Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Economy: Community Discussion

Darren Onyx

So I've been thinking.

Faction leaders are the ones who decide who gets paid what and how much they make. They also decide when they get paid (weekly, daily, hourly) and what they have to do to get raises.

In the case of The Galactic Trade Guild, I say the independent business owners choose how much they pay their employes while the faction leader(s) fund them. Of course the owners get a slice as well.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Honestly, I don't like this idea. Sure, it stops people from powergaming gratuitous amounts of money, but such a system would require everyone to clearly define their job and salary range, or would require the staff to make a general list of jobs and the salaries that went along with it. After that you'd have to get a general range of costs of objects and ships for those people who don't use standard faction equipment. Such a system would end up becoming a lot of work not only for the staff to regulate, but also for the players to keep up with. And as already mentioned, creating a system or set of rules to dictate the economy of players in any form would be long and complicated. Anything that regulates players on an individual scale is going to be long, tedious, probably ignored, and ultimately won't cover everything. Some person will come along one day and say hey "I've got this job" that nobody implemented into the rules, and then it'll have to be rewritten to accomodate. A faction based system would end up limiting a a player's options, because if you get too close to cap certain character concepts can't be implemented without breaking the cap, not to mention you'd have to create a specific set of rules for non-faction players or force people into factions, once again limiting people's options.
No one is saying right now that the system would premiere, fully functional and covering every possible detail. Such ambition is unrealistic. If we decided to try this system out, it would likely be implemented in stages, both as to allow staff to address potential issues as they arose, as well as to give members plenty of opportunity to get used to it and find potential issues.


Disney's Princess
So. Humor me and let me review out loud: Ayden is asking the community how they would feel about implementing a "hypothetical" economy system. Mm. Okay. I think I understand now. My response to such a question would be,
  • I would not like to participate in such a system. ;)
Dark Onyx said:
So I've been thinking.

Faction leaders are the ones who decide who gets paid what and how much they make. They also decide when they get paid (weekly, daily, hourly) and what they have to do to get raises.

In the case of The Galactic Trade Guild, I say the independent business owners choose how much they pay their employes while the faction leader(s) fund them. Of course the owners get a slice as well.
If the Factions want to come up with their own economy, it'd be allowed, but that's on them. ;) Not every planet dealt in the same currency, ie credits.
I agree with Allaina. Sure, it sounds interesting in principle and it could be fun in certain instances, but we wouldn't want to turn things into a tedious stat game and it just adds another bureaucratic layer for staff to deal with, on top of all the other issues they already have to manage.

Before roleplaying at that other site, I (and @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]) used to be active on a pretty-rule heavy site where certain individuals were eager on stats and regulations - it did not take work very well!

Of course, it's pretty easy to imagine what Siobhan spends her money on! Heh.

Lord Ghoul

The only reason this would need to exist is to stop people from "bio spawning" with loads of cash. It's a lot easier to look over bios and say "that's unacceptable." Than to create an entire system to deal with a problem ultimately caused by a handful of individuals.

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