Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dumbest thing someone ever said to you

Best friend: How do you spell, "it?"

I wills ay that she was just having a major
Ironically, I think of the dumbest things I've ever heard said was by the lead singer of Asking Alexandria as I suffered through their set at Mayhem Festival. There was a thunderstorm going on during their show and most of the security crew was trying to get everyone to go inside and the band's frontman literally said the words:

"Don't listen to The Man, this could be the best moment of your life!"

If listening to you convince drunk people to smack in to each other in repeated Walls of Death is the best moment of my life, someone end it for me now.

EDIT: Should say, everyone is entitled to their taste in music. I'm sure a lot of people would tell me to turn MIA down when I'm listening to Matangi on blast. >__>


This happened a few years back when I was on another forum. It came down to an argument between myself and a forum moderator.

The Moderator in question locked my account so that every post I made had to be approved by them first because and I quote.

"You went to school in America and they taught you how to write wrong."

Said Moderator was in Great Britain and apparently did not like the fact that I wrote how I wrote (still being young to rps in general) and decided to take it upon himself to try and force me to learn how to write the way he was taught. Needless to say he was not a moderator for long after that.


Well-Known Member
"Wal-Mart only has $50 backpacks! Its cheaper to get one at Hot Topic!" ~ Lexi, my little sister, to my mother

"My foot hurts!" ~ Jaye, fiance, while rubbing her shoulder. No really, I swear to god. All i could do was stare.
Once, during a game of hangman, I chose the phrase: "Logan is a tool". (My friend "Logan" had been annoying me that day so I decided to be petty.)

Eventually my friends narrowed it down to: "Logan is a ----" and began rattling off a series of four letter words. Meanwhile Logan remained quiet, trying to figure it out. He stared at the blank space intently, and when he appeared to have a realization, I thought he had guessed it. What he said next still makes me laugh to this day.

Logan sat up straight in his chair, looked me in the eyes and said: "Hey! That says that 'Logan is a retard' doesn't it?!"

I was speechless.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
"The Death Start was only blown in half in Episode IV - it's not a new one."

...In spite of the Death Star very clearly getting blown up in Episode IV, and the intro scroll to Episode VI explicitely stating it to be a new Death Star instead of the old one.

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