around and above with a sense of oddity, Caltin continued his thought.

It's all about paying attention. For example, you refuse my offer of ice cream. I was taken aback by that, sure you were joking but there's more to that offer than Rocky Road. It's about taking your mind off of…

He stopped again and looked around with another sense of oddity. Do you sense that? Come on. He then took off running.

“More for you! I’m getting some ice cream if you are.” Keeva said, feeling the smile widen on her lips. She didn’t know if he got her sarcasm or not, did it matter? She recalled how her mother used to import to her that words had meaning, and your tone can change that meaning, or people may not hear your words but the words you didn’t say and take that as your answer. It was all confusing, but that was politics. Keeva thought by becoming a Jedi she didn’t have to worry about her words, what she meant or didn’t mean by them... but it seemed her mother was trying to teach a life lesson to her and she completely missed the point. Now she couldn’t even go back and find out the truth from her mother.

“Have and choose,” Keeva muttered. She assumed she’d come to accept her role as a Jedi as a choice... but thinking back as a Padawan she didn’t think she had a choice. She was a moody teenager whose dream had been derailed into this. She wasn’t a teenager any longer, she carved out the importance, meaning to be a Jedi... but was she still fighting against herself? So many negative things have happened to her since becoming a Jedi... challenges to overcome, but was she still bitter deep inside?

Attachments, fear, anger, darkness. Keeva didn’t have any attachments, just the other three looming in the back of her head. Could just being aware of them, and keeping a conscious control of her decisions and choices be enough for her as a Jedi? She wanted to purge them, to go back to the soldier she was before she became a Jedi... could she accomplish that? Was there a Jedi technique that will for once and for all allow her to accept, forgive and put the past behind her?

“I wasn’t refuting your offer for ice cream... I found the offer cute.” Keeva said, just before Caltin took off. Her mind had been in such a jumble, that she didn’t understand at first what was happening, but suddenly the Force struck her with a sense of darkness and danger. An external aura of a darksider nearby.

She took off running, catching up to Caltin quickly.

“So, no ice cream?” Keeva asked, her disappointment evident in her tone.

She was trying to understand in her own way, he could appreciate that, it's probably why they got along so well. This is why the massive Jedi Master didn't really press that matter much further, besides, she wasn't a Padawan anymore and needed to make her mark and not have someone hold her hand and walk her on this trail they call life.


She needed to come to her own realization, you couldn't do it for her.

Oh, okay.

Anyway, they had more important concerns at the moment as the disturbance he was sensing was down the road and to the right, in the government district. He was making his way to the Council building courtyard when they ran into what was going on. There were four Green Jedi, "Green" was what they were called thanks to their heritage of being Corellian. The four Jedi, judging by their clumsiness looked to be Padawans, were attacking 2 others dressed in dark clothes, street clothes. This concerned Caltin greatly, but what concerned him the most is that they were emanating the dark side of the Force.

Were they Sith?

Right now, none of that mattered as a crowd was forming and this could get exponentially more dangerous.

~Follow me, we're going high.~

Speaking through the Force to Keeva, he leaped onto the roof of a corner shop and reached out through the Force. Once they were close enough to be able to see the 6 individuals, and their lightsabers, Caltin reached out for all 6 weapons (only the Jedi were drawn at that point) and pulled them away. As the cylindrical weapons rolled to the feet of the two Jedi, Caltin looked at all of them.

"Master Vanagor!"

"The Guardian Thymes!"

The Jedi were obviously well aware of who was among them.

"More of you?! You brought your back up?" Bellowed one of the Darksiders who looked to be mentally exhausted from the situation.

"You there. We have done nothing wrong. I am from Corellia, we were only there to visit my mother's resting place. Is that a crime?! We have done nothing!" The other was a little more hopeful, but the frustration was still there. He wasn't searching her thoughts, but the tone and the general aura suggested some kind of truth.

"You can't possibly be thinking about believing them?" One Jedi yelled out.

"They're Sith! They're out to kill us! We have to defeat them!"

From what? What have they done?

"It's what they're planning to do!"

Caltin then decided to do something out of the ordinary.

He deferred to Keeva.

What do you think?

He could go further of course, but he wasn't the only Jedi here. He had his opinions of the situation, but she had hers too.

Keeva followed Caltin and rounded the corner to the courtyard of the Council building. There they spotted the disturbance they both felt earlier. Four young Jedi Padawans surrounded two individuals. Their lightsabers out, aggression in their stance. The two they held their weapons towards emitted a dark aura of a darksider. Whoever they were, they were trained in the dark side of the Force.

Keeva’s heart beat hard in her chest. Her right hand immediately pulled out her lightsaber but then Caltin’s voice echoed into her mind. She realized that a crowd was gathering and the risk of danger coming to civilians calmed Keeva down. She followed Caltin and jumped high onto a nearby roof, giving her a better viewpoint of the situation. The Darksiders haven’t pulled out their weapons, only the Jedi. A preemptive show to dissuade the dark siders from doing something reckless?

Caltin pulled all the active lightsabers away, the hilts rolled at their feet. Keeva still held hers in her hand. She gripped it tightly as the conversation was directed at them. The Padawans were just protecting themselves... the Sith couldn’t be trusted. She pictured Caltin working the situation out, with her on the side ready to strike if any of the Darksiders made a wrong move. Instead, Caltin turned towards her.

“Me?” Keeva asked, startled. She blinked and looked to Caltin, then at the scene below them. Caltin was the Master, the most senior present, he should be making the choices, not her. She noticed how all now looked at her, even the dark siders. One wrong or faulty move and they could take advantage of the situation.

“If they are here for what they say they are... there is no crime in that.” Keeva admitted that she found it hard to just let the Sith go. She could understand the Padawan’s defense, Sith could not be trusted.

“What are they planning that made you pull your lightsabers out at them?” Keeva directed to the Jedi who called out earlier. “Look around, were you to provoke them into a fight where civilians could be at risk? Jedi are defenders, protectors. Confronting your enemy in such an open space is reckless.”

Keeva jumped down to their level, placing herself between the Padawans and Darksiders. She still held her lightsaber hilt in her hand, her grip tight. The Padawans didn’t like what she had to say, she could see that in their expressions. The Sith were still tense, but the crowd is what worried her the most.

“Where is your mother’s resting place?” Keeva asked, turning to the Sith.

"You can't be serious! Guardian!" One of the more angry Padawans bellowed. He couldn't believe that such an evil presence would be protected, they had to be defeated, all of them.

"... but they're Sith?" It was that statement that made one of them, the one who looked to be the youngest, the quietest to this point, stop herself.

Caltin then jumped down from the roof, the look in his eye was one of concern, but he wasn't going to speak up. Keeva needed to be able to handle this, on her own, success or failure, but he would support her regardless. That and there was a crowd forming, he would handle them.

"Look at this crowd forming! We have to protect these people! We don't need to know what they might be planning. They're Sith! We have to take the fight to them and stop letting them kill us all!" The one who looked to be the ringleader was growing a little bold, even trying to play up to the crowd a little. Caltin took this time to emanate an aura of calm.

The two Sith were looking around, almost frantic now. This was normally something to fear with a Darksiders aggressiveness normally but this was genuine. "We just want to leave. YOU are the ones who attacked, NOT us. If you had let us leave we would be on transport by now."

The Corellian Darksider, the one who "wanted to visit her mother", reached out as if to put her hand on Keeva's shoulder but stopped short. This action wasn't out of aggression, but sincerity. There was still tension, no doubt, but at the moment, she looked more like a lost daughter and not a potential Dark Lord of the Sith.

"She is in the west wing of the Axial Park catacombs." After the great war, the Corellian Council took two of the underground tunnels beneath Axial Park, initially in remembrance of those who fell in defense against the Sith invasion, but soon became open to public use. "I can direct you to her if you need proof. I wasn't there for her memorial, this was the first time seeing her." She was not weepy, but the woman was clearly remorseful over the loss of her matriarch.

"I don't believe this! You're actually going to let them go?! They're playing you!" One of the Padawans yelled out.

"Please don't tell me they're going to be set free! We can't believe every sad story we hear!" The "leader" of the group, a little less boisterous than before turned around, addressing a genuine concern, though still aggressive about it.

"He has a point." The quiet one spoke up. "I mean is it just naive to go on this? They complain about us now, but if we let them go will they not boast about 'Jedi weakness'?" The point was made, and though the quiet Padawan, we'll call him "Reiz", was on the side of the other Padawans, he wasn't going to fight.

"We have done NOTHING. We have said NOTHING." The darksider, the escort said in reply. "We even dressed in street clothes so as not to call attention to ourselves."

"YOU ADMIT IT! You're here to infiltrate us!"

"I was able to say 'goodbye' to my mother. I did what we came here to do. My friend warned me this would happen, so if you want to arrest someone, arrest me. He was just here to support me."

"No, I'm with you until the end."

"Yes! Arrest them! They need to be locked up as a message!"

Caltin was busy pacifying and trying to get the crowd to back away and disperse, but he couldn't help but have his opinions about this whole thing. He would not step in though, Keeva was more than the right person to handle this and he was glad that she was there.


Waking suddenly from his meditation with a start there was something… off. He was getting more accustomed to how he utilized the Force now and learning with more and more ease what those little “feelings” meant here and there. It was interesting in the sense of how easily we take things for granted once we reach the level of “Master” and how easily we stop appreciating the little things until we have to re-learn them in a different way all over again. That was the case every day for the massive Jedi Master, if this was happening a few years ago, he would know about Matsu Ike Matsu Ike and her bitter cold, and @Sor-Jan Xanthia and his “Little man syndrome”, but right now there was nothing of the type. No, the meditation had gotten him out of his head and now there was something that he needed to investigate.

Something on Kashyyk.

Chrysa Vanagor Chrysa Vanagor was asleep in bed, so he leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead before leaving a note as to where he had gone(never wanted her to worry). After that, it was a matter of gearing up and getting into his ship and setting a course.

TAG: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , @Sor-Jan Xanthia
Silver Rest Courtyard

Tag: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha

Five young Padawans, One grizzled Jedi Master were training in the courtyard, deep in their studies and routines.

"Mathayus keep the leg flexible. Amelia don't step too far, weapon of grace." Kei instructed. She gave him a roll of her eyes, Kei being graceful? "Focus," he said calmly. Teaching your family was difficult, worth every second. Even if he focused on them more than he should, giving them a harder time because he loved them.

All of the five were looked after, family or not. Not a knee was out of place, or a grip not corrected. Time was he was drilled in the army like this, some of that military disciple was still in his style. Walking around each as they held the movement they'd just made, hands behind his back. He'd give a student a look until they realized an error, or he'd correct it himself, bending the knee forward, the elbow back.

Amadis hadn't been back training at the temple long. He'd always lived on Kashyyyk, doing duties for the silvers behind the scenes. That log cabin with Elara Amadis Elara Amadis had been his life. He'd seen them go from babies, to children, to young teenagers. Never regretting his choice to be with his family, living those moments while he had the chance.

They were growing up and needed to see more of the world. Lots of their mother in them, or maybe him? He grinned firmly.

A ranger ran into the courtyard trying to get their attention. "Master Amadis we have, something, on sensors." Kei turned around from the group, "what might that be?" The ranger cleared his throat, "we're not sure." Scratching his stubble, Kei nodded firmly. Centering himself and breathing deep of the force, the Master stretched his senses outward. Difficult to tell what was approaching, not sith... something...

"Dismiss the class and take them inside." He said firmly to a nearby Jedi Knight.

Walking out of the courtyard and through the main gates as they parted. At first, a small group of silver Jedi had gathered on the temple steps. To see the descending shockwave impact amongst Kashyyyk's mountainous trees.

"Healers and medical staff for any wounded." One of the Jedi was arranging, thinking it was a crashed ship.

"Hold," Kei said with his hand up to those behind him, as he saw who approached from the trees. A few of the padawans had snuck out to see, and more of a crowd was gathering, the impact heard for some distance.

"It is an old friend."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Kei Amadis Kei Amadis Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha

THe jedi masters head spun a little as she rose out of the impact.. the cocoon of the force energy was thick and she could barely move within it.. which helped with the impact when she pulled it back in. Her eyes flicking over her robes when she checked on them and they were dirty.. somewhat singed from the heat of reentry which got a look... but she breathed in. "Alright just a little." She allowed the force to flow as she sensed others were coming... she might have made a display she hadn't been expecting when her focus went quickly to the smallest parts of her vision... atoms and focused reality to push herself.

She allowed the force to skim along her body as she shifted, changed and slowly the molecules of her robes altered... the burned edges becoming pristine, the tattered look of it shifting as it looked like dust was coming off of her arms and chest. The jedi master made a display of brushing at her shoulder for a moment to assist it when she could feel the first approaching. A padawan who had been drawn in and was curious. "Hello little one." SHe said it and stood there offering a small hand to them aas she looked back at the impact crater and shrugged. "I just want you to know that I can explain that... and it is kind of a funny story."

Not really but then she felt the approach of another she knew and the big man was import as she let the padawan run away from her quietly before turning to look at Caltin. She moved up onto the thick root of a tree while she sat there almost lounging. "Hello Caltin." She said it with a small look on her face. She was able to see and feel Kei as well and remained there for a moment when he finally came. "Now I know what you are thinking and I am going to explain but so how are the two of you doing." She said it and remained there with a half grrin on her face as she focused on the force and internally whistled to herself that there was nothing happening out fo the ordinary.
Be careful what you wish for.
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

As he flew in low over the trees, there was not much that the big man could miss, flying “The Spectre”. The big man actually missed flying, that was why he did not have a pilot droid with this small corvette. “BB” was here, but the little astromech was everywhere so that was nothing new or really a cause for any concern. It was getting dark, but the bright light in front of him illuminated his path so there really was little change in the view as Caltin was on approach.

At least whatever was pulling him here was repaying the big man with a rare treat. A shyyyo bird popped out of the Wroshyr trees and was flying alongside.

Okay, that is cool.

He laughed to himself.

Setting down, the crater was… in a word… enormous. It was almost laugh-worthy, but while he was still having a hard time figuring out how to sense “who was who” with this new connection to the Force there was one he knew immediately. She was here too. In all of her molecule shifting gravity-defying skipping dust reducing guts and glory.

When she made the classic “I know what you’re thinking” claim, he shook his head.

Only you could crash clean.

TAG: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Kei Amadis Kei Amadis @Sor jan Xanthia
Alaris Expanse, Kashyyyk System

"Sir, a star destroyer just appeared on our scope."

Until those words had been uttered, it had been an ordinary day minding the traffic. A lot of freighters. The usual transports. Absolutely nothing noteworthy. "Position and status?" the officer of the deck uttered.

"They just exited hyperspace at the edge of the Kashyyyk System and are approaching at sublight speed," the technician replied, before adding, "Vessel identification coming in now... merchant vessel flagged out of Corellia, sir."

Merchant vessel? "I thought you said it was a star destroyer?" the officer of the deck remarked, coming around to stand behind the technician at the com-scan terminal.

Gesturing to a smaller display, the technician noted, "Computer identifies it as a model not used since the Old Republic, sir."

Bending down, the man glanced at the read-out. Venator-class? He'd never even heard of that model. Which, if the computer databank was to be trusted, that vessel would be over 800 years old. "The Old Republic? I think your sensor is malfunctioning," the lieutenant quipped dryly, before asking, "Tactical analysis?"

"Seventeen weapon emplacements," the technician responded, switching scanners for a moment before elaborating, "Long- and intermediate-range turbolaser batteries. Primary and secondary shields."

"That's not a merchant ship, that's a predator," the lieutenant uttered, straightening back up as he turned toward the communications officer and ordered, "Signal the Silver Navy, put all posts on the aler..."

"Sir, we're receiving IFF," the technician stated from the com-scan terminal. "However, this code hasn't been in use since the Silver Sanctum Coalition."

Head on a swivel, the lieutenant quickly identified where an analysis droid was updating a star chart. "What do we know about this code?"

"One moment," the droid responded, pausing in place as it seemed to ruminate on the question. When it had moved its head again, the droid supplied, "This code was used by a member of the Silver Jedi Council. Specifically, this code identified a vessel as carrying a Jedi Master known as Sor-Jan Xantha. The databanks further record that Master Xantha resigned from the Order of the Silver Jedi in 860 ABY, but the code itself is still valid for identification."

"Are their weapons on-line?" the lieutenant inquired.

"Negative, sir," the technician answered. "And they have not raised shields."

"Stand down from alert," the lieutenant ordered, watching from behind the thick transparisteel windows as the stately vessel of the Clone Wars came into visual range.

Watching as the triangular vessel sailed by, the lieutenant just noted bitterly, "As if we didn't have enough troubles."

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +- + - + - +- + - +- + - + - + - + - + - +

So here they were.


It was where the Silver Jedi had come after they'd left Voss. For that reason, Sor-Jan had a hatred that he harbored toward the Wookiees that had nothing to do with them and everything to do with the squatters in their trees.

Voss. Vaynai. Shri-Tal. How many worlds had fallen to the Sith because the Jedi couldn't be bothered to defend them? To honor the oaths that they'd taken when they had taken those worlds under their protection. One day, the Silver Council was appointing Jedi Wardens -- Jedi Lords would have been as apt a term -- to oversee planets directly. The next, the Silver Jedi had turned tail and fled toward the Core. Toward the Confederacy.

Maybe there had been wisdom in it. Here they were, decades later, and even the Confederacy was gone. The Sith Empire had collapsed and the Jedi were still here.

Had the Silver Jedi chosen the lesser of two evils?

Perhaps, but the anger still caused his blood to run hot as he gazed down over the forest world below. "Well, it's not on fire," the boy uttered darkly. Was that disappointment? Or just sarcasm?

Riding a shuttle down, as the boy peered through the canopy he could see the famous tree-top villages before the Silver Rest came into view.

What was Matsu doing here? Among the Silvers of all people.
Silver Rest Steps

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha

Growing numbers of padawans, knights, and a few Masters were on temple steps to see her return. A group of younglings looked up in shock, having a hundred questions to ask. "Story!" One young one said excitedly to Matsu. A medical transport had arrived just in case, with some medics trying to approach her. A hover transport or two were headed to the impact site before they were given the all-clear to return.

Activity had picked up, comms chatter was buzzing with others landing to greet her too. One of those important moments in the force that came along every so often. There was a broad grin from Amadis as she made her way closer. Moving forward down the steps toward her, steps that were slowly filling up at her return to bursting. Around the sides, there were rangers that were on local detail pulling up and getting out to be there at that moment.

With a strong nod for the larger Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor when Matsu called him by name. Kei moved to shake his hand firmly. "Amadis." He introduced himself if Caltin took it. Not being back for long there were new faces he had to learn.

How are you? "Well," Kei said honestly, his family somewhere behind him on the steps. Despite being told to stay inside. Life was good. Simple. "Older and not wiser, " he grinned again. She might see he had aged, the small limp still there when he walked. "You?" Simple questions from Kei as always. A firm outer calm that rarely broke for anything on the older Jedi Master.

You could see he was checking to see if Matsu was hurt, even if he didn't say it. Concern was evident in the force. A Jedi healer or two nearby, and the regular medics especially all wanted to be reassured that she didn't need aid.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Silver Rest
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha Kei Amadis Kei Amadis

THe jedi master approached and a few others were looking at her... she was rather surprised at the reception before she moved up the steps and she turned to look at Kei who was there and the larger Caltin. Offering a bow. "Thank you." SHe said it and looked at the medics who were near her and she let herself be checked out. Displaying that she was larrgely... unharmed, the cushion of the force had absorbed the heavy impact but she did speak looking at some of the padawans who were there and the knights. "So I promised a good explanation and there is one... just depends on your concept of force physics and what might have happened in regards to deities in the universe."

She said it and knew she was getting a strange look. "But rest assured that I am ninety nine percent certain there is not going to be some sort of eldritch force god that tries to tear the flesh from the bodies of us all coming here... Mostly because it likely doesn't care but also because we do have defensive systems to combat it." Her words were a little rambling but it went into what she had been doing when she looked towards the impact crater and as the force flowed more easily back into her body... as it returned to her and she regained her thoughts... it was coming back easier to touch as her hand came out and towards the crater.

"Want to see a trick?" SHe said it looking at the padawan for a moment as he seemed interested and she focused on it... like her robes being repaired she focused on the world itself and the smallest components of it.. shifting them, moving them and reaching through the planet as she connected to generate force energies. SHe shifted and shaped the earth and rocks... slowly smoothing out the crater as it filled with stones aand dirt going back into place and moving the others out of the way. Plants spreading like vines to cover as trees shifted and moved with saplings growing from seeds and accelerated through the force and matter being converted at the smallest levels with art of the small.

TO the padawan it likely looked like she was literally manipulating and creating everything but just using art of the small on a degree few others practiced. The focus always there as she had begun and trained her mind to search and see the components more then the whole. Great for displays like this and for constructing... bad for when you were eating and you were able to taste each molecule and had someone like Hanna Ike Hanna Ike who loved cooking. The jedi master raised an eyebrow as the padawan's eyes seemed to grow several times larger but she turned back to look at Kei and Caltin as well as some of the others.

"Shall we find a place inside to sit down and I can explain better maybe... it will at least make sense." She raised an eyebrow... "To me, I was there... much simpler."

Meeting the paperwork savior

Location:Kashyyyk | Silver Rest
Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha Kei Amadis Kei Amadis
Enemies: N/A
Equipment:Equipment In Bio

I was buried in paperwork all because a council page had finally caught me. Sheet after sheet of flimsi towered above me. Sixty three missions completed since the last time a page had caught me; sixty three mission reports to fill out in triplicate. Of those missions 12 had actually been assigned to me by the counsel; those were the easiest to fill out; the other fifty one were unofficial missions; those I had to explain my motives and reasons for taking on unsanctioned missions.

I had just completed the sixth report when I felt something shift in the force catching my attention. I looked to the door where no doubt the page waited to block my attempted escape. Balcony it was then, I thumbed the door and slipped out. I noticed a gathering of padwanas and others in the courtyard below. Perfect just the cover I need to make my escape and figure out that jolt was. I leap, trusting in the force and at the last moment I push against the ground cushioning my fall.

As I rose I noticed that the crowd had grown even larger; several knights, padawans, and a few masters had all gathered. I slipped into the force expanding my senses out into the jungle beyond the temple slowly tuning out the vast hum of life that was Kashyyyk tell I found something that clashed against the steady pulse of life and death. A living being bright in the force and completely unknown to me this should be interesting.

Be careful what you wish for.
In My Experience, When You Think You Understand The Force, You Realize Just How Little You Know. - Ahsoka Tano

The leather jacket-clad gentleman who approached with a clan of Padawan followers took the moment to introduce himself amid visual inspections of Matsu and the crash site. He seemed to be nice enough, a “beacon of light” like an Echani that the big man once knew described him as. The handshake was received and returned, as firm and strong as it always was, though it had changed since those days, no longer the greeting of one looking to prove to the proposed “enemy” that they had someone to fear, but of one who knew who he was, and what his place in the galaxy truly came to be.

Vanagor, but my friends…

He then raised an eyebrow and looked around at the Padawans who followed the Silver Guardian with a smirk.

... who are not Padawans or Knights…

As many of them giggled he turned his attention back to Amadis.

They call me “Caltin”.

As his attention was diverted for a moment, the big man did not watch the Sasori head completely remove any traces of the crater. After all, he had seen all too much of her abilities and it was truly humbling to see someone who was so powerful have such modesty. Caltin was no slouch in his own right, but she… wow… she was the embodiment of the phrase “There is always someone better”. The massive Jedi Master could live with that, especially since she was on “their side”.

He came out of his little mental soliloquy just in time to see the woman finish everything that she was doing. He just shook his head again, but in a clear tone that was meant more as a fun “poke” than anything, he retorted.

Well, now you’re just showing off. Vanagor did not really answer her request to go somewhere prior, he did not need to. She was “on their side”, which was good enough for him.

Looking off to his side, the big man noticed another who had a love for theatrical entrances. That's okay, the big guy did too. With a nod to the young man, recognizing him from the Festival of the Stars, he steeled himself.

But it did merit an introduction. "Roy", right? The massive Jedi Master had never gotten his name, but the kid had a reputation already.

TAG: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Kei Amadis Kei Amadis @Sor jan Xanthia Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion
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Silver Rest Steps

Tag: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha | Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion

Combination of different Jedi Personalities made for padawans asking for stories, listening to instruction, and being awed simultaneously! Plants growing and new life being seeded on the ground. This was when the silver rest was at its best Kei recalled. On Voss too it had been the same under the heavenshields, Coci Heavenshield Coci Heavenshield a mentor and old friend. Outside the galaxy changed, the way the padawans looked full of life, energy, and youth never did. Here they were at their most important, a shield for the next-generation from the ravages of the previous ones.

Watching the younglings and Master Vanagor in the exchange, brought another grin to his stubbled face. Friendly discipline, the best kind. He looked like a protector and mentor to them, good to see. When other newcomers joined them Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion , Kei would shake their hands and introduce himself in the same way. Wanting to greet them and make them feel welcome as part of the event.

Amadis had seen a lot, sith pouring from sky, worlds on fire, spirits bursting out of the ground, more than he could remember. How he'd lived this long was a minor miracle. He'd never seen a force god, only one or two that looked the part, Siobhan Kerrigan Siobhan Kerrigan style.

"Whatever comes Master Ike, we'll be ready." Signaling to a wildcard engineer to do a sensor sweep for potential force gods or other disturbances. A few burly reptilian Houks looked at him, headbutted each other, and got on with it. In reality, they were looking for anything out of the ordinary.

"Explanations are in order," Amadis agreed, hands behind his back as they began to potentially enter inside. A small meal was being prepared for the travelers in a clean eating area, or they had the usual chambers to talk in. Hoping someone would shepherd any younglings from straying too far behind them till all danger was clear. If not he ordered a ranger to herd any over-enthusiastic youths inside, many of them keen to hear more stories, there was always that one who would push the boundaries.

An astromech droid beeped asking if anyone was hungry, translated by a helpful ranger nearby.
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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Kei Amadis Kei Amadis Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion

She looked at Kei and then at Caltin and the new one who came.. someone she had never met which wasn't exactly hard. She didn't know many of them but was continuing forward. Explaining what had happened would be important.. or she could likely go Aang-Tii on them and show what happens when you spend a few years exploring the rift... fun times. The jedi master went up through the silver rest until she found one of the chambers and took a seat. To meditate and allow herself to focus when she was seeing the crowd around her. SOme of them were young.. younger then she would want to see but...

it was a strange feeling. She imagined that they looked up to these other masters which would put her in a position. "Now I promised to explain and I will... as some of you know I have been on Ahch-To with the Jadeite... artisans, engineers within the jedi who develop many of the advanced equipment and shipss as well as materials able to be used. We discovered a temple that led us to others where we attracted the interest of older things... beings that reside in a space between here and otherspace but can move freely. The encountered cost many lives as these are not friendly creatures they are old and cruel and think of us as playthings."

She said it and was getting closer to her main goal. "Now after the encounter I began training and pushing myself to be able to help defend agaisnt such things but there is not a lot one can do. So I focused on helping where it could be done and that led me to work with some paladins to liberate captives in a camp. The one holding them dind't like that and there was a large creature that I had to fight and get myself out of the hard way." She said it and indicated that she had cut and clawed and torre her way out. "When I was done I had attracted the attention of another and he took me to the great library a place full of knowledge from the grree collected over hundreds of thousands of years.":

That would prove helpful as she knew how to navigate herself back there and a chance for the gree archives would allow a massive boon in technologies. "When I likely insulted it... they threw me here but good news I am okay."
Be careful what you wish for.
“The Force is neither light nor dark, master nor slave, but a balance between extremes.” - Tim Lebbon

Okay, all of that is great, but why are you here?

That is what he wanted to ask, but really, what purpose would that serve? Sure there was the question and maybe it was prudent, but would it come off as little more than “Rude as (censored for profanity)”? So he stood there and began to unpack all that he knew about her leading up to this point. It was the only sensible way to deal with what the Master Jedi Artisan had just said to the group that was standing in front of her.

Vanagor had first met her through the word of other Jedi who stated that she was the most proficient in offering him advice on how to repair his “worn out” lightsabers. So he traveled to Ach-to and met her there, she showed the big man around the facility and explained just what they were doing. It was just a reminder as to just how different the galaxy was from when he was galavanting around in it. What the Master Artisan had done, aside from reminding about how far the Jedi have come from relying on the Republic for much of their technology to having entire planets worth of R&D facilities. Ike had her technicians actually make him brand new weapons fitted to his skills and abilities.

They were incredible.

The next time he met her was at the launch of the new space station/observatory headed up by Romi Jade Romi Jade . That was an inspiring event for those who were gathered as it actually gave those Jedi who was looking for it, the home that they needed. The big man himself was on a big of a quest to reignite the fire in those who were lost to again remember what it meant to be a Jedi. It was naive of him, admittedly to believe that he could change the hearts and minds of those who had never learned of the old ways in the first place but he had to try, so he did.

It was when he ran into Ike on the gigantic planet-scale facility that the big had seen just what this woman and those to whom she had trusted were capable of. It was… “excessive” but “impressive”. He was captivated by the training facilities, and while he didn't talk about the experience with anyone else except Master Ike, he learned a lot about himself that day. To be able to operate in a realm that had reached six hundred times gravity was something he would not be able to talk about any time soon, frankly because the big man could not believe it himself. To be able to show that level of strength had to be some kind of trick or crazy dream for him. Of course, the image of her skipping around him as he was struggling really got his Nerf.

Moving on...

That was a good reminder though of an old friend’s saying “Excitement… adventure… a Jedi craves not these things…”

Now she was here, no worse for wear after a terrible crash, not that this was surprising, and telling them about some type of being taking her to an old Gree Library and then flinging her here. She was on a magnificent quest but the big man was more focused on why he had flung her, what type of threat this entity could manifest into. Perhaps it was a bit obsessive in a manner of speaking, perhaps it was prejudicial or even fear-related out of paranoia but this worked for him. The feeling let him be who he was and look to ways that may not “neutralize” this threat, but enable those around him.

Anyone who can crash like that and come out clean? Was there really any doubt you would be okay?

The rib was meant to be a kind-hearted, but fun poke.


Okay, that would have to be a joke in private.

TAG: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Kei Amadis Kei Amadis @Sor jan Xanthia

Meeting the paperwork savior

Location:Kashyyyk | Silver Rest
Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha Kei Amadis Kei Amadis
Enemies: N/A
Equipment:Equipment In Bio

I greeted Master Vanagor cordially. It had been a moment since I had seen him last. The festival had been quite the interesting experience to say the least. I admired the older jedi’s ability to work a crowd. It was quite the useful talent to have. I'd have to ask him about the lesson at some point.

”That’s right Master Vanagor though I don’t we have been formally introduced yet.”

Another master I had never met before greeted me. He introduced himself as Master Kei Amadis and shook my hand. I tried to conceal my puzzlement at somehow ending up at a Jedi meet and greet but I don’t know if I did a great job at it. My puzzlement was only increased as a woman of late fifty I had never seen before began speaking. Apparently she was the source of the sudden disturbance I had felt. That made her my paperwork savior. I reach out into the force letting my sense expand to the courtyard. There were so many unique force signatures it was a rare experience for me to feel so many beings alive in the force that I could hardly resist the experience. Slowly I brought my sense inward. The last person my sense brushed past was the woman I now knew to be Master Ike the force spoke of experience and determination.

”I wonder if the force brought me here to experience this for a reason”

I said quietly lost in my own thoughts at times I would let the force pull me where it needed me. It was often how I ended up on so many extra missions.
Tag: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion

All of them gathered to do what they were able. Some to lead, some to reignite, others to find a path, and Kei to hope, typical sentimentalist.

The Jedi were once a stabilizing hope in the universe, and that past was still here in those that remained. A place for Padawans to learn, grow, heal and find their way in life. Scratching his grey stubble while recalling. Amadis tried to keep any younglings organized and safe around them, which could be like herding very large cats. He gave one a ruffle on the hair as they went inside.

Anyone who can crash like that and come out clean? Was there really any doubt you would be okay?

There was a usual Amadis grin, this one somewhere between friendly and knowing. He'd seen Matsu in action before too.

I wonder if the force brought me here to experience this for a reason.

While Amadis didn't hear this. He didn't notice Roy thinking things through. "Always welcome," Kei nodded firmly and indicated Roy was welcome to join wherever they were headed. "Need anything, ask," he made clear. These things did often happen for a reason, reasons he'd stopped questioning a long time ago.

Matsu took a seat, Amadis joined her on one of them nearby off to the side. An astromech droid carried drinks in for the arrivals. While they listened to her recount her journey. He of course had the same questions Master Vanagor had about her return, first also questions of safety.

"These older beings, they are contained, or a threat?" Old military thinking.

Kei had lived through horrific events such as the primeval rising, the loss of Voss, the one Sith Vongiating half the galaxy, or the netherworld splitting open and the dead walking among them. There was not surprise when she spoke of force beings that he had not yet seen, only considerations for the temple's safety. Another reason why he was so protective over this place and keeping it a haven, free from the galaxy's perils. Like the wizened Kage groundskeeper that was older than stone, he too might end up a statue never leaving this place.

"Have you arrived to lead the council?" This question was asked to both Master Vanagor and Master Ike. It was asked with the hope that they would start or continue to do so. Unknowingly like Caltin he had that question about Matsu's return, and what both their intentions were going forward.

Leadership was needed, that much was clear, and direction for the future always.
While some people liked to take the express down to the planet, more civilized Jedi still preferred to travel the old-fashioned way.

That meant taking a shuttle down to a landing pad, then catching a taxi speeder from the landing pad over to the Silver Rest, where he could finally go by foot to see just what the fuss was about.

Traffic on the Cross Branch Expressway had been murder. But, late though he may have been, the Corellian boy could easily navigate by focusing on Matsu Ike Matsu Ike 's presence in the Force. Whatever ordeal that she'd been through, at the moment she was a veritable beacon. Sor-Jan doubted that the woman could have attracted any more attention to herself if she'd tried.

"Have you arrived to lead the council?"

As he approached, he caught that question. And, to be completely honest, he found it rather offensive. Kei Amadis Kei Amadis may not have caught the dark glare that the small Anzat flashed his way.

The Silver Jedi Council was worthy of a few things that Sor-Jan could think of. A particularly large dumpster fire being one of them. Or perhaps disposal down the gullet of a sarlaac would be another -- except that seemed rather cruel to the sarlaac.

But it wasn't worthy of Matsu. It hadn't been for a long time. Conner Harrison's fall to the Dark Side, the unchallenged rise of the Sith Empire, or the devastation of the Mara-Perlemian Trade Corridor largely attested to that. But, these were new faces. Jedi who likely knew none of the history of when Sor-Jan and Matsu served the Silver Jedi. A new generation, ready and eager to make mistakes even worse than the last...

So he could at least be friendly. Or, if not that, perhaps less cynical. "Be careful what you ask for," the boy cautioned in a tone that suggested jest, announcing his presence as he approached from behind the man.

The boy's gray eyes moved to take in the unfamiliar faces ( Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion ) that surrounded the short woman. When he arrived at Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , he lingered.

Had they met?

It was disquieting. As though the boy ought to recognize the man, but whatever connection there may have been, it escaped him now.

More likely, the man resembled someone he'd known. Perhaps many, many years earlier. Returning his attention to Matsu, the boy remarked, "The end of the world, brought to you by Sasori Research. Let me guess, you asked the Force for a sponsorship and it spat you out here."


Of all places.

Well, at least Matsu looked as though she were in one piece. Sor-Jan still wasn't certain what he'd come to Kashyyyk seeking, but at the very least he was reassured that his friend and mentor was not harmed by whatever Force entity she'd crossed.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Kei Amadis Kei Amadis Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion

THe jedi master looked at Caltin who asked if there was any doubt she would be fine. "I am not immortal, I just know how to do a few tricks... and to be fair falling to a planet isn't as bad as one might think you just need to keep your head about the situation and remember when to wrap yourself in the force. To early and you will tire yourself out but to late and you won't have enough energy as a buffer." SHe said it and remaining where she was she looked towards Kei for his first question... "Contained might be a little strong... more beneath notice is a better thing and I would recommend trying to keep it like that... we have ways to trap them and they really don't like it."

THat was a small chuckle internally though to herself a sshe has made the mirror crystal prisons for the things and it worked for about an hour.. they were not without danger aas they knew how to manipulate and torment. Making someone open it through trickery. She was looking at Kei for his second question when Roy said something she could hear but it seemed more directed towards themselves and then a familiar voice... they all were but this was very familiar... and cranky. Sor-Jan was approaching them and looking as the jedi master smiled to herself for a moment but presented a thin lipped look hearing Kei's second question.

"Lead the..." SHe looked at him with a small frown and then at Sor-Jan for a moment and the others as some of the padawans and knights who were there. It was a cunfusing question and made her mind leap to severral things trying to figure it out.. namely where the previous council or grandmaster was. She hadn't kept up since well they mostly just abandoned her and Junko... as well as other things. No real fallout just stopped interracting so she had respected it but now it seemed there was a whole new generation that didn't know what had been done and who to look to. Which made her feel a little awkward for the moment.

"Where is the council?" She asked it and looked at Roy and Caltin. Sor-Jan was less likely to know though he likely paid attention to avoid doing business which could be beneficial. She would need to be able to gather as much information as she could quickly. She knew Aayla Shan Aayla Shan was in the silver jedi at least at the time she had been creating her ship and Romi Jade Romi Jade or Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser usually worked with a couple of them... at least in the tertiary sense since the enclave got help from different jedi groups across the galaxy. She moved around the room looking at some of the jedi to try and gauge them while placing a hand on the shoulder of a padawan.

Internally debating on helping them as she turned towards Sor-Jan asking mentally for any information he might have on this.

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