Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Economic Reconfiguration [SO/GC]

Mustafar, Sith Order Space
The Crenalent Spillway
Secret Holdings of the ISBC

The stage had been set, the players were beginning to fall into position, the words had been spoken. The Covenant had been Signed. Today's Sith Order was a different one than it had been just a few days prior. Before, the Empire had been fragmented, nothing more than a cabal of warlords playing at empire while the old worm stood by and watched their flailing. Now, the aristocracy and bureaucracy were aiming for a resurgence. Sith Families that had chosen to set aside their differences for the greater good of their glorious empire had taken a step forward to a greater new tomorrow. The Gala on Thule had accomplished everything Nwul had wanted, and more. Though it had not come without cost. Even with the fading injuries from his battle with Carnifex, Nwul was satisfied enough to finally drop the veneer of the aristocrat he had maintained during the party.

Now, he was just himself.

In the opinion of some, though, that was worse.

Darth Nwul Shasot'ari made his way through the dark hallways ahead of the small party behind him, the war droids and soldiers accompanying them were mostly for show. It was a good show though, he had to admit. He was humming lightly to himself as they passed another checkpoint, the men guarding it drawing their own weapons and ending their own lives without more than a garbled cry of grief. Nwul's arms behind his back, his lightsaber, Derriphan, bouncing off his thigh. He glanced back at those behind him as the latest wretched corpse fell to the ground, another line of defense between himself and his goals crumbling.

" Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen ! Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah ! A word game! The 'f's of statecraft. I've got Funding, Firepower, Fanaticism, and the Force. What about you?" He chortled, stepping over another body, the blaster burn on the side of its head sizzling against the tears running down his face. Nwul's 'Force Misery' hanging in the air around him like the scent of a predatory plant. The air filled with the sweet scent love, but the threat of death just inches past it.

There were others with them as well, bureaucrats and nobles who were eager to see the beginning of a new era for the Empire's economy, if one could call it that. The flagging nationstate barely had anything that resembled an economy, most businesses held in a stranglehold by the imperial throne, money barely moved, and the Imperial Sith Banking Clan, an offshoot of the true Intergalactic Banking Clan, was basically holding on to vast pools of wealth, refusing to use any of it for the betterment of the empire or it's people. It saw no use in spending money when the Emperor could simply demand something built, regardless of the cost.

That was not the way of a civilization, though. Even Empyrean knew it, though he refused to acknowledge it for whatever reason. The ISBC's wealth had grown monstrously even as its holdings had shrunk into nothingness. Now, Mustafar was all that was left. If the ISBC died here, the Empire's economy would never be able to recover. There was only one option. They had to force the cowards of the ISBC to stand on their own feet again, or, the more likely and Nwul's preferable choice. Take over the bank and create a new economy.

Sounded like fun!

We're attacking the headquarters of the lynchpin of the SO economy. This has been greenlit by Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . Players who are interested in financial rp or otherwise want to assist in taking over are welcome.


The Intergalactic Banking Clan, known as ISBC, was one of the galaxy's most influential financial institutions. With its vast reach and control over significant portions of the galaxy's economic operations, it played a pivotal role in the socio-economic and political landscape. As the Sith Empire expanded, it increasingly leaned on the ISBC for funding its military campaigns and various other endeavors.

Darth Nwul Darth Nwul realized that to truly weaken the Sith Empire, one had to strike not just at its military but at its economic backbone. The empire's dependency on the ISBC made the banking clan a tantalizing target for his next move. Instead of direct confrontation, the Golden Covenant opted for subterfuge and economic warfare.

With the Tsis'kaar broken, and the ISBC in the Golden Covenant's hands, Kentarch realized Nwul was removing the Sith Empire's pieces from the board. Like the events that unfolded on Fiviune however, Kentarch would not be absent. Mustafar Holdings likely would have access to the empire's deepest economic secrets, including classified financial records, hidden accounts, and undisclosed assets. Kentarch could not pass up this kind of opportunity.

Following behind Mwul's entourage and the carnage they left in their wake. He bided his time.

Darth Xyrah gleefully cut his way through those ISBC security personnel stupid yet strong willed enough to get in the way of him and Lord Nwul, his yellow lightsaber blade being wielded with the speed and precision one trained by Darth Carnifex himself afforded. Oh, it had been what felt like an eternity since he had a chance to make use of his talents and simply...unwind, as he himself put it.

"Finances!", he responded. "Though, I suppose that also falls under funding.", he said with a soft giggle. Several of his SB-X Droid Commando teams had already infiltrated the facility ahead of the retinue, and as they passed by yet another checkpoint, several of the supposed "guards" removed their helmets, revealing the commando droids disguised beneath, who quickly lowered the security fields to allow Nwul and his retinue swift passage to their intended goal. "Ahh, they got in ahead of us without detection. Just as planned. This facility's defences are frankly...pathetic, for a Sith controlled facility. It is quite clear I will have to make sweeping changes to security at future facilities. This is shameful."

Darth Nwul Darth Nwul
Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen
Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch

Location: Security Hub

Across the screens, a gallery of cold butchery. A hive that had been breached. The intruders pushing towards the core of the nest, looking to take the sweetest prize.

Now the hive was about to react.

"Call all units in, converge on sector six. I want the garrison from Sythian Point in the air and..."

"You will waste many lives doing that," the cold calm voice of Kadann cut across the din.

Silence for a heartbeat. All the security forces in the eastern hub turned to see the old man sat on a chair in the middle of the room.

A soft click. A threatening rasp of a blaster pistol drawn from a leather holster.

"Escort the intruder to..."

"Dont do that either," Kadann said firmly. An indifferent sigh and he looked down the barrel of the blaster. "I am here to look after you and your people. To make this transition as simple as possible."

He did not know if they would listen or not. He felt that vertex in the Force fast approaching, where two future paths diverged.

At least he would have tried to ease the transition to new ownership. Whether everyone in this control room listened and survived or died by his hand, lived would be saved.

The Golden Covenant would still need a security force. Once their loyalty had been tested.
Muunilist Mining Oligarch

H O U S E • A M N E N

Location: The ISBC
Objective: Business shakedown
Tags: Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah

The ISBC had gone rogue, it was neither following the law of the territory on which it was based, nor the bylaws thar governed the broader IGBC and today that tenure ended. She was here with new allies who wished fiscal autonomy for their nation and also a mandate from the IGBC that they either fell into line or faced the consequences alone. The woman strode forwards in her white dress adorned with the beautiful Aurodenium-R of her homeworld layered on force resistant Astracite. Her dress had a built in shield projector and she wore her
advanced choker
and yet... she felt vulnerable. Even with her own resistance training, essential for anyone in business in a galaxy full of force users, she was still a non-sensitive. But she had to remain confident, the veneer of a woman scared of nothing.

A word game! The 'f's of statecraft. I've got Funding, Firepower, Fanaticism, and the Force. What about you?"

"Finesse, Lord Nwul, Finesse, there are a multitude of ways to skin even the most elusive of cats." she said to him with a laugh as he murdered the guards with his selt termination power. She raised an eyebrow and looked at the corpses "Pathetic, they live in this awful place, surrounded by terrible people... no offence... and they fail to ensure their security have effective force resistance training." she shrugged and continued walking forwards.

This is shameful

The other Sith in her company seemed to agree with her assessment and made quick work of other guards. Perhaps it would be easier for everyone if they simply allowed the party to progress to the office of the chairpersons and not waste lives and time trying to delay the inevitable.

"Whilst this organisation has stepped itself outside of the remit of the IGBC, I do hope we can arrange something more stable and of course profitable going forward Lord Xyrah."
Tag: Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah

Astrid followed the retinue defending the rear Incase of suprises or soldiers who want to get wise. She wielded her ichor blade and had half a dozen korriban zombies under her strict control helping her watch out for would be defenders. Astrid didn't say much economics wasn't her strongest subject growing up on dathomir. She understood the basics but the wider view of it and politics didn't wholly interest her but she knew to be wary of it enough that she should be careful.

As they continued their walk Astrid would cut down a soldier with her blade as she quickly turned him into a zombie as they continued to walk. The zombie quickly fell in line with the others as she walked with the others.


TAGS //: Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah


A long revenge in the waiting as the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan was nearing the end of its long existence within the Financial World of the Galaxy. The True InterGalactic Banking Clan had tolerated its existence during the Golden Days of the Sith Empire and even its subsequent survival into the modern age underneath the divided banners of the Sith Order. But now they had conducted a classical blunder when it comes to influence, by being the pawn of another in the form of the Dark Lord of the Sith and now they had sunk to not but a single world.

It always ended up back at Mustafar, the ghosts of the Council of the Confederacy of Independents Systems still lingered on the volcanic rock. The meeting room was filled with apprehension and fear etched across the faces of the Sith-Imperial Officials. They understood that they needed a bail out from the Trade Federation of Planets and the Banking Clan and thus that was the defined reasoning for the Muun's presence.

"It was quite a shock to the financial world that the ISBC was beginning to flounder. Well it happens to the best of us, wouldn't you say. Chairman.."

The voice said turning towards the man in charge of this failing enterprise. The alarms rang out exactly after this, apparently this place was not as secure as the vaults of the Banking Clan. Well he could always negotiate for his release.
The Chairman of the Imperial-Sith Banking Clan, a man who had been endowed with the authority of his predecessor and the man before him. He had been the sole driving force of the economy in this sector of the galaxy for decades. The InterGalactic Banking Clan had created the branch in order to maintain connection to this territory even while the Empire maintained its stranglehold on the bureaucracy. Their connections with the various Imperial corporations and businesses had created a near feedback loop of funds, the coffers of the ISBC growing heavier and heavier as time went on. The Empire never seemed to care, though, as it could command slaves to do work and reduced it's costs in any number of 'unethical' ways.

And yet now the Empire was a shadow of its former self. Those golden days were far gone and the Chairman, Ludos Maef, had no interest in supporting an economy that did not provide dividends. He and the other chairpeople of the ISBC had lobbied the emperor numerous times, but the man was insane, his mind on things beyond 'mortal matters' it seemed. He had to wonder if his words had even reached Empyrean, or if his staff had been rebuffed by the Sepucheral and other agents of the man himself. Regardless, it was time to withdraw. The incomprehensible assets of the ISBC were tangled up in numerous legal webs, though, it would take time to sort through them all, but they did have a general value.

Value that could be provided to the Trade Federation. The Trade Federation and the InterGalactic Banking Clan were the only ones that could afford bailing out the ISBC, purchasing their assets with liquid capital so that he and his associates could finally flee this tasteless dominion.

Even so... this bastard of a Munn...

"Y-yes quite a shock," The thin man grunted, dabbing his glistening forhead beneath the graying hair on his head. "Now if we could get on with the discussions. I've provided you the estimate value of the ISBC..."

A security guard across the way shifted on his feet and glanced at him. Damn. What the hell was happening out there? He had intentionally disabled the alarm system so any nonsense wouldn't scare away the Trade Federation. But this was too much. From the look of the guards face, it was serious. This business had to get done quickly or it would be a disaster!

Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol

Nwul strode confidently down the hall, his glowing golden eyes fixed on the space in front of him. His smile unflagging as another man ended his own life with a blade to his throat, the miserable sound he made a testament to the crushing weight of Nwul's aura. The Dark Lord of Passion stepped over the corpse and came to a stop as a pair of blast doors slammed shut in front of him. He smiled, rolling his eyes and glancing back at the others. "Oh my," He snickered, "Do you think they've noticed us?"

He glanced at Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah and grinned, "You'll have whatever you want, I'm sure, just make sure it's the best," Nwul said playfully, "A meritocracy can be rough," He teased as a siren went off down the hall behind them. Men in armor running up the hallway with blasters in their hands. Nwul raised his head a little as a few of them leveled their weapons at him and his entorage. "None taken at all, Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen , my dear if you wouldn't mind standing with me or Darth Xyrah please, it wouldn't do to have you in any danger," He said playfully.

The fun of his little word game momentarily forgotten he glanced towards Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast . A new addition to their game and one who had caught his eye. He had been considering drawing her into his inner circle for some time now, and she had volunteered to join them. Good. Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch had also joined them, though Nwul sensed his intentions were a bit more self-interested. That was fine. It was good to look for personal gain as a Sith, as long as the gain of the greater Empire was prioritized. Patriotism was paramount in Nwul's eyes. He nodded towards the coming enemies, his thoughts lingering on Astrid and Kentarch, "Deal with them."

While they did, he stood still, turning to face the door again. Kadann Kadann should be in the security room by now. He'd have the door open soon.

"Isn't this fun?" He chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he ran a finger through his hair, momentarily revealing the faint golden scar stretching from his left eye to his earlobe.

While they did, he stood still, turning to face the door again. Kadann Kadann Kadann Kadann should be in the security room by now. He'd have the door open soon.

"Escort the intruder to..."

"Dont do that either," Kadann said firmly. An indifferent sigh and he looked down the barrel of the blaster. "I am here to look after you and your people. To make this transition as simple as possible."

"Look after us?"

Kadann remained impassive in the line of fire. There was a mix of people around him. Each person had a slightly different reaction. Even for those those whose thoughts were aligning, what could be sensed through the Force from each individual carried its own signature timbre. There were military minds here amongst the security forces. People with training that had ingrained the possibility of laying down a life for the mission. Others were ready to run. A myriad of sounds that joined the cacophony that he needed to conduct.

He was too tired for this. He would give them their choice and take decisive action. He was no manipulator of men.

"You see what is on those screens?" Kadann asked.

Most kept their eyes on the seated warrior, but he caught glances at the array of screens. One of the security guards on the screens was still bleeding out on the ground, drawing back his knife and driving it home between his ribs over and over. Kadann's mind was a fortress of many layers. Those powerful enough to breach it could not do so without directly assaulting those walls. The method was certainly efficient, he thought as he watched the screen himself. It was almost more humane than a messy battle, but it still shocked him at some level.

"What do you want us to do?"

"Don't listen to him"

"Kill him and..."

Kadann waved his hand. There was a quite series of cracks. The guard drawing a pistol to fire the first shot cried out and cradled a hand that now had half of its bones broken.

"Tell your people to retreat if they want to survive this. Why should you care who sits on the fortune and skims the dividends? You don't get those. You can keep your jobs and lives and continue not to care who holds the shares.

"Oh...and open that door there please."

The blast door quietly hissed as the layered iris of reinforced durasteel receded back into the walls.
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"Perhaps we should wait for all participants before negotiations begin," the voice would drift through the conference room holding the board of the ISBC, interrupting the discussion between Maef and the Muun representative of the Trade Federation. The entreaties from those assembled, while they had fallen on seemingly uncaring ears, had caught the attention of others. The Dark Council had decided, it would appear concurrently with the emerging Covenant, that it was high time to bring the ISBC back into line. While it was not Her sphere within the Sith Order, she had plenty of experience otherwise.

And besides, the tactics of the Covenant had drawn her attention.

A raven of black and gray shadows would alight on the chair Maef sat in, a rush of purple and black taking its place as Darth Arcanix herself appeared, one arm perched on the chair as she looked down on the man. There would certainly be a change in the attitudes of those assembled as a Dark Councilor made themselves present, especially as the blast doors into the chamber began to open.

Amethyst eyes and a pleasant smile would greet Nwul and his retinue.

"Lord Nwul, yes? A pleasure to finally meet you, if not in odd circumstances," she would greet, her gaze moving over those accompanying the new Lord of Passion. She recognized a few, including Xyrah and Kentarch, and others she did not. An odd collection, to be sure. A slight frown would form at the sight of a few undead guards following behind one member, clear evidence of the methods that she was... in disagreement with.

"Please, join us." She would gesture at open seats for all. "No need for further violence, at present hmm?"

For those who knew her, specifically Xyrah, they would catch just a hint of disapproval.

Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch Kadann Kadann Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol
Saryn smiled at Lord Nwul's response to his criticism of the ISBC's security procedures at this meeting. He was however, taken by surprise upon noticing Lady Raaf had arrived at the meeting before they did. "Lady Taeli! An unexpected pleasure, though I am not surprised the Dark Council shows an interest in these proceedings. I take it you're here on their behalf?", he said with a smile, before chuckling. "Oh, worry not. We have no intent on a massacre. The security they hired were clearly stupid to not recognize a party of Sith upon our arrival, however. We merely....defended ourselves.", he said, deigniting the yellow blade of his golden lightsaber hilt, before sliding it onto his belt.

"But yes! We're here to talk business, if these executives are wise enough to not have their men shoot at us any further.", he said with an eery yet pleasant smile that made many of the ISBC heads gathered at the table quiver with fear. Saryn calmly found himself a comfortable seat that was available, offering the one next to him to Nwul.

Darth Nwul Darth Nwul
Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Kadann Kadann
Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol
Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast
Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen
Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
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"It certainly smells of a massacre, Lord Xyrah."

Alina stepped from the shadow of her Master, smiling faintly towards Saryn. And currently trying not to get sick from the transportation she'd followed Taeli here with. Teleportation was a quick way to make the Sangnir sick. But she betrayed no such feeling. She instead reached a hand out, gently patting the shoulder of one guard who seemed to be struggling between his desire to live and his desire to die.

At once the choice was made as he dropped his blaster and fell to the ground. Freed from whatever torment had been plaguing his mind as Alina severed him from the Force around them. She would not suffer brain matter to ruin her dress.

Then she took her own seat, calmly looking between the group. She wanted to see how her Master worked first hand in situations like this. Alina was, after all, quite the brute in most situations. A delicate hand would be needed at some point. Especially to hold the funds of the Sith Order.

Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Kadann Kadann | Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol | Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast | Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen | Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch | Darth Nwul Darth Nwul


The others were quick to greet each other and then meet the defenders. Kentarch slowed his pace, letting everyone get ahead of him. Kentarch's red sulfur flashed with interest, but he said nothing. He had another agenda—a personal one—that necessitated a subtle approach. And the others blowing him off was to his advantage.

But as the main group engaged in the thick of battle, Kentarch began to fade into the shadows. His ability to meld with the darkness, a rare gift, ensured he went unnoticed. He had learned of a mainframe within the ISBC Facility—a repository of financial and economic transactions. It held the information he sought.

He first made his way towards the facility's eastern wing, where an old drainage pipe, covered in ash and soot, provided a concealed entrance. With nimble agility, Kentarch scaled the rugged walls of the fortress, using the uneven bricks and outcroppings as handholds. The heat of Mustafar made the ascent treacherous, but Kentarch's determination was unwavering. As many of his fellow Sith had learned before, the shadows of the fortress, coupled with its intricate design, provided the perfect cover for someone skilled in stealth and infiltration, like Kentarch. Inside, the corridors were dimly lit by crimson sconces, their light casting eerie shadows on the walls. Kentarch, draped in a cloak that seemed to absorb the ambient light, blended seamlessly into the environment. He treaded lightly, the soft soles of his boots making no sound on the cold, stone floor.

At several junctures, he encountered the ISBC guards. Using his keen senses, heightened by the Force, he could feel their presence even before they came into view. He would then press himself against the walls, lurking in alcoves or behind statues, waiting for them to pass. If a guard came too close, Kentarch employed a subtle mind trick, implanting a fleeting distraction, making them turn their gaze elsewhere. Fortunately, Darth Nwul Darth Nwul 's attack had been an excellent distraction to make Kentarch make his way through the place with ease.

Traversing between the facilities's multiple levels, Kentarch used staff passages and stairwells, often hidden behind tapestries or concealed doors. When stairwells were guarded, he took to the rafters, moving deftly across beams and ledges, always keeping to the shadows. There were moments when he had to hang precariously from a ledge, waiting for a patrol to pass below, his fingers gripping the edge with supernatural strength. Kentarch's senses were in overdrive. Every whisper of movement, every faint echo, informed his decisions. He was a phantom, unseen and unheard, driven by his singular objective. He would get to the mainframe first.
Muunilist Mining Oligarch

H O U S E • A M N E N

Location: The ISBC
Objective: Business shakedown
Tags: Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch

Maëlys walked though the blast door and laughed at the back and forth from Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah and Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru . "It is unusual choice to announce your intent to avoid a massacre after killing a number of guards?" she raised her eyebrows and smirked at the Sith almost playfully, she was lucky to have a strong enough stomach for this, and also enough economic clout to tangle with entities that might run her through with their damned plasma blades on a whim. Plasma was for mining, not for diplomacy... mostly.

She was somewhat surprised to see Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf here, she hadn't expected to see another IGBC chairperson here. There was also the Muun executive of the Trade Federation Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol a person of excellent taste in wines who she had dined with on several occasions on their shared home planet. She approached Taeli, kissing the air close to her cheek but also using it as a chance to pose a clandestine question regards the current ISGC head. "Does he know how much trouble he is in right now, Lady Raaf??" The chairs of the IGBC had discussed the innapropriate actions of the man at length and it was clear he would be removed. But did he know that right now, a single wrong word could have him killed. She drew away from the other woman and looked at Frannie. "And a pleasure to see you again, I hope the credit flow well, I hear there is talk of a new war?" the upward inflection made it sound as if this was a good thing, as if she was congratulating him on good news, she knew how the game worked.

Finally she stepped and looked at Ludos Maef, the chair-person of ISGB. Her eyes, coloured golden with the aurodenium contacts gave a look of pity. "This is not good is it my Lord. I am fascinated by what you have to say for yourself. I will reassure you that this is not an crude assassination, you will have the chance to leave here with your head held high." she turned her head back at Darth Nwul Darth Nwul and Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah with a look that would tell them that this genuinely was the way she intended for these negotiations. It was not a good look to start a new business dynasty with a bloodbath.

The chairman looked back at Maëlys, nervous but having dealt with Sith for his professional career he was able to hold his own, despite the beads of sweat that betrayed his fear. "I was just discussing this very thing, I propose a buy out to be the way forward. I have provided a valuation of the total value of the ISBC as it stands." The man spoke to the dark skinned woman.

"Ah yes, your "valuation" appears to miss several imporant factors such as lost dividends to the IGBC and also loss of trading value due to your impropriety. I've got to say, your accountants are very imaginative..." she laughed a little and walked back to her party, adjusting her beautiful white dress. She spoke to Darth Nwul, "His valuation is wrong, mine is closer to the truth, I have indicated to you the amount that I will authorise, the difference between my valuation and the final amount is at your discretion my Lord."


TAGS //: Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah


Although the alarm system had been disabled there was little mistake in identifying the soft hums of lightsaber blades beyond the formidable blast door protecting the last remnants of the once mighty Sith-Imperial Banking Clan and himself from due harm. Although such a minuet defense was overcome with little effort as the blast door hissed open; which further emphasized the failure of the SIBC in maintaining much needed confidence in order to sell this failing enterprise to one of the many attendees invited or not currently present.

The Chairman Ludos Maef was a desperately trying to promote a good evaluation of the clan's remaining assets in order to get some amount of monetary relief. An amused smile crossed the features of the Muun Banker knowing full well that the entire collection of wealth amassed by the clan over the years was particularly worthless. Currency flowed like blood in the body; sitting on it was not going to extend the energy required to build and maintain such an enterprise certainly not within the territory of the Sith Order and the Holy Worlds.

Although the present discussion was interrupted by Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ; member of the Dark Council who sat next to him and the chairman composed as much as a sith could in these circumstances. Even offering the invaders a place at the table; clearly someone had not practiced the art of proper business discussions. Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah was a noted individual on file within the Central Federation Computer having developed and produced many war droid variants which might prove useful later down the line with the war brewing with the Mandalorian Enclave.

Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen had followed behind the group; which the Muun offered a polite nod as they had spent many hours together in delicate luxury. It seemed the invaders were not so stupid as to bring inexperienced persons of interest to the accusation of the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan. Although they would be outclassed by the superior intelligent of himself no doubt.

"Yes...Chairperson Amnen. War is brewing between the Enclave and the Alliance which we will watch with great interest in the outcome."

The Muun replied in a short and simple way; before listening to her explain that the SIBC were cooking the books as it where which only confirmed the suspicions regarding their true economic value. Establishing a foot hold within the Sith Order was necessary's given recent trends within the Alliance Markets and as such no amount of money had not been authorized to achieve such. Even if the Trade Federation overpaid; they could quickly make up the losses given their galaxy wide scale of operations.

" seems the Sith-Imperil Banking Clan are quite keen on overestimating the value of their assets. Typical cooking the books to secure a better exit deal. By my own calculations this enterprise is worth next to nothing and should be purchased for next to nothing."
Chairman Maef clenched his hands together, his eyes fixed on the face of the representative of the Trade Federation. The man needed to say something, anything. He had to speak! This was getting to be too much for him. That was when one of those blasted Sith showed up, a representative of the Dark Council no less! Maef nearly spluttered, how had he gotten in here? The doors were shut! There had been no news, no information, nothing! He dabbed his forhead again about to interrupt the Sith who had so rudely interrupted their business deal wthen the doors behind them shuddered. The tone of the alarms flared up once as if to announce his failure to disclose before fading away to nothing. The blast doors simply opened...

And there they were...

"WH-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS! YOU ARE NOT INVITED TO THIS MEETING!" He bellowed, getting to his feet. He grabbed his comm, "What is going on with those blast doors, damn it, security team! Where the hell are you?'

Nothing but static came from the security room. No signal. Nothing. His eyes drifted to the forms of both dead and captured security personnell behind the Sith who approached just as his eyes drifted towards a face more unwelcome than any Sith Lord could possibly be. A person who was the very visage of his nightmares, the presence that spelled his end with her subtle smile and unending grace. Chairman Maef looked into the eyes of Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen who entered alongside the monster that was ruining everything for his investments. Nwul. The self-styled reformist of the Sith. He looked at the young man's face with disgust only to shoot a glare back at Maelys.

"Amnen..." He snarled his head whipping towards Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf as pleasantries were exchanged between the Oligarch and the Sith Lord, then to Frannie with wide eyes, "YOU KNOW EACHOTHER?!"

As if to add insult to injury, the bastard, Nwul, seemed to be enjoying himself. Like it was all a game! He barked out a laugh and clapped his hands, "My my Kadann Kadann has such wonderful timing, I told you he was a good sort!" He chortled before his eyes went wide with delight, if you could call them eyes, no pupils, irises, nothing, just molten gold in his head. It was disturbing. Nwul's arms spread wide in a cheerful greeting to the Dark Councillor, "Councillor Taeli in the flesh! Are you sure Empyrean hasn't sent you here to kill me?" He teased, winking at her, "I'm so excited to finally meet you as well," He offered a coy bow, tilting his head once before striding further in.

Nwul laughed at the interaction between Xyrah and Alina alongside Maelys, his eyes twinkling, "Alina's right, we did have a bit of fun on the way here. Not that they gave us any option. I noticed there were no alarms sounding, did you all notice that? Interesting, really," Nwul commented, gesturing to a chair and waiting for Alina and Xyrah to sit before he took his turn, pretending to be a damned gentleman. He stood at the head of the table his eyes slowly meeting every face. Did he know that Alina would be here? That Taeli was involved? No, it seemed he had been surprised, but he was taking it well. Wasn't he furious?

Finally, Maelys rounded on him and he felt himself shrink back in his seat. The Chairman winced at her appraising glance. She spoke and he spluttered again, "What ever else could it be than a crude assassination attempt?! You dare attack the heart of the Sith economy. I will have you know that I was just discussing this very thing, I propose a buy out to be the way forward. I have provided a valuation of the total value of the ISBC as it stands." He said firmly, "The Empire's economy would be best managed by an authority greater than my own humble one, the Trade Federation would have holding interest, of course, but the Emperor will understand."

Amnen cut in, disputing him, he bore his teeth and tried to compose himself as her words were directed again towards that monstrous creature that playacted as a man. Nwul did not so much as move, his gaze steady, something about his presence becoming colder... more controlled... did no one else feel the temperature drop in the room? Was it just him? His eyes flicked between the various faces and fell on Frannie's. The Munn did not so much as contemplate mercy before coming down like a bloody hatchet upon his weak old heart. "N-n-next to nothing? Nothing! We control the companies of the Sith Empire! We hold controlling interests in every mine, factory, and the shipyards and... trade!" He spluttered, "NOTHI-"

"You are loud, Chairman,"
Came a voice that seemed to make the entire room melt and warp around it. Like a painting from an absurdist. Ludos gasped, his chest feeling suddenly tight as his gaze turned towards the source. Two glowing eyes bore down on him, as big as the room, no, the city, no, the planet. They were everywhere. What was this thing? Horrible! Just horrible! He let out a whimper as the voice continued, "For your sake. Be silent. The adults are talking," Darth Nwul said, each word drawing a terrified breath from the Chairman. It was as if he could feel all the fear of a thousand lifetimes, terror unlike anything he had ever experienced, heartstopping, mind wrenching. Then it was over... like it'd never happened.

He gasped, coughing, "Damn your sorcery you monster! Traitor to the empire! I know your scheme! You want control of the economy so that you'll be invaluable to the state! Empyrean won't touch you if you're making the empire money!" The chairman bellowed, slamming his fist on the table, spittle on his lips. He turned to Taeli, "How can you entertain this Councillor? And what about you, Lady Amnen? I-"

Nwul spoke before anything else could be said. "My dear Xyrah, we can foot the bill as Lady Amnen suggests I'd say?" He asked, the man-monster glancing at the effeminate sith sitting in a chair. His arms crossed behind his back he looked to the representative of the trade federation. "But that doesn't take into consideration the presence of our friends from the Trade Federation and the Dark Council here." He smiled and finally took a seat, leaning back and crossing his legs, "I do believe we're all in agreement that reformation and change is necessary," Nwul began, Maef tried to speak but he seemed to have lost his voice. Why couldn't he speak?

"So, let us start the negotiations," Nwul said with a mischevious smile and leaned forward, eyes bright with excitement.

Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf


Navigating the fortress's labyrinthine corridors, he eventually found himself before a massive door adorned with intricate geometric patterns—a clear indication of its significance. He reached out with the Force, feeling for its mechanism. With a concentrated effort, the door slid open, revealing a chamber bathed in a cold blue light. At its center stood the mainframe—a towering console surrounded by holo-projectors.

The room was dominated by a massive mainframe, its screens displaying a complex web of financial transactions, credits transferring across galaxies, and economic projections. The mainframe room was as he had imagined—a vast chamber bathed in the pale glow of numerous screens, with data streams running like liquid light. The complex web of transactions, assets, and economic manipulations stretched out before him. Kentarch approached the console, his fingers delicately grazing the holographic interfaces. As Kentarch delved deeper, he discovered evidence of large-scale embezzlement, financial fraud, and manipulation of entire planetary economies by the ISBC.

Kentarch began inputting a series of commands, his fingers dancing over the holographic interface. The mainframe's defenses were formidable, designed to repel any unauthorized access. But he was too skilled for such defenses. Layers of encryption unraveled like a coiled serpent, granting Kentarch access to the very core of the system. Kentarch then implanted a device, layers of code forming back doors, killswitches, and monitoring subroutines. Carefully, Kentarch connected the device to the mainframe. Almost instantly, it began its work, its presence undetectable amidst the vast sea of data.

Removing the device he concealed it in his robes removed from his robes a datastick and uploaded the information Darth Nwul Darth Nwul and the Golden Covenant would require. Glancing over the holographic he noted one last item, the reserve. Kentarch smiled.

An eyebrow would quirk up as Xyrah explained, or at least attempted to explain, the killing that had occurred as Alina suppressed the Force around one of the guards present. She suspected it was more to quell her nausea from the teleportation, a familiar sensation so she would forgive it as Amnen stepped up to her in greeting, repeating the process with her. The presence of another member of the IGBC board was a subtle demonstration of the support the head of this entourage was slowly building.

"If he knew, I would not be here," she murmured back. As Amnen turned her attention to the Trade Federation representative, and Maef spluttered, she regarded the Sith that was leading the entourage. The styled Lord of Passion and Steward of the Dark Side was certainly making a name for himself and was showing he was very ambitious for this younger generation of Sith. She had heard of his ritual on Thule, both revitalizing the world and binding the spirits haunting it to new forms... and to him.

"If the Emperor sent me to kill you, it would not be this in environ," she remarked with a smile, still standing instead of taking a seat herself, hands clasped behind her back. "Nor would Empyrean send me to do such a task. It's not my style."

Amethyst eyes continued to regard the man who took the other end of the table, appraising him. His demeanor suggested to her that he was both surprised by the presence of a Dark Councilor but was seeking to make the most of it. She had suspected that she and the other Dark Councilors were not supposed to know about this move on the economy of the Sith until it was complete. If she was not a schemer herself, she would almost think the man was working to undermine the current power structure and replacing it with his own, slowly, until he could challenge and win.

She sensed a firaxan shark behind those golden eyes. Clearly Maef saw it too, even if he was going to be highly irrelevant to the discussions that were actually going to be taking place.

"Perhaps that is the plan, Chairman," she said. "Perhaps Lord Nwul and his friends here see opportunity. Perhaps they do truly seek to revitalize the economy instead of hoarding resources. I distinctly recall another former Chairman doing the same and absconding with millions if not billions of credits to the New Imperials..." and her gaze turned briefly to the Muun present, "...and the Trade Federation before becoming Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance. That does remind me, how convenient that the Trade Federation would turn to the Sith for an attempt to expand markets after the Senate voted to give droids new rights. Curious."

Her gaze returned to Nwul.

"Perhaps his plan succeeds. Perhaps his plan fails. Perhaps his plan has to be adjusted and becomes a compromise." Maef seemed to have lost his ability to speak after whatever mental assault the Sith across from her had done to him, but just to reinforce it, a small streak of blue energy would leave her finger and strike the soon-to-be-former ISBC chairman in the throat. Even his attempts to speak would be muffled. "But until that outcome is determined, be silent. Your position in these negotiations is to sit there and wait to see how your assets are divided... and whether or not I determine if Alina feeds on your presence."

Her tone would not change from a pleasant conversational tone the entire time, nor would the smile leave her face, but there would be a hint of steel behind it. Almost as much as her science and magicks, she enjoyed the game.

"Let's begin."

Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast


As the Forgotten One did his work, his senses honed, a shadowy raven would suddenly perch above him... then another... and another. The hint that who was controlling them would be the purple eyes, and while they would not interfere with his messing with the mainframe, they were there to watch him and would be quite hard for him to shake.

Someone had remembered the last time Kentarch had been sneaking and thieving. They still wanted their orb back.

Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
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"Most certainly, Lord Nwul.", he said in response, politely nodding to him. A smile then formed on his lips. "But yes. Onto business. With Lord Nwul's backing, we intend to install myself as the ISBC's new leader. The sith treasury has been left in a sorry state, and I intend to rectify that error not just on the Golden Covenant's behalf, but on behalf of all Sith. Our empire cannot be rebuilt if we cannot first restore our former wealth and financial dominance. As you are all likely aware, I have much expertise in matters of finance and business. With my guidance, I shall see to it the ISBC is restored to it's former professionalism and freed of any lingering corruption.", he said, smirking at the chairman Taeli had so graciously silenced.

"And I concur with the honourable delegate of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. As it stands, the ISBC is not in a profitable state. That is why we came to fix the situation. I even intend to invest my own personal wealth into reconstructing the ISBC and it's accounts. My sole goal is ensuring that the damage these incompetent buffoons have levelled upon the Sith economy is repaired with all due haste."

Darth Nwul Darth Nwul
Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol
Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen
Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Kadann Kadann


He was being watched.

"You never had the guts to face yourself Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ." Kentarch said speaking from the console. He knew the birds would be watching him, but it was to no consequence.

With a few more keystrokes Kentarch found what he was looking for, and the room to reserves was connected here to the mainframe. Concealed somehow. The Sith Lord reached out with his senses in the force.

As the mainframe's secrets revealed themselves, a subtler hum caught Kentarch's ear—a vibration distinct from the electronic purr of the mainframe. Following this sound, he discovered a concealed door adjacent to the mainframe chamber. Kentarch used the Force, probing for the door's mechanism. With a deep exhale, the door yielded, revealing an inner sanctum bathed in a soft glow. Stacked within, shimmering even in the dim light, were bars of Aurodium—a rare and highly valuable metal, its sheen akin to gold but its value far surpassing it.

The sight was breathtaking. The ISBC strategic reserve. Piles upon piles of the precious metal, each bar engraved with an official ISBC logo. Kentarch realized this was more than mere wealth; it was unbridled economic power. The Sith could not only manipulate the galaxy's economy but had also hoarded vast amounts of Aurodium to ensure their dominance. A reserve worth that of an intergalactic empire. 10-ounce bars stacked neatly on top of each other. Even a 'large' Aurodium bar was small compared to other precious melts. Kentarch had on him, more billions than he could count at the moment.

Quickly he picked up bar after bar and stuffed his cloak and a satchel he carried with as many as possible. He ignored the other items of worth, trinkets, gems, and crystals. Finally, he swiftly exited the vault and then the mainframe. He shut the door behind him, ensuring the birds were still inside, a temporary distraction, quickly he made his way back the way he came. Hopefully gone before anyone noticed.


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